Showing 27 items
matching buchan family
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, BUCHAN Family, 1958
... BUCHAN Family ...buchan family....) buchan family finhaven Reference file containing articles ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing articles on an Indigenous canoe, now in the Melbourne Museum, which was collected by John Buchan of Finhaven, Stevenson Street, Kew in the 1850s. The Museum printout describes the canoe and provides information on its provenance. The KHS newsletter article by Judith Vimpani contains genealogical research on the family.canoe tree - kew (vic), stevenson street -- kew (vic.), buchan family, finhavencanoe tree - kew (vic), stevenson street -- kew (vic.), buchan family, finhaven -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Letter, Goff Buchan, 28/02/1918 (Exact)
... Buchan family... Alexander Buchan Alick Buchan Buchan family world war i ww1 wwi ...Found in a tobacco tin by David Gillespie in a house near the water tower. Not known who Goff Buchan was. Goff Buchan has now been identified. See comment below.Pencil written letter, one page on one side on yellowing lined paper and tobacco tin in which it was found. Tin contained at one time Happy Thoughts TobaccoLetter: "Palestine / 28 Feb 1918 / Alick / Your welcome card just arrived. Pleased to hear you are doing well. That's not a very appropriate card to send to a fellow out on this desert where he never sees a woman. But it caused some fun. Well Jack Old Boy, I am in hospital at present with a crook knee caused through that gentle sport called football, but will soon be out. I didn't get that parcel [Dougie?] sent. I would have liked to have got it too, but never mind, better luck next time. Well, remember me to all the boys. Give my love to all at home. / Your Loving Brother / Goff Buchan"letter from soldier, goff buchan, world war 1, godfrey buchan, 3rd lighthorse, 8th lighthorse, alexander buchan, alick buchan, buchan family, world war i, ww1, wwi -
Orbost & District Historical Society
album, Orbost Visitor Information Centre, 1997
The original slab hut was built in 1872 as a family dwelling on a site about 3 km upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers about 40 kms from Orbost on the Yalmy Rd. No nails were used in the construction; it was all wired together. After a period in storage the Slab Ht was opened in its present location in Orbost as the Information Centre in 1987. This album documents an important event in Orbost.A photo album with a navy blue cardboard cover with gold embossing on the front and spine. It contains 32 photos of the 1997 10 year anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Slab Hut - the Orbost Visitor Information Centre. It also contains 3 postcards and 2 fridge magnets.slab-hut album orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, 1922-1929
This item has been identified by David Nixon as the workbook of George Henry Douglas Russell (Doug) of Bete Bolong. He was the second son of John and Elizabeth Russell. John Russell wasblacksmith in Orbost. His family were Jack, Doug, Dave and Billy. Doug was in WW! where he was a Veterinary Sergeant. After the war he came bach to Orbost and his father gave him the farm at Bete Bolong to work. This farm is on the corner of Birkins Lane and Buchan Road (presently owned By Ginger and Helen Johnstone). He started farming tgere in 1920 and married Hilda Raymond in 1922. The slatted barn and house still exist. David Nixon, the donor, married a daughter of Doug and Hilda Russell and worked the farm from 1947-1973. He found the diary at the farm. This item is a valuable record of agricultural practices in the Orbost district during the 1920's.An exercise book with a worn black cover and a faded red spine. It contains hand-written records of farm accounts. russell- bete-bolong diary-farming agriculture -
Orbost & District Historical Society
visitor books, 1987 -1989
