Showing 84 items
matching friends of the sailor
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Poster - Notice of meeting, Public Meeting - 25 February 1858, 1858
... friends of the sailor... w. fairfax friends of the sailor sandridge port melbourne ...Notice advertising a public meeting taking place on 1858 and regarding a Seamen's church, Hobson's Bay, Melbourne . The Governor, Sir Henry Barkly, KCB, chaired the meeting. Captain Charles Ferguson (died in 1868) was the harbourmaster of the Port of Melbourne, and previously the captain of the barque Rajah.Example of poster of very early Melbourne public meeting "of persons interested in the welfare of sailors". Demonstrates beginnings of Melbourne-based organisation and support for seafarers. Small paper poster with mixed/ornate text, housed within two cardboard frame mats, front window frame mat cut to size of poster see imageseaman's church, hobson's bay, mechanics institute, governor, sir henry barkly, w. fairfax, friends of the sailor, sandridge, port melbourne, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers, mission to seamen, captain charles ferguson -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, Annual Meeting, 1886
... supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held... supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held ...The Annual Meeting presenting the Annual Report was held on the 21st of September 1886 at the Melbourne Athenaeum. In the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. This institution held its annual meeting in the Melbourne Athenæum on Tuesday evening under the most favourable auspices. The hall was filled in every part, a very large pro portion of the audience being seamen. The half hour previous to the com mencement of the meeting was very pleasantly occupied bv listening to the capital playing of the band of the Naval Brigade, and precisely at eight o'clock the musicians heralded the entrance of the vice-regal party by playing ' The National Anthem.' Sir Henry and Lady Loch were received by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. Stewart), the Hon. F. T. Derham, Captain Pasco, Mr. H. R. Reid (hon. secretary), and Lieutenant - Colonel Templeton, and His Excellency imme diately took the chair. The venerable ex-chaplain, the Rev. Kerr Johnson, was present, but as he did not feel equal to taking part in the proceedings, the Rev. E. T. Miles opened the meeting with prayer. Nothing could have been more cal culated to give a distinctive character to the meeting than the singing of the Sailors' Hymn by the 300 odd seamen present. The rugged yet tuneful voices of the men blending with those of the ladies present, who heartily joined in, gave a most spirit-stirring effect to the beautiful words of the refrain : — Rocks and streams I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore; Drop the anchor ! furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail. Next followed His Excellency's address as chairman. The Governor threw himself heartily into the pro ceedings, and his remarks, expressive of the utmost sympathy with the sea men of the empire, were applauded to the echo. In fact from the start all the speakers struck the right key-note. The institution was not held up as a charity on which Jack was more or less dependent. According to the gentlemen who one and all welcomed him as a friend, and a right useful friend too, the thing was all the other way. To the sailor it was, they de clared, that they owed all that the colony possessed, and more — the great ness and prosperity of the Empire, He was the sort of man who never turned his back on a fellow creature, or refused to give a hand to a comrade in distress. Therefore it was deter mined that Jack should not come to these shores and think there were none to care for the comfort of his body or the welfare of his soul, and with the object of greeting the sailor on his arrival, of grasping his hand as a friend, beguiling his hours on shore, and saving him from the scores of dangers and temptations which beset a sea-faring man's stay in port, the institution had in '57 been started. Its claims on the Victorian public, not as a charity, but as a means of show ing some recognition of the services of the brave men who man our mercan tile marine, were ably put before the meeting. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan de clared that if the Melbourne merchants contributed to the mission a tithe of the amount they spent in insurance, they would find their goods better looked after by the seamen than by the insurance companies. Captain McCallum, the treasurer, read the following report of the com mittees of the Port Melbourne and Williamstown Rests : — In no part of the Queen's dominions have there been more changes during the last thirty years than in the colony bearing her gracious name ; and it is therefore all the more pleasant to report that the Victorian Mission to seamen, which started so long ago as 1857, still pursues an active career of usefulness, holding out a helping hand to mariners of all nations, without distinction of colour, race or creed. Eight years ago, some of the supporters of the Mission, feeling the want of a