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matching books- military history
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Books, Two Australian Military History Books
... Two Australian Military History Books..., Mulwala Two Australian Military History Books Books ... -
Bendigo Military Museum
... Battalion (1941-1943) Association donated four books of Military... Cat. No. 4477 Forward With The Fifth Books Military History ...Stories from the 8th Division Australian Army Medical Corps under Malaya Command, WWII. The 39th Australian Infantry Battalion (1941-1943) Association donated four books of Military History: Cat. No. 4474 With the Twenty-Second Cat. No. 4475 Carrying On Under Fire and in Captivity Cat. No. 4476 Mod Revisited Cat. No. 4477 Forward With The FifthHard cover - cardboard with dark blue glossy coloured background. White print on front, spine and back. Front illustrated black and blue toned photograph of 6 Medical Corp Soldiers in uniform. Back, photograph of trestle bridge on Thai-Burma Railway. Front and back figleaf and end papers illustrated with grey/blue and white maps. 559 pages, cut, plain, white. Illustrated black and white photographs, portraits, maps, drawings.Opposite Title Page - printed donation label - "Donated by 39th Australian Infantry Battalion (1941 - 1943) Association Inc,” Association Inc."books, military, history, wwii -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, MILITARY HISTORY, Captain David Adams - Royals Australian Armoured Corps, "MILITARY HISTORY OF SEYMOUR AND PUCKAPUNYAL 1903-1969", June 2021
... goldfields Books Military History Seymour Puckapunyal Soft cover book ...Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard; black, red and white print on front and back. Illustrated - front, black and white photographs of a troop inspection parade with army camp in background. Rising Sun Badge. Book - Colour map of Seymour area. 65 pages - cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated black and white and colour photographs and maps. End papers - printed with "Foreword" and information. books, military history, seymour, puckapunyal -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - COHUNA GREAT WAR BOOK, Jenny Bottcher, "COHUNA and THE GREAT WAR", 1985
... ". Books Military History WW1 On title page - handwritten blue ink ...From title page. Book - "Compiled and edited from Mr. Terry's account in/ the Cohuna Farmers' Weekly from 1914 to 1921".Soft Cover Book Cover - beige coloured light weight cardboard with sepia tone print on front and spine. Front cover - two sepia colour photographs. Top - 3 mounted soldiers with the Sphinx and Pyramid in background. Lower - group portrait. 148 pages - off white colour paper, cut, plain. Staples used on binding. Illustrated with black and white photographs.On title page - handwritten blue ink pen "JENNY BOTTCHER/ 25-4-85"books, military history, ww1 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BATTLE BIOGRAPHIES, CATO, "Guilty Men", 1940 - 1941
... Military History WW2 Biographies Front end paper - owner's stamp ...Book - short stories - battle biographies of 15 men.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard with mid blue colour buckram cover. Dark blue print on spine. 125 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. No illustrations. Owners stamp on front end paper. Book sellers label on front end paper.Front end paper - owner's stamp - "T. MITCHELL/ 91 ROSLYN ST./ BURWOOD 3125 VIC" Book seller's label - "THE MYER EMPORIUM (S.A.) LTD/ BOOK DEPARTMENTR/ ADELAIDE"books, military history, ww2, biographies -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BATTLE CAMPAIGN WW2, Russell Hill, "Desert War", 1942
... Military History WW2 Campaigns Front end paper - handwritten blue ...Book - Account of Battle campaign Tobruk, WW2.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, brown colour buckram cover with white print on spine (illegible). 140 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated with black and white photographs and maps. End papers - illustrated sepia tones - map of Libya/Egypt (front) - map of Tobruk and battle. Campaign books.Front end paper - handwritten blue pen - "15-"books, military history, ww2, campaigns -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, PHILIPPINE CAMPAIGN WW2, W. L. WHITE, "They Were Expendable", 1943
