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matching melton agricultural society
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.H. Pollitt, An Historical Record of Melton, c1961
... Melton Agricultural Society..., agricultural society, rail, Melton weir, index of students enrolled..., agricultural society, rail, Melton weir, index of students enrolled ...Melton is a town in Victoria.Orange soft covered booklet of 64 pages. Includes sections on Aborigines, John Bull, exploration, survey, early settler, graves, Melton Roads Board, cemetery, common school, churches, agricultural society, rail, Melton weir, index of students enrolled at the Melton Common School in 1864.william dredge darke, samuel staughton, simon straughton, thomas henry pyke, djerriwarrh, charles williams, richard manning, william oldershaw, william yuille, benjamin porter, john ferris, captain moonlight, viaduct, pennyroyal creek, thomas pyke, toolern toolern creek, melton, keilor station, melton weir, melton common school, john bull, melton coursing cup, melton agricultural society -
Melton City Libraries
Document, Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the life of Ernest Wesley Barrie (Bon) 1909-1985, 1985
SUMMARY - Ernest W (Bon) Barrie, 1909 – 1985 Profile Melton Mechanics Institute Member 1935 - 1982i Trustee 1952 - 1982 Life Member 1968 Years of service – 47 years He constructed and provided a public address system which was used at Melton and district halls and sports grounds for a wide variety of community events including school sports, gymkhanas, theatrical productions and processions. Fire Brigade Melton Fire Brigade (and predecessor Bush Fire Brigade) Apparatus Officer, 1945 - 1953 Captain, 1951 - 1965 Mt Cotterill Fire Brigades’ Group Elected Group Officer, on the formation of the Group, 1967. As Group Communications Officer he operated the VL3 LY base radio station from home on a 24 hour basis for fire brigades of Melton, Rockbank, Sydenham, Diggers Rest, Toolern Vale, Truganina and Werribee. With his brother Edgar, he built the first Melton Fire Truck. It was housed on the family property until a fire station was constructed in the Melton township. Recipient of the Queens Medal, 1979 Recognised for 44 years of service on the Melton Fire Brigade Memorial Wall Plaque, dedicated May 2013 Melton State School, no 430 Committee – School Correspondent (secretarial and financial role) 34 years of Service Provided his Amplifier Equipment for events and the annual district School Sports from 1939-1973. Donated the House Athletic Shield Melton and District Historical Society 1968 – 1985 President and foundation member Willows Historical Park – supported the establishment of the park and contributed many volunteers hours in the construction and landscaping of the precinct Member, Western Metropolitan Groups of Historical Societies, 1980s Shire of Melton Councillor South Riding, 1969-1971 Member of the Water Trust Melton Uniting Church Melton Uniting Church (and its predecessors the Methodist, Methodist-Presbyterian churches). A lifetime association which extended from childhood when he attended Sunday school until his death in 1985. Member of the Presbyterian Board of Management for more than 25 years in which he held positions of Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Board member of the Parish Council and Member of the Committee of Management. He was a Sunday school teacher 1933. Community development With Mr RC Butler met with Shire Council in 1937 to canvass residents to ascertain prospective Electric consumers in the district. Electricity was subsequently turned on at dusk on 20th December 1939. Melton Progress Association, including Melton Musical, Elocutionary and Vocal Competitions, Vice President 1939 1940 Melton Development Association, 1960s Volunteer Air Observers Corps (VAOC)ii Carried out plane spotting at Shire Office and spotting tower in Melton and later from home until 1944/45. Agriculture and farming Progress