Temperance Club, where the crews of the various ships might recreate themselves and enjoy the three ' C's' — Coffee — Comfort — Company, appealed to the public for assistance, resulting in sufficient funds being obtained to justify the establishment of Sailors' Rests at Sandridge and Williamstown. Both these institutions were opened by a distinguished gentleman who has always taken a practical interest in sea men, and who, but for illness, would have been present at this meeting — Sir W. F. Stawell — and the result jof several years' experience fully justifies the statement that these institutions have supplied a felt want — the attendance of visitors reaching now about 30,000 per annum ; whilst so economically are they managed, that the annual cost to the public is less than L150 The thanks of the committee are specially due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly made a special and successful effort to supply both of the Bests with new piano fortes, to the great enjoyment of ' Jack ashore.' The instrument which was pre sented to the Port Melbourne institution by Mr. J. M. Bruce, on behalf of the sub scribers, the funds having been collected by his daughter yet in her teens, being espec ially one of great value. Concerts free to all seamen, given by amateur singers, are held weekly on both sides of the bay, and are largely attended and much appreciated. The building at Port Melbourne, which, being of wood, is merely of a temporary character, is free from debt ; but there is a mortgage of L500 on the Williamstown institution, which cripples its usefulness. The committee have regretfully to report that during the year under review they have lost, through the weakness of increas ing years, tbe loving services of the Rev. Kerr Johnston, their venerable friend and chaplain, whose life is, indeed, the history of the Mission, for he has been connected with it from the commencement of the work. Mr. Johnston has proved himself a true disciple of his Divine Master, and the com mittee trust that in the evening of his days he may enjoy that peace and rest which he lias so well earned. The com mittee presented Mr. Johnston, on retiring, with an honorarium of L100. Mr. E. James has been appointed iu Mr. JohuBton'u room, and the committee believe that their choice lias been a fortunate one. The Mission aud Sailors' Bests have been kept afloat by the unwearied and self -deny-ing exertions of the Ladies1 Committee, who have personally collected nearly the whole of the income ; but it may fairly be asked whether, in this great seaport, where last year there entered in at Her Majesty's Customs 1711 ships, manned by 61,256 men, the mercantile community of Melbourne should net take a more active interest in the welfare of the thousands of brave men who, for a few weeks, temporary sojourners on our shores, away from friends and relatives, have a special claim on our sympathy and help. We are of the old land, ' that gem sunk in the silver sea and we can re-echo Mr. Gladstone's recent words to the crew of the yacht Sunbeam, ' The calling which you follow is a noble one, and is calculated to bring forth the highest qualities of our common nature ; ana if it is possible for any occupation to make a man, in the highest and wideBt sense of the word, it is ' the occupation to which your lives are given. How closely it is connected with the the prosperity and fame of tbi» great nation ; how closely, indeed, it is connected with advancement of civilisation, and tiie general welfare of the world, it needs no words of mine to tell yon, for in your work and life you know it well, and feel it truly.' Look ing at what we Victorians owe to the British sailor, the committee earnestly trust that, with the blessings of the Almighty God, increased success will attend the work of the Mission and Rests. Mr. James read the chaplain's re port: — Since my appointment as chaplain to tbe Seamens' Mission, I have met with greater success than I anticipated. I have visited all the ships that have come into port, also many of the vessels on the Yarra, and am pleased with the civil and courteous manner in which I have been received by captains, officers and men, and in most cases my invitations to them to attend our meetings have been most heartily responded to. . The attendance at the services in the Bethel has much improved — on some occasions scarcely sitting room is to be found. The services have proved a great blessing to many Christian seamen ; whilst several who have come into port caring for nothing of a religious nature, have left praying. God fearing men, with the request that those left behind would remember them in their supplications, that they should be kept through all the trials and temptations to which seamen are exposed. The weekly Tuesday evening concerts got up bj the ladies of the committee and others, have proved a great benefit to the Mission, and a source of great enjoyment to the seamen in port. The programmes are excellent; and are spoken of by the sailors as the best they have heard in any port. The Sailors* Rest is provided with a library, the daily papers, and illustrated literature, with games of chess, draughts, dominoes, quoits, and other amusements, which