Showing 38 items
matching gregor
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, c 1916
A mounted sepia coloured photograph of soldier Bob Gregor standing at ease in front of English flag.Printed on front: Under Vice Regal Patronage, The Ainar Studio, 571 Burwood Road, Auburn, Vic. Typewritten on white paper: Bob Gregor Handwritten on back: Bob Gregorthe ainar studio, photographers, gregor, bob, soldiers, armed forces, portraits, george evans collection -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Mitchell House, Penguin Land, 2015
Includes: viewing penguins in the 1920's; Summerland - AKT Sambell, 1944 Town Planning Act, the Summerland Comunity, and Summerland today. The author is a local resident and foundation member of the Surrey Hills Progress Association. Content is centred on the Phillip Island penguin parade and charts a conservation and development struggle that endured for almost 80 yearsContent is centered on the Phillip Island penguin parade and charts a conservation and development struggle that endured for almost 80 yearsSigned on inside cover page by author: Gregor Buchanan / 18/8/15penguins - phillip island, birds - victoria, wildlife conservation - victoria, phillip island penguin reserve - victoria, summerland estate -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Leigh Blackburn et al, Stokes - A Proud Heritage, 140 Years In Australian Manufacturing Industry - Leigh Blackburn and Gregor C. Eccleston, 2021
Hardcover book based on a history of the Stokes company up to the mid-1990s.Dedication (by Leigh Blackburn) - To my son Peter James Blackburn 1945-1991 who shared with me my association with the Stokes company. -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 21/09/1914
Mounted sepia photograph of 3 soldiers - identified as follows (L to R) R. S. Gregor, T. Gardner, R. Punshon (seated). They are with their rifles and there are tents in the background.Handwritten on paper: T. Gardiner, R. Gregor, V. R. Punshon. Handwritten on back: 21-9-14 with compliments to A. F. Boardman, from R. S. Gregor Expeditonary Force 7th Battalion E Company on the eve of Departure for the Front under Colonel Elliott / R. S. Gregor, T. Gardner, Roy Punshon Stamped on back: Hewitt, Photographer, 92 Regent St. North Richmondgardner, t., gregor, r., punshon, v. r., boardman, a. f., r. s., armed forces, roy, soldiers, gardiner, elliott, - (col.), photographers, hewitt, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
This is a photograph of Hannah Hillary, Annie Baker and Martha Gregor standing near the ruins of Lochton Flour Mill.A sepia photograph of three females standing next to the ruins of a bluestone building.Written on the back in biro:" Bulla Mill/Bob Gregor/18 Aitken Street/Sunbury. Left. Hannah Hilary/Right. Annie Baker/Annie, aunt of Hannah/ Annie, aunt of Bob Gregor/ Annie, sister /of/Martha.lochton mill, bluestone buildings, flour mills, deep creek, gregor, bob, hillary, hannah, baker, annie, martha, george evans collection -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, BUCHANAN, Gregor, Penguin land : how Phillip Island's little penguins beat the property developers and won an eighty year battle for survival, 2015
Inscribed 'To the Phillip Island & District Historical Society with best wishes G. Buchanan' -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1950s
These ladies were all staff at the Yakka factory in the 1950s.This is a copy of a b/w photograph of four women (L to R) Mrs Bob Gregor, Florrie Carlson, Marjorie Dunn and Mrs Ferguson in front of a corrugated iron fence and a house. Taken from written information on the back of the original photograph.gregor, bob (mrs), carlson, florrie, dunn, marjorie, ferguson, - (mrs), houses, fences, george evans collection -
Federation University Art Collection
Bookplate, [Untitled]
After a quiet period, interest in bookplates in Australia began to increase in the early 1970s, Entrepreneurial art and book collectors such as Edwin Jewell and others commissioned multiple Bookplate designs from a range of well known fine artists. At a 1997 meeting in Melbourne of the Ephemera Society of Australia Edwin Jewell and others announced the formation of the Australian Bookplate Society. The society was instrumental in promoting the art of the bookplate through establishment of the Australian Bookplate Design competition. The competition includes a design award for secondary schools students.Planes are depicted alongside what appears to be an air traffic control towerName in pencil on back Trent Gregorbookplate, printmaking, australian bookplate design award, keith wingrove memorial trust -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Bill Bowie- Councillor