and Better Farming Association, Melton. Honorary Secretary, 1935 Member, Agricultural Engineering Society Australia c1960-1985 A successful grower of wheat, oats and barley, he planted experiment plots and held Field Days on the “Darlingsford” property. He later diversified into other grains and sheep (wool and meat). He took a enthusiastic interest in agricultural engineering and was keen to introduce innovative ideas that improved the productivity of farms and farming practices. In the mid 1950 he conducted trials during harvest on the family property of the original mechanical hay fork built on a British Bedford truck by Bill Gillespie. This design was further refined in collaboration with the Gillespie brothers and resulted in the construction the hydraulically operated tractor mounted hay fork. The innovative design of the hay fork created interest from far and wide and was quickly taken up by farmers because it significantly reduced hand labouring of loading sheaves of hay with a pitch fork. His father established chaff mills in Melton, Rockbank, Parwan, Diggers Rest in the first decade of 1900 and in 1915 went into partnership with JR Schutt to establish the Schutt & Barrie Pty. Ltd. Chaff Cutting and Flour Mill in West Footscray. When it ceased trading in 1968 the directors were: Ernest W Barrie and Thomas L Barrie, R, A, and M Schutt. Awards Queens Medal, 1979 Rotary Award for Community Service, 1980 Victoria 150th Anniversary Celebrations contributions, 1985 Service held at Melton Uniting Church local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Map, Streets of Melton, 1963
MELTON’S STREETS Heritage Week 2014 What’s in a Name? Alphabetical List Aboriginal place names, Early Family Names and landowners, Agricultural, Shop and Commercial premises, Places and Events Melton & District Historical Society Street Naming Project 1972 – c 1998 Suburb Name – KURUNJANG - Kirkton, 1972, Brookfield, West, 1988 Melton and Town Centre - A joint collaboration with the Shire of Melton and Subdivision Developers ARNOLD Court – Family house - Arnolds Creek ALKEMADE Drive Family – Lime kilns Coimadia ALEXANDRA Street 1902 – Corination of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra AVIATOR Place Event, location of plane crash – Jimmy Melrose 1936 Adina ?Annibee - Anniba? Agricultural Avon court .. .. BAKERY Square - Location of Jongebloed shop, bakehouse and stables BALUK Place Aboriginal BARLEYCORN Place Agricultural BILLING Place Name of Jimmy Melrose Uncle Noel Pemberton Billing BLACKWOOD Drive - Alexander Blackwood 1860c Registrar BARRIES Road C. E. Barrie “Darlingsford” farmer 1911, chaff mill owner BROOKLYN Road Staughton family residence. 1875 – Dismantled c 193? CAHILL Drive Family - Glenville Dairy CAMERON Court Family Canopus Place ? CANALLAN Drive Early Surveyor CAMPBELL Court Aviation – Melrose passenger 6th July 1936 CARBERRY Drive Michael, early landowner family CAREW Court Edward and Michael. Royal Hotel. Vera (Carew) Forran Singer - Opera CASEY Court Family CASHIN Court Family CHEVIOT Court Agriculture, breed of sheep CHESNEY Road was re named ( Minns Road being duplicated c 1973) CHRISTINA Crescent Christina McPherson, daughter of James and Mary Mary McPherson. Died 1955 aged 85 years COLLYER Close a deleted street (parallel to Yuille) re-used CORRIEDALE Road Breed of sheep CORR Court Teacher at first school, landowner CROXTON Court Name of the Hornbuckle and Knox family home DALEY Court - William Daley and family 1865 Bootmaker High Street DARLINGSFORD Boulevard - Name of early homestead Thomas B Darling 1853 DJERRIWARRH Court - Parish County of Bourke - very early map. DODEMAIDE Place Early land owners - Melton Football Team had 6 brothers playing c 1924 DONALD Court McPherson family 6 generations in Melton in 1936 DOUGAL Court DUNCAN Court .. .. DUNVEGAN Circuit Home of the McPherson family, castle Isle of Skye Name of bluestone house Smith Street (now at Willows) EMIL Court Jongebloed family EXELL Avenue