are much taken advantage of during the evenings. Seamen ' are alio provided with writing materials, free, bo that everyone may have any opportunity of writing to their friends; for many an anxious parent is counting the days and hoping for .the time to come when they shall get a line from their sons in the far distant land, and many a son is reminded of his obligation by the opportunity thus afforded. I am much pleased at this time to acknowledge the kindness of the committee, and the great help I have received from them, also from Mr. Douglas, the manager of the Best. I do not think I could have been blest with a better co-worker. I have no hesitation in recommending the seamen to go to the Best, and telling them that they will receive a most hearty welcome, to which they can all testify ; my thanks are due to the voluntary workers, who have given every assistance ft their power, especially to Miss Lloyd, who is an invaluable help, attending in all weathers, and playing the organ at every service. The Sunday School is progressing, and we aie now about to make another addition to the library, of good readable books. The work at Williamstown is also pro gressing well, the Wednesday night concerts being well attended, and the singing and reciting supplied by local talent really good; the sailors contributing largely to the programmes. Captain McCallum is the backbone of the work at Williamstown, well supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held every Sunday night are productive of mnch good. The work here, too, is very encouraging, having much improved of late. I am thank ful to God that He has so blessed the efforts of His people, and hope they may be long spared to carry on the work. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan in an eloquent speech proposed the first re solution : — ' That the Reports now read be adopted, and that the following ladies and gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year : — SEAMEN'S MISSION. Ladies Committee. — Mesdames Templeton, Campbell, Chamberlin, Elworthy, Lormer, Gourlay, Gowan, B. Johnston, Webb, Young, Plummer, Misses Elwortny, Webb, Gowan, and M. Hastie. Gentlemen's Committee. — Captains Pasco, R. N., Adams, McCallum, J.P., Dalgarno, Garside, Messrs. Courtis, A. J. Smith, Macpherson, H. R. Reid, J.P., Henry Berry, J.P., Revs. Kerr Johnston, and A. R. Edgar.' Captain Pasco seconded, and in formed the audience that Baron Von Mueller had written regretting his inability to attend, but had sent a substantial cheque. (Applause.) A collection was then taken up and liberally responded to, the band mean-time playing airs suitable to the occa sion, such as ' The Death of Nelson' and ' Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.' The hon. F. T. Derham next pro posed the second resolution : — ' That the success which has attended the working of the Port Melbourne Sailors' Rest justifies this meeting in taking imme diate steps to raise the funds necessary to erect a Seamen's Institute worthy of the in creasing trade and commerce of Victoria.' This was seconded by the Rev. A. R. Edgar, and both were carried by ac clamation. The Mayor of Melbourne moved a vote of thanks to His Excellency, and Sir Henry in the course of his reply said his sympathies were not only with sailors because he had been much brought into contact with them, but because he had been a sailor himself and had had the honour and privilege of serving in Her Majesty's navy. At this the men sprang to their feet and gave three deafening cheers for the Governor and another for Lady Loch, who bowed her acknowledgment and appeared very pleased at the hearty reception accorded to her. During the evening Mrs. Pearce, and Messrs. Walsh, Woods, and Robinson, members of the Liedertafel, contributed songs. The lady, who has sung at the Tuesday evening concerts, sang ' When the Tide comes in' so charmingly that an encore, although against the rule of the evening, was insisted upon, which was responded to by a beautiful rendering of the old ballad ' Robin Adair,' Altogether the meeting was a com plete success, and will doubtless afford the committee fresh encouragement in their well-directed efforts. Printed programme for the 1886 annual meeting taking place in the Melbourne AthenaeumWritten in black ink at the back by WHC Darvall: annual meeting, melbourne athenaeum, 1886, baron ferdinand von mueller, sailors' rest, hugh ronald reid, captain fullarton, captain mccallum, henry loch, captain pasco, reverend kerr johnston -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Container - Box, The Missions to Seamen Christmas Greetings 1943, 1943
