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matching james fletcher
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Cash Book, Late 19th century
... james fletcher and george mackay... of George Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893. In the 1920s the firm... the amalgamation of the law firms of George Mackay and James Fletcher ...This cash book, found in the old Mackay Taylor building in Kepler Street, contains entries relating to Costs Accounts and Trust Accounts for the Warrnambool firm of Fletcher and Mackay which had been formed from the amalgamation of the law firms of George Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893. In the 1920s the firm became Mackay and Taylor after J. McD. Taylor became the partner with George Mackay. This firm was a prominent one in Warrnambool until the 1990s. This cash book is of considerable interest as the entries show the names of many well-known residents of Warrnambool at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The firm of Fletcher and Mackay was an important one in Warrnambool at that time and George Mackay, one of the partners of the firm, was prominent in local community and civic affairs. This is a ledger with black binding and buff-coloured spine and corner reinforcements. There are 135 double-sided pages. The pages have been printed with red ruled lines for accounting purposes. There are red and blue mottled coloured cardboard pages at the beginning and end of the book. There are two loose pages which appear to be scrap notes only. The entries are written in black ink.White paper pasted on front cover: ‘Cash Book from April 26th 1898 to March 22nd 1902’ Spine: ‘1898-1902 Cash Book’ james fletcher and george mackay, warrnambool law firms, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - David Williams Probate 1889, 1889
... James Fletcher... was James Fletcher who had an office in Port Fairy in the 1870s... was James Fletcher who had an office in Port Fairy in the 1870s ...Tait collection: item 36 of 62 This document contains the details of the Will and Probate of David Williams of ‘Morgrugyn’ farm near Woodford. He was born in 1804 and died in 1889. He was a pioneer settler in the Woodford area, arriving, according to the Pioneer Honour Board, in 1842. His son, Ivor, was Secretary of the Grasmere Cheese and Butter Factory for some time and Secretary of the Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory in 1888. David Williams left real estate to the value of £1540 and personal estate to the value of £1075. The chief beneficiary was his eldest son, David but other sons and grandsons also benefited. His wife, Mary, was left £300, a house to live in rent free during her lifetime, two cows and the right to graze them on the farm, six silver spoons, her bed and bedding, washstand and ware, a dressing table, a table in the dairy and ‘all the crockery and cooking utensils she may require’. The lawyer drawing up this document was James Fletcher who had an office in Port Fairy in the 1870s and an office in Koroit Street, Warrnambool, in the 1880s. In the 1890s and early 1900s he was in partnership with George Mackay. This document was in the possession of the lawyer Ernest Chambers who had drawn up the Williams will. It was then passed down to successive lawyers occupying legal premises in Kepler Street until it was located in 2014 in the Kepler Street building last used as legal premises by the firm of Mackay Taylor. This document is of considerable interest as it contains the will and probate details of a prominent 19th century farmer in the Woodford district. It will be useful for researchers.This is a white piece of parchment paper folded in two with typed material on two pages and handwritten material on one page. The pages are ruled with red ink. The pages include the Will and Probate details of David Williams of ‘Morgrugyn’ farm near Woodford. He died in 1889.In the Supreme Court in the Colony of Victoria in the Probate Jurisdiction In the Will of David Williams Morgrugyn farm near Woodford in the Colony of Victoria Farmer deceasedjames fletcher, david williams, ernest chambers, warrnambool, woodford, morgrugyn farm -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Ledger - Register of Mortgages, Early 20th century
... Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893 and the subsequent acquisition... of the merger of the legal businesses of George Mackay and James ...This ledger lists the 1920s and 30s mortgages which were administered by the Warrnambool legal firm of Mackay and Taylor. This firm arose out of the merger of the legal businesses of George Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893 and the subsequent acquisition in the 1920s of a partner, J. Taylor, to make the firm, Mackay and Taylor. This firm with added partners survived until the 1990s. The list of mortgagees and mortgagors in the ledger are summaries of the transactions of the borrowings and repayments. The ledger has some significance as it contains the names of some mortgagors and mortgagees in Warrnambool in the 1920s and 30s and the information would be useful to researchers.This is a ledger (foolscap size) with a bound blue cover with red binding on the spine. The red binding is in poor condition. The pages have alphabetical tabs and there is one set of 5 loose pages listing mortgages expiring in and before 1930. Entries are handwritten in blue ink. Inside front cover: ‘Register of’ Spine: ‘Register of Mortgages’ mackay and taylor, warrnambool mortgages 1920s and 30s -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Accounts, Early and Middle 20th Century
... . The Warrnambool legal businesses of George Mackay and James Fletcher... legal businesses of George Mackay and James Fletcher merged ...These pages of accounts are from the firm of Mackay Taylor, Lawyers, a prominent firm in Warrnambool for over 100 years. The Warrnambool legal businesses of George Mackay and James Fletcher merged in 1893 and was known as Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s Mr Mackay took J. McD Taylor as a partner and the premises at 131 Kepler Street were built about that time, with the firm being known as Mackay and Taylor. After the original partners died there was a succession of partners with the legal firm continuing as Mackay Taylor until the 1990s. These account sheets from a prominent 20th century legal firm in Warrnambool are of considerable importance as they document the legal records of many Warrnambool and district personalities from the early 20th century. The information contained in the sheets will therefore add to the known history of many local people from the past and will be very useful to researchers.These are handwritten accounts for bills to be paid to Mackay Taylor Lawyers for services rendered. The accounts are described in detail and are written on quarto size paper with the requisite red lines already printed on the pages. There are over 100 sheets and they date from 1938 to 1940. There are also two original Certificates of Title for Eva Willis (1916, portion of land in Cramer Street) and Archie Jackson (1924, portion of land in Cramer Street). warrnambool, warrnambool lawyers -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - G.S. Mackay company seal, Late 19th century