Farming family Melton Sth- Closer Settlement 1907 EXFORD Road Exe former name of the Werribee river FARMER Court Name of early postmistress FERRIS Road John Ferris Farmer HANNAH Close First name of Hannah Watts – midwife HAYBALE Place Agricultural HELDER Court Early surveyor J Helder Wedge map HEWSON Street Winston Hewson Shire Engineer – check title c 1960 HENRY Street Township map c 1860 HESTON Street Heston Phoenix – C.J. Melrose plane HILDEGARDE Court Jimmy Melrose’s mothers name HOMESTEAD Close HORNBUCKLE Cres Farmers. Three members of family - Shire Presidents HURLEY Street Farmers IAIN Court Descendent of James and Mary McPherson JAMES MELROSE Drive Name appears on 2013 Melton information map JANG Place KURUN – jang KIRKTON Drive Name of the McPherson family home Toolern Vale Road KIRWIN Street Michael early landowners (deleted for freeway construction) KILPATRICKS Road Deleted when Barries Road was extended across Station Rd KOROROIT Court Early map, Parish of Kororoit. Creek name KNOX Circuit Family – Hornbuckle “Croxton Park” KURRUNJANG Drive Aboriginal name for people of the red earth – Suburb name Lara Place ? LLOYD Court Garage owners High Street. Laura lived to 100 years D 1955 LUBY Court John Luby – Crown Grant Land Title LITTLE Court MANNING Avenue Richard, hotel owner 1891 MARGARET Drive McPherson family McDONALD Street Melton South family name McKENZIE Street Township c1860 MORROW Street Early name MOWBRAY Crescent Name of English Melton, popularly believed origin of Melton MYERS Court Early setters c 1866 Crown Grant Land Title NIMMO Street Early name NIXON Street Name submitted by Mary nee Nixon Collins c1985 OLDERSHAW Road Early builder PALMERSTON Street Early township map c 1860 PEART Court Early name PENNYROYAL Avenue Plant growing by the creek. Early name used for the Toolern Toolam Creek PINKERTON Street Family name and early street map PINNACLE Crescent Agricultural - type of wheat PHOENIX Circuit C.J. Melrose Phoenix Heston Plane 2013 map PRATT Family PRIOR Court PYKE Place Brothers – early settlement 1838 RADFORD Court Land owners and business operators. Former Royal Hotel Grocer High Street demolished 1970 RAGLAN Court Hotel 19th century Lord Raglan RALEIGHS Road Oliver Reierson family (Norweigen) Shopkeeper – Dressmakers RIDDELL Drive (misspelt Riddle) Resident and land owner RODERICK Road McPherson family – a re occurring name ROLLAND Court Jones family ROSS Court Daniel. Landowner. Agnes Ross music teacher RUSSELL Court Robert. Early land surveyor of Melton 1853 RYAN Court Family early landowner. Member of the 1862 Road Board SHEBLER Place Augustus early Melton resident – Golden Fleece Hotel SHEEPFOLD Court Farming SHERWIN Court Sherwin Street earliest Township map– became Golf course SMITH Street Early township map. STRATHULLOH Circuit Strathtulloh Homestead. STAUGHTON Street Family – LARGE land owners Strachan ? SWANEY Court Marie Swaney earlier resident of Strathtulloh. SUTHERLAND Family name TOOLERN Street TOOLAM – TOOLERN Creek TULLIDGE St Road marked on 1861 map UNITT Street Early Township c 1860 WALLACE Square Cr Jack Wallace 5 terms as President 46 years unopposed WATTS Court Hannah Watts – midwife, cottage hospital WALSINGHAM Name of house of Minns family. From Walsingham Norfolk England WESTLEY Place Name of Jimmy Melrose Percival Gull Plane WESTLAKE Drive Early resident WHICKHAM Street Family Name Melton South WILSON Road Albert, Melton South YUILLE Street William Cross, early landowner, Rockbank run Zoomed in section of Melton Streets including Church and High Streetlandscapes of significance -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Bon Barrie, c.1940, Unknown