Black & white photograph of William John, Mac Gregor, Bowie, Councillor, South East Ward, City of Nunawading, August 1993 to December 1994.bowie, bill, city of nunawading -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Bookmark, Human hair cross stitch bookmark, Circa mid 1800s
Owned by Charles Mc Gregor in 1866, Pyramid Rock Road. Donated by G W GliddonNeedlework. Cross stitch bookmark on perforated board. Black stitches-possibly human hair- with red border. Enclosed in carboard and plasticForget me not "words on the bookmark are made with human hair according to Jessie's story, which is doubtless correct. The writer remembers similar things being done with hair inthe 1890s" JWG [ J W Gliddon] 1970charles mcgregor, needlework, j w gliddon -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photographs - Colour, Hillman Award Agreement and Presentation, 1991, 1991
Lindsay F.J. Hillman was born in Ballarat, and attended the Ballarat Junior Technical School. He became a cadet in Electrical Engineering Laboratory at the Ballarat School of Mines where he gained eventually gained a student Teachership for diploma studies at the School. Hillman was particularly active and excelled in a wide range of sporting interests and in student activities. In 1928 and 1928 he was awarded the Ballarat School of Mines Honour blazer by the Old Boys' association for all round athletic ability, leadership and scholarship. After spending two years with the Melbourne City Council Electric Supply Department gaining industrial experience Hillman was awarded his Diploma of electrical engineering in 1931, returning to the School in 1932 to teach apprentices and senior students. Hillman was appointed lecturer in Engineering Design and Graphics in 1937, lecturer in Engineering Design and Civil Engineering in 1944, Lecturer-in-Charge of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in 1948 and Head of the Electrical Engineering Department in 1949, a position he held until his retirement in 1973. In 1975 Lindsay Hillman was appointed to the Council of the Ballarat School of Mines and played an active role in school affairs.As Vice-President of Council from 1981 until his death in 1991 Hillman took a leading part in the implementation of many of the major building projects on the Lydiard Street Campus. The L.F.J. Hillman Award was established by the Ballarat School of Mines Council in conjunction with and through the generosity of the Hillman family in honour of the late Lindsay Frederick John Hillman. The bronze medal was presented annually to an enrolled student in an accredited course in the field of electrical/electronics studies at the Ballarat School of Mines. specific Criteria for the Award consisted of a balance of academic performance, leadership qualities, commitment to further study and involvement in sporting and/or community groups. The first Hillman Award was presented in 1991. The recipients are: 1991: Paul Donald 1992 - Brett A. Hovey 1994 - Brent L. Ferguson 1995 - Kirsty McKenzie 1996 - Peter J. WhiteEighteen colour photographs of the signing of the Hillman award agreement and the first presentation of the award in 1991 to Paul Donald . .2) Gregor Hillman, Judith Tinney and Caroline Bethune .4) Judith Tinney or Caroline Bethune and Bill Gribble sign the agreement .8) Gregor Hillman, Judith Tinney and Caroline Bethune sign the agreement, along with President of the Ballarat School of Mines, Bill Gribble. .10) Paul Donald with his L.F.J. Hillman Award, 1991 .11) Ballarat School of Mines Principal, Peter Shiells, speaks at the lectern watched on by members of the Hillman family.ballarat school of mines, hillman, lindsay hillman, medal, numismatics, electrical engineering, electronics, gregor hillman. judith tinney, caroline bethune, tinney, bethune, hovey, ferguson, mckenzie, white, paul donald, donald -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - Aircraft Flight Test Recording And Analysis System Aftras
Clunes Museum
