Showing 1536 items
matching high street road
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Gold discovery at Mount Waverley, 1967
... high street road... near the corner of Springvale Road and High Street Road... of Springvale Road and High Street Road. Article - In 1896 gold ...Article - In 1896 gold was discovered at Mount Waverley near the corner of Springvale Road and High Street Road.Article - In 1896 gold was discovered at Mount Waverley near the corner of Springvale Road and High Street Road. The discoverer, Mr P. Holland, sunk a shaft and the ground for miles was pegged out and prospectors were busy in the gullies searching for alluvial gold.Article - In 1896 gold was discovered at Mount Waverley near the corner of Springvale Road and High Street Road. mines and mining, high street road, glen waverley, springvale road, goldmining -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stewart West, Junction of High Street and Cotham Road, Kew, 2001, 2001
... Junction of High Street and Cotham Road, Kew, 2001... Street and Cotham Road, Kew. The photo was shot in 2001. It shows... of High Street and Cotham Road, Kew. The photo was shot in 2001 ...Photograph taken by Stuart West for an exhibit comparing past and present streetscapes in KewColour photograph by Stuart West of the junction of High Street and Cotham Road, Kew. The photo was shot in 2001. It shows the Kew War Memorial, former Post Office and Court House.kew post office, cotham road (kew), high steet (kew) -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Public Works Department, "16/298 - Tramway Along Victoria St, Barkers Road and High Street to Burke Road", 1914 to 1916
... "16/298 - Tramway Along Victoria St, Barkers Road and High... Along Victoria St, Barkers Road and High Street to Burke Road... - Tramway Along Victoria St, Barkers Road and High Street to Burke ...Folder with papers or file with manila covers, secured with white cloth shoelace type retaining mechanism and red Bakelite type clips containing papers concerned with the construction of the tramway extension at Victoria Bridge (to run alongside the cable tram), the conversion of Kew Horse Tramway and construction of a new electric tramway to Burke Road - titled "16/298 - Tramway Along Victoria St, Barkers Road and High Street to Burke Road". Compiled by the Public Works Department of Victoria - generally dated 1914 to 1916 Shows the nature of the paperwork required for an Act of Parliament to authorise the work, orders in Council, drafts, actual copies of Parliamentary documents, letters to and from Councils, Members of Parliament, PMTT, plans, bridges and footpaths. Includes letters with the City of Collingwood, Kew and Richmond.trams, tramways, kew, high st, victoria st, bridges, collingwood, barkers rd, construction, cable trams, burke rd, pmtt, public works department, parliament -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studio, Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965
... Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High.... South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles.... No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking ...Research provided by Stuart Tompkins Studio, Box Hill, into alternatives for median strip street lighting to be used in Burke Road, Kew. The photographers identified variants in different suburbs appropriate to Kew's needs.The series from which the photograph is drawn provides a snapshot by a commercial photographic studio of each named vicinity in 1965 as well as providing examples of public works infrastructure being commissioned by local government in the 1960s. The photos originally formed part of the Engineering Department's files in the City of Kew before being donated to the kew Historical Society.Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965. Stuart Tompkins Studio provided this photograph for the Kew City Council. The photograph, taken at the intersection of Warrigal Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High Street Road. The intent of the photograph was to provide the Council with models of electricity supply poles. In the photo, wooden and steel poles can be seen in the median strip. The photograph also includes the shops bordering High Street Road during this period. [There are three copies of this photograph in the Collection.]. Typed inscription on reverse: "Electricity Supply Poles. Photographed for Kew City Council 8/2/65. No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles with different brackets in median strip." Studio stamp: "Stuart Tompkins Studio. 547 Station Street, Box Hill. WX1439."electric light poles, public works -- 1960s, civic infrastructure -- 1960s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studio, Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965
... Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High.... South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles.... No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking ...Research provided by Stuart Tompkins Studio, Box Hill, into alternatives for median strip street lighting to be used in Burke Road, Kew. The photographers identified variants in different suburbs appropriate to Kew's needs.The series from which the photograph is drawn provides a snapshot by a commercial photographic studio of each named vicinity in 1965 as well as providing examples of public works infrastructure being commissioned by local government in the 1960s. The photos originally formed part of the Engineering Department's files in the City of Kew before being donated to the kew Historical Society.Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965. Stuart Tompkins Studio provided this photograph for the Kew City Council. The photograph, taken at the intersection of Warrigal Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High Street Road. The intent of the photograph was to provide the Council with models of electricity supply poles. In the photo, wooden and steel poles can be seen in the median strip. The photograph also includes the shops bordering High Street Road during this period. [There are three copies of this photograph in the Collection.]. Typed inscription on reverse: "Electricity Supply Poles. Photographed for Kew City Council 8/2/65. No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles with different brackets in median strip." Studio stamp: "Stuart Tompkins Studio. 547 Station Street, Box Hill. WX1439."electric light poles, civic infrastructure - 1960s, public works -- 1960s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studio, Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965
... Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High.... South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles.... No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking ...Research provided by Stuart Tompkins Studio, Box Hill, into alternatives for median strip street lighting to be used in Burke Road, Kew. The photographers identified variants in different suburbs appropriate to Kew's needs.The series from which the photograph is drawn provides a snapshot by a commercial photographic studio of each named vicinity in 1965 as well as providing examples of public works infrastructure being commissioned by local government in the 1960s. The photos originally formed part of the Engineering Department's files in the City of Kew before being donated to the kew Historical Society.Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965. Stuart Tompkins Studio provided this photograph for the Kew City Council. The photograph, taken at the intersection of Warrigal Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High Street Road. The intent of the photograph was to provide the Council with models of electricity supply poles. In the photo, wooden and steel poles can be seen in the median strip. The photograph also includes the shops bordering High Street Road during this period. [There are three copies of this photograph in the Collection.]. Typed inscription on reverse: "Electricity Supply Poles. Photographed for Kew City Council 8/2/65. No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles with different brackets in median strip." Studio stamp: "Stuart Tompkins Studio. 547 Station Street, Box Hill. WX1439."electric light poles, public infrastructure -- 1960s, civic works -- 1960s -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Digital photograph, George L Coop, Whitehorse Road Mont Albert during road widening, 1958, c1958
... Street and Whitehorse Road (39 High Street) can be seen... on the corner of High Street and Whitehorse Road (39 High Street) can ...The donor George Lister Coop was about 21 years of age when he took this photo in 1958 as Whitehorse Road was being widened. This was done in sections. It was taken from adjacent to the Coop family home at No.688. The house on the corner of High Street and Whitehorse Road (39 High Street) can be seen in the middle distance. A digital copy of a colour photograph of Whitehorse Road, Mont Albert looking towards Box Hill. The chimneys of Box Hill Gasworks can be seen in the distance. It was taken from adjacent to No l coop, whitehorse road, box hill gas works, mont albert, 39 high street, road works -
Castlemaine Art Museum
Photograph - Black and white print, Fryerstown, looking north west, taken from High Street on the road going down the hill at "breakneck"