The box was presumably made in Australia to be used as a gift container for Christmas gifts or greetings by people associated with the Mission or their acquaintances or family members. The box is dated and has the Mission to Seamen logo and description as a promotional way to describe and inform people of the Mission's purpose. The gift was sent by Mariner Merrylees to sister Marjorie in Manitoulin Island, CanadaThis everyday practical object represents in its function an acknowledgement by the Mission to Seamen organisation of the need for sailors and seafarers to stay in touch with friends and family at Christmas time and this sample box of a wartime Christmas marks a particularly difficult time in history for seafarers to stay in touch and connected with loved ones.Cardboard beige rectangular box in a small size, with blue stamped inscriptions on it detailing promotional information about The Missions To Seamen. The object also has a blue hand written inscription on it on the top side and also another hand written inscription at the back side detailing the recipient’s name "Marjorie". This object was sent to recipient with a coin bracelet inside (Reference: 600.2). Top side of the box, Christmas Greetings/1943/FROM/MELBOURNE/PORT MELBOURNE/WILLIAMSTOWN/THREE OF OVER TWO HUNDRED/CLUBS SCATTERED ALL OVER/THE WORLD TO SERVE/THE MERCHANT NAVY. Top right side of the box a flag crown and attached cord logo image, THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN/MN Hand written inscription top side of the box, Jivaros Hand written underlined inscription back side of the box, for Marjoriecardboard box, christmas gift, mission to seamen, bracelet, canada, manatoulin island, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers, 1943, ww2, christmas, siblings, melbourne, port melbourne, williamstown, coins, robert leighton, marjorie merrylees, mn, merchant navy -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, early 20th Century
Headstone inscription: "In Affectionate Remembrance / EBENEZER JAMES / late Chaplain to the Naval Forces of Victoria / and / The Victorian Seamen's Mission/ This stone is erected / by Friends of all nationalities and creeds as a mark of esteem for his unselfish and consistent Christian efforts for the social and moral advancement of our sailors/ and / in recognition of.... his indefatigable and praiseworthy exertions the stamping out in Victoria of the cruel degrading maritime curse of crimping was mainly due. / Born 11th of March 1841 Died 14th of July 1901/ "A good deed is never lost. He who sows / courtesy reaps friendship and he who plants kindness gathers love." Basil. The Headstone was found at the Melbourne Cemetery, Carlton in 2016. Rev James worked at Port Melbourne and Williamstown Missions but was also a regular visit to Geelong and other coastal ports and beside encouraging fortnightly entertainments and Chapel services, actively shipvisiting to meet with Seamen.This image documents in full the inscription on this commissioned marble headstone marking the grave of a significant figure, the second Chaplain at Port Melbourne, and an important figure in the development and story of not only the Mission to Seafarers in Victoria but also in the life of the Naval Force of Victoria prior to Federation. Rev James was not only an influential figure in the stamping out of crimping, the exploitation of seamen, but also actively worked with government and community to improve the quality of life by active lobbying for the controlled licensing of hotels and liquor sources to limit the incidence of drunkeness rife in the Ports and Wharves of Victoria in the late 19th Century. See also MTSV 0030Large Sepia photograph on paper mount features an Inscribed marble Headstone and grave with a stone facing and surround supporting low decorative cast iron railing. There are flowers and ferns on the grave.Across edge of grave in White upper case: J ROBINSON CARLTON appears to be over printed, the Sepia image may be a copy of an original photograph. Inscription on the headstone can be read, see full wording below in History field. on the paper mount below lwr edge of Photograph: "T. TENNENT 'PHOTO-GOLD TS' COLLINGWOOD"ebenezer james, chaplains, seamen exploitation of, naval force, victoria, melbourne cemetery, carlton, maritime crimping, ebenezer james (1841 - 1901), carlton, mission to seamen, seamen's mission, mission to seafarers -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Print - Religious Print, T. Noyes Lewis, The Cross of Glory, Mid to late 19th century for the print, the reframing appears to date from the 1960's
... Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation ...The picture was framed by business, Leighton House, paint and art merchants at 346 Little Collins Street, Melbourne. It was made to order, number 6777. The business was also called The Leighton Gallery of Art and was owned by W & G Dean Pty Ltd. The phone number on the label "MU 8291" indicates that the picture was framed circa the 1960s or earlier, during the time that Melbourne was using 6-0digit alpha-numeric numbers. Below the picture is an excerpt of a hymn "The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns" by Thomas Kelly: The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. The Cross He bore is life and heath, Though shame and death to Him; His people's hope, his people's wealth, Their everlasting theme. This picture was part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This picture is significant through its association with the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen Church in Williamstown, Melbourne, established in 1857. The items in our collection from the Missions to Seamen in Williamstown, Victoria, have historical and social significance. They show that