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Male Hospital Sunbury
The Male Hospital in Sunbury was one of the buildings that was within the grounds of the Sunbury Mental Hospital, later known as the Sunbury Asylum, that opened on 1st December 1879 on She-oak Hill ( Jacksons Hill). Patients and staff from the Ballarat Asylum were transferred there. Prior to the establishment of the Asylum, the Sunbury Industrial School occupied the site from 1865. The Sunbury Asylum, later known as Caloola, continued to operate until the 1992.The Sunbury Mental Hospital was an important institution and was the main source of employment for Sunbury residents for 120 years. It was also one of a number of similar institutions that were established around Melbourne's outer rural centres.A sepia non- digital photo in post card format of a hospital building with verandahs along a section of the front and down the side. Two nurses are standing in front. There are circular garden beds in from of the building. A message dated 23/11.09 from Gregor to Cookie has been written on the back of the card.MALE HOSPITAL/SUNBURYsunbury mental hospital, sunbury asylum, caloola, the hill -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from 2002. Bowls: South Bendigo's fours pennant team. Back row: Olive Crawford, Win Mc Gregor, Freda Goyne, Alma O'Brien, Lorna Cocks, Lila Steel, Nell Beck, Nell Armstrong, Cis Pitson, Vi Smith and Glad Brooks. Front row: Nell Stevenson, Tilly Jenkins, Ivy Symes, Helen Hill and Hilda Flett. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Booklet. ALEC H CHISHOLM COLLECTION. 36 page paper back of humorous stories and jokes about the good folk of Aberdeen, Scotland. Compiled by Allan Junior and illustrated by Gregor McGregor. 13th Edition printed and published in 1926 by Valentine & Sons Ltd, Dundee and London. Catalogue sticker ''2253 JUN'' on front cover. Handwritten in ink on flyleaf ''To all the dear Manse Folk with best Xmas wishes from Haidee Xmas 1926''Allan Juniorbooks, collections, humour, alec h chisholm collection, allan junior, scotland, jokes, humour. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - ENVELOPE- PHOTOS WW2, 1942 - 1945
Most of the photos were pasted on something originally so that now most of the writing is unreadable. Two large photos have stamped in red & blue on rear "Gepruft Stalag XVIII A". These were censored POW post cards. .1)The man standing centre is Walter FORBES VX953, on his right is Doug Gregor VX981. Both were POW's. Refer 1101, 1102, 1106..1) Envelope, fawn colour with B & W copy of original photo showing 3 soldiers set in photo corners on one end. The other end has typed details re the contents. .2)-.47) Forty-six photos inside the envelope, B & W, Sepia, all sizes up to Post card size covering the following subjects. War damage, scenes from N/Africa, prison camp, funerals in Germany, Group photos in Prison camp, working parties & concert parties in P.O.W - photographs, documents - envelopes, military history, pow, forbes -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Roman Catholic Presbytery
M.G. Gregor was staying at the Sunbury Presbytery when she wrote a message on the flip side of this postcard to her niece on 23rd June 1912. She may have been employed there as a housekeeper.The Catholic Presbytery was built at a cost of 1315 pounds and opened on 25th February 1912. Father Gallivan was the first priest to reside in the new Presbytery. The Presbytery is adjacent to Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Macedon Street.A post card of a non-digital sepia photograph of an Edwardian style brick house with a tiled roof and a return verandah. The house has a picket front fence. A handwritten message dated June 23rd 1923 is written on the flip side of the presbytery, catholic church, our lady of mount carmel catholic church, father gallivan -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. D'Arcy Wood, (1) 10/2002 (2) - (8) Undated, but presumably 1984