... Fryerstown, looking north west, taken from High Street on... goldfields Fryerstown, looking north west, taken from High Street ... -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Boroondara General Cemetery Gatehouse, c2005-2015
... High Street & Parkhill Road, Kew, Victoria, Australia... Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's ...The Boroondara General Cemetery is registerd by Heritage VictoriaBoroondara Cemetery in kew was established in 1858. It has an unusual triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's lodge and administrative office (1860 designed by Charles Vickers, additions, 1866-1899 by Albert Purchas) form a picturesque two-storey brick structure with a slate roof and clock tower. A rotunda or shelter (1890, Albert Purchas) is located in the centre of the cemetery: this has an octagonal hipped roof with fish scale slates and a decorative brick base with a tessellated floor and timber seating. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2.7 metre high ornamental red brick wall (1895-96, Albert Purchas) with some sections of vertical iron palisades between brick pillars. Albert Purchas was a prominent Melbourne architect who was the Secretary of the Melbourne General Cemetery from 1852 to 1907 and Chairman of the Boroondara Cemetery Board of Trustees from 1867 to 1909. He made a significant contribution to the design of the Boroondara Cemetery Boroondara Cemetery is an outstanding example of the Victorian Garden Cemetery movement in Victoria, retaining key elements of the style, despite overdevelopment which has obscured some of the paths and driveways. Elements of the style represented at Boroondara include an ornamental boundary fence, a system of curving paths which are kerbed and follow the site's natural contours, defined views, recreational facilities such as the rotunda, a landscaped park like setting, sectarian divisions for burials, impressive monuments, wrought and cast iron grave surrounds and exotic symbolic plantings. In the 1850s cemeteries were located on the periphery of populated areas because of concerns about diseases like cholera. They were designed to be attractive places for mourners and visitors to walk and contemplate. Typically cemeteries were arranged to keep religions separated and this tended to maintain links to places of origin, reflecting a migrant society. Other developments included cast iron entrance gates, built in 1889 to a design by Albert Purchas; a cemetery shelter or rotunda, built in 1890, which is a replica of one constructed in the Melbourne General Cemetery in the same year; an ornamental brick fence erected in 1896-99(?); the construction and operation of a terminus for a horse tram at the cemetery gates during 1887-1915; and the Springthorpe Memorial built between 1897 and 1907. A brick cremation wall and a memorial rose garden were constructed near the entrance in the mid- twentieth century(c.1955-57) and a mausoleum completed in 2001.The maintenance shed/depot close to High Street was constructed in 1987. The original entrance was altered in 2000 and the original cast iron gates moved to the eastern entrance of the Mausoleum. Some notable memorials include The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522), The Syme Memorial (1908), The Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036). Burials within the cemetery include the Henty family, artists Louis Buvelot and Charles Nuttall, businessmen John Halfey and publisher David Syme, artist and diarist Georgiana McCrae, actress Nellie Stewart and architect and designer of the Boroondara and Melbourne General Cemeteries, Albert Purchas. The Boroondara Cemetery features many plants, mostly conifers and shrubs of funerary symbolism, which line the boundaries, road and pathways, and frame the cemetery monuments or are planted on graves. The major plantings include an impressive row of Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa), interplanted with Sweet Pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), and a few Pittosporum crassifolium, along the High Street and Parkhill Street, where the planting is dominated by Sweet Pittosporum. Planting within the cemetery includes rows and specimen trees of Bhutan Cypress and Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), including a row with alternate plantings of both species. The planting includes an unusual "squat" form of an Italian Cypress. More of these trees probably lined the cemetery roads and paths. Also dominating the cemetery landscape near the Rotunda is a stand of 3 Canary Island Pines (Pinus canariensis), a Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) and a Weeping Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'). Amongst the planting are the following notable conifers: a towering Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii), a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), a rare Golden Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea'), two large Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris), and the only known Queensland Kauri (Agathis robusta) in a cemetery in Victoria. The Cemetery records, including historical plans of the cemetery from 1859, are held by the administration and their retention enhances the historical significance of the Cemetery. Digital images of a red brick gatehouse at Boroondara General Cemetery in Kew.cemetery, boroondara, kew, gatehouse, clock, tower, clocktower, heritage, memorial -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Boroondara General Cemetery Springthorpe Memorial, c2005-2015
... High Street & Parkhill Road, Kew, Victoria, Australia... triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road ...The Boroondara General Cemetery is registerd by Heritage VictoriaFrom Heritage Victoria Statement of Significance Last updated on - December 15, 2005 What is significant? Boroondara Cemetery, established in 1858, is within an unusual triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's lodge and administrative office (1860 designed by Charles Vickers, additions, 1866-1899 by Albert Purchas) form a picturesque two-storey brick structure with a slate roof and clock tower. A rotunda or shelter (1890, Albert Purchas) is located in the centre of the cemetery: this has an octagonal hipped roof with fish scale slates and a decorative brick base with a tessellated floor and timber seating. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2.7 metre high ornamental red brick wall (1895-96, Albert Purchas) with some sections of vertical iron palisades between brick pillars. Albert Purchas was a prominent Melbourne architect who was the Secretary of the Melbourne General Cemetery from 1852 to 1907 and Chairman of the Boroondara Cemetery Board of Trustees from 1867 to 1909. He made a significant contribution to the design of the Boroondara Cemetery Boroondara Cemetery is an outstanding example of the Victorian Garden Cemetery movement in Victoria, retaining key elements of the style, despite overdevelopment which has obscured some of the paths and driveways. Elements of the style represented at Boroondara include an ornamental boundary fence, a system of curving paths which are kerbed and follow the site's natural contours, defined views, recreational facilities such as the rotunda, a landscaped park like setting, sectarian divisions for burials, impressive monuments, wrought and cast iron grave surrounds and exotic symbolic plantings. In the 1850s cemeteries were located on the periphery of populated areas because of concerns about diseases like cholera. They were designed to be attractive places for mourners and visitors to walk and contemplate. Typically cemeteries were arranged to keep religions separated and this tended to maintain links to places of origin, reflecting a migrant society. Other developments included cast iron entrance gates, built in 1889 to a design by Albert Purchas; a cemetery shelter or rotunda, built in 1890, which is a replica of one constructed in the Melbourne General Cemetery in the same year; an ornamental brick fence erected in 1896-99(?); the construction and operation of a terminus for a horse tram at the cemetery gates during 1887-1915; and the Springthorpe Memorial built between 1897 and 1907. A brick cremation wall and a memorial rose garden were constructed near the entrance in the mid- twentieth century(c.1955-57) and a mausoleum completed in 2001.The maintenance shed/depot close to High Street was constructed in 1987. The original entrance was altered in 2000 and the original cast iron gates moved to the eastern entrance of the Mausoleum. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522) set at the entrance to the burial ground commemorates Annie Springthorpe, and was erected between 1897 and 1907 by her husband Dr John Springthorpe. It was the work of the sculptor Bertram Mackennal, architect Harold Desbrowe Annear, landscape designer and Director of the Melbourne Bortanic Gardens, W.R. Guilfoyle, with considerable input from Dr Springthorpe The memorial is in the form of a small temple in a primitive Doric style. It was designed by Harold Desbrowe Annear and includes Bertram Mackennal sculptures in Carrara marble. Twelve columns of deep green granite from Scotland support a Harcourt granite superstructure. The roof by Brooks Robinson is a coloured glass dome, which sits within the rectangular form and behind the pediments. The sculptural group raised on a dais, consists of the deceased woman lying on a sarcophagus with an attending angel and mourner. The figure of Grief crouches at the foot of the bier and an angel places a wreath over Annie's head, symbolising the triumph of immortal life over death. The body of the deceased was placed in a vault below. The bronze work is by Marriots of Melbourne. Professor Tucker of the University of Melbourne composed appropriate inscriptions in English and archaic Greek lettering.. The floor is a geometric mosaic and the glass dome roof is of Tiffany style lead lighting in hues of reds and pinks in a radiating pattern. The memorial originally stood in a landscape triangular garden of about one acre near the entrance to the cemetery. However, after Dr Springthorpe's death in 1933 it was found that transactions for the land had not been fully completed so most of it was regained by the cemetery. A sundial and seat remain. The building is almost completely intact. The only alteration has been the removal of a glass canopy over the statuary and missing chains between posts. The Argus (26 March 1933) considered the memorial to be the most beautiful work of its kind in Australia. No comparable buildings are known. The Syme Memorial (1908) is a memorial to David Syme, political economist and publisher of the Melbourne Age newspaper. The Egyptian memorial designed by architect Arthur Peck is one of the most finely designed and executed pieces of monumental design in Melbourne. It has a temple like form with each column having a different capital detail. These support a cornice that curves both inwards and outwards. The tomb also has balustradings set between granite piers which create porch spaces leading to the entrance ways. Two variegated Port Jackson Figs are planted at either end. The Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036) was constructed in 1912-13 by Sir Leo Cussen in memory of his young son Hubert. Sir Leo Finn Bernard Cussen (1859-1933), judge and member of the Victorian Supreme Court in 1906. was buried here. The family memorial is one of the larger and more impressive memorials in the cemetery and is an interesting example of the 1930s Gothic Revival style architecture. It takes the form of a small chapel with carvings, diamond shaped roof tiles and decorated ridge embellishing the exterior. By the 1890s, the Boroondara Cemetery was a popular destination for visitors and locals admiring the beauty of the grounds and the splendid monuments. The edge of suburban settlement had reached the cemetery in the previous decade. Its Victorian garden design with sweeping curved drives, hill top views and high maintenance made it attractive. In its Victorian Garden Cemetery design, Boroondara was following an international trend. The picturesque Romanticism of the Pere la Chaise garden cemetery established in Paris in 1804 provided a prototype for great metropolitan cemeteries such as Kensal Green (1883) and Highgate (1839) in London and the Glasgow Necropolis (1831). Boroondara Cemetery was important in establishing this trend in Australia. The cemetery's beauty peaked with the progressive completion of the spectacular Springthorpe Memorial between 1899 and 1907. From about the turn of the century, the trustees encroached on the original design, having repeatedly failed in attempts to gain more land. The wide plantations around road boundaries, grassy verges around clusters of graves in each denomination, and most of the landscaped surround to the Springthorpe memorial are now gone. Some of the original road and path space were resumed for burial purposes. The post war period saw an increased use of the Cemetery by newer migrant groups. The mid- to late- twentieth century monuments were often placed on the grassed edges of the various sections and encroached on the roadways as the cemetery had reached the potential foreseen by its design. These were well tended in comparison with Victorian monuments which have generally been left to fall into a state of neglect. The Boroondara Cemetery features many plants, mostly conifers and shrubs of funerary symbolism, which line the boundaries, road and pathways, and frame the cemetery monuments or are planted on graves. The major plantings include an impressive row of Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa), interplanted with Sweet Pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), and a few Pittosporum crassifolium, along the High Street and Parkhill Street, where the planting is dominated by Sweet Pittosporum. Planting within the cemetery includes rows and specimen trees of Bhutan Cypress and Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), including a row with alternate plantings of both species. The planting includes an unusual "squat" form of an Italian Cypress. More of these trees probably lined the cemetery roads and paths. Also dominating the cemetery landscape near the Rotunda is a stand of 3 Canary Island Pines (Pinus canariensis), a Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) and a Weeping Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii') Amongst the planting are the following notable conifers: a towering Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii), a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), a rare Golden Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea'), two large Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris), and the only known Queensland Kauri (Agathis robusta) in a cemetery in Victoria. The Cemetery records, including historical plans of the cemetery from 1859, are held by the administration and their retention enhances the historical significance of the Cemetery. How is it significant? Boroondara Cemetery is of aesthetic, architectural, scientific (botanical) and historical significance to the State of Victoria. Why is it significant? The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical and aesthetic significance as an outstanding example of a Victorian garden cemetery. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance as a record of Victorian life from the 1850s, and the early settlement of Kew. It is also significant for its ability to demonstrate, through the design and location of the cemetery, attitudes towards burial, health concerns and the importance placed on religion, at the time of its establishment. The Boroondara Cemetery is of architectural significance for the design of the gatehouse or sexton's lodge and cemetery office (built in stages from 1860 to 1899), the ornamental brick perimeter fence and elegant cemetery shelter to the design of prominent Melbourne architects, Charles Vickers (for the original 1860 cottage) and Albert Purchas, cemetery architect and secretary from 1864 to his death in 1907. The Boroondara Cemetery has considerable aesthetic significance which is principally derived from its tranquil, picturesque setting; its impressive memorials and monuments; its landmark features such as the prominent clocktower of the sexton's lodge and office, the mature exotic plantings, the decorative brick fence and the entrance gates; its defined views; and its curving paths. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522), the Syme Memorial and the Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036), all contained within the Boroondara Cemetery, are of aesthetic and architectural significance for their creative and artistic achievement. The Boroondara Cemetery is of scientific (botanical) significance for its collection of rare mature exotic plantings. The Golden Funeral Cypress, (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea') is the only known example in Victoria. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance for the graves, monuments and epitaphs of a number of individuals whose activities have played a major part in Australia's history. They include the Henty family, artists Louis Buvelot and Charles Nuttall, businessmen John Halfey and publisher David Syme, artist and diarist Georgiana McCrae, actress Nellie Stewart and architect and designer of the Boroondara and Melbourne General Cemeteries, Albert Purchas.Digital image of the Springthorpe Memorial in the Boroondara General Cemeterycemetery, boroondara, kew, gatehouse, clock, tower, clocktower, heritage, memorial, springthorpe memorial -
Ballarat Heritage Services
photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Syme Memorial Boroondara General Cemetery, c2010, c2005-2015
