The Unit History Room (UHR) has been a part of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment for many years. In 1969, discussions commenced within the unit to canvass the notion of a Regimental Museum. Eventually, in 1987, a Board of Trustees was formed which established the Museum with ownership of objects vested in the Trustees.
Why we are here
The UHR’s mission is to conserve, interpret and exhibit equipment, relics, icons, artefacts, memorabilia, and historical information related to:
• the 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment;
• its antecedent, associated and successor units and elements;
including the history of these in the context of the Australian Light Horse and, the Royal Australian Armoured Corps in order to:
• understand and commemorate the Regiment’s history;
• support the morale, education and training of the Regiment; and
• promote community awareness of the Regiment’s history and achievements.
What we collect
The collection focusses on:
• matters pertaining to individual and unit histories of 4/19 PWLH and its antecedent and associated units and organisations,
• the context of these in the Australian Light Horse and the Royal Australian Armoured Corps
• related equipment and artefacts
The scope of historical interest includes military, political, social and cultural aspects
How we are organised
The UHR is an element of the Regiment reporting to the Commanding Officer and Trustees.
Getting to know us
• The UHR is open on Monday and Thursday mornings (except public holidays). We can open at other times by appointment. Group visits from organizations are welcome.
Object donations
We often receive offers of donations of objects of interest. There is increasing community awareness that, when cleaning up, objects of possible historical significance should be sent to a museum rather than the tip.
Museum practice is for object donations to involve a transfer of ownership to the museum. Potential donors sometimes ask that it be treated as a long term loan, “in case I want it back one day”. If you are not happy to let it go, then it is better to keep it. In the case of medals, we would like to be sure that the family agrees to the donation.
Not all donations are of particular relevance to the UHR. With a clear title to the item, we can transfer it to a more appropriate collection. Or, we may decline a donation.
Situations vacant
The UHR is looking for volunteers who can commit for the long haul. The types of work involved include: preparation and maintenance of displays, photographing and cataloguing of objects, escorting visitors, and picture framing.
In accordance with museums practice, the Unit History Room DOES NOT provide valuations of objects
We are located at Simpson Barracks, Macleod.
Enquiries: Unit orderly room, phone 03 9290 5451
Our collection
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room (1986)
The collection focuses on history of the 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment.
The scope includes the modern day Regiment established in 1948 and its antecedent units dating back to the Kyneton District Mounted Rifles of 1861.