... and in 1893 joined his practice with that of James Fletcher... practice with that of James Fletcher and the firm became known ...George Sutherland Mackay came to Warrnambool in 1891 and in 1893 joined his practice with that of James Fletcher and the firm became known as Mackay and Fletcher later changed to Mackay and Taylor. G S Mackay served for a long time on the Warrnambool City Council including 4 terms as Mayor. He was also an active member of the Presbyterian Church and worked to establish the Warrnambool Agricultural High School. He built the offices which still stand at 131 Kepler Street. He died in 1926. The firm celebrated its centenary in 1993.A commonly used office item which is well linked to both a long established business in Warrnambool and G. S. Mackay who contributed greatly to the community of Warrnambool and district. Cast iron painted black with rounded rectangular base. Circular seal and shaped handle which moves down 45 degrees. Trimmed with worn gold paint. Excelsior in gold on the front. The oval seal reads G. S. Mackay Warrnambool solicitor.warrnambool, g s mackay, mackay & taylor, mackay solicitor, company seal -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Register of Mortgagees, Early 20th century
... of the firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893... of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893. G.S. Mackay ...This Register of Mortgagees comes from the Warrnambool legal firm of Fletcher and Mackay which resulted from the merger of the firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher in 1893. G.S. Mackay was a prominent resident of Warrnambool from 1891 to his death in 1926. In the 1920s Mr J. Taylor became a partner in the firm known then as Mackay and Taylor and the firm later known as Mackay Taylor was in operation until the 1990s at 131 Kepler Street. The Register of Mortgagees with dates ranging from 1908 to 1924 comes from the old Mackay Taylor offices in the Kepler Street building.This Register of Mortgagees is of some significance as it contains information on many families living in Warrnambool in the early 20th century, including those of Burleig, Swinton, Uebergang, Turland, Bates, Wood and Paton. The entries have social significance, showing the typical loans taken out at the time and the prevailing interest rates. This is a small quarto sized ledger containing 166 pages of a register of mortgagees. The pages have been printed with ruled red lines. The cover is bound with a black cover and a red spine. There are pages with alphabetical tabs at the start of the book. The entries are in black ink. There is one loose page which is an old envelope used as scrap paper to record names and amounts owing or paid. Front cover (paper pasted on) – ‘Register of Mortgagees’mackay taylor legal firm warrnambool mortgagees, warrnambool mortgagees, swinton, uebergang -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Receipt book, Late 19th century
... firm of James Fletcher and George Mackay (1893 to 1910... of James Fletcher and George Mackay (1893 to 1910). George Mackay ...This receipt book was used in the law business of the Warrnambool lawyer, George Mackay (1891 to 1893) and the amalgamated firm of James Fletcher and George Mackay (1893 to 1910). George Mackay was a prominent Warrnambool lawyer, active in the civic and community affairs of the town and the firm of Fletcher and Mackay was an important one in Warrnambool over the time covered by the entries in the receipt book. In the 1920s the firm became Mackay and Taylor when J. Taylor joined as a partner and was a well-known legal firm in Warrnambool until the 1990s. The book was found in the old Mackay Taylor offices in Kepler Street. WarrnamboolThis is a ledger with a dark green binding and black tape on the spine. There are 176 pages plus an alphabetical listing at the back. Most of the entries are receipts that have been pasted into the ledger with some additional written material. The entries are mostly written in black ink with some seals and stamps attached. The receipts are overwritten with ticks and initials in red crayon. Front cover: ‘Receipt Book, From 14.11.1891 To 29.1.1910’ Spine: ‘14-11-1891 to 29-1-10 Receipt Book’ george mackay, warrnambool fletcher and mackay -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Tea, Tea Caddy, Mid 19th century
... cordial maker or James Fletcher, the Warrnambool lawyer. ... or James Fletcher, the Warrnambool lawyer. This tea caddy ...This tea caddy, an attractive item, was given to Margaret Fletcher (date of presentation unknown). A tea caddy in the 19th century was a valued object as tea was expensive and was bought in small quantities. The two side containers are for green and black tea and the middle one was for blending the tea mixtures. The caddy was lockable so that domestic workers etc could not have easy access to a valuable commodity. The local provenance of this object and the identity of Margaret Fletcher have not yet been established. She may be related to John Fletcher, the Warrnambool cordial maker or James Fletcher, the Warrnambool lawyer. This tea caddy is of great interest as an attractive artefact from the 19th century and as an example of a household item no longer in use. It is also of interest because it was given to Margaret Fletcher, possibly a local Warrnambool person. This is a polished wood container made in a casket style. The wood is believed to be Coramandel. The casket has curved sides and is on a base with four legs. The lid has a brass hinge and a gold lock with the key and the lock mechanism missing. Inside are three compartments, two with hinged lids with leather tops and zinc linings. The middle compartment has a glass container set in a wooden compartment. The inscription is on a brass plate inside the casket. ‘Presented to Margaret Fletcher as a Mark of Respect’. margaret fletcher, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Minute book
... legal firm in Warrnambool in 1891 and merged with James Fletcher... in Warrnambool in 1891 and merged with James Fletcher in 1893 to form ...This book is a diary (1926 and 1927) which appears to contain summaries of letters written to clients of the Warrnambool legal firm, Mackay and Taylor. The summaries give the name of the recipient(s) and the content of the letter. The numbers next to the summaries may refer to the number of the client or the number in the letter book. George Mackay who died in 1926 set up the original legal firm in Warrnambool in 1891 and merged with James Fletcher in 1893 to form the Fletcher and Mackay business. In the early 1920s J. Taylor joined the business then known as Mackay and Taylor. This business with other partners survived in Kepler Street until the 1990s. This book has some significance as it contains the names of many residents of Warrnambool and district during the 1920s and gives some indication of their dealings with their lawyers. It also shows the system used at the time to record the transactions of law firmsThis is a ledger with a black cover and red binding (foolscap size). There are 190 pages, each one ruled with blue lines and a red margin line. The entries are handwritten in black ink. Front cover: ‘Minute Book’ (actually a diary) Spine: ‘Diary’ (in black ink) mackay and taylor -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Ledger – Deed Receipts, 1940s/1950s