The Rev. Dr D'Arcy Wood, now retired and living in Riddells Creek, Victoria, has been President of the UCA, lecturer at Parkin-Wesley College in Adelaide, and parish minister. For full details, see Proceedings of the UC Historical Society Synod of Victoria & Tasmania, Vol. 22, No. 2, December 2015. For the story of the interview with Hugh Morgan, see C&N 25/7/1984.(1) Clipping from "The Star" showing Wood with 5 recipients of the Dr Wood Scholarship. (2) Head & shoulders Wood in alb and scar. (3) Wood with Rev. Dr Gregor Henderson as President and General Secretary of the UCA Assembly. (4) Wood preaching, wearing an academic gown. (5) Wood reclining in a chair. (6) Wood sitting at a table interviewing Hugh Morgan (see C&N 25/7/84). (7) Wood facing Hugh Morgan during the interview. (8) Wood leaning on the table during the interview with Hugh Morgan.Identification of Wood.wood, d'arcy -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Sunbury Powerhouse, c21st June 1910
The powerhouse in Sunbury began generating electricity for the town in 1908 after the Shire of Bulla saw the benefits of the town having electricity. It functioned until 1924 until the State Electricity Commission took over the project. The post card was written on 21 June 1910 and sent to a Miss Hillary who was living in Benalla. It was from her cousin Mr. Gregor who was a Sunbury resident. From the date on the card, the photograph must have been taken shortly after the powerhouse began operating. An engineer's cottage was built at the rear of the main building and it is still standing on its original site in Jackson Street,The establishment of an electricity supply for the town of Sunbury by the Shire of Bulla in the early decades of the twentieth century was a very advanced decision and brought lots of benefits to the town.A non-digital sepia photograph in post card format of the former Electric Powerhouse at Sunbury with a short message and address written on the back of the photograph To H.Hillary at Benalla from M.J.Gregor in Sunbury ELECTRIC POWERHOUSE/SUNBURY.electricity supplies., gregor, a., sunbury powerhouse -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, 1955, c1956
Title and List of Band Members. "38th BATTALION, NORTHERN VICTORIAN REGIMENT BAND 1955" Back row L. to R.: J. GRIFFITHS, ........... ............, L. FRANK, E. STANLEY, K. HOCKING. Second back row: J. DORBIE, J. BOLAND, A. CARTER. Third back row: A. SWIFT (BAND MASTER), L. PHAIR, W. ALLEN, A. TRAYES. Third front row: I. DEAUROGH, R. TREVASKIS, M. McDONALD, A. BISHOP, R. SWIFT, R. MITCHELL. Second front row: N. MILLAR, N. MARCHINGO, L. ELLIS, M. LAMBERT, R. CHRISTIE. Front row: H. MEEK, A. THOMPSON, J. RIPPER, G. WILKINSON, F. GILBERT, V. GREGOR, K. JINKS - DRUM MAJOR"Photograph, black and white on paper, a group photograph of a Regimental Band on parade, standing on grass. Cloth insignia - red background with white embroidered lettering above photograph. List of band members - black ink type written on white card below photograph. Mount - double mounted, exterior dark red colour cardboard, inner cream colour cardboard. Frame - timber with brown varnish finish, glass front and cardboard backing.Cloth Insignia Lettering "NORTHERN VICTORIAN REGIMENT".passchendaele barracks trust, framed accessories, photograph, 38th battalion, regiment band -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Hat box, early to mid-20th century
This large hat box was owned by Miss Katherine Robertson (now deceased). It was sold by Drews, a leather and travel goods shop in Melbourne, and has been made as good quality, sturdy travel luggage. It has its own leather luggage label buckled to the handle and there are remnants of labels on the base of the hat box, signifying that it has indeed been used as luggage. A hat box such as this one is made to protect, store and transport head wear. Hat boxes became popular in the 19th and early 20th century when hats were a part of the modern fashion. Inside the hat box is a brown paper wrapper with two Great Britain postage stamps attached. Both have the portrait image of Queen Elizabeth II (1) orange 1/2d (2) green ten pence. These stamps belong to the Wildings series and were issued 1952-1954. The wrapper was sent by J McGregor in Glasgow, Scotland to Katherine Robertson in Sale, Victoria. The postmark stamp shows it was sent in 1955. The paper had once been folded around something rectangular in shape, perhaps a book. The hat box was recently found by Archie’s daughter, niece of Katherine, when she was looking for something else in the ceiling of her home. The hat box had been there, with the brown paper wrapper inside, for about 30 years, forgotten by the family. There are no family members remaining now to tell the