people of the 1800s and 1900s cared about the seafarers’ religious, moral, and social welfare, no matter what the religion, social status or nationality. It had its origins in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The first Australian branch was started in 1856 by the Rev. Kerr Johnston, a Church of England clergyman, and operated from a hulk moored in Hobson’s Bay; later the Mission occupied buildings in Williamstown and Port Melbourne. Picture, print of "The Cross of Glory", rectangular, framed print on matt. It depicts Jesus Christ on a cross with an angel on each side, at his feet. He is wearing priestly robes and a gold crown on top of thorns on his head. In the background there is a rainbow and clouds. The text below the picture includes "From the picture by T. Noyes Lewis". Lines from a hymn are also printed below the picture. The back of the picture has pencilled numbers in three places plus a printed label with the framer's details. "From the picture by T. Noyes Lewis". Backing paper has pencil "6777" in two places. Label has bencil "677-" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the cross of glory, print, t. noyes lewis, leighton house, home decoration, religioius picture, church furnishing, w & g dean pty ltd, leighton gallery of art, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angles club, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Medal - Bombardier G.S.Hunt 57473, 1914
World War 1 Australian Bombardier with the Royal Field Artillery189 A brass gift box with an embossed hinging lid which was presented to WW1 sailors and soldiers for Christmas 1914. The gift was at the initiative of HRH The Princess Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary the daughter of the then King George V and Queen Mary. 189.1 Small card with paper insert 189.2 Three medals with coloured ribbons, one medal has a small metal badge attached. Items belonging to Bombardier G.S.Hunt, 57473 in the Royal Field Artillery, WW1.The lid is embossed with the bust of HRH Princess Mary in a wreath with the letter "M" to either side and the following words "IMPERIUM BRITANNICUM" and "CHRISTMAS 1914" and has the country names "FRANCE", "BELGIUM", "JAPAN", "RUSSIA", MONTENEGRO" and "SERVIA". 189.1 Front of card a crown with M underneath with 1915 under that. Inside Wreath with sword through it and the words With best wishes for a victorious new year from The Princess Mary and friends at home. 189.2 WW1 Campaign Medals / ribbons 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.brass, hunt, g.s hunt, christmas, 1914, princess mary, bombadier, ww1, world war 1, army, royal field artillery, 1914 star, british war medal, victory medal -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Set of Pews, c.1944
... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation ...This set of seventeen church pews was originally used in St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church, 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, during religious services there. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. The pews were donated to the St Nicholas Seamen’s Church by the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, founded by Ethel Margaret Musther, M.B.E.. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. The set of pews is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The set of pews id historically significant for their connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of these pews to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Set of seventeen varnished oak wood church high back pews. The pews have a shelf fitted behind the backrest. This is a set of original items in our ‘St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection’.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, religion, religious service, lightkeepers’ auxiliary, mrs musther, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angel’s club, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown, church furniture, church seats, church pew, religious furniture, religious worship, anglican church -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Books, Oxford University Press, The Book of Common Prayer, early 20th century
... Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation ...This set of prayer boos was part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This set of books, each titled The Book of Common Prayers, is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The set of books is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of this set of books to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Set of 10 books. Title: The Book of Common Prayer with the Additions and Deviations proposed in 1928 Publisher: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, London Some books have blue cloth covers, some have red cloth covers. Spines have gold inlay print. 244 numbered pages. Some books are inscribed on the inside cover. This is one of a set of original items in our ‘St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection’.Inscription in some books "FROM THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN MELBOURNE"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, preyer books, book of common prayer, anglican church prayer book, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angels club, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown, anglican church, religious book -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Set of Chairs, 1880s
... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation... and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation ...This set of four dining chairs was part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. The Australian colonial wooden chairs date to the late 1880s and are most like to have been purchased for use in the Sailors’ Rest when it moved into Ann Street, Williamstown, around the 1880s. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This set of chairs is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The set of chairs is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of this set of chairs to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Chairs: set of four (4) cedar wood dining chairs. Each chair has a rounded rail back, flat cross rail, flat wooden seat, curved back legs and colonial turned front legs. Mid-brown colour, veneered finish. The set of chairs is part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, lightkeepers’ auxiliary, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angel’s club, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown, church furniture, religious furniture, religious worship, anglican church, chair, dining chair, kitchen chair, domestic furniture, colonial chair, australian colonial period, set of chairs, squab chairs, sailors' church, ann street williamstown -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, Starting for Christmas picnic, 25 December 1913
The sailors, officers and Reverend Gurney Goldsmith (centre) were picked up from the Siddeley Street mission by two double deck motorbuses. On the buses is written: "Motor Tyre, The place for tyre, 400-3-5 Swanston Street, Melbourne - Red Cross Hospital - The Globe". The Mission flag and the Union Jack are brought with the men to the St John's College, St Kilda East. The photograph appears in the Annual Report 1913. In the Age we could read: "SAILORS' PICNIC. The seamen from ships in port, were hospitably entertained on Christmas day by friends of the Victoria Missions to Seamen. The day was spent at St. John's College, East St. Kilda, by invitation of the warden and Mrs. Hart. The sailors enjoyed the treat, and entered heartily into the sports held during the afternoon. The evening was spent at the institute on the Australian wharf when every sailor received a Christmas' present from 'the brig." The photograph was used in the "Jottings fro our log" quarterly publication of the Mission in 1916.Sepia photograph with a thin black frame depicting seamen gathering in front of the Central Institute, Siddeley Street, where buses are waiting for them to take them on an outing.Handwritten at the back in pencil: "168" / Starting for Christmas picnic Handwritten in blue ink: "8" Handwritten twice in blue ink: 1914? at the top and 1914 at the bottom.siddeley street institute, ww1, christmas, transport, rev gurney goldsmith, flag, red cross, the globe, union jack, motorbus, 1913, xmas -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, Anne Treverton Goldsmith (nee Lobb), Picnic at Glenfern, King's Birthday 1906, 9 November 1906
Gathering of seafarers and MTS clergy and LHLG members, at Glenfern 1906. Mrs Mary Danne daughter of Reverend Kerr Johnston was a widow at the time and was renting Glenfern, the property once owned by the Boyd family, and started a private primary school she called Newington College. A member of the Mission's committee from 1905 to 1926 when she passed away, a bras plaque was made in her memory and placed in the chapel of the Flinders Street Mission. (see item 0690) In the Standard published on Saturday 17 November 1906, page 4 we could read: "In connection with the Victoria Missions to Seamen a successful and pleasant outing, was given to the sailors in port on King's Birth day. Mrs. Danne, of "Glenfern," St. Kilda, threw her house and grounds open tor sports and tea. Cricket, football and sports were enthusiastically pursued, and ample justice was done to the substantial tea provided by Mrs. Danne and her friends. The Misses Danne, Miss Godfrey and other ladies were untiring in their attentions. Mr. Axell, first officer of brig Fairy Rock, in a few appropriate words thanked Mrs. Danne and the ladies, on behalf of the sailors, for their kind hospitality. Snapshots of the party were taken by Mrs. Goldsmith. Mr. C A. Holmes and Mr. Cedric Campbell acted as stewards and starters for the races. On the invitation of the chaplain (Rev. A G. Goldsmith*) ringing cheers were given for Mrs. Danne and the ladies. Before the party broke up Mrs Danne addressed a few kind words to the men and gave them all a shake of the band at the gate. The rest of the evening was spent at the Institute, Beach street, where games and competitions were carried on to the accompaniment of vocal and instrumental music. The prizes won at the sports etc., were distributed, and after singing the National