... Military History WW2 Campaigns End paper's - Owner's stamp in black ...Book - narrative of the Philippine Campaign WW2.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, red colour buckram with black print on spine. 128 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. No illustrations. Owner's stamp. Book seller's adhesive label and handwritten information on front end paper. Owner's stamp on back end paper.End paper's - Owner's stamp in black ink - "BENDIGO DISTRICT/ RSL SUB BRANCH INC./ PO BOX 449/ BENDIGO VIC 3552" Book seller's label - black print on yellow adhesive label "Moore's Bookshop Pty Ltd/ 264 Pitt Street/ Sydney" From "Inscription's and Marking's" - Handwritten black ink - "30/11" - "donated by/ Peter Morrison".books, military history, ww2, campaigns -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WAR SPEECHES - CHURCHILL, Charles EADE, "The Dawn of Liberation", 1945
... , WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, C.H., M.P. Books Military History WW2 ..." THE DAWN OF LIBERATION" War Speeches by the RIGHT HON, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, C.H., M.P.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, light blue colour buckram. Dark blue print on spine. 314 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated with black and white photographs. End paper - front - owner's stamp. Title page - handwritten name.End Paper - Owner's stamp, black ink "BENDIGO DISTRICT RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 42/ LONG GULLY 3550" Title page - handwritten blue ink - "F. B. McKAY".books, military history, ww2, churchill, speeches -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY WW2, C.O. Jennings (Captain "Mick" Jennings R.E.), "An Ocean Without Shores", 1950
... Singapore and the enemy. Books Military History WW2 Biography Front ..."AN OCEAN WITHOUT SHORES" Tale of the adventures which befell two British soldiers in their attempt to escape from Singapore and the enemy.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, light brown colour buckram with dark blue print on spine and on front cover illustration - sketch of sailing dinghy. 223 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps. Owner's stamp - front end paper, title page and throughout pages. Front end paper/ Title page - owner's stamp - blue ink "RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE/MEMORIAL HALL BENDIGO" Pages throughout book - owner's stamp, black ink "TUBERCULAR SOLDIER'S AID SOCIETY/ INORPORATED".books, military history, ww2, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, GERMAN NAVY WW1, Heinz Schaeffer, "U Boat 977", 1952 First Edition
... Commander of U-Boat 977. Books Military History WW2 German Navy ...'U-Boat 977' Autobiography by Heinz SCHAEFFER, the last Commander of U-Boat 977.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, red colour buckram with gold print on the spine. 207 pages, cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs. Front end papers - illustrated blue print "The Structure of a U - Boat". Back end papers - illustrated blue print - map "The Last Voyage of U977" Front end papers - handwritten prices.Front end papers - handwritten - grey lead pencil "18/9" and in blue ink "15c".books, military history, ww2, german navy, autobiography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW2, Mary Kent Hughes, "Matilda Waltzes on", 1954 First Edition
... goldfields Books Military History WW2 Women Front end papers ...Hard cover with dust cover and plastic book cover. Hard cover - cardboard, orange colour buckram. Dust cover - paper, light orange background with red print on front and spine. Front and back illustration ered print in silhouette of women, plane and luggage. Plastic cover - clear plastic. 174 pages - cut, plain, off white paper illustrated - black and white photographs. Front end paper - handwritten names and owner's stamp.Front end papers - owner's name, handwritten blue ink "Alison Lohmann/ Ballarat/ 1954 Donor's name - "Donated by Frank O'Connell" Front and back end papers - Owner's stamp - BENDIGO DISTRICT/ RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 449/ BENDIGO VIC 3552.books, military history, ww2, women -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BOMBER COMMAND WW2, Ray OLLIS, "101 Nights", 1957 First Edition
