Showing 71 items
matching road resistances
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, New York Post, The School of Mine Quarterly: A Journal of Applied Science, 1889-1809
... road resistances... and pine oils Bluestone Ashokan Dam bluestone road resistances Oxy ...The School of Mines Quarterly was a jpournal of Applied Science from Columbia College, New York City.The Index to the School of Mines Quarterlu Volumes X1-XX (1900) and 32 green covered journals school of mines, new york, columbia college, schools of mines, columbia school of mines, witwatersrand goldfield, inter-continental railway, mine ropes, harbor improvememnts on the pacific coast, glycerine and artificial butter industry, transit factors for teh columbia college observatory, tables for the reducation of transit observations, ancienct methods for dividing and recoording time in japan, assay of tin, john strong newberry, standards of linnear measure, comparison of costs of electric lighting, huanchaca mine bolivia, el callao gold mine venezuela, john magnus adams, ores in saxony, hartz and rhenish prussia, hofmann apparatus, adjustment of trangulation, determination of carbonic acid in white lead, lower coals in western clearfield county pennsylvania, old telegraph mine ningham canon utah, mechanical preparation of ores, modern waterworks construction, curdling of milk, french regenerative gas furnace, irrication canals, peruvian salt mine, collection of metallurgic dust and fume, permeability of iron and steel, assay of silver, explosion in a zinc fume condenser, teaching archtectural history, liquid air, between the mine and the smelter, ballistic galvonometer, assay of telluride ores, analytical chemistry, theory and design of the masonry arch, silver pick mine wilson colorado, telegraphy and telephoney, mineralogy, morse code, michigan mining practices, titaniferous magnetites, paradox of the pantheon, rocks from wyoming, witwatersrand goldfields, gaseous sun, alternating current distribution, engineering tests on direct current electrical machinery, thomas egleston, ore dressing, frederick morgan watson, camp bird gold mine and mills, magnetic properties of iron and steel, morphology of organic compounds, antimony, structure of the starch molecule, cerrillos hills new mexico, geology, rossie lead veins, practical electrochemistry, lines of graphic statics, anistic acid by the ozidation of anniseed oil, bromate method for antimony, john krom rees, trust company of america building, helion lamp, frederick arthur goetze, mine surveying, pine wood oils, malleable cast iron, electrolytic treatment of galena, turpentine and pine oils, bluestone, ashokan dam bluestone, road resistances, oxy-gas blowtorch, mine dumps, segregation of steel ingots, masonry dam formulas, putnam county magnetic belts, gases, continuity of education, hydraulic diagrams, standardistion of potassium permanganate, sewerage discharge into sea water, modern waterworks, true column formula, slags from lead furnaces, missouri river, tempreture of gases, rocks, architectural history, modern dome, oil machine, undulations in railway tracks, irrigation engineering, cleps-tachymeters, electrical engineering, new york shales, fan pump, sucrose, isaac newton, french school of anstronomers, electrolytic polarization, benjamin bowden lawrence, diamond drilling, new york ciy water front, engineering profession ethics -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Tess Justine (Nillumbik Shire Council), Murray's Bridge over the Diamond Creek, Eltham North, 19 Feb 2022
Murray's Bridge over the Diamond Creek on the Diamond Creek Trail just prior to demolition and replacement with a new steel bridge. Heritage advice obtained by Nillumbik Shire Council, following a suggestion by the Eltham District Historical Society (EDHS), is that the original bridge appears to have been a simplified version of the Country Roads Board’s (CRB) standard timber bridge design of the early-to-mid 1920s. In c1990 Murray’s bridge was renovated with three recycled steel girders as part of a bike/pedestrian path in the reserve. During these alterations many parts of the bridge were removed, and some were replaced. Heritage advice indicates the condition of Murray’s bridge is poor. The remaining original parts are all in poor condition, with severe weathering, splitting and rot, especially to the stringers retained on the bridge. Heritage advice is that Murray’s Bridge does not have sufficient significance in the cultural history of the Nillumbik area to warrant inclusion in the Nillumbik Shire Heritage Overlay and also does not have sufficient significance as a rare survivor to warrant inclusion in the Nillumbik Shire Heritage Overlay. There