... -door practice of the late James Fletcher and the firm...-door practice of the late James Fletcher and the firm ...This ledger contains information on deeds, wills and properties from many Warrnambool and district residents in the 1940s and 1950s. The ledger comes from the law firm of Mackay and Taylor of Warrnambool. Scottish-born George Mackay established a legal practice in Kepler Street, Warrnambool in 1891 and in 1893 bought the next-door practice of the late James Fletcher and the firm was then known as Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s George Mackay took John Taylor into partnership and the business then became Mackay and Taylor (later Mackay Taylor). In 1999 Taits Solicitors and Mackay Taylor merged to form Tait Taylor and today it is known as Taits Legal. This ledger is of some importance as it contains so much information on Warrnambool and district families and their property ownership in the 1940s and 50s and so will be of great use to researchers. This is a ledger with a grey cover with red binding on the spine. The cover has a white label pasted on, with printed and handwritten material. The pages have printed red lines but these have not been used. Instead the pages contain letters, typed sheets and receipts pasted in. Some of the letters and receipts are handwritten and some are typed. Day Book Mackay & Taylor Deed Receipts 1946-19…mackay & taylor, history of warrnambool, ledger – deed receipts -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Certificate, George Mackay, 1886
... of the late James Fletcher and the firm was then known as Fletcher... in Kepler Street. In 1893 he bought the practice of the late James ...This is an 1886 certificate admitting George Mackay to practise as an attorney, solicitor and proctor in the courts of the colony of Victoria. George Sutherland Mackay (1850-1926) was born in Scotland and educated at the University of Glasgow. He came to Australia in 1884. In 1891 he came to Warrnambool and established a legal practice in Kepler Street. In 1893 he bought the practice of the late James Fletcher and the firm was then known as Fletcher and Mackay. It changed to Mackay and Taylor (later Mackay Taylor) when J.D. Taylor became his partner in the 1920s. In 1999 Tait Solicitors and Mackay Taylor amalgamated to form Tait Taylor and in 2010 the firm’s name became Tait Legal. This certificate is of considerable importance as a significant memento of George Mackay, a prominent lawyer in Warrnambool from the 1890s to 1926.This is a paper certificate pasted on board and set into a brown cardboard frame. The certificate has brown or gold handwriting with some calligraphy, three or four stamps (mostly obliterated), a green duty stamp and the remains of a signature. The frame is tattered at the edges and stained at the sutherland mackay, warrnambool lawyer, j.d. taylor, tait solicitors and mackay taylor, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Ledger - Receipts, Book, 1931-1946
... practice of the late James Fletcher, with the business then known... and in 1893 he bought the next-door practice of the late James ...This ledger contains material from the legal firm of Mackay and Taylor for the period 1931 to 1946. The material includes receipts, letters and typed summaries concerning the wills and property of Warrnambool and district residents at that time. Scottish-born George Mackay established a legal practice in Kepler Street, Warrnambool in 1891 and in 1893 he bought the next-door practice of the late James Fletcher, with the business then known as Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s John Taylor became a partner with Mackay under the name of Mackay and Taylor (later Mackay Taylor). In 1999 Taits Solicitors of Warrnambool merged with Mackay Taylor to form Tait Taylor. Today this business is known as Taits Legal. This ledger is of some importance as it contains much historical information (wills, deeds, property ownership etc) on Warrnambool and district residents in the 1930s and 40s. It will be very useful to researchers.This is a ledger with a black cardboard cover and red binding on the spine. The binding has broken and the covers and sections of the pages are detached. The cover is much stained and rubbed. The pages have been printed with red and blue lines but these have not been used. Instead a variety of letters, receipts and typed material have been pasted onto the pages. Some of the letters and receipts have been handwritten and some have been typed.Receipt Bookwarrnambool, warrnambool history, mackay taylor, ledger warrnambool, fletcher and mackay -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - 8 LH, The Famous 8th Light Horse, 1920 circa
... cooker was developed by a Ballarat engineer, James Fletcher Wiles... cooker was developed by a Ballarat engineer, James Fletcher Wiles ...The 8th Light Horse was raised at Broadmeadows Victoria in September 1914 and sailed for overseas in December 1914 so this trial must have taken place during that period. The Wiles mobile cooker was developed by a Ballarat engineer, James Fletcher Wiles, on the advice of Sir Stanton Hicks, first Director of Catering for the Australian Army. The horse drawn cooker was operated by steam, raised by burning oil, to cook food and heat a baking oven. About 300 units were produced during WW1 (1914-18) and were in service in Egypt, France, and Australia. They could be operational in 20 minutes, and cooking could take place while being towed up to 50 kph..The first trial of this major innovation in military cooking together with this fine study of a light horse regiment on the march makes this object a significant one to the Australian Army and Victoria.Large framed photograph of a regiment of mounted horsemen on the march. Frame is of stained molded wood with glass front. Name panel at lower centre."The famous 8th Light Horse / returning from Greensborough Camp / After the first trial of the Wiles Cooker / Victoria 1914-1918"wiles cooker, greensborough, world war one, wwi, light horse -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Ledger - Trust Account, Early 20th century