... goldfields Books Military History WW2 Bomber Command Front and back ...Hard cover book Hard cover - cardboard, mid blue colour buckram, silver print on spine. 276 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Front and back end papers and numerous pages - Owner's stamp. front end paper - price notation.Front and back end papers and numerous pages - owner's stamp, purple ink "AIR CADET CORPS/ CITY OF BENDIGO SQUADRON" Front end papers - handwritten, grey lead pencil "19/9/7570".books, military history, ww2, bomber command -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WAR AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Air Vice-Marshal D.C.T. BENNETT, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O, "Pathfinder", Sept 1958 - Second Impression
... . BENNETT, C.D., C.B.E., D.S.O.. RAF WW2. Books Military History WW2 ..."PATHFINDER" A War Autobiography by Air Vice-Marshal D.C. BENNETT, C.D., C.B.E., D.S.O.. RAF WW2.Hardcover book. Cover - cardboard, dark blue color buckram. Gold print on spine. 287 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs. Front and back end papers - owner's stamps. Front end paper - price notation.Front and back end papers - owner's stamp - purple ink "AIR CADET CORPS/ CITY OF BENDIGO SQUADRON. Blue ink "RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE/ MEMORIAL HALL BENDIGO" . Front end paper - price notation - grey lead pencil "4590/22/6"books, military history, ww2, autobiography, raf -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, BIOGRAPHY RAF WW2, Larry FORRESTER, "Fly For Your Life", 1958
... , D.S.O., D.F.C. AND TWO BARS. Books Military History WW2 ..."FLY FOR YOUR LIFE" - The story of/ R.R. STANFORD TUCK, D.S.O., D.F.C. AND TWO BARS.Hard cover book Cover - cardboard, mid blue colour buckram with red print on spine. 319 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs. front end papers - handwritten price notation and donation name.Front end papers - handwritten - black ink "1.00". - blue ink "Donated by / Peter Morrison"books, military history, ww2, biography, raf -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW2, Ronald W. CLARK, "The Birth of the Bomb", First Published 1961 (First edition)
... PART IN THE WEAPON/ THAT CHANGED THE WORLD" Books Military ..."THE BIRTH OF THE BOMB" "THE UNTOLD STORY OF / BRITAIN'S PART IN THE WEAPON/ THAT CHANGED THE WORLD" Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, dark orange colour buckram with silver print on spine. 209 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated four black and white photographs opposite the title page. Front and back end papers and numerous pages - owner's stamp. front end papers - price notation.Front & end paper papers and pages - owner's stamp, purple ink "AIR CADET CORPS/ CITY OF BENDIGO SQUADRON" Front end papers - price no9tation - grey lead pencil "20/1 /4610".books, military history, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, AUTOBIOGRAPHY WW2, JOHN NORTH, "The Alexander Memoirs /1940-1945", First Edition 1962
... . Books Military History WW2 Autobiographies Front end papers ..."THE ALEXANDER MEMOIRS" FIELD MARSHAL EARL ALEXANDER OF TUNIS K.G., P.C., G.C.B., O.M., G.C.M., C.S.I., D.S.O., M.C.Hard Cover book. Cover - cardboard, brown colour buckram, with gold print on the spine. 210 pages - cut, plain, off white. Illustrated - black and white photographs, maps and line drawings. front end papers - owner's stamp.Front end papers - owner's stamp - purple ink "T. MITCHELL/ 91 Roslyn St/ BURWOOD, 3125, VIC"books, military history, ww2, autobiographies -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK - JAPANESE PRISON CAMPS WW2, Rohan D. RIVETT, "Behind Bamboo", 1947 (First published May 1946
... of War, on the Burma-Siam Railway" Books Military History WW2 ..."BEHIND BAMBOO" "An Inside Story of the Japanese Prison Camps" Author - ROHAN D. RIVETT "War Correspondent Prisoner of War, on the Burma-Siam Railway"Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard, light orange buckram with red and white print on front and spine. 400 pages - cut, plain, off white paper, illustrated - black and white and colour illustrations. Front end papers - owner's name, owner's stamp, book seller's label. Price notation.Front end papers - Owner's name - handwritten, black pen, "O.PELL / 7 VIOLET ST/ BGO" "M. PELL/ ORBOST" Owner's stamp - black ink "BENDIGO DISTRICT RSL SUB BRANCH INC/ PO BOX 42/ LONG GULLY 3550. Book seller's label - silver on black background A.J. DIGBY/ BOOKSELLER AND STAT (?)/ BAIRNSDALE" price notation - grey lead pencil "$10/ DMTY"books, military history, ww2, japanese prison camps -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK - Gallipoli WW1, John HAMILTON, "Goodbye Cobber, God Bless You.", 2004/ 2005
