Photograph, Stuart Tompkins Studio, Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965

Historical information

Research provided by Stuart Tompkins Studio, Box Hill, into alternatives for median strip street lighting to be used in Burke Road, Kew. The photographers identified variants in different suburbs appropriate to Kew's needs.


The series from which the photograph is drawn provides a snapshot by a commercial photographic studio of each named vicinity in 1965 as well as providing examples of public works infrastructure being commissioned by local government in the 1960s. The photos originally formed part of the Engineering Department's files in the City of Kew before being donated to the kew Historical Society.

Physical description

Electricity Supply Poles, Warrigal Road, Ashwood, 1965. Stuart Tompkins Studio provided this photograph for the Kew City Council. The photograph, taken at the intersection of Warrigal Road and High Street South, Ashwood looks north along High Street Road. The intent of the photograph was to provide the Council with models of electricity supply poles. In the photo, wooden and steel poles can be seen in the median strip. The photograph also includes the shops bordering High Street Road during this period. [There are three copies of this photograph in the Collection.].

Inscriptions & markings

Typed inscription on reverse: "Electricity Supply Poles. Photographed for Kew City Council 8/2/65. No.4 Warrigal Road - Ashwood. South of High Street Road looking north. Wooden and steel poles with different brackets in median strip." Studio stamp: "Stuart Tompkins Studio. 547 Station Street, Box Hill. WX1439."

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