... of George Mackay and James Fletcher merged in 1893 to form Fletcher... Mackay and James Fletcher merged in 1893 to form Fletcher ...This Trust Accounts ledger belonged to the law firm of Mackay and Taylor of Kepler Street, Warrnambool. The law firms of George Mackay and James Fletcher merged in 1893 to form Fletcher and Mackay and in the early 1920s J. Taylor became the new partner with Mackay to form the legal practice of Mackay and Taylor. This firm continued in Kepler Street until the 1990s. George Mackay was a prominent resident of Warrnambool from 1891 to his death in 1926. The Trust Accounts ledger lists the accounts of several organizations such as the Ancient Order of Foresters, the accounts of deceased estates and accounts of individual residents of Warrnambool and district. The dates covered are from 1919 to 1923. The accounts appear to refer to an investment and banking society operated by Mackay and Taylor.The ledger has some significance as it contains information on the financial dealings of many well-known Warrnambool people and organizations. It has social significance as it shows the type of investment opportunities available to Warrnambool people in the first two decades of the 20th century. This is a foolscap-size bound book of 526 pages. The covers are of blue hard cardboard with buff-coloured spine and corners. The inside thick paper covers are of a blue and red mottled design. There are pages with alphabetical tabs at the start of the book. The pages are printed with red ruled lines for accounting purposes. The entries are in black ink. Spine – ‘Ledger’, ‘1919 to Dec. 1923’ Front Cover- ‘Trust Account’ mackay taylor legal firm, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Accounts 1898-1902, Early 19th century
... of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher, a business... with the merger of the law firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James ...This accounts book has been used by a Warrnambool butcher whose name is unknown. The entries date from 1913 to 1915 and the names of those with accounts are mostly well-known residents of Warrnambool at the time. The items bought include hams, shoulders, lard, sides, German sausage, pork sausages, bacon, hocks and bones. The book was found in the old Mackay Taylor law firm building and was obviously in storage with that firm. The owner of the accounts book would have been a client of the law firm. Mackay Taylor was formed in 1893 with the merger of the law firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher, a business that was known originally as Fletcher and Mackay and then changed to Mackay and Taylor in the 1920s. The business was at 131 Kepler Street.This accounts book is of some interest as it contains the names of many prominent Warrnambool people and their meat-related purchases in the 1913-1915 time frame. These include the names Battarbee, Ward, Milvertion, Harrington, Murrell, Powell, Younger, Smith and Russell. The lists of items bought show the lifestyles and eating habits of the time with some bulk buying of large pieces of meat, some for hotels etc. This is a small maroon coloured bound book of 173 pages (double-sided). There are pages with alphabetical tabs at the start of the book. Inside the front and back covers are inserts of heavy quality paper with a blue and red design. The entries are written in black ink.On spine – ‘Ledger’warrnambool butcher, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Ledger, Copy Title Book Vol. 1, Late 19th and early 20th centuries
... business of James Fletcher, following the death of the latter... of James Fletcher, following the death of the latter ...This ledger is Volume One of a series of Copy Title Books that contain certificates of land titles from the Warrnambool district in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It came from the former premises of the Warrnambool legal firm, Mackay Taylor. This firm originated in the 1890s when George Mackay established a legal practice in Kepler Street, Warrnambool. In 1893 he bought the legal business of James Fletcher, following the death of the latter and the practice became known as Fletcher and Mackay. In 1926 John Taylor became a partner with George Mackay (who died that year) and Mackay, Taylor and Co continued on until 1999 when the firm merged with Tait Solicitors and became Tait Taylor. In 2010 it was renamed Taits Legal. This ledger is of great importance as it contains early certificates of titles of land and property in the Warrnambool district. The information contained therein will be of significant importance to researchers of local history.This is a hard cover book of 200 pages with a mottled green cover and black binding. The index is typed and the contents include certificates of land and property titles and some sketch maps.warrnambool land and property, mackay taylor, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Ledger, Mortgagee
... with the merger of the firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James... with the merger of the firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James ...This ledger appears to have been a mortgage document held by the law firm of Mackay Taylor and Co. with the evidence for this the presence of two loose sheets of paper in the ledger with that firm’s letterhead. Mackay Taylor was established in 1893 with the merger of the firms of George Sutherland Mackay and James Fletcher, independent practising lawyers at the time. The new firm became Fletcher and Mackay and later changed to Mackay and Taylor when J. McD. Taylor became a partner in the 1920s and the business was at 131 Kepler Street, with a new building erected in the late 1920s. The legal business closed in the 1990s with the mortgage section of the firm becoming Mackay Taylor Securities in 1990 (later Southern Securities). The ledger was recovered when the building was being cleared out and Percy Eccles, a real estate agent, handed it to the Warrnambool and District Historical SocietyThis ledger has considerable significance as an example of a law firm’s business activities in the mid 20th century. It also contains personal details of loans made to Warrnambool and district people and could be useful for research, with limited and supervised access to researchers because of the sensitive nature of the material contained therein.Ledger with leather covers and straps and metal sides; black covers are very worn leather alphabet tabs; handwritten entries for mortgagees and mortgagors and vendors and purchasers, 1938-1962; 3 loose sheetsKalamazoo Loose Leaf Books, 10/1/1938warrnambool, george sutherland mackay -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Index of Drafts Chambers, Late 19th century
... and James Fletcher. In the 1920s the firm became Mackay and Taylor... and James Fletcher. In the 1920s the firm became Mackay and Taylor ...This ledger contains an Index to Drafts for Mortgages, Conveyances and Deed of Covenants etc (1896 to 1913) which was in use by the Warrnambool solicitor, Ernest Chambers. He had offices in Warrnambool, Koroit and Port Fairy in the late 19th century and early 20th century and Thomas Goodall was his manager in Warrnambool until 1899 when Chambers took up permanent residence in Warrnambool. The ledger was found in the old Mackay Taylor offices in Kepler Street and presumably came into the possession of this law firm at a later stage when Ernest Chambers was no longer operating in Warrnambool. The firm of Mackay Taylor was originally established in 1898 from the amalgamation of the law firms of George Mackay and James Fletcher. In the 1920s the firm became Mackay and Taylor when J. Taylor joined as a partner and this business was prominent in Warrnambool until the 1990s.This ledger has some significance as it contains the names of many Warrnambool and district residents of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and gives some indication of what type of legal transaction they were involved with. It therefore has some historical and social connotations useful for researchersThis is a ledger with a black cover and red bindings on the spine and corner reinforcements. There are 273 pages with printed red lines for accounting purposes. The entries are written in black ink. The inside front and back covers of card paper material have a red and blue mottled pattern. Front cover: ‘Index to Drafts, E.T.H.Chambers’ Spine: ‘8-4-96 to 14-9-15 Index to Drafts’ ernest chambers, solicitor mackay taylor legal firm -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Letter book, Early 20th century
... legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James... legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James ...This letter book (1910-1922) was found in the old Mackay Taylor building in Kepler Street. The Secretary of the Presbytery of Mortlake in the early 1900s was George Mackay who established his legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James Fletcher in 1893 to form Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s J. Taylor joined the business which was known from then on as Mackay and Taylor and this firm existed until the 1990s. George Mackay was prominent in Warrnambool civic and community affairs and was Secretary of St. John’s Presbyterian Church for many years. The Presbytery of Mortlake was an administrative district committee established in 1862 and included the Presbyterian churches of Port Fairy, Tower Hill, Wangoom, Allansford, Warrnambool, Woodford, Hexham, Caramut, Mortlake and Terang. The committee consisted of the local ministers, some elders and other church representatives and met monthly or quarterly to discuss church business that affected the region.This letter book is of some significance as it indicates the type of business carried out by a district church council – properties, missions, individual church problems etc. It also shows the community work of George Mackay, a prominent Warrnambool resident at the time, and the book contains his signature many times over. The book will be of interest to researchers. This is a ledger with dark blue binding and binding reinforcements on the spine and corners. The inside covers are lined with thick paper in a mottled blue, black and white coloured pattern. There are 249 pages of copies of letters written, some typed, some handwritten. Front cover: Label with typed title ‘Presbytery of Mortlake’ Spine:’ Letter Book’, ‘Mortlake Presby’. presbytery of mortlake, george mackay, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Letter Book Presbytery of Mortlake, Early 20th century
... legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James... in 1891 and merged with the business of James Fletcher in 1893 ...This letter book (1922-6) was found in the old Mackay Taylor building in Kepler Street. The Secretary of the Presbytery of Mortlake in the early 1900s was George Mackay who established his legal business in 1891 and merged with the business of James Fletcher in 1893 to form Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s J. Taylor joined the business which was known from then on as Mackay and Taylor and this firm existed until the 1990s. George Mackay was prominent in Warrnambool civic and community affairs and was Secretary of St. John’s Presbyterian Church for many years. The Presbytery of Mortlake was an administrative district committee established in 1862 and included the Presbyterian churches of Port Fairy, Tower Hill, Wangoom, Allansford, Warrnambool, Woodford, Hexham, Caramut, Mortlake and Terang. The committee consisted of the local ministers, some elders and other church representatives and met monthly or quarterly to discuss church business that affected the region. This letter book is of some significance as it indicates the type of business carried out by a district church council – properties, missions, individual church problems etc. It also shows the community work of George Mackay, a prominent Warrnambool resident at the time, and the book contains his signature, many times over. The book will be of interest to researchers. This is a ledger with dark blue binding and binding reinforcements on the spine and corners. The inside covers are lined with thick paper in a mottled blue and black coloured pattern. There are 250 pages with entries up to page 54. The letter copies are typed with an alphabetical listing at the front.Front Cover: Label with typed title ‘Presbytery of Mortlake’ Spine: ‘Letter Book’ presbytery of mortlake, george mackay -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Letter Books, 1875 - 1945
... in 1891 and in 1893 bought the business of the late James Fletcher... bought the business of the late James Fletcher, with the business ...Eight of these letter books contain letters written by the Warrnambool lawyer George Mackay. They are mostly letters written to contacts while he was living in Scotland and letters sent from Warrnambool to Scotland to his daughter, Margueretta (Meta) who was studying medicine. Scottish-born George Sutherland Mackay (1850-1926) opened a legal practice in Kepler Street, Warrnambool in 1891 and in 1893 bought the business of the late James Fletcher, with the business known as Fletcher and Mackay. In the 1920s John Taylor became a partner and the firm of Mackay, Taylor & Co. (later Mackay Taylor) continued until 1999 when it merged with Taits Solicitors to form Tait Taylor (now Taits Legal). George Mackay was a Warrnambool Councillor and the first Mayor to hold office for four successive years. He was instrumental in getting the Warrnambool High School established and was the Chairman of the first School Council. Two of these letter books contain letters written by Ernest Powling. One letter book contains letters written by James Mack, a Warrnambool accountant These letter books are of considerable importance as they contain letters relating to legal matters in Warrnambool and district from the late 19th century to the mid 1940s. The letters also give an insight into the private life of a prominent Warrnambool lawyer, George Sutherland Mackay..1 This letter book has a dark blue cover, brown leather binding, an alphabetical index with tabs and handwritten letters. The spine is damaged. .2 This letter book has a dark red cover with red binding, an alphabetical index with tabs, a handwritten label on the front cover, information on the ledger maker and the handwriting of the letter writer inside the front cover. The spine is slightly damaged. .3 This letter book has a dark red mottled cover with white binding, an alphabetical index with tabs and a handwritten label on the front cover. .4 This letter book has a dark red cover with white paper binding and a handwritten label on the cover. .5 This letter book has a dark blue cover, red binding, and alphabetical index with tabs. The spine is slightly damaged. A loose receipt is inside the front cover. .6 This letter book has a mottled blue and pink