... of the Light Horse, Gallipoli, August 7th 1915." Books Military History ..."GOODBYE COBBER, / GOD BLESS YOU." "The Fatal charge of the Light Horse, Gallipoli, August 7th 1915."Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard. Gold, dark brown and light brown print on front, spine and back. Front cover - Illustrated sepia tones photographs of scenery and a group of Light Hors soldiers. 365 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps.books, military history, ww1, gallipoli peninsula -
Bendigo Military Museum
... Hiroshima “ Books Military HIstory WW2 Japan Soft cover book Cover ...‘WITNESS OF A BOMB” “S ens of an A-Bomb City/ Diary Hiroshima “Soft cover book Cover- cardboard, black and white on front and back covers. Cover illustration- three black and white photographs of bomb damage. 24 pages - cut, Palin, glossy white paper. Illustrated- collection of block and white photograph by Japanese cameraman YUICHIRO SASAKI Language - Japanese and English books, military history, ww2, japan -
Bendigo Military Museum
... of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces Books Military History WW2 ...Author _ Stephen KELEN- 1946 posted to Japan as a member of the British Commonwealth Occupation ForcesSoft cover book Cover- cardboard -, red, black and white print on front, spine and back. Front cover illustrated, black and white photograph- group of students and a teacher amongst building ruins. 77 pages- cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Front and oilers- owners stamp. Front end papers- owners stamp - blue ink- “H. H. + J. FENNELL 2/4 RYAN COURT, BACCHUS MARSH 3340 books, military history, ww2, bcof, japan -
Bendigo Military Museum
... Military History ww2 BCOF Japan Title Page- handwritten donors name ...“MY JOURNEY’ ‘ THE LIFE AND TIMES/ OF DONALD HENRY NANCARROW/ 1927-2017” 2nd AIF Service No VX 96723. Enlisted 21 March 1945. AWOL. To Japan- age 19 years March 1946. “Tour of Duty” in Japan ended September 1947. Discharged 9 October 1947Soft cover book Cover- front clear hard plastic, back black cardboard, metal spiral bound. Title page - black print on white paper 97 Pages- cut, plain white paper. Illustrated black and white and colour photographs and maps Title Page- handwritten donors name Title Page- handwritten donors name- blue pen “ Carol NANCARROW/ Mob 0418 382 503books, military history, ww2, bcof, japan -
Bendigo Military Museum
... Illustrations. Books Military History War Memorials SOFT COVER BOOK ...See Cat No. 5820. "The National War Memorial of Victoria". An interpretative Appreciation of/ The Shrine/of/ Remembrance/with 50 Illustrations.SOFT COVER BOOK Cover - Light weight cardboard, black print on front cover, with one illustration depicting buttress group, lions and women with wings. 40 pages - cut, plain, paper - print sections - heavy paper, black and white photographs - glossy off white paper. Spine stapled.books, military history, war memorials -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, JAPAN, Foreign Affairs Association of Japan/Tokyo", "CONTEMPORARY JAPAN", 1946
... / VOL XV Nos. 5-8" Books Military History Japan BCOF Front end ...Owner and donor details - see also Cat No. 5826P "CONTEMPORARY JAPAN" "A REVIEW OF EAST ASIATIC AFFAIRS/ MAY - AUG 1946/ VOL XV Nos. 5-8"Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, light weight, colour blue, black print on front, spine and back. Illustrated. Black print on back in travel bureau advertisement. 315 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated - black print on off white paper - maps. Owners name - front end paper.Front end paper - owner's name - handwritten in green ink "A. Ba ???/ Osaka, 1947.books, military history, japan, bcof -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, ANZAC SONGS, Signaller Tom Skeyhill, 8th Battalion AIF, "Soldier - Songs from ANZAC", c1915