Anthem the party broke up."Thanks to the article in the Standard, Saturday 17 November 1906, page 4, we learn that some of the early sepia photographs were taken by Mrs Gurney Goldsmith herself.Small monochrome photograph depicting a group of seamen and ladies with the Mission's Flagstaff.1906, glenfern, st kilda east, picnic, lhlg, king's birthday, edward vii, mary alice isabelle danne nee johnston, 1851-1926, reverend kerr johnston, 1812-1887, boyd family, sailors, seamen, seafarers, bowler hat, cap, boater hat, snapshots, camera, photographer, sports, cricket, football, ethel augusta godfrey 1861-1935, mr axell, fairy rock, charles arthur holmes (-1947), mrs gurney goldsmith, anne treverton goldsmith (nee lobb), cedric campbell -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Artwork, other - Stained glass window, Brooks Robinson & Co, In memory of Karen Brady, 1947
"When Miss Karen Brady, typist of Westgarth St, Northcote, was knocked down by a motor-car at the corner of Heidelberg Road and Fenwick St, Clifton Hill, about midnight on Saturday (3 January 1942), her skull was fractured, and she died in St Vincent's Hospital 4 hours later. She was aged between 45 and 50. Miss Brady was for many years an enthusiastic worker for the Harbour Lights Guild for the Missions to Seamen. She worked there at the canteen many nights during the week, and assisted in many other ways at the mission. Mission officials said yesterday that Miss Brady had been a "splendid worker for the mission". (The Argus, Monday 5 January 1942, page 3) Karen Brady (1886-1942) daughter of Martin John Brady and Evelyn Whitmarsh This window in her memory, "a gift of friends among the seamen and workers of the Mission" was unveiled on the 14 December 1947 by Mrs Oliver, wife of Padre Oliver. Arched windows st peter chapel, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, st peter, sailors, seamen, stained glass windows, win, memorial chapel, ww2, karen brady, jesus, hlg, typist -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 3 2022, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, sue dight, 2022, maritime art prize, williamstown historical society, phillip cornish, amaga, victorian collections, vc day -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 2 2022, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, 2022, maritime art prize, phillip cornish, weathervane, walter richmond butler (1864–1949) -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 1 2022, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, 2022, maritime art prize, phillip cornish, weathervane, walter richmond butler (1864–1949), sue dight, theft -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 3 2021, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, maritime art prize, sue dight, 2021, docklands primary school, community, docklands, covid 19, vaccination, covid vaccine, xmas, christmas, pandemic -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 2 2021, November 2022
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, art prize, exhibitions, concerts, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, festival, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, collection, archives, maritime art prize, sue dight, 2021, community, docklands, covid 19, vaccination, covid vaccine, xmas, christmas, pandemic, simon burton, welfare, postcards, glass slides, nigel porteous, catherine aviss (nee frampton), herbert aviss, heritage tours, vera moore foundation, board members -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 1 1997, January/February 1997
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website. This is the first Ship to Shore; the first year it was a bi-monthly newsletter.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, community, xmas, christmas, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, noyoun park, korean, bryce amner, sally cloke, cottage -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 2 1997, March/April 1997
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, open house, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, community, xmas, christmas, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, bill romney, geelong mission, barque shandon, yarra river, southbank, casino, sea sunday, 1997 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 3 1997, May/June 1997
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, community, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, sea sunday, 1997, open day -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 4 1997, July/August 1997
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, heritage, community, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, sea sunday, 1997, open day, harbour lights guild, history, celia little room, kitchen -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 5 1997, September/October 1997
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, seafarers service, foreign bibles -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 6 1997/8, December/January 1997/8
