Historical information
Items used in Research for Book - "Penguin Land" by Gregor Buchanan
Physical description
1162-01 Article from the Wonthaggi Express - Penguin Parade Admission
1162-02 Brochure called "The Short Way to Cowes" detailing taking the train from Flinders Street Railway Station, Melbourne to Stony Point then by Ferry to Cowes
1162-03 Pg 1 & 2 - Souvenir Programme "Music for the People" to be held weather permitting on the Cowes Foreshore at 2pm February 20th, 1955
1162-04 - Card - Drawing of a Fur Seal - one of the 5000-odd Seals on Seal Rocks, as seen from The Nobbies Road House, Phillip Island
1162-05 Pg 1 & 2 - Cowes - Dandenong Road Service showing Daily Road Route and connection from Dandenong to Flinders St. Melbourne. Time Table to and from Cowes to Dandenong