Parks Victoria - Mount Buffalo Chalet
Honour Board
Was located in the stables at Mount Buffalo Chalet. It was used to record the names of horses that were ridden by Chalet guests when they were holidaying at the Chalet.
'Admiring the rugged beauty of the Buffalo Plateau and exploring its scenic attractions ...quickly became part of the Mount Buffalo Chalet tourist experience...The Chalet facilitated the experience by hosting guided tours, including trail rides on horseback...the horses remained at the Chalet for decades, and have been remembered with great affection, as demonstrated by the honour roll for Chalet horses and various commemorative plaques.' (Pg 98. Historica)
Many of these horses are still remmbered by former guest of the Chalet. Granite and Punka were legendary and plaques in their honor are mounted on the large granite boulders in the stableyards.Listed in Draft Inventory of Significant Collection items. Appendix A.3, Snow sports equipment and other recreational items. (Pg 166 Historica).Wooden plaque with names painted onto strips of leather fixed to a board. The board is made of two sections of wood and is arched at the top and squared at the base. The piece at the top that appears to be earlier and has gold painted inscriptions with decorative scrolling around the edge. The board has leather strapping around the edge and two stirrups threaded onto leather at the base. The upper section of the board has all the names painted onto leather strips. The lower section of the board has some names painted onto strips but also some names are scratched directly onto the wood.At top of plaque, "ROLL OF HONOUR /TO / OUR FRIENDS - / THE CHALET HORSES, / WHO GAVE US MANY HAPPY HOURS / BUT WHO HAVE SINCE MOVED / "DOWN THE HILL". FROM THE / TIME OF "PUNKA" / WHO SERVED / FAITHFULLY FOR 20 YEARS" Underneat this are the names of the individual horses starting with , "PUNKA....."