These books were used at the Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre) as visitor sign in books. Orbost. This slab hut was built in 1872 as a family dwelling on a site about 3 km upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers about 40 kms from Orbost on the Yalmy Rd. No nails were used in the construction; it was all wired together. After a period in storage the slab hut was opened in its present location in Orbost as the Information Centre in 1987. The Slab Hut is an Orbost icon.Five books used by the Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre) as visitor sign in books. 2467.1 has a green cover with "Visitors" in gold print and is dated 28.3.87 - 6.7.87. 2467.2 has a black cover with a gold border and "Visitors" in gold print. It is dated 11.6.87 - 3.11.89. 2467.3 has a black cover with red corners and spine. 2467.4 has pink and red flowers on a black background and is dated Sept 93 - 9.3.98. 2467.5 is a Children's Visitor Book and has a white cover with gold print. It is dated 9.4.87 -23.7.89. All contain handwritten comments, details of visitors to the Orbost Visitor Information Centre.2467.1 - Inside front cover - OFFICIALLY OPENED 28.3.1987 by VIC. GOVERNOR DAVIS McCAUGHEY 2467.2 - label on spine - VISITOR BOOK 2 inside a circle. 2467.3 - label on front - VISITORS ; label on spine - dates Feb 89 - Sep 93 2467.4 - label on front - VISITOR'S BOOK Sept 93 -9.3.98 tourissm slab-hut orbost-visitor-information-centre -
Orbost & District Historical Society
documents in folder, 1988 -1992
These folders contain letters written to the Slab Hut either requesting information or making comments. There are copies of the replies.The Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre) is an Orbost icon. This slab hut was built in 1872 as a family dwelling on a site about 3 km upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers about 40 kms from Orbost on the Yalmy Rd. No nails were used in the construction; it was all wired together. After a period in storage the slab hut was opened in its present location in Orbost as the Information Centre in 1987.Two manila folders containing correspondence to/from Orbost Visitor Information Centre. The letters are tied together with string/ribbon. Most are information requests with copies of the replies.correspondence-orbost-visitor-information-centre tourism -
Orbost & District Historical Society
albums, late 1980's
These two albums were used at the Slab Hut - Orbost Visitor Information Centre. The Orbost Visitor Information Centre is situated in Forest Park on Nicholson Street. The centre is housed in the historic Slab Hut. The hut was an original family dwelling built in 1872, on a site approximately three kilometres upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers. No nails were used in the construction; it was all wired together. After a period in storage the slab hut was opened in its present location in Orbost as the Information Centre in 1987.These albums are contemporary records of the construction and relocation of an iconic Orbost building, the Slab Hut.Two large photo albums. 2280.1 has no front cover. The back cover and spine are red. The pages are black and most photos are labelled. They are photographs of the Orbost area. 2280.2 has brown covers. It contains photographs of the construction of the gardens and buildings around the Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre). On the cover in gold print is "PHOTOS".slab-hut-orbost album-photographs-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
album, 1990's?
This album was used at the Orbost Visitor Information Centre (the Slab Hut). The Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre) is an Orbost icon. This slab hut was built in 1872 as a family dwelling on a site about 3 km upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers about 40 kms from Orbost on the Yalmy Rd. No nails were used in the construction; it was all wired together. After a period in storage the slab hut was opened in its present location in Orbost as the Information Centre in 1987.This item is a useful reference tool for the history of Orbost.A large photo album containing copies of photographs, some historical articles and b/w photos of Orbost. The covers are brown with a narrow gold frame. it has no spine and the covers are tied with tape. The pages, all different sizes, are bolted in.orbost-history album-photographs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, The Curlip - P.O.W.Camp Bete Bolong, Vic. 1943-1946, August 2007
