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matching community outreach
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Various primary school incursions
... Community outreach... Animals Community outreach Senior Citizens Reverse side on some ...Two photographs show that, in 1993, 8 February, a few students actively participated in an incursion where they were shown, and allowed to touch, a small swordfish snout, a taxidermy seal and the skull of an unidentified creature. On 28 October 1993 Senior Citizens came to Bialik for a visit. Three photographs capture the moment a beekeeper brought in a hive and shared protective gear with children. For inquiries or access contact [email protected] side on some images have brief descriptions. 1993 Senior Citizens Visit Bialik in red pen. Sense of wider community is written in black pen on the reverse of the images of the beekeeper. school, jewish school, bialik college, photographs., incursion, animals, community outreach, senior citizens -
Greensborough Historical Society
Album - Photograph Album, Diamond Valley Community Hospital. Life at the DVCH. Functions, events and other happenings. Volume I, 1987_
... , community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters..., community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters ...Social activities at DVCH include farewells, dinner dances, community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters and hospital accreditation information. The Diamond Valley Community Hospital was established in 1942 in Grimshaw Street Greensborough. Due to financial circumstances, the hospital closed in 2000. This collection of photo albums is from the 1990s and was collected by staff. Photographs are not named. Albums may be accessed at the GHS Resource Centre. This volume is numbered 9,As the Diamond Valley Community Hospital is now closed, this collection of albums records some of the people involved. This particular album shows the community involvement with the hospital.Photo album with blue cover. 46 pages, 133 photographs of varying sizes. Title handwritten and pasted on front cover. Inscription inside front cover: "Photos and Album by Marg Langtree." diamond valley community hospital, greensborough, dvch -
Greensborough Historical Society
Album - Photograph Album, Diamond Valley Community Hospital. Life at the DVCH. Functions, events and other happenings. Volume II, 1988o
... , community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters..., community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters ...Social activities at DVCH include farewells, dinner dances, community outreach activities. Includes staff newsletters and hospital accreditation information. The Diamond Valley Community Hospital was established in 1942 in Grimshaw Street Greensborough. Due to financial circumstances, the hospital closed in 2000. This collection of photo albums is from the 1990s and was collected by staff. Photographs are not named. Albums may be accessed at the GHS Resource Centre. This volume is numbered 10.As the Diamond Valley Community Hospital is now closed, this collection of albums records some of the people involved. This particular album shows the community involvement with the hospital.Photo album with blue cover. 50 pages, 139 photographs of varying sizes. Title handwritten and pasted on front cover. Inscription inside front cover: "Photos and Album by Marg Langtree." diamond valley community hospital, greensborough, dvch -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newsletters, The Crunch, 1995 1996
These newsletters were created as an ACCESS project at the Orbost centre of TAFE (Technical and Further Education). Community newsletters are published by local groups and provide community news and information. In small rural communities they are an important communication medium.Three issues of a newsletter titled The Crunch. This was a newsletter for the Orbost community and contains articles on Orbost events. Most articles refer to TAFE Outreach Services. 2407.1 and 2407.2 are printed on yellow paper. 2407.3 has 3 orange sheets and 2 yellow sheets. All are stapled. 2407.1 has a label on the front with East Gippsland Shire Library and a bar code. 2407.2 has a bar code and LOCAL Newsletter written in pencil. 2407.3 has a stamp - EAST GIPPSLAND LIBRARY SERVICE and LOCAL written in pencil.newsletters tafe-orbost -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1985 Information Guide, 1985