full story. ABOUT MISS KATHERINE ROBERTSON The Robertson family emigrated from the Isle of Wight and settled in Woorndoo, Western Victoria, Australia. Katherine Robinson was the 10th child of 13 children, born in 1906 and lived until 1995. The youngest child in the family was a boy named Archibald (Archie) who was born in 1911. His daughter is the donor of the hat box. Katherine went to school at Woorndoo and later became a trained teacher. She taught in many places, amongst them were Alexandria, Geelong, Sale, Stawell and Ballarat. People said “She was a school teacher 24 hours a day!” She was insistent on being called Miss Katherine Robinson, and no-one dare call her a shortened name in any way, not Kate, or Katie or even Kathie. She spoke with the authority of a teacher throughout her life, never asking but always giving her requests as orders. Miss Katherine Robinson remained single all her life. She bought items that were the best quality and workmanship, which gives reason for the strong and well-travelled hat box. She enjoyed going on trips and travelled the world twice. While on her journeys Katherine would knit Fair Isle patterned socks using fine 4 ply wool because she “Didn’t believe in wasting time!” Katherine’s niece remembers being in Melbourne at Station Pier, seeing her Aunt off on one of her journeys. She recalls the atmosphere and the colourful streamers in the air that celebrated the special occasion. Katherine travelled on the Oriana and Fair Star lines. ABOUT DREWS Drew’s, Leather Goods Specialists, was located at 70 Swanston St, corner of Queen’s Walk, Melbourne, at the time that this hat box was sold by the company. Queen’s Walk was constructed in 1889. It was a lavish ‘L’ shaped arcade that connected Swanston Street to Collins Street and was home to many specialist stores. In the 1950’s Drews address was advertised as Collins Street. In the late 1960’s Queen’s Walk was purchased by the Melbourne City Council and demolished in the early 1970’s, to be replaced by the Melbourne City Square. This very sturdy and good quality hat box is an example of travel luggage available to and used by the Victorian population of Australia in the early to mid-20th century. The retailer of this hat box, Drews, operated from premises on the corner of Swanston St and Queen’s Walk in Melbourne where many other specialist shops were located. Queen’s Walk was only in existence for around 70 years, 1889-late 1960, before it was demolished to make way for Melbourne’s City Square. Hat box, large, deep round shape with a straight section where lid is joined on at the back. Dated early to mid-1900’s. Brown coloured, textured heavy weight card box with folding metal carry handle, three clip closures for lid, metal hinge on back of lid. Purple maker’s label inside lid - DREWS, Leather Goods Specialists, Melbourne. Leather luggage tag has two rectangular cut-outs on front, attached with buckle strap. Underside of lid has two supporting leather straps attached to base. Base has inner cardboard liner around most of circumference. Contained inside are two leather straps with metal buckles. Label remnants, red, attached under base. Hat box was owned by Miss Katherine Robertson. Also inside is brown paper wrapper with three hand written addresses, in blue nib pen, and two attached Great Britain postage stamps, Queen Elizabeth II (1) Orange stamp, QE II, ½d (2) Green stamp, QE II, ten pence. It is postmarked [19] 55. Purple label has printing "70 SWANSTON STREET / Cr. QUEEN'S WALK / DREWS / LEATHER GOODS / SPECIALISTS / MELBOURNE". Wrapper inside has two hand written addresses (1J) Mrs. K. F. Robertson / 33 Mcalister Street / Sale / Victoria / Australia” (2) “from / J Mc Gregor / 15 Napier’s Hall St / Glasgow N W / Scotland” Postmark “ - -em 55” & “CLAS-“ OR “GLAS-“ [GLASGOW] flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, luggage, hat box, hatbox, hat storage box, hat travel case, hat case, bandbox, drews melbourne, drew’s melbourne, drew’s handbags, travel goods, travel luggage, hat box suitcase, hat box luggage, 1952-1954 gb postage stamps 1/2d orange queen elizabeth ii, katherine robertson, archibald (archie) robertson of woorndoo, j mcgregor -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1930-1939