are no indications in the historical record that this site was individually important to the cultural history of this area. EDHS is comfortable with the heritage advice provided to Council and has worked closely on this project with Council. EDHS has suggested some of the removed timbers be used in the vicinity of the bridge for landscaping and possibly seating, so as to retain these remnants close to the site of the original bridge, which is the last old timber bridge along the lower reaches of the Diamond Creek. Mary (Sweeney) Murray and John Wright Murray selected 80 acres, Lot C Section 16 and Lot 5 Section 17 Parish of Nillumbik, under an occupation license in 1866. John died in 1867 and freehold was granted to his son John in 1873. The farm was known as ‘Laurel Hill’. John Junior was an Eltham Shire councillor and sometime president from 1887 up until 1897. He added Lot A Section 16 to the farm in ca1888. John and his younger brother James arranged to rent/purchase Lot B Section 17, across Diamond Creek to the west, in ca1900. It appears that John and James farmed separately for a few years, with a new homestead built for James ad family on the high point of Lot B Section 17 in ca1910. John sold off Lot 5 Section 17 in 1912. When John died in 1912 James took over the land on both sides of the Diamond Creek. The old homestead on the west side of the Creek disappeared. A farm bridge over Diamond Creek from this period may have been located close to the northern boundary of the farm. John Langlands, owner of the farm known as ‘Ihurst’ on the west side of Diamond Creek to the south of the Murray’s land, died in 1907. In 1909 his land was then subdivided into 100 lots to become the ‘Glen Park Estate’. Other similar subdivisions of nineteenth century farms around Eltham in this period included the ‘Franktonia (or Beard’s) Estate’ to the northeast and ‘Bonsack’s Estate’ between Eltham and Greensborough. Soon after the opening of the railway extension line from Eltham to Hurstbridge in 1912, Glen Park and nearby residents including James Murray agitated for a railway station or siding to be located half-way between Eltham and Hurstbridge, so that the Glen Park residents who used the railway daily did not have to walk into the Eltham or Hurstbridge stations. Some believed Coleman’s Corner (opposite Edendale Farm) was an appropriate spot for the platform. James Murray was among those who thought the railway should be located on his land, closer to half-way between Eltham and Hurstbridge stations. The Railways Commissioners warned that the locals would have to fund these works themselves. The Glen Park Estate residents initially had difficulty accessing Eltham by road, with only an old low-level bridge over Diamond Creek at the south end of their estate. A new timber trestle bridge across the creek, now on Wattletree Road, was opened in 1915. Road access to the north was gained in 1927 when the new Murray’s Road, which crossed the Murray’s land, was built. Residents continued to agitate for a Glen Park station. By 1926 the Railways Commissioners’ preferred site was on the Murray’s land. They arranged an estimate of cost of a full-length platform. The estimate was too much for the locals, who in 1928 argued unsuccessfully for a shorter and hence cheaper platform. By 1929 Murray had agreed to donate the land, but the locals would still have to fund the works. Murray decided, unilaterally it would appear, to commence work on a timber trestle road bridge over Diamond Creek to link the new Murray Road to the proposed station. Late in 1929 he stopped work on the bridge, for reasons unknown, but started work again and completed the bridge in 1931. There is no further newspaper evidence of the campaign for the Glen Park station until 1939, when Murray and another local, Mr Maxwell, met the Railways Commissioner. The Glen Park locale now included 45 homes on the west side of the creek and 20 on the Eltham side. Most of the residents used the train every day. The Commissioner remained adamant that only a full-length platform could be built for safety reasons. It appears the campaign dissolved at this point. The increasing move to cars may have had an impact. There is no evidence of Murray’s bridge ever being connected to Murray’s Road, or of it having wide use for any purpose by locals. James Murray died in 1947 and the farm was taken over by his son James (Jim). Jim started to sell off parts of the farm in the 1980s, retaining a few acres around the ca1910 homestead and building a new house there. Recreation reserves were established along the creek. In ca1990 Murray’s bridge was renovated with steel girders as part of a bike/pedestrian path in the reserve. The old farmhouse