... Youth Outreach Worker 62 Community information booklet issued ...Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1985 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: Lionsbrae - Frail Aged Hostel.CONTENTS: (page no.) By-Laws/Traffic Regs. 35 Chief Executive 10 Children's Service 12, 13 & 40 Churches 41 City Map 32 & 33 Committees of Council 7 Community Services 38 Community Services Officer 43 Council Finances 24 Councillors 4 & 5 Council Meeting Dates 6 Council Representatives 8 Cultural Centre 23 Disabled Persons Facilities 44 Eastern Corridor 18 East Ringwood Shopping Centre 22 Emergency Telephone Nos. 63 Garbage Collection 20 Golf Course 15 Health 26 Historical Research Croup 47 Home Help 30 Hospitals 48 Immunisations 27 Incinerators 21 Infant Welfare Centres49 J.P.'s and Commissioners 37 Library 28 & 29 Lionsbrae 17 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 34 North Ringwood Senior Citizens 16 Opportunity Shops 53 Parks and Reserves 53 Parliamentary Representatives 9 Playgroups 55 Pre-schools 56 Public Toilets 56 Rates 25 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 37 Schools 58 Senior Citizens Centres 60 Swimming Pool 14 Unemployment 62 Victoria's 150th Anniversary 36 Works Programme 18 & 19 Youth Outreach Worker 62 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1988 Community Information Guide, 1988
... Service 35 & 36 Schools 56 Youth Outreach Worker 20 Community ...Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1988 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Floral displays at Clock Tower and a scene at Council nursery; Back - Activities at Ringwood Festival held at Ringwood Lake in April each year.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Activities Programme 23 Aged Services 21 Bicentennial 15 Building Information 29 By-Laws and Traffic Regulations 31 Caravans/Mobile Homes 31 Chief Executive's Message 10 Children's Services 22 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 15 Community Services 35 Corporate Management Structure 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 42 Dogs 31 Domiciliary Care 24, 25 & 26 Elderly Day Care 44 Elderly Persons Units 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 53 Employment Opportunities in Ringwood 26 European Wasps 28 Family Day Care 22 Finances 17 Fire Hazards 31 Future Leaders 16 Golf Course 34 Home Handyman Services 25 Home Help 26 Immunisation Programme 27 Incinerators 32 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 22 & 23 Library 30&31 Maternal & Child Health Centre 30 Mayoral Message – Cr. John R. Caffyn 3 Meals on Wheels 24 Members of Parliament 9 Playgroups 33 Pre-Schools 53 Primary Arterial Road Network in Ringwood 13 Rates—New Collection Service 18 & 19 Ringwood Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Ringwood Bypass Road 12 Ringwood Convention & Performing Arts Centre 33 Ringwood District Centre Structure Plan 12 Rubbish Collection Service 35 & 36 Schools 56 Youth Outreach Worker 20 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1989 Community Information Guide, 1989
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1989 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Fern Gully at Ringwood Lake, Poppett Head at rear of Lake, Athletics Track. Back - Highland Carnival, Wombalano Park, Miners Cottage at Ringwood Lake, Bike Path, Water Cascade at rear of Lake.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Activities Programme 29 Aged Services 31, 32 & 33 Aquatic Centre 20 & 21 Budget 14 Building Information 16 By-Laws 26 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 29 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 36 Community Plan 10 & 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Dogs 26 Dual Occupancy 12 Emergency Telephone Numbers 63 Family Day Care 29 Fire Hazards 27 Garbage 34 & 35 Golf Course 24 Home Handyman Services 31 Home Help 31 Incinerators 26 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 29 Library 23 Maternal and Child Health 28 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini 3 Meals on Wheels 31 Members of Parliament 62 Parks and Gardens 18 Rates 25 Residential Development Provisions 12 & 13 Ringwood Bypass Road 13 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 22 Ringwood District Centre 14 Staff 10 Town Planning 17 Works Depot 30 Youth Outreach Worker 33 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 37 Alcoholism 37 Birthright 38 Blind 38 Care Force 39 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 