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Port of Echuca
Audio - Oral History - Geoff Evans, Oral History of Geoffrey Thomas Evans of Echuca b1924 d 2007
... Log slip... slip log skid p.s. Edwards p.s. Melbourne Impulse barge Allison ...Geoff Evans was the third generation to run Evans Brothers Sawmills that operated from the northern end of the Echuca Wharf from 1923 to 1983. His grandfather Richard James Evans orig. of England, settled in Victoria at a young age. He first worked as a butcher and later cut firewood in the Heathcote and Bacchus Marsh area. ‘R.J.’, as he was known established a sawmill at Barmah in the 1890s, before relocating to this site in 1923. It became known officially as the Evans Bros. Echuca Red Gum Sawmill. This site proved more economical due to its position at the railhead. Paddlesteamers towed barges carrying the logs from the surrounding forests to this mill. The Steamers that were owned by the Evans family were the Edwards (built 1875) and the Melbourne (built 1912). The Edwards was the main towing vessel. Outrigger barges at this mill were the Impulse (1885), Alison (1907), Clyde (once a paddlesteamer, built in 1884). Insider barges at the mill were old wool barges with iron topsides, the J.L.Roberts (1894), ADA (1899) and the Whaler which was of wooden construction. The Evans Mill cut both red gum and Murray pine. There was a main mill for the red gum and a second one for the pine on this site. Two new Marshall steam engines had been purchased by the family, one was used in the P.S. Edwards and the other for the Barmah mill and later this site. The Evans Bros. Mill was very much a family concern with it being owned and operated firstly by R.J., then his son Frederick. R. Evans and later grandson Geoff Evans. The mill employed 18 workers and operated until the 1980s, only briefly was it in the hands of other owners before the construction on part of the site of a tourist-oriented building known as the Red Gum Works which eventually made way for the Port of Echuca Discovery Centre in 2014.Knowledge of the redgum timber milling industry and associated mechanisms such as log slips is scant with little photographic representations to be found. The industry created alongside the Murray River in various places was very unique given the nature of red gum not floating and ingenuity and making use of local resources was required. Geoff Evans had firsthand knowledge of much of this process and how the Echuca Wharf area used to be in past decades. Geoff was also a popular musician and mayor of Echuca so had much knowledge of the local history and community.Digital recording of oral history interview with Geoff Evans of Evans Brothers Sawmill Echuca. evans bros, evans bros saw mills, evans' sawmill, geoff evans, log slip, log skid, p.s. edwards, p.s. melbourne, impulse barge, allison barge, clyde barge, j.l. roberts barge, ada barge, whaler barge, murray pine, redgum, marshall engines, r.j evans, f.j. evans, discovery centre, p.s. marion -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Peter James' boat with family and friends, Peter's Boat, 1936
... ) squatting in centre on sand. Boat is on slip logs. 1936... in centre on sand. Boat is on slip logs. 1936 Peter's Boat ...Copied during development of Fisher Folk of Fishermens Bend. Peter James, a Bend fisherman, built this boat. This image used in 'Historic Port Melbourne' calendar 2005B&W photo of Peter James' boat, with family and friends from The Bend. Peter sitting, father (also Peter James) squatting in centre on sand. Boat is on slip logs. 1936fishermans bend, peter james, peter 'pop james, sol ireton, dave turnbull, ballast ground, the bend -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Map - Public Land Sale by Thomas Ham, 2000 Acres for Sale - Crown Sections 20, 23, 24 - Ringwood, Victoria - 1855
Two 1850s surveyor's maps on cardboard backing showing area from Melbourne extending East beyond Bulleen and Nunawading. Detailed description of lots for sale and navigational directions to the property from Richmond by Thomas Ham, Victorian public servant, map maker, publisher, lithographer and original Ringwood land owner. Inset map enlarging area between Yarra River and Dandenong Creek, with southern boundary of allotments later forming part of Oban Road, North Ringwood.TRANSCRIPT: "This really valuable Property is now offered to the public for sale, in lots to suit purchasers at the Iow rate of £1 per Acre for 80 acres and upwards, and £1.10s per Acre for any smaller portion. Terms of payment Half Cash, Balance in 6 and 12 months, bearing 8 per cent interest. The Estate is well wooded with Gum, Cherry Tree and Stringy Bark, with Wattle in the valleys of the several creeks. Every lot is Staked and