SUMMARY - Ernest W (Bon) Barrie, 1909 – 1985 Profile Melton Mechanics Institute Member 1935 - 1982i Trustee 1952 - 1982 Life Member 1968 Years of service – 47 years He constructed and provided a public address system which was used at Melton and district halls and sports grounds for a wide variety of community events including school sports, gymkhanas, theatrical productions and processions. Fire Brigade Melton Fire Brigade (and predecessor Bush Fire Brigade) Apparatus Officer, 1945 - 1953 Captain, 1951 - 1965 Mt Cotterill Fire Brigades’ Group Elected Group Officer, on the formation of the Group, 1967. As Group Communications Officer he operated the VL3 LY base radio station from home on a 24 hour basis for fire brigades of Melton, Rockbank, Sydenham, Diggers Rest, Toolern Vale, Truganina and Werribee. With his brother Edgar, he built the first Melton Fire Truck. It was housed on the family property until a fire station was constructed in the Melton township. Recipient of the Queens Medal, 1979 Recognised for 44 years of service on the Melton Fire Brigade Memorial Wall Plaque, dedicated May 2013 Melton State School, no 430 Committee – School Correspondent (secretarial and financial role) 34 years of Service Provided his Amplifier Equipment for events and the annual district School Sports from 1939-1973. Donated the House Athletic Shield Melton and District Historical Society 1968 – 1985 President and foundation member Willows Historical Park – supported the establishment of the park and contributed many volunteers hours in the construction and landscaping of the precinct Member, Western Metropolitan Groups of Historical Societies, 1980s Shire of Melton Councillor South Riding, 1969-1971 Member of the Water Trust Melton Uniting Church Melton Uniting Church (and its predecessors the Methodist, Methodist-Presbyterian churches). A lifetime association which extended from childhood when he attended Sunday school until his death in 1985. Member of the Presbyterian Board of Management for more than 25 years in which he held positions of Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Board member of the Parish Council and Member of the Committee of Management. He was a Sunday school teacher 1933. Community development With Mr RC Butler met with Shire Council in 1937 to canvass residents to ascertain prospective Electric consumers in the district. Electricity was subsequently turned on at dusk on 20th December 1939. Melton Progress Association, including Melton Musical, Elocutionary and Vocal Competitions, Vice President 1939 1940 Melton Development Association, 1960s Volunteer Air Observers Corps (VAOC)ii Carried out plane spotting at Shire Office and spotting tower in Melton and later from home until 1944/45. Agriculture and farming Progress and Better Farming Association, Melton. Honorary Secretary, 1935 Member, Agricultural Engineering Society Australia c1960-1985 A successful grower of wheat, oats and barley, he planted experiment plots and held Field Days on the “Darlingsford” property. He later diversified into other grains and sheep (wool and meat). He took a enthusiastic interest in agricultural engineering and was keen to introduce innovative ideas that improved the productivity of farms and farming practices. In the mid 1950 he conducted trials during harvest on the family property of the original mechanical hay fork built on a British Bedford truck by Bill Gillespie. This design was further refined in collaboration with the Gillespie brothers and resulted in the construction the hydraulically operated tractor mounted hay fork. The innovative design of the hay fork created interest from far and wide and was quickly taken up by farmers because it significantly reduced hand labouring of loading sheaves of hay with a pitch fork. His father established chaff mills in Melton, Rockbank, Parwan, Diggers Rest in the first decade of 1900 and in 1915 went into partnership with JR Schutt to establish the Schutt & Barrie Pty. Ltd. Chaff Cutting and Flour Mill in West Footscray. When it ceased trading in 1968 the directors were: Ernest W Barrie and Thomas L Barrie, R, A, and M Schutt. Awards Queens Medal, 1979 Rotary Award for Community Service, 1980 Victoria 150th Anniversary Celebrations contributions, 1985 Photographs of Bon Barrielocal identities, pioneer families