This is Issue No. 5 of "The Curlip". The magazine is a compilation of research from a trip by the Orbost & District Historical Society to Bete Bolong. The Bete Bolong Prisoner of War Camp was located on the south side of the Buchan - Orbost Rd. From November 1943 to November 1945, Italian prisoners of war were based at Bete Bolong, cultivating maize, peas, beans and other vegetables on local farms. Unlike other 'farming' prisoners of war, those at Bete Bolong did not live with the farming families, but at a Prisoner of War Control Centre on Crown land overlooking the Snowy River Flats. About fifty Italian prisoners lived at the centre, along with an Australian Military Force staff of approximately seven people. The prisoners were driven to and from the farms each day. Three of them apparently simply swam across the river to work. They worked a six day week, with Sundays off. Although they were provided with rations, both prisoners and staff maintained vegetable and flower gardens. They were also skilled at cooking 'anything' they could catch, and at making illegal "grappa". Very few of the Italians were experienced farm workers. Some of them used their skills to make things for the families they worked for; a cabinet-maker made furniture , a cobbler made shoes, etc. They interacted with the local community and, although they were not supposed to go within one kilometre of town, some were found at local dances on Saturday nights. As recreation the prisoners were allowed to walk along the road to the west of the camp. Local people from both sides of the river could hear them sing as they walked. The prisoners also helped to construct an 'ant bed' tennis court on a property adjacent to the centre. Although now overgrown, the site of the tennis court can still be discerned as a flat area above the site of the centre. (ref./ item is a useful reference tool on the history of the Prisoner of War Camp at Bete Bolong, Orbost.A spiral bound book with a clear plastic cover. On the front is a coloured photograph of a view from the site of the P.O.W. camp at the intersection of Bete Bolong and Buchan Roads at Bete Bolong. Above is the title "Prisoner of War Camp Bete Bolong, Vic. 1943-1946" in black print on a white background. p.o.w.-camp-orbost ww11 bete-bolong -
Orbost & District Historical Society
specimen bottle, circa 19th, early 20th century
On loan from John Mundy family. Searching for gold in the Orbost district began in the last half of the 19th century and continued until circa 1930s. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. This item is reflective of the late 19th -early 20th century gold mining era in East Gippsland.A small square bottle with a push-in cork stopper. This bottle contains specks of gold or gold dust. mining-gold -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ruler, C 1930's
The Mundy family were farmers / settlers in the Snowy River area since c. 1880s. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. John Mundy grew up in the Orbost district. This item highlights the comparison between today's educational equipment and those of the 1930's.A 15 inch wooden ruler with carvings and holes.On back - J. MUNDYmeasurement ruler mundy-family educational -
Orbost & District Historical Society
calf yoke, 1920's
This calf yoke is a wooden beam used between a pair of calves to enable them to pull together on a load when working in pairs. This item was made for John Mundy as a child. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. This is an example of a hand-made item commonly used in Orbost on dairy farms in the first half of 20th century.A hand-made wooden yoke painted brown. It has two iron neck pieces and a piece of chain attached in the centre. There are two different locking devices for the necks.calf-yoke rural -
Orbost & District Historical Society
fossil, Devonian Age 419.2–358.9 million years ago
Found at the Pyramids , Buchan. Inspected by George Rawlings on 6.2.2013.A heavily calcified fossil rock. Genus Spinella Buchanesis . Devonian age 419.2–358.9 million years ago. It contains blastoids from the echinoid family.fossil spinella buchan devonian -
Orbost & District Historical Society
jasper fossils
Presumed found in the Buchan area. Inspected by George Rawlings 6.2.2013Fossils are among the most valuable sources of information about the Earth's history. This fossil is part of the geological history of East GippslandTtwo pieces of jasper fossil. Genus-nautiloidea, family-cephalopoda, order - mollusca. Fossil of a cuttlefish like animal- head and tentacles protruding from one end of the long tubular shell. This is in red jasper. The small fossil piece has been polished.jasper fossil nautilloidea mollusc -
Orbost & District Historical Society
cap, 1937