cover, black binding, an alphabetical index with tabs and handwritten personal letters. .7 This letter book has a dark green cover, brown binding, an alphabetical index with coloured tabs and handwritten private letters. .8 This letter book has a mottled cover with black binding and an alphabetical index with tabs. Many of the letter copies are upside down. .9 This letter book has a dark green cover with red binding, an alphabetical index with tabs and handwritten personal letters. .10 This letter book has a dark green cover with buff-coloured leather binding, an alphabetical index with tabs and copies of typed letters. The leather is torn on the front cover. .11 This letter book has a green cover, a brown leather spine and a paper label pasted on the cover. This book has the spine detached and is badly waterstained .2 G Sutherland Mackay 1874 Private Letter Book james mack, warrnambool, ernest powling, port fairy, george mackay, warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Edward Jones Probate 1895, 1895 with additional material added in 1899 by the lawyer Ernest Chambers
... . James Fletcher had a legal office in Port Fairy... in this document. James Fletcher had a legal office in Port Fairy ...Tait collection: item 40 of 62 This document gives the details of the Will and Probate of Edward Jones, an engine driver who died in Warrnambool in January 1895 at the age of 69. He had previously been a resident of Port Fairy. He left real estate to the value of £640 and personal estate to the value of £187. The beneficiaries of the will were his daughters, Margaret and Mary Jones. The lawyers connected with this document were Ernest Chambers and the legal firm of Fletcher and Mackay. Ernest Chambers had legal offices in Port Fairy, Koroit and Warrnambool at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and the signatures of two of his law clerks, Thomas Goodall and John White are included in this document. James Fletcher had a legal office in Port Fairy and in Warrnambool in the 1870s and in Warrnambool in the 1880s (Koroit Street). In the late 1890s he commenced a partnership with George Mackay who had previously had his own practice in Warrnambool. In the 1920s the firm became known as Mackay and Taylor and later Mackay Taylor (Kepler Street). This document was in the possession of Ernest Chambers and was passed down to successive lawyers occupying the Kepler Street premises. It was located in 2014 with other documents in these premises last occupied by the firm of Mackay Taylor. This document is of some interest as it gives details of the Will and Probate of Edward Jones who had been a resident of Warrnambool in the late 19th century. It will be useful for researchers. This is a cream-coloured piece of parchment paper folded in two and containing handwritten material on three sides of the paper. It gives details of the Will and Probate of Edward Jones of Warrnambool who died in 1895. The pages have printed red lines on the edges of three pages. The written material is clean and readable.In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria In its Probate Jurisdiction in the Will of Edward Jones late of Warrnambool and formerly of Belfast in the County of Villiers in the Colony of Victoria Engine driver deceasedfletcher and mackay, lawyers,, warrnambool, ernest chambers,, edward jones, tait collection -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Minutes Books, Woollen Mills 1909- 1923 1933-1945, C 1909 C 1933-1945
... May 1933 to September 1945. Signatures include M Saltau, James.... Signatures include M Saltau, James Disckson and Fletcher Jones ...The minutes book of the Warrnambool Woollen Mill are an important record of the beginnings of one of Warrnambool's major industries for close to one hundred years. They record the struggle in the early days of 1909 and 1910 to raise the capital. Also mentioned is the support which had been given by local people of small means who were prepared to back the enterprise while those with financial means had been rather more reserved. Apart from a Mr Vidler all the initial directors were initially working in an honorary capacity. They lamented the fact that local banks held half a million pounds on fixed interest so there was no shortage of money. The first directors were appointed in March 1909 : Jas. Worland, W H Philpott, G S Mackay, E H Price, S McDonald, J C Beeching, W Rogers ,J Marfell, J Deany, Jas Duirs, Jas. Ponting, H Jessen, S Nettleton, J Blain, J Gooden, Drs. Holmes, Henderson and Powell. Mr J E Bennett was secured as first manager of the mill in 1910 Over the ten year period of this book there is much discussion on possible returns and share prices as well as decisions relating to the operation of and production from the mill. Within four years they were using more yarn than they were producing. Electricity was connected around 1914 and by 1915 shareholders were receiving eight percent return on their investment and were also contributing to the first world War effort by supplying blankets. Assets continued to accumulate and building was also continued with sandstone being quarried from the site and rain water tanks and asphalt floors installed, all contributing to savings. By 1917 The Warrnambool Woollen Mill was considered to be one of the states best investments and it continued to prosper through the years. The second minutes book likewise records similar events and circumstances for the period 1933-1945. This like wise is an interesting period, covering the period of the second World War. In 1955 the Warrnambool Woollen Mill formed a partnership with the Wangaratta Woollen Mills. Dunlop bought the mill in 1968. From that time until its closure in 2000 it had a number of different owners, the last being the Smith Family Industries. These minutes books hold an important information regarding the establishment and early operation of one of Warrnambool's major industries. The mill itself has strong connection to the Warrnambool community and many of the names mentioned as directors and shareholders have held positions within the community as businessmen and city officials. These minutes add another dimension to their contribution to Warrnambool..1Navy blue hard card cover with cloth spine. White label glued to front cover.186 pages.There are handwritten entries in black ink which are interspersed with reports from newspaper. .2 Pale grey cloth cover on early Kalamazoo filing system 612 pages of typed minutes . .1There are dates from 1910 through to 1923. Minutes have been signed by chairman of directors, M Saltau.label on front cover has blue stamp, The Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company. hand written above in black ink "opened 24th March 1909." .2 dated from May 1933 to September 1945. Signatures include M Saltau, James Disckson and Fletcher Jones.warrnambool, warrnambool woollen mill, first minutes book warrnambool woollen mill, minutes book, warrnambool woollen mill 1909, minutes book warrnambool woollen mill 1945 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Functional object - Large Pinking Shears, Comete Ninci, 1948