... High Street & Parkhill Road, Kew, Victoria, Australia... by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew ...The Boroondara General Cemetery is registered by Heritage VictoriaFrom Heritage Victoria Statement of Significance Last updated on - December 15, 2005 (undated change to citation made since 2005) What is significant? Boroondara Cemetery, established in 1858, is within an unusual triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's lodge and administrative office (1860 designed by Charles Vickers, additions, 1866-1899 by Albert Purchas) form a picturesque two-storey brick structure with a slate roof and clock tower. A rotunda or shelter (1890, Albert Purchas) is located in the centre of the cemetery: this has an octagonal hipped roof with fish scale slates and a decorative brick base with a tessellated floor and timber seating. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2.7 metre high ornamental red brick wall (1895-96, Albert Purchas) with some sections of vertical iron palisades between brick pillars. Albert Purchas was a prominent Melbourne architect who was the Secretary of the Melbourne General Cemetery from 1852 to 1907 and Chairman of the Boroondara Cemetery Board of Trustees from 1867 to 1909. He made a significant contribution to the design of the Boroondara Cemetery. Boroondara Cemetery is an outstanding example of the Victorian Garden Cemetery movement in Victoria, retaining key elements of the style, despite overdevelopment which has obscured some of the paths and driveways. Elements of the style represented at Boroondara include an ornamental boundary fence, a system of curving paths which are kerbed and follow the site's natural contours, defined views, recreational facilities such as the rotunda, a landscaped park like setting, sectarian divisions for burials, impressive monuments, wrought and cast iron grave surrounds and exotic symbolic plantings. In the 1850s cemeteries were located on the periphery of populated areas because of concerns about diseases like cholera. They were designed to be attractive places for mourners and visitors to walk and contemplate. Typically cemeteries were arranged to keep religions separated and this tended to maintain links to places of origin, reflecting a migrant society. Other developments included cast iron entrance gates, built in 1889 to a design by Albert Purchas; a cemetery shelter or rotunda, built in 1890, which is a replica of one constructed in the Melbourne General Cemetery in the same year; an ornamental brick fence erected in 1896-99(?); the construction and operation of a terminus for a horse tram at the cemetery gates during 1887-1915; and the Springthorpe Memorial built between 1897 and 1907. ... ... The Syme Memorial (1908) is a memorial to David Syme, political economist and publisher of the Melbourne Age newspaper. The Egyptian memorial designed by architect Walter Richmond Butler is one of the most finely designed and executed pieces of monumental design in Melbourne. It has a temple like form with each column having a different capital detail. These support a cornice that curves both inwards and outwards. The tomb also has balustradings set between granite piers which create porch spaces leading to the entrance ways. Two variegated Port Jackson Figs are planted at either end. ... How is it significant? Boroondara Cemetery is of aesthetic, architectural, scientific (botanical) and historical significance to the State of Victoria. ... ...Digital image of the Syme memorial in Boroondara Cemetery, Kew. cemetery, boroondara, kew, gatehouse, clock, tower, clocktower, heritage, memorial -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, Cussen Memorial in the Boroondara General Cemetery, Kew, Victoria, c2005-2015
... High Street & Parkhill Road, Kew, Victoria, Australia... triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road ...The Boroondara General Cemetery is registerd by Heritage VictoriaFrom Heritage Victoria Statement of Significance Last updated on - December 15, 2005 What is significant? Boroondara Cemetery, established in 1858, is within an unusual triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's lodge and administrative office (1860 designed by Charles Vickers, additions, 1866-1899 by Albert Purchas) form a picturesque two-storey brick structure with a slate roof and clock tower. A rotunda or shelter (1890, Albert Purchas) is located in the centre of the cemetery: this has an octagonal hipped roof with fish scale slates and a decorative brick base with a tessellated floor and timber seating. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2.7 metre high ornamental red brick wall (1895-96, Albert Purchas) with some sections of vertical iron palisades between brick pillars. Albert Purchas was a prominent Melbourne architect who was the Secretary of the Melbourne General Cemetery from 1852 to 1907 and Chairman of the Boroondara Cemetery Board of Trustees from 1867 to 1909. He made a significant contribution to the design of the Boroondara Cemetery Boroondara Cemetery is an outstanding example of the Victorian Garden Cemetery movement in Victoria, retaining key elements of the style, despite overdevelopment which has obscured some of the paths and driveways. Elements of the style represented at Boroondara include an ornamental boundary fence, a system of curving paths which are kerbed and follow the site's natural contours, defined views, recreational facilities such as the rotunda, a landscaped park like setting, sectarian divisions for burials, impressive monuments, wrought and cast iron grave surrounds and exotic symbolic plantings. In the 1850s cemeteries were located on the periphery of populated areas because of concerns about diseases like cholera. They were designed to be attractive places for mourners and visitors to walk and contemplate. Typically cemeteries were arranged to keep religions separated and this tended to maintain links to places of origin, reflecting a migrant society. Other developments included cast iron entrance gates, built in 1889 to a design by Albert Purchas; a cemetery shelter or rotunda, built in 1890, which is a replica of one constructed in the Melbourne General Cemetery in the same year; an ornamental brick fence erected in 1896-99(?); the construction and operation of a terminus for a horse tram at the cemetery gates during 1887-1915; and the Springthorpe Memorial built between 1897 and 1907. A brick cremation wall and a memorial rose garden were constructed near the entrance in the mid- twentieth century(c.1955-57) and a mausoleum completed in 2001.The maintenance shed/depot close to High Street was constructed in 1987. The original entrance was altered in 2000 and the original cast iron gates moved to the eastern entrance of the Mausoleum. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522) set at the entrance to the burial ground commemorates Annie Springthorpe, and was erected between 1897 and 1907 by her husband Dr John Springthorpe. It was the work of the sculptor Bertram Mackennal, architect Harold Desbrowe Annear, landscape designer and Director of the Melbourne Bortanic Gardens, W.R. Guilfoyle, with considerable input from Dr Springthorpe The memorial is in the form of a small temple in a primitive Doric style. It was designed by Harold Desbrowe Annear and includes Bertram Mackennal sculptures in Carrara marble. Twelve columns of deep green granite from Scotland support a Harcourt granite superstructure. The roof by Brooks Robinson is a coloured glass dome, which sits within the rectangular form and behind the pediments. The sculptural group raised on a dais, consists of the deceased woman lying on a sarcophagus with an attending angel and mourner. The figure of Grief crouches at the foot of the bier and an angel places a wreath over Annie's head, symbolising the triumph of immortal life over death. The body of the deceased was placed in a vault below. The bronze work is by Marriots of Melbourne. Professor Tucker of the University of Melbourne composed appropriate inscriptions in English and archaic Greek lettering.. The floor is a geometric mosaic and the glass dome roof is of Tiffany style lead lighting in hues of reds and pinks in a radiating pattern. The memorial originally stood in a landscape triangular garden of about one acre near the entrance to the cemetery. However, after Dr Springthorpe's death in 1933 it was found that transactions for the land had not been fully completed so most of it was regained by the cemetery. A sundial and seat remain. The building is almost completely intact. The only alteration has been the removal of a glass canopy over the statuary and missing chains between posts. The Argus (26 March 1933) considered the memorial to be the most beautiful work of its kind in Australia. No comparable buildings are known. The Syme Memorial (1908) is a memorial to David Syme, political economist and publisher of the Melbourne Age newspaper. The Egyptian memorial designed by architect Arthur Peck is one of the most finely designed and executed pieces of monumental design in Melbourne. It has a temple like form with each column having a different capital detail. These support a cornice that curves both inwards and outwards. The tomb also has balustradings set between granite piers which create porch spaces leading to the entrance ways. Two variegated Port Jackson Figs are planted at either end. The Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036) was constructed in 1912-13 by Sir Leo Cussen in memory of his young son Hubert. Sir Leo Finn Bernard Cussen (1859-1933), judge and member of the Victorian Supreme Court in 1906. was buried here. The family memorial is one of the larger and more impressive memorials in the cemetery and is an interesting example of the 1930s Gothic Revival style architecture. It takes the form of a small chapel with carvings, diamond shaped roof tiles and decorated ridge embellishing the exterior. By the 1890s, the Boroondara Cemetery was a popular destination for visitors and locals admiring the beauty of the grounds and the splendid monuments. The edge of suburban settlement had reached the cemetery in the previous decade. Its Victorian garden design with sweeping curved drives, hill top views and high maintenance made it attractive. In its Victorian Garden Cemetery design, Boroondara was following an international trend. The picturesque Romanticism of the Pere la Chaise garden cemetery established in Paris in 1804 provided a prototype for great metropolitan