Trenched at the corners marked on the Plan thus - The Surveyor has carefully sub-divided the Property, in order to give every Farm a Creek for Water, Valley for Cultivation, and Hills for House and Grass Paddock. The ROADS have been very carefully laid out so as to give a firm, well drained, and nearly level road to each Homestead. Intending purchasers can readily find the property by the following directions, viz: Start from Richmond Bridge, at Hawthorne, then take the left-hand road to KEW. When at the "Woodman Inn", take the Cotham Road to the right, bearing due east, keep this Road, passing Trainor's "White Horse" Inn, and before you leave the fences, you will see calico bills (see margin) nailed to the Trees on the bush track leading to the Upper Yarra country, follow the Bills till you come to the SOUTH boundary line of the Property, which bears East and West (see Plan) where you will see Bills nailed up "THIS PROPERTY FOR SALE, etc." The Bills from Town lead direct to where Mr. Jull is erecting his Store, and arrangements have been made with him to show the lots to intending purchasers free of charge. At the respective corners of the lots the Bills are nailed up double, with numbers to denote the lot, and that the corner stake is adjacent. Any parties wishing to proceed to the property by way of BULLEEN will find Bills nailed on the Trees, commencing at the NEW INN, at "Wilson's Slip Rail." Keep this Track till you come to the Log Bridge, over the Deep Creek at Bloxhome's Paddock; go through the land now being cleared; keep the track over the hill till you come to an Iron House, you will then be on the property, which Iies to the North and East as per Plan. Follow the Bills till you come to Mr. Jull's Store, etc. etc. Further particulars can be had from the Agent for the Property. THOMAS HAM. " -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Rose Stereograph Company, Log Bridge, Eltham Road. Greensborough, c.1920
A woman stands at the end of a log bridge over a creek looking towards the south along the unsealed roadway. The sun illuminates her back. She is wearing a woollen knit beanie with edges rolled up, dark jacket and skirt, full length dark stockings and slip on dark leather shoes with raised heel, typical of the early 1920s. The creek is possibly feeding into the Karingal Yalloc. The direction of the road based on shadows is northwest as is the Eltham Road to Greensborough (present day Sherbourne, Karingal and St Helena roads). The creek is falling to the foreground so from south west to the north east, possibly feeding into the Karingal Yalloc, somewhere near presenet day Ramptons Road Reserve. This glass plate negative was used to manufacture postcards (1:1 printing) for commercial sale by the Rose Sterograph Company and its subsidiaries. George Rose founded the Rose Stereograph Company in 1880 and was joined by Herbert (Bert) Cutts in the early 20th Century. The pair formed a lifetime working partnership and strong personal friendship. Assisted by George’s two sons, Herbert George and Walter, and later by Neil Cutts, the Rose Stereograph Company continued its operations for more than 140 years. The company was initially built on stereographs, but as cinema took over and stereographs fell out of fashion, the Rose Stereograph Company developed Australia’s first commercially viable photographic postcard business. Specialising in postcards of iconic historical moments and significant landmarks, The Rose Stereograph Company became a staple of the Australian travel industry.This remarkable collection of glass plate negatives, transparencies, and postcards – arguably Australia’s most significant photography collection outside of public hands – has been passed down through the generations, surviving war, relocation, and the harsh Victorian climate. The historic Rose Stereograph collection is the culmination of George Rose’s dream of capturing and preserving precious moments in time and remains the legacy of the Rose and Cutts families. It is with great sadness that the Cutts family says goodbye to a collection that spans five generations and 140 years. The Cutts family understands that for these historically important pieces to rest with one family is to deny others the pleasure of their custodianship.Glass Plate Negative Size: 9.2 x 13.8 cmLog Bridge, Eltham Road, Greensborougheltham, postcard, travel, rose stereograph company, glass plate negative, creek, eltham road, greensborough, karingal road, karingal yallock, log bridge, sherbourne road, st helena road, women's fashion, rampton's road reserve, peter and elizabeth pidgeon collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Graves of William J and Mary Jane (nee Vance) Crozier and their sons Thomas Vance and John McClelland Crozier, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