39 Central Ringwood Community Centre 39 Childbirth and Parenting Association 39 & 40 Churches 40 & 41 Community Services Victoria 42 Day Centres and Drop In Centres 43 Do Care 43 Drugs 43 Elderly Day Care 44 Emergency Housing 45 Family Planning Services 45 Financial Counselling 46 Hearing Aid Service 47 Hospitals 47 Housing 48 Information 48 Legal 49 Literacy 50 Lone Parents 50 Marriage Celebrants 50 Maroondah Social Health Centre 51 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 51 North Ringwood Community House 52 Nursing 52 Optometric Services 52 Playgroups 53 Podiatry 53 Pre-Schools 54 Red Cross 55 Retirement 55 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 55 Schools 56 & 57 Senior Citizens' Centres 58 Transport 59 Twins 59 Unemployment 60 Volunteering 60 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah). 60 Youth Emergency Accommodation Services... 60 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1990 Community Guide, 1990
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1990 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Programme 33 Aged Services 33, 34,35 Aquatic Centre 15,16,17 Aquatic Centre Bonus Vouchers 17 Biological Wasp Control 24 Budget 13,14 Building information 26 By-Laws 29 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 44 Citizenship 35 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 39 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6,7 Dogs 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 67 Family Day Care 32 Fire Hazards 29 Garbage 37 Golf Course 19 Health and Environmental Services 24 Home Handyman Services 54 Home Help 33 Immunisation 25 incinerators 29 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 32 Library 22 Library Service Senior Citizens 34 Maternal and Child Health 31 Mayoral Message - Cr. Lillian Rosewarne 3 Meals on Wheels 33 Members of Parliament 40 Parks and Gardens 22,23 Rates 28 Residential Development Provisions 12 Ringwood Bypass Road 11 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 20 Ringwood District Centre 13 Ringwood Festival 21 Shopping Bus 34 Staff 10 Town Planning 26 Works Depot 36 Youth Outreach Worker 36 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 42 Aged Accommodation 42 Alcoholism 42 Arthritis Foundation 43 Arts and Crafts 43 Blind 43 Care Force 43 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 43 Central Ringwood Community Centre 43 Childbirth and Parenting Association 44 Churches 45 Community Services Victoria 47 Day Centres and Drop-in Centres 48 Disabled Facilities 49 Do Care 50 Drugs 50 Elderly Day Care 50 Emergency Housing 51 Family Planning Services 51 Financial Counselling 52 Hearing Aid Service 53 Hospitals 54 Housing 54 Information 55 Legal 55 Literacy 55 Lone Parents 57 Marriage Celebrants 57 Maroondah Social Health Centre 57 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 57 North Ringwood Community House 53 Nursing 59 Optometric Services 59 Playgroups 60 Pre-Schools 60 Red Cross 61 Retirement 62 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 62 Schools 63 Senior Citizens' Centres 65 Transport 66 Twins 66 Unemployment 66 Volunteering 66 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah) 67 Youth Emergency Services 67 rinx -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - St Peter's Catholic Church, Bentleigh East
The Golden Harvest Is A Book That Continues The History Of St Peter’s Parish, Bentleigh East From 1984 – 2005. The Book Discusses Community Life For The Previous 25 Years, Specifically Outreach And Services, Liturgy, Faith Education, And Fundraising, Finishing With Recollections From Parishioners.heriot maurice fr, mckenna fred fr, wade terry fr, gebbie gordon fr, casey william fr, maloney des fr, o’sullivan fr, guiney john, upton john stephen, kennedy james, o’ meara noreen sr, coakley daniel fr, chevalier wilma, sierakowski michael fr, centre road, bentleigh east, bignell road, opal court, the lighthouse project, mckenna centre, memorial stone, the anchor, bayside learning, memorial garden and wall, st peter's school, presentation sisters, daughters of our lady of the sacred heart, casey reserve, outside school hours program, moorleigh community centre, st james college, st james college chapel, loganville hostel, loganville social committee, the beacon, moongala drop-in centre, berlin wall souvenir, st peter's memorial book, faith and life development, altar servers, deaneries, bentleigh, chadstone, clayton, bentleigh east, moorabbin