cemeteries such as Kensal Green (1883) and Highgate (1839) in London and the Glasgow Necropolis (1831). Boroondara Cemetery was important in establishing this trend in Australia. The cemetery's beauty peaked with the progressive completion of the spectacular Springthorpe Memorial between 1899 and 1907. From about the turn of the century, the trustees encroached on the original design, having repeatedly failed in attempts to gain more land. The wide plantations around road boundaries, grassy verges around clusters of graves in each denomination, and most of the landscaped surround to the Springthorpe memorial are now gone. Some of the original road and path space were resumed for burial purposes. The post war period saw an increased use of the Cemetery by newer migrant groups. The mid- to late- twentieth century monuments were often placed on the grassed edges of the various sections and encroached on the roadways as the cemetery had reached the potential foreseen by its design. These were well tended in comparison with Victorian monuments which have generally been left to fall into a state of neglect. The Boroondara Cemetery features many plants, mostly conifers and shrubs of funerary symbolism, which line the boundaries, road and pathways, and frame the cemetery monuments or are planted on graves. The major plantings include an impressive row of Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa), interplanted with Sweet Pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), and a few Pittosporum crassifolium, along the High Street and Parkhill Street, where the planting is dominated by Sweet Pittosporum. Planting within the cemetery includes rows and specimen trees of Bhutan Cypress and Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), including a row with alternate plantings of both species. The planting includes an unusual "squat" form of an Italian Cypress. More of these trees probably lined the cemetery roads and paths. Also dominating the cemetery landscape near the Rotunda is a stand of 3 Canary Island Pines (Pinus canariensis), a Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) and a Weeping Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii') Amongst the planting are the following notable conifers: a towering Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii), a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), a rare Golden Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea'), two large Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris), and the only known Queensland Kauri (Agathis robusta) in a cemetery in Victoria. The Cemetery records, including historical plans of the cemetery from 1859, are held by the administration and their retention enhances the historical significance of the Cemetery. How is it significant? Boroondara Cemetery is of aesthetic, architectural, scientific (botanical) and historical significance to the State of Victoria. Why is it significant? The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical and aesthetic significance as an outstanding example of a Victorian garden cemetery. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance as a record of Victorian life from the 1850s, and the early settlement of Kew. It is also significant for its ability to demonstrate, through the design and location of the cemetery, attitudes towards burial, health concerns and the importance placed on religion, at the time of its establishment. The Boroondara Cemetery is of architectural significance for the design of the gatehouse or sexton's lodge and cemetery office (built in stages from 1860 to 1899), the ornamental brick perimeter fence and elegant cemetery shelter to the design of prominent Melbourne architects, Charles Vickers (for the original 1860 cottage) and Albert Purchas, cemetery architect and secretary from 1864 to his death in 1907. The Boroondara Cemetery has considerable aesthetic significance which is principally derived from its tranquil, picturesque setting; its impressive memorials and monuments; its landmark features such as the prominent clocktower of the sexton's lodge and office, the mature exotic plantings, the decorative brick fence and the entrance gates; its defined views; and its curving paths. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522), the Syme Memorial and the Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036), all contained within the Boroondara Cemetery, are of aesthetic and architectural significance for their creative and artistic achievement. The Boroondara Cemetery is of scientific (botanical) significance for its collection of rare mature exotic plantings. The Golden Funeral Cypress, (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea') is the only known example in Victoria. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance for the graves, monuments and epitaphs of a number of individuals whose activities have played a major part in Australia's history. They include the Henty family, artists Louis Buvelot and Charles Nuttall, businessmen John Halfey and publisher David Syme, artist and diarist Georgiana McCrae, actress Nellie Stewart and architect and designer of the Boroondara and Melbourne General Cemeteries, Albert Purchas.Digital imagescemetery, boroondara, kew, gatehouse, clock, tower, clocktower, heritage, memorial, cussen -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Henty Memorial in Boroondara General Cemetery, c2005-2015
... High Street & Parkhill Road, Kew, Victoria, Australia... reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park ...The Boroondara General Cemetery is registered by Heritage Victoria. The Henty's were some of the earliest settlers in Victoria.From Heritage Victoria Statement of Significance Last updated on - December 15, 2005 What is significant? Boroondara Cemetery, established in 1858, is within an unusual triangular reserve bounded by High Street, Park Hill Road and Victoria Park, Kew. The caretaker's lodge and administrative office (1860 designed by Charles Vickers, additions, 1866-1899 by Albert Purchas) form a picturesque two-storey brick structure with a slate roof and clock tower. A rotunda or shelter (1890, Albert Purchas) is located in the centre of the cemetery: this has an octagonal hipped roof with fish scale slates and a decorative brick base with a tessellated floor and timber seating. The cemetery is surrounded by a 2.7 metre high ornamental red brick wall (1895-96, Albert Purchas) with some sections of vertical iron palisades between brick pillars. Albert Purchas was a prominent Melbourne architect who was the Secretary of the Melbourne General Cemetery from 1852 to 1907 and Chairman of the Boroondara Cemetery Board of Trustees from 1867 to 1909. He made a significant contribution to the design of the Boroondara Cemetery Boroondara Cemetery is an outstanding example of the Victorian Garden Cemetery movement in Victoria, retaining key elements of the style, despite overdevelopment which has obscured some of the paths and driveways. Elements of the style represented at Boroondara include an ornamental boundary fence, a system of curving paths which are kerbed and follow the site's natural contours, defined views, recreational facilities such as the rotunda, a landscaped park like setting, sectarian divisions for burials, impressive monuments, wrought and cast iron grave surrounds and exotic symbolic plantings. In the 1850s cemeteries were located on the periphery of populated areas because of concerns about diseases like cholera. They were designed to be attractive places for mourners and visitors to walk and contemplate. Typically cemeteries were arranged to keep religions separated and this tended to maintain links to places of origin, reflecting a migrant society. Other developments included cast iron entrance gates, built in 1889 to a design by Albert Purchas; a cemetery shelter or rotunda, built in 1890, which is a replica of one constructed in the Melbourne General Cemetery in the same year; an ornamental brick fence erected in 1896-99(?); the construction and operation of a terminus for a horse tram at the cemetery gates during 1887-1915; and the Springthorpe Memorial built between 1897 and 1907. A brick cremation wall and a memorial rose garden were constructed near the entrance in the mid- twentieth century(c.1955-57) and a mausoleum completed in 2001.The maintenance shed/depot close to High Street was constructed in 1987. The original entrance was altered in 2000 and the original cast iron gates moved to the eastern entrance of the Mausoleum. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522) set at the entrance to the burial ground commemorates Annie Springthorpe, and was erected between 1897 and 1907 by her husband Dr John Springthorpe. It was the work of the sculptor Bertram Mackennal, architect Harold Desbrowe Annear, landscape designer and Director of the Melbourne Bortanic Gardens, W.R. Guilfoyle, with considerable input from Dr Springthorpe The memorial is in the form of a small temple in a primitive Doric style. It was designed by Harold Desbrowe Annear and includes Bertram Mackennal sculptures in Carrara marble. Twelve columns of deep green granite from Scotland support a Harcourt granite superstructure. The roof by Brooks Robinson is a coloured glass dome, which sits within the rectangular form and behind the pediments. The sculptural group raised on a dais, consists of the deceased woman lying on a sarcophagus with an attending angel and mourner. The figure of Grief crouches at the foot of the bier and an angel places a wreath over Annie's head, symbolising the triumph of immortal life over death. The body of the deceased was placed in a vault below. The bronze work is by Marriots of Melbourne. Professor Tucker of the University of Melbourne composed appropriate inscriptions in English and archaic Greek lettering.. The floor is a geometric mosaic and the glass dome roof is of Tiffany style lead lighting in hues of reds and pinks in a radiating pattern. The memorial originally stood in a landscape triangular garden of about one acre near the entrance to the cemetery. However, after Dr Springthorpe's death in 1933 it was found that transactions for the land had not been fully completed so most of it was regained by the cemetery. A sundial and seat remain. The building is almost completely intact. The only alteration has been the removal of a glass canopy over the statuary and missing chains between posts. The Argus (26 March 1933) considered the memorial to be the most beautiful work of its kind in Australia. No comparable buildings are known. The Syme Memorial (1908) is a memorial to David Syme, political economist and publisher of the Melbourne Age newspaper. The Egyptian memorial designed by architect Arthur Peck is one of the most finely designed and executed pieces of monumental design in Melbourne. It has a temple like form with each column having a different capital detail. These support a cornice that curves both inwards and outwards. The tomb also has balustradings set between granite piers which create porch spaces leading to the entrance ways. Two variegated Port Jackson Figs are planted at either end. The Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036) was constructed in 1912-13 by Sir Leo Cussen in memory of his young son Hubert. Sir Leo Finn Bernard Cussen (1859-1933), judge and member of the Victorian Supreme Court in 1906. was buried here. The family memorial is one of the larger and more impressive memorials in the cemetery and is an interesting example of the 1930s Gothic Revival style architecture. It takes the form of a small chapel with carvings, diamond shaped roof tiles and decorated ridge embellishing the exterior. By the 1890s, the Boroondara Cemetery was a popular destination for visitors and locals admiring the beauty of the grounds and the splendid monuments. The edge of suburban settlement had reached the cemetery in the previous decade. Its Victorian garden design with sweeping curved drives, hill top views and high maintenance made it attractive. In its Victorian Garden Cemetery design, Boroondara was following an international trend. The picturesque Romanticism of the Pere la Chaise garden cemetery established in Paris in 1804 provided a prototype for great metropolitan cemeteries such as Kensal Green (1883) and Highgate (1839) in London and the Glasgow Necropolis (1831). Boroondara Cemetery was important in establishing this trend in Australia. The cemetery's beauty peaked with the progressive completion of the spectacular Springthorpe Memorial between 1899 and 1907. From about the turn of the century, the trustees encroached on the original design, having repeatedly failed in attempts to gain more land. The wide plantations around road boundaries, grassy verges around clusters of graves in each denomination, and most of the landscaped surround to the Springthorpe memorial are now gone. Some of the original road and path space were resumed for burial purposes. The post war period saw an increased use of the Cemetery by newer migrant groups. The mid- to late- twentieth century monuments were often placed on the grassed edges of the various sections and encroached on the roadways as the cemetery had reached the potential foreseen by its design. These were well tended in comparison with Victorian monuments which have generally been left to fall into a state of neglect. The Boroondara Cemetery features many plants, mostly conifers and shrubs of funerary symbolism, which line the boundaries, road and pathways, and frame the cemetery monuments or are planted on graves. The major plantings include an impressive row of Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa), interplanted with Sweet Pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), and a few Pittosporum crassifolium, along the High Street and Parkhill Street, where the planting is dominated by Sweet Pittosporum. Planting within the cemetery includes rows and specimen trees of Bhutan Cypress and Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), including a row with alternate plantings of both species. The planting includes an unusual "squat" form of an Italian Cypress. More of these trees probably lined the cemetery roads and paths. Also dominating the cemetery landscape near the Rotunda is a stand of 3 Canary Island Pines (Pinus canariensis), a Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii) and a Weeping Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii') Amongst the planting are the following notable conifers: a towering Bunya Bunya Pine (Araucaria bidwillii), a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), a rare Golden Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea'), two large Funeral Cypress (Chamaecyparis funebris), and the only known Queensland Kauri (Agathis robusta) in a cemetery in Victoria. The Cemetery records, including historical plans of the cemetery from 1859, are held by the administration and their retention enhances the historical significance of the Cemetery. How is it significant? Boroondara Cemetery is of aesthetic, architectural, scientific (botanical) and historical significance to the State of Victoria. Why is it significant? The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical and aesthetic significance as an outstanding example of a Victorian garden cemetery. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance as a record of Victorian life from the 1850s, and the early settlement of Kew. It is also significant for its ability to demonstrate, through the design and location of the cemetery, attitudes towards burial, health concerns and the importance placed on religion, at the time of its establishment. The Boroondara Cemetery is of architectural significance for the design of the gatehouse or sexton's lodge and cemetery office (built in stages from 1860 to 1899), the ornamental brick perimeter fence and elegant cemetery shelter to the design of prominent Melbourne architects, Charles Vickers (for the original 1860 cottage) and Albert Purchas, cemetery architect and secretary from 1864 to his death in 1907. The Boroondara Cemetery has considerable aesthetic significance which is principally derived from its tranquil, picturesque setting; its impressive memorials and monuments; its landmark features such as the prominent clocktower of the sexton's lodge and office, the mature exotic plantings, the decorative brick fence and the entrance gates; its defined views; and its curving paths. The Springthorpe Memorial (VHR 522), the Syme Memorial and the Cussen Memorial (VHR 2036), all contained within the Boroondara Cemetery, are of aesthetic and architectural significance for their creative and artistic achievement. The Boroondara Cemetery is of scientific (botanical) significance for its collection of rare mature exotic plantings. The Golden Funeral Cypress, (Chamaecyparis funebris 'Aurea') is the only known example in Victoria. The Boroondara Cemetery is of historical significance for the graves, monuments and epitaphs of a number of individuals whose activities have played a major part in Australia's history. They include the Henty family, artists Louis Buvelot and Charles Nuttall, businessmen John Halfey and publisher David Syme, artist and diarist Georgiana McCrae, actress Nellie Stewart and architect and designer of the Boroondara and Melbourne General Cemeteries, Albert Purchas.Digital imagescemetery, boroondara, kew, gatehouse, clock, tower, clocktower, heritage, memorial, henty, james henty -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, fiveways (Denmark, Studley Park, Princess, High, High South) from Kew Junction (Cotham and High), c2017
... road high street road shop shopping centre strip shopping ...Digital images of Kew Junction.kew, kew junction, five ways, streetscape, cotham road, high street, road, shop, shopping centre, strip shopping centre, commercial -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Bob Gardiner and Olympic Flame, 1/09/2000 12:00:00 AM
... Burwood Highway and High Street Road.. Other Society Members... Burwood Highway and High Street Road.. Other Society Members ...Coloured photo of Society members and ex Olympian, Bob Gardiner, carrying the Olympic Flame along Springvale Road between Burwood Highway and High Street Road.. Other Society Members surround him.nunawading and district historical society, gardiner, bob, olympic games, arrowsmith, valda, warren, frances, kenny, joy -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Lowen family Home, 1/06/1920 12:00:00 AM