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, rodney oliver, noyoun park, bryce amner, sally cloke, internet, computer, email, building repairs, spowers building technology, termites, reclaiming our heritage, docklands, batmans hill, bill romney, geelong mission, van -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 1 1998, May 1998
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, ridley college, dagmar udhe, portland mission, hastings mission, patrick s.s. co, mua, maritime union of australia, stevedoring, easter, arts -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue 3 1998, September 1998
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, john tukua, noyoun park, weathervane, korea, overseas missions, david hope, bill romney, reverend bill dalling, probus club, sandringham, opportunity shops, hopper's crossing, ricketts point, tony williams, world conference -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue October 2000, September 1998
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, noyoun park, ted cosens, helicopter, sydney olympics, statistics, internet, website -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue Spring 2001, September 2001
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website.Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, noyoun park, ted cosens, helicopter, sydney olympics, statistics, internet, website, sea sunday, 2001, bill romney, reverend bishop jeremy ashton, nigel porteous, shipping sector, keith dann, roy hope, geelong mission, international year of volunteers, lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, heritage, judy douglas, noah park, ridley college, donors, volunteers -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue Summer 2001/2002, November 2001
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website. 20 October 2001: Reunion of Harbour Lights Guild former volunteers thanks to the work of Maria Culka: Enid Budds, Beverley Kent. The archive is put on display. In October: ABC News talks about the Mission. Ship to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, noyoun park, ted cosens, statistics, sea sunday, 2001, bill romney, reverend bishop jeremy ashton, nigel porteous, shipping sector, keith dann, roy hope, geelong mission, international year of volunteers, lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, heritage, judy douglas, noah park, donors, volunteers, maria culka, hlg, beverley kent nee oliver, ro kent, pat dann, abc news, the peter kaye trio, betty ashton, xmas, christmas, joan leslie -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue Winter 2002, Winter 2002
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website. Maria Culka research for Guilders : Publication of Andy Knox poem mentioning Sadie WilsonShip to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, noyoun park, ted cosens, statistics, sea sunday, 2001, bill romney, reverend bishop jeremy ashton, nigel porteous, shipping sector, keith dann, roy hope, geelong mission, international year of volunteers, lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, heritage, judy douglas, noah park, donors, volunteers, maria culka, hlg, beverley kent nee oliver, ro kent, pat dann, abc news, betty ashton, xmas, christmas, joan leslie, ron reid, elizabeth fiddian, barbara bedford, reverend bill dalling, joy stanfield, lal simpson, audrey adderson, gwynne scott, pauline moye, marjorie duckett nee maclennan, three faithfuls, annette wood, don dunlop, bryan reid, christine edward, sadie wilson, andy knox, poem -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Magazine (item) - Newsletter, Mission to Seafarers Victoria, Ship to Shore , Issue Spring 2002, Spring 2002
Ship to Shore was first printed in 1997. Inspired by the Jottings From Our Log, this modern version is generally published quarterly (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) Articles are written by the mission's staff and give updates about shipping and seafaring news, staff, events, board Committee, heritage. It is sent by post or email to supporters, members, volunteers and friends of the mission. It is also available to the public in the Flying Angel club and online on the website. Maria Culka research for Guilders : Publication of Andy Knox poem mentioning Sadie WilsonShip to Shore is a valable source of informationship to shore, mission to seamen, mission to seafarers, flinders street, melbourne, victoria, news, events, seafaring life, shipping, sailors, seamen, sponsors, marketing, flying angel, staff, chaplains, community, welfare, board members, 1998, portland mission, hastings mission, noyoun park, ted cosens, statistics, sea sunday, 2001, bill romney, reverend bishop jeremy ashton, nigel porteous, shipping sector, keith dann, roy hope, geelong mission, international year of volunteers, lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, heritage, judy douglas, noah park, donors, volunteers, maria culka, hlg, beverley kent nee oliver, ro kent, pat dann, abc news, betty ashton, xmas, christmas, joan leslie, ron reid, elizabeth fiddian, barbara bedford, reverend bill dalling, joy stanfield, lal simpson, audrey adderson, gwynne scott, pauline moye, marjorie duckett nee maclennan, three faithfuls, annette wood, don dunlop, bryan reid, christine edward, sadie wilson, andy knox, poem