This cap was part of the uniform of the Orbost Municipal Band. 1937-1975 (circa). It was worn by members of the Wehner family who played in the band. They were Tom, Eric and Max Wehner.The Orbost Municipal Orbost Band played a major role in the Orbost community activities. Charles Spink made sure each soldier returning home from the 1914 to 1918 war was welcomed home in front of the Shire Hall to the music of the Orbost Municipal Band. The band played in the main street on most Friday nights and in 1929 the band played at the official opening of the Buchan Caves, by Sir Albert Lind.A black serge cap with a black shade peak on front. It has a brass lyre insignia badge on the front. The hat band is trimmed in gold braid.cap hat orbost-municipal-band wehner uniform -
Orbost & District Historical Society
grass skirt, approx. 1905
... " at Bete Bolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. Mundy family grass ...Worn by Mrs Jack Mundy while in New Hebrides. The Mundy family were farmers / settlers in the Snowy River area since c. 1880s. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Bete Bolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. Mundy familyHandmade grass skirt made of native plant fibres and held together with knotting along the top. Natural colour.nonegrass-skirt new-hebrides mundy costume-female native-materials -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1937
This photograph is of Toby Nixon (Percival Charles Nixon) and Lexie Nixon, his sister. It was taken at the Roll Call for the "Back To Orbost" celebrations in 1937. Toby Nixon was born on 27.3.1902. He was the of George and Emily Nixon. Married to Grace Forbes, he farmed maize at Jarrahmond as well as wheat at Buchan. He was an active member of the Maize Growers Association, helping to create the Maize Board. He was also a director of the Seed Bean Board for many years. His sister, Lexie, married Edward Fortescue Abbott. (more information in "From White Knowle to Pumpkin Point" by Peter Nixon.) This photograph is associated with the Nixon family which contributed greatly to the history of the Orbost district. Toby Nixon was a well-respected Orbost identity.A black / white photograph of a man and a woman on a horse. Behind them is a foal. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
box of documents, 1980s - 1990s
These documents were used at the Slab Hut (Orbost Information Centre) from 1985 - 1992 to record l visitor numbers, employment, activities, events and incorporation details. The Orbost Visitor Information Centre is situated in Forest Park on Nicholson Street. The centre is housed in the historic Slab Hut. The hut was an original family dwelling built in 1872, on a site approximately three kilometres upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers.These documents record the history of tourism in the Orbost district.A cardboard storage box of documents and records of the Orbost & District Tourist Association / Slab Hut. It includes minute books, visitor numbers, details of volunteers, correspondence and details of activitiess and events.tourism-orbost slab-hut-orbost -
Orbost & District Historical Society
roughing plane, c. 1890 - 1950
... " at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. Mundy family grooving ...Owned by the Mundy family of Orbost district. The Mundy family were farmers / settlers in the Snowy River area since c. 1880s. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. Mundy familyA roughing plane made of wood with a small blade, held together with metal bolts. Also called a grooving plough plane.WHM is stamped into the wood (WJM?)grooving-plane roughing-plane woodworking-tool -
Orbost & District Historical Society
hay knife, c. 1900 - 1950
Used in agriculture in the Orbost district, to cut hay or silage, most likely on the Mundy farm. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. A large flat iron blade with an iron handle attached. The blade is sharper on the bottom side and shows some evidence of perhaps having been serrated.agricultural-implement hay-silage-knife -
Orbost & District Historical Society
framed photograph, 14.4.2004
This photograph was taken on 14.4.2004 at the time of the visit to Orbost by the Governor of Victoria, John Landy.The Orbost Visitor Information Centre is situated in Forest Park on Nicholson Street. The centre is housed in the historic Slab Hut. The hut was an original family dwelling built in 1872, on a site approximately three kilometres upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers. The Slab Hut is an Orbost Icon. It supports one part time manager and a team of dedicated volunteers.A coloured photograph in a wooden frame. A group of people stand in front of the Slab Hut (Orbost Information Centre) .On frame - NATURAL FEATURED HARDWOOD MADE BY 20.12.98 W. ASHLYN MARLO VIC.slab-hut-committee photograph -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newspaper clippings, April, May 1987