... No 5919P. Books Military History WW1 ANZAC Songs Soft cover book ...Item in the collection re Ron Bollard VX14150, refer Cat No 5919P.Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, dark brown print on front and back on light brown background. Cover illustration dark brown sketch of a soldier in a trench (Sketch by Walter SEED). 40 pages - cut, plain, off white paper. Illustrated, sepia colour half portrait of "Signaller Tom Skeyhill".books, military history, ww1, anzac, songs -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW1, Cassell and Company Ltd/ London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, "From The Australian Front Xmas 1917", 1917
... No 5919P for his service details. Books Military History WW1 Front ...Item in the collection re Ron Bollard VX14150, refer Cat No 5919P for his service details. Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black colour print on front and back. Front illustration 3 colour silhouette of two soldiers in a battle scene. Book illustration - Rising Sun Badge. 128 Badges - cut, plain, off white. Pictorial book containing black and white photographs and black and white illustrations and cartoons.Front end papers - owner's name, handwritten blue ink, Kevin Roberts/ 124 Fifth Ave/ Rosebud 3939/ 5986 6663". Next page handwritten - green pencil - child's drawing of 3 circles.books, military history, ww1 -
Bendigo Military Museum
... , refer Cat No 5919P for his service details. Books Military ..."DIARY OF A RAT" "7th AUST. DIV/SUPPLY COLUMN" "2/6/ AUST. COY/A.A.S.C. Item in the collection re Ron Bollard VX14150, refer Cat No 5919P for his service details.1. Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black print on yellow colour background. 72 pages plus 8 pages index. Cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs. 2. Programme - cream coloured paper, facsimile brown print, maps and illustrations. Two A4 sheets folded in half, stapled.books, military history, ww2, tobruk, autobiography -
Bendigo Military Museum
... details. Books Military History WW2 Tobruk Hard cover book. Cover ..."THE RATS REMAIN" The Siege of Tobruk, 1941. Item in the collection re Ron Bollard VX14150, refer Cat No 5919P for his service details.Hard cover book. Cover - cardboard with adhered paper cover. red print on front and spine on yellow colour background. Illustrated - sepia toned photographs from back through to front cover - armoury in battle scene. 256 pages - cut, plain, glossy white. Illustrated black and white photographs. End papers - front and back illustrated in colour - map of "Tobruk Defences (12 Jan 1941). This is a pictorial book.books, military history, ww2, tobruk -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, TOBRUK, Lieutenant Ken Joyce D.C.M., M.L.D, "AS I SAW IT..."
... " . "A short History of the 2/23rd Battalion " WW2. Books Military ...Owner and donor details. see Cat No. 5836.3. "As I saw it..." From Tobruk to Tarakan/ 1940-1945/ New Guinea/ Middle East" . "A short History of the 2/23rd Battalion " WW2.Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, green, red and cream colour print on front cover with cream, green, red background. 88 pages - cut, plain, white. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps.books, military history, ww2, battalion history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW2, Sandgroper Press, "THE RATS OF TOBRUK ASSOCIATION", 1971
... Commission, Western Australia." Books Military History WW2 Tobruk War ...Owner and donor details, see Cat No. 5836.3. "The Rats of Tobruk Association/ Lest We Forget". "Register has been compiled by Mr. V. J. Behan, Supervisor for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Western Australia."Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black print on beige background - front. 29 pages - cut, plain, white paper, no illustrations. Tobruk War Cemetery, Battalion and Brigade Records.books, military history, ww2, tobruk, war graves -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, AUTOBIOGRAPHY WW2, A. B. Palmer, "Pedlar Palmer of Tobruk", 1981
... Military History WW2 RAN Autobiography Hard cover book with dust ...Owner and donor details, see Cat. No. 5836.3.Hard cover book with dust cover. Cover - cardboard with navy blue buckram. Gold print on spine. Dust cover - paper, black colour print on yellow background, front and spine. Front illustration - black print of RAN portrait. Back cover, sepia tones, photograph of trucks and boats dockside. 384 pages, cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps. End papers front and back - maps.books, military history, ww2, ran, autobiography