... , Wodonga, Victoria. Betty was the daughter of James and Elizabeth.... Betty was the daughter of James and Elizabeth Fletcher. Her ...Pinking shears or scissors were a valuable accessory for any professional or home dressmaker. Pinking shears have serrated edges and they leave trimmed fabric with a decorative edge as well as preventing the fabric from fraying. The words under the trademark "Marque Depose" mean trademark pending. These pinking shears were owned by Mrs. Betty Sheather of Gordon Street, Wodonga, Victoria. Betty was the daughter of James and Elizabeth Fletcher. Her father had many jobs including carriage cleaner with Victoria Railways at Wodonga and her mother was at House Creek State School No. 2266. Betty worked in Arnold's Store, the store of Costelloe & Smith as well as the Bethanga Park homestead as well as Drummonds at Walwa and the Hotel at Ebden. As a younger woman she lived with the Whan family at Stonleigh which was then a rope factory.Betty was a keen golfer and belonged to a club which played at the Wodonga Racecourse and was a member of the Bandiana Golf Club. These shears were owned by a well-known member of Wodonga and were representative of dressmaking implements used in the mid 1900s.Large vintage Comete Pinking Shears / zigzag scissors produced in Italy from metal alloy.On outer side of blade : NINCI COMETE 1948. Beside central hinge in ring shape: COMETE/ITALY/NINCI/ MARQUE DEPOSE.pinking shears, dressmaking -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Emagazine, Fedpress Magazine, 2016-2019
... (James Charlton, Rebecca Fletcher, Timothy Kirkham, Mohammad Sami..., 2016 Issue No. 14, February 2017 Issue No. 15, May 2017 (James ...Formerly known as Hotch Potch, FedPress is the student publication of Federation University Australia. FedPress is a space for students to showcase their written and visual talents. The editorial team aim to inform, inspire, and entertain. We are looking for a range of different creative individuals — journalists, reviewers, poets, designers, artists, and photographers — to submit content. FedPress Magazine prints four issues a year and is distributed across FedUni's Ballarat, Wimmera and Gippsland campuses. PDFs of the Federation University Magazine 'fedpress'. Hardcopy of the following years: Issue No 3, October 2014 (Rianh Silvertree, Mathew Lambrou, India McGee, Kayla Elizabeth Stone, Amber Dance, Australian University Games,Amphipipolis Tomb) Issue 4, February 2015 (Kayla Elizabeth Stone. Clubs and Societies, Monash University Gippsland Student Union, Federation University Football Club, Student Senate, Student Connect, Kaitlyn Ashmore, Issue 5, April 2015 (Ellen Sabo, Sexual Education, Gippsland Campus, Monash Campus, Sammy Desai, Zach Mullane, Feduni Living Kakoda Trek) Issue 6, 2015 (Southern University Games, Student Senate, Memories of War Project, Survivors of Suicide, Gippsland Campus, Lucinda Horrocks, Exam Information For Students, Tania McMullenNational Student Leadership Workshop, Mining Games, AUSIMM, The History of MMO, FEdUnied Soccer) Issue 7, July 2015 (PASS - Peer Assisted Study Sessions, Mad Swan Productions, Student Senate, Adam Bignold, Rainh Silvertree, Rebecca Fletcher, Pietro Angeli) Issue 9, October 2015 (Student Senate, Jeannie King, Australian Space Agency, S. Hooley, Rebecca Fletcher, Animal Rights, Breanna Alexander, Pietro Angeli, Jody Dontje, Amanda Mill, Frank Gartlan. Joel King) Issue No 10, 2016 (Unibar, Stone Cutters, Australian Hospitality, Jogy Dontje, Jess Kelly, Pietro Angeli, Getting Through Semester One, Online Student understanding, Liana Skewes, Brianna MacDonald, Student Services, Student Senate, S. Hooley, HECS Help, Ashleigh Dyer, Six things that can cost you easy marks, Laura McLachlan, Surviving grief, Theahna CoburnTenneill Pearl, Rochelle Jardine, Zach Mullane, Dakota Richards, Survival Guide, Scarlette Baum) Issue No 11, May 2016 (Rebecca Fletcher, Joshua Paddon, Hooliganism, Catherine Elliott, Fedpress School of Rock, Dakota Richards, Zach Mullane, Scalette Baum, Clubs, Societies, Sport, FedUni Ultimate Frisbie Club, Geolgoy, Dean DiQuinzio, FedUni Geology Society, Sebastian Wolfe) Issue No 12, 2016 (Crows, Joshua Paddon, Sarah McLean, Fandom, Learn Another Language, Laura McLachlan, Planes, Pietro Angel, Cover Co, mpetition, Megan Corder, Jess Kelly, The Secret Life of Post-Grad Students, Cale Hellyer, What I hate about Facebook, Damian Brown, National Student Vounteer Week, Premnath Chakarvarty, Selin Kasif, Brendan Caffrey, Senate Six, Fed United, Awards, Ultimate Frisbee, Ashleigh Dyer, Cassandra Lovett, Rochelle Jardine, Dakota Richards, Freya Fogliani) Issue No 13, 2016 Issue No. 14, February 2017 Issue No. 15, May 2017 (James Charlton, Rebecca Fletcher, Timothy Kirkham, Mohammad Sami Baardarani, Lajan Maharjan, Jennifer Pont, Kate Williams, Damian Brown, Matthew James, Zoe Ormiston, Freya Fogliani, Myles Hema, Jess Powell) Issue No. 17, October 2017 (Jack Barnes, Damian, Syed Zain Ali, Molly Irvine, Rebecca Fletcher) Issue No. 18, February 2018 (Submission Dates, Guidance for the Shell-Shocked Graduates, Pills, Shark, How to be a Writer, Climate Summit) Issue No. 21, October 2018 (Bianca Bedford, Kelsey Knight, Laura Benney, Rainbow Collective, Smartphone, Sarah McLean, Monique Stephens, Clare Hartigan, Liam Carter) Issue No. 22, March (2018) 2019 (Elizabeth McCracken, Troy Anthony Platt, Liam Carter, O.R. Brayne, Dakota Powell, Elizabeth McCracken, Dan Schweinzer, Jordyn Presley, Sarah McLean, Bianca Bedford, Bronwyn Nel, Beck Small, Tara Parada) Issue No. 23, July 2019 (Beck Small, Jasmyne Tziziras, Jodie Flower-Russell, Maxwell Waterhouse, Dhogaluxmi Chemen, Alisha Hendrick, Elizabeth McCraken, Trent Bowes, Will La Grue, Laura Benney, Sir Troy Anthony Platt, Harrod Boadie, Kathryn Drum, Jordyn Presley, Bianca Bedford, Bronwyn Nel, Olly Brayne, Cherise Oosthuizen, Chloe Waddell, Nyalat Pel Kun, Autism Issue No 25 (April 2021) (Jesse Noonan-Wade, Laura Wilson, Chloe Hopkins, Jordyn Presley, Ruby Sait, Lauren Johnson, Kymberley Loats, Darren Rout, Maddison Gill, Baklava, Covid-19 pandemic, exercisefedpress, brad paisley, selin kasif, dakota richards, emma gamble, damian brown, clare hartigan, tanya bird, freya fogliani, scarlett baum, amanda mill, jess powell, feduni quidditch, rebecca fletcher, bridget o'brien, lisa tops, jordyn presley, jack barnes, emma-lee winters, brook forrest, bianca bedford, jessica rae, laura wilson, laura benney, monique stephens, kelsey knight, sarah mclean, liam carter, bronwynn nel, olly brayne, cherise oosthuizen, chloe waddell, nyalet pel kun, trent bowes, elizabeth mccracken, beck small, jasmine tzaitziras, jodi flower-russell, will la grue, laura benny, maxwell waterhouse, sir troy anthony platt, dhogaluxmi chemen, jarrod boadle, alisha hendrick, autism -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Minute book Glenleigh Fabrics Pty. Ltd, Circa 1955