William Crozier was born 1823 in County Armagh, Ireland. Mary Jane Vance was born 1829 in Desecrete, County Tyrone, Ireland. They were married in 1848. On New Year's Eve, 1849, together with their baby daughter Sarah, William and Mary embarked from Plymouth aboard the Eliza Caroline, as assisted immigrants, for Port Phillip, arriving 31 March 1850 from where they journeyed out to Eltham on a bullock wagon. The Croziers were Episcopalians and soon after arriving in Eltham the Wesleyans of Little Eltham were holding services in the Crozier's home, among other locations. It was not until January 1856 that the Wesleyan church first acquired land in Henry Street for a chapel, which later became the home of the Eltham Hall. The Crozier home, known as ‘Belmont’ was weatherboard with a rammed earth floor. It was situated on twenty-four acres along the track at its rise, about half-a-mile east of Maria Street (Main Road) bounded by Mt Pleasant Road on the south and Pitt Street northwards. William Crozier used the land for cultivation and grazing. The track the Eltham Wesleyans took, by foot or horse, was along the Mt Pleasant Road, and like most roads of the time, a dusty trail in summer and a hoof and cart rutted quagmire in winter. William and Mary Crozier had seven children: Sarah, (1848 Ireland), John McClelland (1851 Eltham), Eliza (1855 Eltham), William (1857 Eltham), Jane(1859 Yarraville), Charlotte Amelia (1861 Yarraville), and Thomas Vance (1864 Eltham). The Crozier farm prospered and in 1870, William applied for, and was granted a leasehold on an additional sixty-three-acre selection, half-a-mile east of his twenty-four-acre Mt Pleasant Road property. Upon this property he built a two-roomed dwelling of slats and bark and a storeroom of log and bark, ten feet square. In 1880 he applied for a Crown grant of the property. Tragedy struck the family in 1882 when the youngest, Thomas Vance at age 17 accompanied by John Anderson, went into "Hall's Dam" to bathe, neither of them being able to swim. On wading out together, Crozier suddenly slipped into a part about 10ft. deep, and sank, after rising only once. Anderson pluckily tried to save him, nearly losing his own life in the attempt, saving himself when sinking for the last time by seizing hold of a projecting root. The body was not recovered until two hours after, when Mr. Thomas Bell, a farmer in the locality, who was attracted to the spot, on hearing of the occurrence, although unable to swim, plunged in with a rope around his waist, and succeeded with some difficulty in bringing it to the surface. Their eldest son, John also died prematurely at age 42 when he was killed by a falling tree branch whilst engaged in ring-barking trees at Eltham. A still cold wind was blowing and John, and others who were working with him, sheltered themselves at lunch time by sitting on the side of a large tree. When thus seated, the wind detached a limb of the tree which sheltered them, and though they heard the cracking, they had not time to get clear before the limb fell. It struck John on the head, and felled him to the ground, He appeared to be suffering severe pain, and two of his companions conveyed him to the Melbourne Hospital, where during the night he was operated upon for a fracture of the skull. Despite the operation being successful, John ultimately succumbed to his injuries the following afternoon. In good times William was known for his wealth of reminiscences of the early days of the district however his health failed him for several years until his death in March 1909. He was a man of very industrious habits, of a retiring disposition and much esteemed by those who knew him best. Mary died in January 1915 after a long illness. They are buried together along with their sons John and Thomas in the Eltham Cemetery. In Loving Remembrance William Beloved husband of Mary Jane Crozier Who departed this life March 31st 1909, aged 85 years Also Mary Jane Beloved wife of the above Who departed this life January 3rd 1915, aged 86 years Also John McCelland Son of the above Who departed this life May 20th 1894, aged 42 years also Sacred Memory of Thomas Vance Dearly beloved son of William J. Crozier Who departed this life at Eltham, February 3rd 1882 Aged 17 yearsBorn Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, john mccelland crozier, mary jane crozier (nee vance), thomas vance crozier, william j crozier -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Harry Gilham, Graves of William J and Mary Jane (nee Vance) Crozier and their sons Thomas Vance and John McClelland Crozier, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 1 Aug 2007