east, murrumbeena, oakleigh, ormond, clayton south, liturgy group, friday mass, sacramental sponsoring, sunday school, baptism support, children liturgy of the word, pre marriage program, cancer support group, ministry to the sick, loss and grief support, junior youth support, senior youth support, outreach, bingo, the parish fete, white elephant, young vinnies, st vincent de paul, spirituality in the pub (s.i.p), the passionist family group movement, rite of christian initiation for adults (r.c.i.a), prayer around the cross, st peter's prayer group, st peter's choir, antioch, catholic war veterans association, memorial bursary fund, catechetics, st peter's catholic church -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph, Greensborough Plaza Display April 2013, 2013_04
Twice annually the Greensborough Historical Society mounts a display in the window of the Diamond Valley Community Support office at Greensborough Plaza. this is the display from April 2013.Outreach activity of Greensborough Historical Society.Black and white photograph of window display.greensborough historical society, diamond valley community support -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book titled Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History with a grey tone cover with images of Sir John Quick, Amy Castles, Amy and Eileen Castles and Anthony Palamountain on the front and back covers. La Trobe University, Bendigo The Ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture 2 October 2002. Lecture by Professor Jeff Brownrigg, Head of Research and Outreach ScreenSound Australia, Canberra. Mentioned in the book is Sir John Quick, Some women of the early 20th Century, Bendigo's singers and opera singers and why communities all over Australia must face up to the challenges of global media by first recognizing the value of their own stories. Mentioned at the back of the book is a brief mention of Professor Jeff Brownrigg's career, John Quick's career and a list of The Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture Series from 1994 to 2001.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - footprints on the sands of time, professor jeff brownrigg, research and outreach screensound australia, la trobe university bendigo, sir john quick, bendigonian annual, bendigo school of mines, british empire, alfred deakin, sir william lyne, king o'malley's commonwealth bank, telstra, sir frederick holder, robert garran, john mckay, the mirror, henry gyles turner, fischer, state library of victoria, bishop reville, bendigo evening news, bendigo independent, bendigo advertiser, melbourne university, melbourne age, richard twopenny, mr donald clarke esq, bendigo's butter factory, madame carandini, amy sherwin, nellie melba, oscar commetant, shamrock hotel, constitutional convention adelaide, frederick holder, edmund barton, catherine helen spence, elizabeth nicholls, women's christian temperance union, mary lee, rose scott, susan margery, maybanke anderson, vida goldstein, bendigonian annual, amy castles, alice crawford, edward allan bindley, joseph castles, mercy conent, freeman's journal, catholic press, therese radic melba, state library of victoria, cardinal moran, de quiros, bulletin, john norton, d headon, j brownrigg, lili sharp, eileen castles, mike sutcliffe, melbourne argus, frank cusack, david horsfall, alvin tracey, melbourne's advocate press, amy sherwin, frances saville, lalla miranda, hugo gorlitz, samuels family, louis august samuels, kate (catherina) samuels, madame benda, mathilde marchesi, emily dyason, erna (lovie) mueller, the german chapter, german heritage society bendigo, bertha rossow, hamilton hill, beatrice english, anthony palamountain, alfred bottoms, a c bartlemann, dorothy penfold, dr penfold, penfold gallery, pauline bindley, e a bindley, willie murdoch, sister mary tarcisia, sisters of mercy, peter dawson, bendigo's chinese populatin, masonic hall, ashman's dry-cleaners, walter murdoch, lily baxter, walter savage landor, robert garran, ada colley, australian journal of communication, michelle matthews -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History. The Ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture presented by Profesor John Brownrigg, Head of Research and Outreach ScreenSound Australia, Canberra presented 2 October 2002, La Trobe University, Bendigo 30 page bookletProfessor Jeff Brownriggbiography, sir john quick, lecture information on sir john quick -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Obituary John Wood Ingram, 2/04/1998 12:00:00 AM
