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Australian Queer Archives
Poster, Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Queer federations : Australia's Homosexual Histories Conference 4, Adelaide University, 19-20 October 2001, 2001
Black and white reproductions of vintage photographs on purple paper, text in black. Additional text: "Presented by the Sexuality Department of the Students' Association of the University of Adelaide and Adelaide University in association with the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives and Feast 2001 - Adelaide's Lesbian and Gay Cultural Festival."queer -
Australian Queer Archives
Poster, Child custody : the rights of the lesbian mother : public forum : Friday 16th November 1979, 1979
Graphic illustration of two women and two childrenin red against a grey background, printed on white paper.Additional text: "Child custody : the rights of the lesbian mother : a public forum, George Hunt Room, Trades Hall, 4 Goulburn Street, City. Followed by film: In the best interest of the children". -
Australian Queer Archives
Poster, Lesbian and Gay Pride WA Inc presents Xessorise, Embassy Ballroom, Perth, Saturday 7 June 1997, 1997
Additional text: "DJs Milly, Scott, Dirty Den, Curlee." -
Melbourne Athenaeum Archives
Theatre Flyer, Dolly Diamond : Because I'm worth it: 15th year anniversary Gala (concert)performed by Dolly Diamound with accompiant provided by Melbourne Gay and Lesbian CHorus , Footscray - Yarraville city band and the Melboprne Rainbow Band at melbourne athenaeum feb 3rd, 2018
15th year anniversary featured reunion of "the phones " as well as Rachel Dunham and Luke Gallagher Coloured flyer dolly diamond, melbourne gay and lesbian chorus, footscray-yarraville city band, melbourne rainbow band, rachel dunham, luke gallagher, melbourne athenaem theatre -
Australian Queer Archives
Photograph, A group of of four Kwinana Women's Motor Club members at an Elagabalus Motor Club party, Adelaide
This photograph comes from an album created by an unidentified member of Elagabalus Motor Club, and comes from a series documenting the second birthday of Elagabalus MC and formation of Kwinana Women's Motor Club in 1977. Kwinana was founded by women involved in MCC Adelaide, an LGBTQ-affirming mainline Protestant Christian denomination. These MCC Adelaide members had attended an Elagabalus MC camp out in 1977 and decided to form a club. Kwinana is believed to be the first lesbian motor club in Australia, significantly predating the formation of Dykes on Bikes Sydney in 1988.Colour photographic printmotor clubs, lesbian -
Australian Queer Archives
Poster, Wimmins Link : every Friday night : Radio 6NR 92.7khz. 10.30 - 11.30pm
Radio 6NR was Western Australia's first community broadcaster, beginning broadcasting on 16 October 1976. Not long after the Gays Broadcasting Collective (GBC), formed by Perth Gay Liberation, began producing Gays Weekly on the station from c.1978. The shows format saw its weekly programs focus on: 1. news and general matters; 2. coming out; 3. wimmin's program; and 4. lambda documentaries, about community organisations and individuals. This format wasn't to last, with the GBC breaking along gender lines at the end of 1979. The Gays Weekly program was renamed Rated Gay in March 1980, and the Wimmins Collective established a program called Amazon Access within the Wimmin's Broadcasting Cooperative on the station, which was later renamed Wimmin's Link.Posterradio, women, lesbian -
Australian Queer Archives
Cartoon, Wicked Women : There's no stopping us now!, 1990
Wicked Women (1988-1996) was a sex-positive lesbian erotica magazine established, published and edited in Sydney by Francine (Jasper) Laybutt and Lisa Salmon. Later edited by Kimberly O'Sullivan.Pen an ink drawing on laid paper.Signed and dated by the artist lower right. -
Australian Queer Archives
Poster, Inter-campus Campaign Against Sexual Violence, Melbourne University, Thursday 12th Sept [1991], [1991]
Offset lithographic print. Poster is annotated version of campaign poster for the 'Inter-Campus Campaign Against Violence'.Event annotations at the base of the poster read: "Thursday 12th Sept / Melbourne University / Concrete Lawns (in front of Union Building) / Speakers - 12.30pm." Back of poster includes a letter from to Cheryl [Berkovitch] compere on 3CR Radio's Gay and Lesbian Program, regarding speakers for the day coming from Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA), Men Against Sexual Assault (MASA) and Gays and Lesbians Against Discrimination (GLAD), and asking for promotion of the event. The letter is signed Melbourne University Feminist Collective, Melbourne University Lesbian Collection and Gaysoc. -