... between Burwood Highway and High Street Road was originally... that now runs between Burwood Highway and High Street Road ...The home of Frederick & Julia Lowen was re-located in 1933 to allow Blackburn Road (which then ended in the vicinity of what is now Hawthorn Road) to be extended through to Burwood Road (now Burwood Highway). That section of Blackburn Road that now runs between Burwood Highway and High Street Road was originally Hewlett Road and from High Street Road to Princes Highway Was May Road.Black & white photo of the Lowen home at East Burwood in the mid 1920s. The lady on the right is presumed to be Julia Lowenlowen family home, east burwood -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print - Subdivision Plan, F Price, Plan of Mr William Derrick's Land, Kew being Subdivision of Part of Section 86, Parish of Boroondara, County of Bourke, 1872, 1872 [Original]
... land in the area bordered by Bulleen Road (High Street); Cotham... by Bulleen Road (High Street); Cotham Road and Union Street. The plan ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand.The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A photographic reproduction of a plan in the Vale Collection of the State Library of Victoria showing William Derricks land in the area bordered by Bulleen Road (High Street); Cotham Road and Union Street. The plan dates from 1872.william derrick, subdivision plans -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Heritage Review, Residential Places Graded B, Volume 1, 1999, 1999
... street 35 high street 6 high street 53 harp road 6 gellibrand ...Graeme Butler & AssociatesProject FilesProvenance OrderBlack 4-Ring binder that includes research about, and an assessment of buildings previously graded B in the City of Kew Urban Conservation Study 1988 by Pru Sanderson Design Pty Ltd. The files were created by the heritage architect Graeme Butler and the paper files include maps, correspondence, title searches, readings, reviews of prior classifications, newspaper and journal articles, directories etc for each property assessed.graeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 20 yarra street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 25 wellington street, 11 wellington street, 118 walpole street, 84 walpole street, 83 walpole street, 63 walpole street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 12 tara avenue, 89 studley park road, 75 studley park road, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 21 stoke avenue, 71 stevenson street, 34 stevenson street, 12 stevenson street, 36 stawell street, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 2 second avenue, 34 rowland street, 21 redmond street, 11 redmond street, 16 queen street, 27 princess street, 82 molesworth street, 28 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 24 miller grove, 24 milfay avenue, 8 milfay avenue, 4 merrion grove, 25 mary street, 24 lister avenue, 2 john street, 9 hume street, 7 hume street, 24 howard street, 20 howard street, 19 howard street, 10 howard street, 2 howard street, 26 holroyd street, 12 holroyd street, 73 high street, 69 high street, 35 high street, 6 high street, 53 harp road, 6 gellibrand street, 48 foley street, 9 eglinton street, 25-27 edgecombe street, 21-23 edgecombe street, 5-7 edgecombe street, 23 dunlop avenue, 167 derby street, 8 denmark street, 1 denmark street, 2 daracomb avenue, 2 danielle place, 340 cotham road, 294 cotham road, 241 cotham road, 221-229 cotham road, 208 cotham road, 193 cotham road, 180 cotham road, 171 cotham road, 167 cotham road, 161 cotham road, 135-137 cotham road, 46 clyde street, 4 cameron court, 1291 burke road, 1223 burke road, 1205 burke road, 5 bowen street, 35-37 belford road, 389 barkers road, 387 barkers road, 311 barkers road, 231 barkers road, 83-85 barkers road, 15 adeney avenue, 6 a'beckett streetgraeme butler, heritage reviews - kew, 20 yarra street, 8 yarra street, 33 wills street, 25 wellington street, 11 wellington street, 118 walpole street, 84 walpole street, 83 walpole street, 63 walpole street, 52 walpole street, 51 walpole street, 14 vista avenue, 12 tara avenue, 89 studley park road, 75 studley park road, 44 studley park road, 25 studley park road, 13 studley avenue, 21 stoke avenue, 71 stevenson street, 34 stevenson street, 12 stevenson street, 36 stawell street, 11 second avenue, 3 second avenue, 2 second avenue, 34 rowland street, 21 redmond street, 11 redmond street, 16 queen street, 27 princess street, 82 molesworth street, 28 miller grove, 26 miller grove, 24 miller grove, 24 milfay avenue, 8 milfay avenue, 4 merrion grove, 25 mary street, 24 lister avenue, 2 john street, 9 hume street, 7 hume street, 24 howard street, 20 howard street, 19 howard street, 10 howard street, 2 howard street, 26 holroyd street, 12 holroyd street, 73 high street, 69 high street, 35 high street, 6 high street, 53 harp road, 6 gellibrand street, 48 foley street, 9 eglinton street, 25-27 edgecombe street, 21-23 edgecombe street, 5-7 edgecombe street, 23 dunlop avenue, 167 derby street, 8 denmark street, 1 denmark street, 2 daracomb avenue, 2 danielle place, 340 cotham road, 294 cotham road, 241 cotham road, 221-229 cotham road, 208 cotham road, 193 cotham road, 180 cotham road, 171 cotham road, 167 cotham road, 161 cotham road, 135-137 cotham road, 46 clyde street, 4 cameron court, 1291 burke road, 1223 burke road, 1205 burke road, 5 bowen street, 35-37 belford road, 389 barkers road, 387 barkers road, 311 barkers road, 231 barkers road, 83-85 barkers road, 15 adeney avenue, 6 a'beckett street -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, Main Street, Kew, c.1890
... high street - kew, cotham road - kew, tramways - kew... street - kew, cotham road - kew, tramways - kew Post card text ...The Kew Historical Society's Pictures Collection is comprised of photographs, postcards and original works of art. The postcards include original (mainly) images dating from the 1900s to the present. A number of postcards, some of which have numerous variants, were published as parts of series. Others are original images customised as postcards. Many of the postcards in the collection depict places within the suburbs of Kew and Kew East. Others depict locations in Victoria or internationally. A monochrome postcard showing Main Street [High Street], Kew, looking south west from near its junction with Cotham Road, showing: Ryan’s Council Family Hotel, T. G. Jellis (baker, confectioner), Herbert King (undertaker), L. Merritt (boot warehouse), horse tram, horse drawn vehicles and pedestrians.Post card text addressed to Miss Newell of Balmain.high street - kew, cotham road - kew, tramways - kew -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Kew War Memorial and Cenotaph, c2017
... Post Office at Kew Junction at the intersection of High Street... at the intersection of High Street and Cotham Road. Kew War Memorial ...Kew War Memorial is a fine example of a classical style war memorial design. Built in granite and marble as a circular temple supported on ionic columns, its design takes advantage of the centrally-located site and allows a clear view of all faces of the memorial. It honours 917 local residents who served in World War One. Kew Municipal Council appointed a sub-committee in June 1919 to consider a suitable war memorial to commemorate soldiers from the district. In August 1920 the land in front of the Post Office was transferred to the Council for the purpose. A competition for the design of the Memorial offered prizes of offered were £50, £15 and £10. The estimated cost was not to be more than £3500 F. Bruce Kemp won first prize, but Council later rejected the design constructing the Memorial to the original design of former Kew Council Mayor and notable Melbourne architect Harry W. Tompkins. The War Memorial was unveiled by His Excellency the Governor of Victoria, Lord Stradbroke on 30 August 1925 in front of 5,000 people. Digital images of the Kew War Memorial and the former Kew Post Office at Kew Junction at the intersection of High Street and Cotham Road.kew, war memorial, cotham road, high street, commemoration, kew junction, kew war memorial, kew post office, harry w. tomkins, cenotaph -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Burke Road Junction Estate, East Kew, 1940
... of Burke Road and High Street/Doncaster Road. The dairy includes... of Burke Road and High Street/Doncaster Road. The dairy includes ...Subdivision plans and real estate flyers/brochures reveal a number of aspects of urban development and history. The Kew Historical Society's collection of these plans, as well as advertisements extracted from magazines, cover key aspects of community development and architectural history of Kew and Kew Eat as well as surrounding suburbs. While most of the plans in the collection were gifted to the Society by the former City of Kew, a number of other plans and advertisements have been donated by individuals, of which this is an example.Original 4-page bifold brochure advertising the Burke Road Junction Estate in Kew East. Advertised for sale in 1940, the estate comprised 16 'Central Allotments' fronting High Street, Kilby Road, and Glass Street. Pages 1 & 4, the front and back covers, includes a panoramic photograph of the junction which features a number of shops still extant, but also with buildings long demolished and redeveloped. These include the petrol station and the dairy on the southeast and southwest corners of Burke Road and High Street/Doncaster Road. The dairy includes a statue of a cow on its roof. Pages 2 & 3 include a detailed plan of the estate. subdivisions -- kew east (vic.), burke road junction estate -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Codling Collection 01 - Wodonga Shire Hall