In 1869, the Warrnambool Meat Preserving Company commenced their business on the site, where it operated until 1875 when it was sold to the directors of the Warrnambool Woolen Mill Company. After being destroyed by fire in 1882 it wasn’t until 1910 that the Warrnambool Chamber of Commerce was approached by Marcus Saltau and Peter McGennan to invest in a new mill. The original directors were James Dickson, P J McGennan, Robert Swinton, M Saltau, and J W Younger. In 1955 the Warrnambool Woollen Mill formed a partnership with the Wangaratta Woollen Mills. Dunlop bought the mill in 1968. From that time until its closure in 2000 it had a number of different owners, the last being the Smith Family Industries. Directors listed for this period 1956 -1965 include Mr Fletcher Jones, E.E Ladner, N. K. Morris, C. J. McIntyre, J Bennett, J Dickson.. W. S Crowe was manager and Mr E.M Dempster was secretary.The minutes record the decision- making process of one of the major industries of Warrnambool for a significant period of the Woollen Mill’s operation.Heavy black card binder held with thick cloth binding. 1557 Pages with some loose pages at the back of the folder.Kalamazoo Loose leaf Books. Size 42. warrnambool,, glenleigh fabrics pty. ltd., warrnambool woollen mill -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Document relating to Eureka
Eureka is a significant part of Ballarat's historyFoolscap sized typed document relating to Eurekaeureka, sir charles hotham, eureka hotel, james scobie, bentley, peter lalor, farrell, hanse, fletcher, westerby, mcintyre, d'ewes, rev. father smyth -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Department Certificates 1908 - 1922
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack cloth covered book with handwritten pages and loose foolscap pages at the front and sticer on front cover with CERTIFICATES written on department, school of mines ballarat, leslie bennett, eulali perry, hector osborne, doris mcdougall, mary mullins, john mclean, mary morrish, francis kelly, robert gullan, henry bull, clara clegg, john david, albert ferguson, ina westcott, vera walker, agnes walker, eileen tremain, florence smith, lizzie pier, annie reynolds, charles peverill, william pearson, doris patterson, rebecca mcphan, constance mchenry, jean mcgregor, florence mingst, gwen mann, roz kelly, edward jones, freddi jacobi, percy baker, doris carter, stephen chambers, ruth catt, arthur dousey, d'arcy, bessie doncaster, alan eggleston, lena featherstone, clarice fisher, sylvia williams, james walker, annie treloar, shearer, cora sandberg, elsie pearce, jan mcgregor, cyril mcgibbon, margaret moore, thomas kierce, william james, alice horan, lucy hamilton, beatrice blake, catherine bowers, mona callow, lillian cameron, joyce dopel, iva denovan, william thompson, irene hewitt, catheriine kardens, beatrice stuart, hugh ross, mavis regelhuth, isabelle bell, melba perriman, vera muny, alan bernaldo, kathleen conway, dorothy darling, walter dunston, mary dwyer, agnes fraser, enid gates, maude williams, violet wheeler, jean tunbridge, maud auberry, john b. allen, rose c. andrews, willie banagwanath, john n. bennett, alfred bayley, geo h. blake, ida bolte, allison brown, eva brown, harold r. brown, henry f. bull, arthur burge, olive cotton, gertrude f coxon, alice culph, curtain, r.l. cutter, florence davis, w.m davies, helen dempster, ed dopel, l.c.m. dovey, ernest duncan, hugh elliott, nelson h. ferguson, mary featherstone, amelia field, david cochrane, phyllis polson, frederick proctor, geoff richards, bessie robertson, catherine ronald, cora saudberg, mary sheppard, scott smith, leonard steele, j.b. suttcliffe, nellie thornhill, vernon fisher, gordon fletcher, elsie ford, constance furness, grace m. geddes, ada giacometti, mary gleeson, v. hall, harold herm, dorothy hambley, clemence hill, evelyn hodgson, annie holmes, glynis humphreys, augus henderson, joseph james, queenie johnson, harold jolly, francis n. king, william knott, mary kinnear, adelaide leash, doris lonie, a lilbourne, f.j. llewellyn, herb malui, muriel mathew, nellie moloney, mabel morris, ernest morshead, w.k. moss, winifred moyley, eileen mcinerney, jack mclean, chas mcnamara, maryanne medwell, alice osbourne, elsie pitts, percy trompf, basil tunbridge, david walker, ruby walton, annie whitla, kenneth whittle, walter wilberforce, alb e williams, masie wise, amy wolff, olive wunhym, beryl atkins, hector ashby, geo banagwanath, g.n.j. barker, marion r. bailey, kathleen bowe, lelia brough, cecil campbell, basil craddock, ida chapman, iris campbell, una campbell, eileen cleary, reg m.l. cuttter, lyle eves, violet elston, eric embling, violet evans, f.l. ellsworth, vera fisher, una fowles, colin graham, victor greenhalgh, clarence grose, dororthy hall, margaret hannaby, leslie henderson, harold herbert, effie holmes, herbert hopkins -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Tin, c. 1930-1955s
This metal tin once contained sewing silk thread used in the making of the ship model, Sovereign of the Seas. Natural silk thread has elasticity and can also be teased out for making fine line for rigging on ship models. ”. It is part of a collection of objects used by Jim Williams, maker of fine ship models from about 1930-1955. Most of the components for the models, as well as many of the tools, were handmade by Jim Williams. Ship model of HMS Sovereign of the Seas, scale model of 17th Century English war ship, was handmade and carved from plans, enclosed in airtight glass case. All components of that model, including even the smallest pulleys, were hand crafted using tools designed and made by Jim. Outstanding details include functional rigging and moving cannons. Please see our record 3732 of the mode Sovereign of the Seas for further details of the ship and the maker. This tin of tailor's silk is connected with the hobby and skill of ship model making that has been crafted as a leisure activity for many generations. The hobby is often chosen by serving and retired mariners who appreciate the connection with maritime history. This tailor's silk was used by local Warrnambool man, Jim Williams, who was employed at Cramond and Dickson clothing store, and then at Fletcher Jones menswear for 27 years. It was used in making components for the model of the historic ship, the Sovereign of the Seas. The Sovereign of the Seas was a historic 17th century English war ship with important maritime heritage.Tin, round, with lid. Red label reads “The "A.B.C" Brand Tailors Sewing Silk (Raven) Color Fast. Dyed by a new process. Manufactured from the best raw silks procurable. Warranted. Made in England. Size No. 1/4 LB” .The container has no contents. This tin is part of a collection of tools and accessories once used by Jim Williams, maker of a series of ship models 1930-1955 including “HMS Sovereign of the Seas”. “The "A.B.C" Brand Tailors Sewing Silk (Raven) Color Fast. Dyed by a new process. Manufactured from the best raw silks procurable. Warranted. Made in England. Size No. 1/4 LB”, Logo on lid is the intertwined letters of “A.B.C.” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, ship model sovereign of the seas, jim williams, james bernard williams, ship model tools, ship model making, ship model making accessories, "a.b.c" brand tailors sewing silk, silk sewing thread, textile, tin container for silk thread, ship model, hobby, ship model tool, english war ship