William Crozier was born 1823 in County Armagh, Ireland. Mary Jane Vance was born 1829 in Desecrete, County Tyrone, Ireland. They were married in 1848. On New Year's Eve, 1849, together with their baby daughter Sarah, William and Mary embarked from Plymouth aboard the Eliza Caroline, as assisted immigrants, for Port Phillip, arriving 31 March 1850 from where they journeyed out to Eltham on a bullock wagon. The Croziers were Episcopalians and soon after arriving in Eltham the Wesleyans of Little Eltham were holding services in the Crozier's home, among other locations. It was not until January 1856 that the Wesleyan church first acquired land in Henry Street for a chapel, which later became the home of the Eltham Hall. The Crozier home, known as ‘Belmont’ was weatherboard with a rammed earth floor. It was situated on twenty-four acres along the track at its rise, about half-a-mile east of Maria Street (Main Road) bounded by Mt Pleasant Road on the south and Pitt Street northwards. William Crozier used the land for cultivation and grazing. The track the Eltham Wesleyans took, by foot or horse, was along the Mt Pleasant Road, and like most roads of the time, a dusty trail in summer and a hoof and cart rutted quagmire in winter. William and Mary Crozier had seven children: Sarah, (1848 Ireland), John McClelland (1851 Eltham), Eliza (1855 Eltham), William (1857 Eltham), Jane(1859 Yarraville), Charlotte Amelia (1861 Yarraville), and Thomas Vance (1864 Eltham). The Crozier farm prospered and in 1870, William applied for, and was granted a leasehold on an additional sixty-three-acre selection, half-a-mile east of his twenty-four-acre Mt Pleasant Road property. Upon this property he built a two-roomed dwelling of slats and bark and a storeroom of log and bark, ten feet square. In 1880 he applied for a Crown grant of the property. Tragedy struck the family in 1882 when the youngest, Thomas Vance at age 17 accompanied by John Anderson, went into "Hall's Dam" to bathe, neither of them being able to swim. On wading out together, Crozier suddenly slipped into a part about 10ft. deep, and sank, after rising only once. Anderson pluckily tried to save him, nearly losing his own life in the attempt, saving himself when sinking for the last time by seizing hold of a projecting root. The body was not recovered until two hours after, when Mr. Thomas Bell, a farmer in the locality, who was attracted to the spot, on hearing of the occurrence, although unable to swim, plunged in with a rope around his waist, and succeeded with some difficulty in bringing it to the surface. Their eldest son, John also died prematurely at age 42 when he was killed by a falling tree branch whilst engaged in ring-barking trees at Eltham. A still cold wind was blowing and John, and others who were working with him, sheltered themselves at lunch time by sitting on the side of a large tree. When thus seated, the wind detached a limb of the tree which sheltered them, and though they heard the cracking, they had not time to get clear before the limb fell. It struck John on the head, and felled him to the ground, He appeared to be suffering severe pain, and two of his companions conveyed him to the Melbourne Hospital, where during the night he was operated upon for a fracture of the skull. Despite the operation being successful, John ultimately succumbed to his injuries the following afternoon. In good times William was known for his wealth of reminiscences of the early days of the district however his health failed him for several years until his death in March 1909. He was a man of very industrious habits, of a retiring disposition and much esteemed by those who knew him best. Mary died in January 1915 after a long illness. They are buried together along with their sons John and Thomas in the Eltham Cemetery. In Loving Remembrance William Beloved husband of Mary Jane Crozier Who departed this life March 31st 1909, aged 85 years Also Mary Jane Beloved wife of the above Who departed this life January 3rd 1915, aged 86 years Also John McCelland Son of the above Who departed this life May 20th 1894, aged 42 years also Sacred Memory of Thomas Vance Dearly beloved son of William J. Crozier Who departed this life at Eltham, February 3rd 1882 Aged 17 yearseltham cemetery, gravestones, memorials, film - kodak gold gc 400-9, john mccelland crozier, mary jane crozier (nee vance), scan - 35mm negative, thomas vance crozier, william crozier, william j crozier -
Anglesea and District Historical Society
Ship's log, Log of the "Inverlochy", 1899 - 1901
... in archival slip case. Log of the "Inverlochy" Ship's log ...The "Inverlochy" was wrecked off Anglesea in 1902.Mostly loose-leaf pages covering period 1899 - 1901. Log is held in 12 archival folders, housed in archival slip case. inverlochy, ship's log