The Sunbury Swimming Club held their events at the Sunbury Swimming Club. The narrow part of the creek was known as 'the Nook' where children had to swim across to get their swimming certificates.A sepia photograph of Sunbury Swimming Club, the building in the background is the ladies change room. Unmounted postcardsunbury swimming club, the nook, sunbury swimming pool, swimming pools, gregor, alex, billinghurst, beryl, francey, sandra, sport, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1930-1939
The flour mill was built in......A sepia photograph of Jackson's Creek, Sunbury. Unmounted postcardjackson's creek, sunbury, mills, eadies flour mill, billinghurst, beryl, francey, sandra, gregor, alex, eadie, john, george evans collection -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Musical Ensemble. Pirates of Penzance c1986
Stawell Musical Ensemble put on a series of musical concerts in Stawell from 1960's Now called Stawell Performing Arts SHS7183-1 K McGregor J Poole Ian Mc Gregor Joanne Craig SHS7183-2 SHS7183-3 Terri Holwell Craig Jan Bosher Barb Gronert SHS7183-4 Reg Bartlett Ian McGregor Rod Tonkin Wallis Henderson SHS7183-5 c.1990 Make up area Supper Room Pirates SHS7183-6 c.1990 Pirates of Penzance 2nd production Max Castle centre SHS7183-7 Heather Beagley Anna Baulch Fran Stewart SHS7183-8 1986 Pirates of Penzance Peter Byass Darren Murrell Stan Rae fr unk Joanne Craig SHS7183-9 SHS7183-10 c.1990 J Gyles conducting Rod Tonkin lead on R SHS7183-11 SHS7183-12 1986 Pirates of Penzance Liz Castle Bill O'Driscoll Pat Pickering Peter Byass Marie Maddern Rod Tonkin Gwen Anderson Reg Bartlett Jan Bosher Twelve colour photographs of Stawell Musical Ensemble players in plastic pocketsentertainment -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 14/08/1909
The Jackson Creek flooded on 14 August 1909 when the creek was 32 feet above sea level.A sepia photograph of the Jackson Creek in flood. Goonawarra winery is in the background. Unmounted postcardjackson's creek, goonawarra farm, sunbury, floods, gregor, bob, billinghurst, beryl, francey, sandra, alex, bridges, macedon street bridge, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 14/08/1909
The Jackson Creek flooded on 14 August 1909 when the creek was 32 feet above sea level.A sepia photograph of Powlett Street in the big flood of 1909. Unmounted postcardjackson's creek, powlett street, sunbury, floods, gregor, bob, billinghurst, beryl, francey, sandra, alex, our lady of mt carmel church, churches, 1909, george evans collection -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1920-1929
A sepia photograph of a soldier's memorial at sunbury at the intersection of Macedon Street, Barkly Street and Stawell Street before it was moved. Stawell Street was closed off and now forms part of the Village Green precinct. Unmounted postcardmonuments and memorials, soldiers, armed forces, returned servicepeople, returned servicemens league, gregor, alex, billinghurst, beryl, francey, sandra, world war 2, world war 1, sunbury, macedon street, stawell street, village green, george evans collection -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, 4th Annual Mayoral Ball, City of Nunawading, 14/06/1949 12:00:00 AM
Framed Black and white photo of 4th Annual Mayoral Ball, City of Nunawading, Mayor & Mayoress: Cr. & Mrs L.J. Sutherland.mcnaughton, ann, moore, graham, o'sullivan, kevin, perry, tom, drummond, pamela, christie, graham, balding, pauline, wood, robert, mitchell, patricia, cox, len, boyle, norma, prince, norman, williams, anne, gregor, bryce, williams, beverley, ellis, james, bishop, isabel, osterlund, greta, tanner, john, ellis, margaret, skewes, eric william, ramsay, fay, hanly, dorothea, bishop, glen, wood, joyce, debutante ball, city of nunawading, debutantes -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, 1920-1929
A black and white school photo taken at Sunbury State School in the, schools, sunbury state school, fletcher, l., photographers, shepherd, len, seibler, george, schnedier, max, baylis, charles, syd, dunn, robert, mitchell, ron, mann, keith, gregor, douglas, lewis, jock, bert, noonan, emily, smith, hannah, beryl, ingram, mary, sleeth, marie, watts, marjorie, bowman, grimmet, nellie, munro, grace, roper, jack, chrissie, oats, dorothy, fisher, freda, forbes, margaret, boardman, joan, maud, rodgers, joe, straide, billie, noel, bragg, frank, bayliss, jimmie, staib, oswald, george evans collection