... Wodonga Shire office at corner of High street and Melbourne... at corner of High street and Melbourne Road Built 1876 demolished ...Miss Olive Codling was a Foundation Member and a Life Member of the Wodonga Historical Society. Many of her prize-winning photos are held in the Society Collection. She also held a range of roles and committee positions in a wide range of Wodonga community organisations. These included the Horticultural Society, the Wodonga Arts Council, the Wodonga Camera Club and the Wodonga Lapidary Club. Wodonga Shire was created in 1876 when the colonial government agreed to ratepayers' petitions to have their part of the local government district severed from the Yackandandah Shire to form a new municipality. After meeting for 14 years in rented premises, in the Prince of Wales Hall, Wodonga Council built its first Shire Hall on the corner of High and Elgin Streets in 1890. The date on the facade of the building represents the date of the formation of the Shire.This image is significant as it documents an important building and era in the development of local government in Wodonga.Wodonga Shire office at corner of High street and Melbourne Road Built 1876 demolished 1971 . Now the location of Woolworths shopping complex. Also incorporated the Melba Theatre On facade of building: " A.D. 1876"high st wodonga, wodonga local government, shire hall wodonga -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - City of Kew 'Roadworks in Progress' sign, 1969-80
... / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St... / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St ...One of a series of photographs donated by the City Engineer of the former City of Kew, showing road works. The photos variably include council workers, signage and equipment.One of a series of photographs of core local government services as practised by the City of Kew. The photographs are an accurate record of street works of the period. Original black and white photographic positive of a sign advertising roadworks in the City of Kew. The photograph was probably taken in what was then the Kew Council Depot on the corner of High and Disraeli Streets. The sign reads: "City of Kew / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St. / Duration of works May to Aug 77 / Motorists are advised to use alternative route". city of kew, local government -- city of kew, road works, street works, kew city depot -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - City of Kew 'Roadworks in Progress' sign, 1969-80
... / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St... / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St ...One of a series of photographs donated by the City Engineer of the former City of Kew, relating to road works. The photos variably include council workers, signage and equipment.One of a series of photographs of core local government services as practised by the City of Kew. The photographs are an accurate record of street works of the period. Original black and white photographic positive of a sign advertising roadworks in the City of Kew. The photograph was probably taken in what was then the Kew Council Depot on the corner of High and Disraeli Streets. The sign reads: "City of Kew / Roadworks in Progress / High Street - Belford Road to Derby St. / Duration of works May to Aug 77 / Motorists are advised to use alternative route".city of kew, local government -- city of kew, road works, street works, kew city depot -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Research Notes, Mr. Mainwaring, PMTT surface slopes, 1910
... measurement of surface slopes from High Street, Glenferrie Road Wattle... measurement of surface slopes from High Street, Glenferrie Road Wattle ...Three ruled foolscap sheets, tied in the top left hand corner with string, headed Prahran Malvern Tramways - tape measurement of surface slopes from High Street, Glenferrie Road Wattle tree Road to Burke Road. Prepared by Mr Mainwaring in black and red ink. Dated 30.6.1910. Items 2041 to 2052 within box 72.3 in a brown folder marked "PMTT" in red pencil.trams, tramways, pmtt, malvern, surveys, high st, wattle tree rd, burke rd -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - Kew Court House, 1980
... at the corner of High Street and Cotham Road. The building... transparency of the Kew Court House at the corner of High Street ...A civic campaign for new public offices developed in Kew in the 1880s. After much deliberation, the location chosen was the junction of Bulleen and Cotham Roads. The buildings were designed by George Watson and John Henry Harvey, architects within the Department of Public Works (Victoria). Building was commenced in 1887, and after one year, the buildings were opened. The Post Office was transferred to the new Commonwealth Government in 1901. The Police Station and Court House, sold by the Victorian Government to the City of Boroondara in 2007, are now a community cultural centre and performing arts venue.The buildings were listed on the Victorian Heritage Register Register (HO885) in 1991. They are historically and architecturally significant to the State of Victoria because Watson and Harvey's designs exhibit diversity in integrating civil offices, they accommodate the apex of road junctions, and they demonstrate a departure from the contemporaneously favoured High Victorian Classical to the Queen Anne style in the design of civic buildings. 35mm colour transparency of the Kew Court House at the corner of High Street and Cotham Road. The building is a significant example of the English Queen Anne Revival style. The photograph was taken as part of a series by Ralph Andrews (Department of Building, RMIT) in April 1980.kew post office, khs - slides, new public offices -- kew (vic.), architectural styles -- english queen anne revival -
Charlton Golden Grains Museum Inc
Photograph, Pollard, Jenny, High Street Charlton 1989, c.1989
... of High Street. 'Donald' on road sign in top left of photo. Large...Shops at west end and south-side of High Street. Tippett's ...Shops at west end and south-side of High Street. Tippett's Clothing & Furniture shop (established 1923), Ross's Gifts (in former Procter's Butcher shop built 1880), Paterson's Fibre Glass Factory, Eddie Harris Mensland.Colour photograph of the shops at west end and south-side of High Street. 'Donald' on road sign in top left of photo. Large tree in garden bed in front of shops. Sign on shop "Ross's Gifts'. Cars parked all along the street.tippett, ross's gifts, procter, paterson's fibre glass, business, industry, charlton -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... . Picken's premises, situated at High Street, Sailors Gully Road..., situated at High Street, Sailors Gully Road Junction. In 1901 he ...Bendigo Advertiser "The way we were" from 1999. Watches: J. Picken's premises, situated at High Street, Sailors Gully Road Junction. In 1901 he was listed as "atch anc clock maker, English and Colonial jewlerry made to order and repaired"newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print, FGA Barnard, Kew Post Office and 'The Block' 1880
... of High Street and Cotham Road, where the Kew Post Office... pharmacy and post office on the corner of High Street and Cotham ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand.The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A print made for Dorothy Rogers of a book plate originally published in F.G.A. Barnards 'Jubilee History of Kew' (1910) showing a view of Barnard's pharmacy and post office on the corner of High Street and Cotham Road, where the Kew Post Office was to be built in 1888."Barnard's Post Office on present P.O. corner prior to 1880. 1st P.O. was in Houwiesons Shop. This is the site of The Block . See other photo"francis barnard, dorothy rogers, kew post office -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - Kew Post Office and Court House, 1980
... House at the corner of High Street and Cotham Road. The building... of High Street and Cotham Road. The building is a significant ...A civic campaign for new public offices developed in Kew in the 1880s. After much deliberation, the location chosen was the junction of Bulleen and Cotham Roads. The buildings were designed by George Watson and John Henry Harvey, architects within the Department of Public Works (Victoria). Building was commenced in 1887, and after one year, the buildings were opened. The Post Office was transferred to the new Commonwealth Government in 1901. The Police Station and Court House, sold by the Victorian Government to the City of Boroondara in 2007, are now a community cultural centre and performing arts venue.The buildings were listed on the Victorian Heritage Register Register (HO885) in 1991. They are historically and architecturally significant to the State of Victoria because Watson and Harvey's designs exhibit diversity in integrating civil offices, they accommodate the apex of road junctions, and they demonstrate a departure from the contemporaneously favoured High Victorian Classical to the Queen Anne style in the design of civic buildings. 35mm colour transparency of the Kew Post Office and Court House at the corner of High Street and Cotham Road. The building is a significant example of the English Queen Anne Revival style. The photograph was taken by Ralph Andrews (Department of Building, RMIT) as part of a series in April 1980.kew post office, khs - slides, new public offices -- kew (vic.), architectural styles -- english queen anne revival