Community activist. Born 3.4.1946- died 12.9.1997. Involved in employment, youth education, government and the arts.Community activist. Born 3.4.1946- died 12.9.1997. Involved in employment, youth education, government and the arts. Born in Wales, family moved to Mitcham early 1950's. Economics degree. Taught at Foster, created farming commune in NSW, started Mallacoota Easter Festival 1981. Known for school and community workshops with music & drama. Later became Co=orninator at Mallacoota TAFE Outreach Centre.Community activist. Born 3.4.1946- died 12.9.1997. Involved in employment, youth education, government and the arts. byers, jill, thornycroft, bob, ingram, john wood, mallacoota tafe outreach centre, paul wood, anna wood, paddy wood, rory, phoebe & briony -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet (2 copies) with brownish photo of Amy Castles and Sir John Quick on the front cover, titled Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History by Professor Jeff Brownrigg. La Trobe University, Bendigo. The Ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture 2 October 2002. Photos in the book include: Sir John Quick, Amy Castles, Amy and Eileen Castles, Anthony Palamountain, John Quick's birthplace in Cornwall and Professor Jeff Brownrigg. Sir John Quick, Robert Garran, The Bendigonian, Bendigo Evening News, Bendigo Advertiser, Nellie Melba, Bendigo Independent, Amy Castles, Alice Crawford, Edward Allan Bindley, Joseph Castles, Lili Sharp, Eileen Castles,Frank Cusack, David Horsfall, Louis August Samuels, Kate Samuels, Madame Benda, Bertha Rossow, Anthony Palamountain, Dorothy Penfold, Penfold Gallery, Pauline Bindley, Convent of Mercy, Masonic Hall, Ashman's Dry-Cleaners, The Ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture are mentioned in the book.footprints on the sands of time: bendigo's citizens, the 1909 bendigonian annual and community history, professor jeff brownrigg, research and outreach screensound australia, la trobe university, sir john quick, robert garran, the bendigonian, bendigo evening news, bendigo advertiser, nellie melba, bendigo independent, amy castles, alice crawdord, edward allan bindley, joseph castles, lili sharp, eileen castles, frank cusack, david horsfall, louis august samuels, kate samuels, madame benda, bertha rossow, anthony palamountain, dorothy penfold, penfold galery, pauline bindley, convent of mercy, masonic hall, ashman's dry-cleaners, the ninth sir john quick bendigo lecture -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, St Stephen's Presbyterian Church Surrey Hills 125 years
This brief description of St. Stephen's Presbyterian church, Surrey Hills, on the corner of Canterbury and Warrigal Roads, Surrey Hills, dates back to 1887 when Surrey Hills was a settled emerging community. It documents the changes from then, including the land and buildings, their ministry, hymn books and bibles, church camps, mission work, PMWU, men's activities, outreach groups, multi-cultural groups until 2012.This brief description of St. Stephen's Presbyterian church, Surrey Hills, on the corner of Canterbury and Warrigal Roads, Surrey Hills, dates back to 1887 when Surrey Hills was a settled emerging community. It documents the changes from then, including the land and buildings, their ministry, hymn books and bibles, church camps, mission work, PMWU, men's activities, outreach groups, multi-cultural groups until 2012.(mr) j. k. blogg, 1887, surrey hills, (mr) (rev) john ewing, (mr) (rev) alexander mcdonald, (mr) (rev) frederick darling, surrey college, kleppers orchard, balmoral crescent, st. stephen's presbyterian church, uniting church, (mr) (rev.) david innes, (rev) w. howden, (mr) (rev) david bradshaw, churches, canterbury road, warrigal road -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Michele Matthews Collection - 2002 Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture - "Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo 's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History", 04/02/2025
La Trobe University, Sir John Quick annual lectureMichele Matthews Collection - 2002 Sir John Quick Bendigo Lecture - "Footprints on the Sands of Time: Bendigo 's Citizens, the 1909 Bendigonian Annual and Community History". Presented by Professor Jeff Brownrigg, Head of Research and Outreach, Screen Sound Australia, Canberra. The ninth Sir John Quick Bendigo lecture, held on 2 October 2002.sir john quick annual lecture