Australian Queer Archives
Ephemera, Radicalesbians, Bisexuality [Conference Paper], Radicalesbian Conference, Sorrento, Victoria, 6-8 July 1973, 1973
The attached paper was presented to the Radicalesbian Conference held in Sorrento over the weekend of 6-8 July 1973. Barb Creed presented this paper written by Barb, June, and Jenny. As Chris Sitka notes in her history of the Radicalesbians, the paper was easily the most controversial of the Conference, generating a significant amount of hostility. The implication that many drew from the paper was that 'bisexuality was the really non-sexist form of relating because only bisexuality was breaking down gender divisions.' Participants subsequently highlighted their resentment towards the paper as stemming from the 'fact that we were reclaiming our lesbianism... Meanwhile bisexuals were only trying to reap the privileges of heterosexuality while enjoying benefits of lesbianism.'radicalesbians, bisexuality -
Yarra City Council
Sculpture - Figurative, William Eicholtz, Courage, 2014
'Inspired by the iconic character of the Cowardly Lion in the story 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' and his contemplation of what it means to possess the courage to be yourself, no matter who you are.''Courage' honours the contribution, culture and diversity of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (GLBTIQ) community, and is dedicated to the legacy of Ralph McLean (1957–2010), Australia’s first openly gay elected official (City of Fitzroy, 1982) and Mayor (1984), an advocate for gay rights and social justice, and a champion of the arts.Bronze statue of a male figure half dressed in a lion costume holding a medal of bravery with a lions head/mask resting on his foot. Accompanying plaquelgtbqia+, wizard oz, ralph mclean, eicholtz -
Australian Queer Archives
Photograph, B-News, Lesbians and Gays for Reconciliation, Queers stick with Wik, Pride March, Melbourne, 1998 (5), 1998
aboriginal and torres strait islander -
Australian Queer Archives
Audio, 2SER 107.3 FM (Radio Station : Sydney, NSW) : Gaywaves : 4/8/1983 : Enola Gay special on disarmament, 1983
Produced for Enola Gay's participation in Hiroshima Day, Sat 6 August 1983, assembling at Belmore Park at 10 am under the Enola Gay banners. 0:00: Introduction and song; 3:50: Japanese instrumental music; 9:08: Commentary resumes - history of the bombing of Hiroshima, 6 Aug 1945, and Nagasaki 3 days later; 15:30: Music Tomorrow never comes until it's too late; 19:45: Commentary including accounts from survivors; 26:58: Music, Take the toys from the boys; 29:25: Commentary regarding arms race, including voice of Fabian LoSchiavo regarding dissident religious views in the USA; 33:05: Music, California dreaming; 36:10: Commentary re the practicalities of bomb shelters; 38:00: Music, Cancer, cancer; 41:40: Commentary re peace marches in Europe, health effects of radiation, civil defense in nuclear war, music; 47:35: Music, Universal soldier (cut off towards end), anti-war parody of Yankee Doodle Uncle Sam with Australian refs (Omega, Pine Gap etc); 59:10: Commentary regarding nuclear bomb testing at Marilinga (SA) and Monte Bello islands; 1:01:15: Music, 'But I aint a marchin' any more'; 1:04:05: Commentary re costs of arms race - refs to gay and feminist anti-war groups overseas; 1:05:58: Music, Down by the riverside/Aint gonna study war no more, promo for Enola Gay and prep for Hiroshima Day, instrumental music, music US forces (Midnight Oil), Soft touch (Poison Girls); 1:26:56: Music, Thank Christ for the bomb, eerie instrumental music, Maralinga (Midnight Oil), Not another bomb song, ending at 1:39:00.Maxwell UD XL I - C90 cassette tapeInscribed in biro on label: "ENOLA GAY Disarmament Special - Gaywaves 2SER 4/8/83."anti-nuclear activism, gay and lesbian activism, hiroshima day -
Australian Queer Archives
Ephemera, Strategy Against Right-Wing Attacks (S.A.R.A) [kit], 1980
The Strategy Against Right-Wing Attacks (S.A.R.A) kit was produced by wimmin from around Australia following the 1980 National Wimmin's Conference, Darwin, NT. It includes a fantastic set of papers from a forum on the state of feminism in Australia discussing right-wing attacks on women's organisations, and highlights success stories for attacking back. The kit was meant to be added to through a national network of SARA contacts in each state.women's liberation movement, lesbian feminism, darwin