The Slab Hut (Orbost Visitor Information Centre) was opened on March 28, 1987. It was officially opened by Dr D. Caughey, the governor of Victoria. The Orbost Visitor Information Centre is situated in Forest Park on Nicholson Street. The centre is housed in the historic Slab Hut. The hut was an original family dwelling built in 1872, on a site approximately three kilometres upstream from the junction of the Buchan and Snowy Rivers. The Hut was removed from its original site around 1970, and stored until 1984 when the Shire Council approved the current site. It was restored and brought to life as a Tourist Information Centre in 1987.The Slab Hut is an icon of Orbost. These newspaper articles are contemporary records of the opening of this building.A selection of articles from The News and the Snowy River Mail. All relate to the opening of the Slab Hut, the Orbost Visitor Information Centre. They are photographs, information and the history of the Slab Hut.slab-hut-orbost newspaper-snowy-river-mail -
Orbost & District Historical Society
nails on board, 1885
These nails were made for Walter John Mundy (1868-1944). Often imported nails made for the softer English and North American timbers bent when hammered against the harder colonial woods and so The Mundy family were farmers / settlers in the Snowy River area since c. 1880s. The original Mundy family moved to a land "selection" at Betebolong in the early 1880's from Buchan. It's only over the past century or so that the mass-produced nail has become an inexpensive and common way to join materials. These three iron nails were hand made by an early Orbost settler or blacksmith in the 1880's, using iron, forge and anvil. They are examples of the types of nails used in the 19th century. A rectangular, wooden(athel pine?) board with three hand-made nails glued in fan design to top left corner of section of floorboard. There is a short length of yellow cord attached for hanging. To the right of the nails is hand-written text in black. the nails have irregular shanks and hammer marks on both shanks and heads.right of nails - " Flooring & nails from Walter Mundy's house at Jarrahmond built C.1885. Still in use to this day."mundy-walter hand-made-nails -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser "The way we were" from Monday, April 19, 2004. Get together: Church of Christ's picnic day at Ravenswood, 1947. Some of the family names of those attending are Nan, Tie, Pollock, Hughes, Langley, Jones, Ackland, Thorton, Pearl, Dues, Gillam, Martin, Whitting, Buchan, Mead, Turner, Priest, Legge, Ellis, Crowe, Lowery, Jackel, Felfon, Streader, Tattersal, Buller, Graham, Lacy, Cambridge, Bramley and Greenwood. The Minister was Pastor Robinson. -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Albert Davey, 20 Sloane Street Stawell 1950
Home 20 Sloane Street Stawell taken in 1950 by Albert Davey who resided there with his family. House has three chimneys bull nose verandah with cast iron lacework, weatherboard construction with picket fence. Albert (Bert) worked for the Lands Department and his family consisted of 4 girls oldest being Aubrey about 18, Beverley about 16, Gwenda about 14 and the baby Faye about 4. and Alberts wife Phyllis. Albert worked all over Victoria from Buchan where they lived in the Caves Residence for 6 months, in Omeo, Yackandandah, Stawell, Wangaratta and Shepperton and then Melbourne where he took on the top job of Chief Superintendent of the Lands Dept. Now, 2018 uses as a cottage for distributing food by Inter Church CouncilResidence 20 Sloane Street Stawell housing -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Marie Fish, Fish Family, 2010c
... areas from Colquhoun to Buchan south also Fish Family Book Marie ...Contains photocopy of his own life story written by Leslie Charles Fish who lived and worked at lakes entrance and Lake Tyers Aboriginal Station. Also contains itinerary of an excursion led by Rex Fish into forest areas from Colquhoun to Buchan south alsogenealogy, aboriginals, township -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - O'Rourke grave, old Black Mountaine homestead Black Mountain Victoria, Bessie Larkins, 1994 c
O'Rourke family believed to be the first settlers in Buchan area, faving runs at Suggan Buggan Black Mountain WulgulmerangColour photograph of the O'Rourke family grave at the old Black Mountaine homestead Black Mountain Victoriaalpine region, headstones