was demolished in ca2014. * * * A theory posted on local community Facebook groups was that the bridge was built in the 1860s and was built to be more robust than was necessary for the movement of cows from one side of the creek to the other. It was suggested the robustness was necessary to support the weight of gold ore being transferred from a mine on Murray’s land to a railway siding near Murrays Bridge (presumably for transfer and processing at Diamond Creek). Perhaps this may have been one of the motivators for Murray, who really knows? Knowing when mining operations ceased on his land and how that fits the overall timeline would be useful but at the time the bridge was built, local gold production was minimal at best. The known facts are: • The railway line came to Eltham in 1902. • The extension of the railway from Eltham to Hurstbridge was constructed in 1912 so no railway line even existed through Murray's property until 1912 and the Victorian Railways maps at the time show no such siding on Murray’s property. • In 1923 a new company was formed in anticipation of the old Diamond Creek Gold Mine being re-opened. The mine had been previously closed and flooded. It was noted in the press at the time that the mine was within a mile of the railway. Nothing really came of this. • Construction of Murrays Bridge was commenced by James Murray in early 1929 in anticipation of a proposed flag station being nominated on his land, but work ceased shortly afterwards. The proposed flag station was commonly referred to as Glen Park as the residents of the Glen Park Estate wanted Option 1, located near them with the platform adjacent to Colemans corner. This was probably never going to fly as it was virtually in eyesight of Eltham station. Allandale Road was the third option, but the Commissioners' preferred option was No. 2 - on Murray's property. • The Railway Commissioners were not going to finance any such station and the works had to be funded by private landowners and residents, hence Murray investing in this himself. • Murray recommenced work two years later and finished his bridge in 1931 but unfortunately for him, the proposed flag station never eventuated. The bluestone siding you reference may well have been built by Murray as part of the proposed station platform. • Up until then, apart from the Main Road bridge, which was washed away in 1924, virtually all local crossings over the Diamond Creek were low lying bridges – Kaylocks Bridge at Brougham Street, Diamond Street bridge, Glen Park Road bridge. It is expected that Murray also had a low-lying bridge to connect his land either side of the creek. These were all washed away or severely damaged multiple times in the 1920s. Lessons were learnt, and Murrays Bridge appears to have been built in accordance with Country Road Board standards of the time. Flood damage was ongoing, and even more recently constructed raised bridges kept getting washed away, e.g., the new Wattle Tree Road bridge in 1958 just months after completion. Murray’s bridge was reinforced with steel some 30 years ago presumably to provide additional floodwater resistance, given the history of bridges disappearing in floodwaters. • In March 1932 it was reported in the Advertiser that there were still some prospectors operating around Eltham North who apart from further scarring the face of the earth over the previous two years had gained significant experience but little gold - hardly a driving factor for constructing a dedicated railway siding and bridge to transfer gold ore. It is far more probable that James Murray was hoping to have the railway station located on his property and invested his money by building the bridge to lead to it as well as a station platform. Had the station eventuated, it may well have driven up the value of his land for subdivision and new housing estates like the Glen Park Estate. That did not eventuate. Whilst the bridge was indeed old (90 years), the core structure being completed in 1931, it had been modified substantially from original and hence had no significant historic value – i.e., it was not a representative example of its type, construction, and age. Given that the bridge was not worthy of saving, the Eltham District Historical Society with Council’s support, and the Eltham Woodworkers group endeavoured to see what suitable sized timbers were salvageable to fabricate a commemorative seat. Unfortunately, the experts at the Woodworkers group were unable to salvage any suitable length/width timbers to fabricate the seat due to the presence of rot. Last remaining wooden trestle bridge on the Diamond Creek Trail just prior to demolition and replacementBorn digital image (27)diamond creek (creek), diamond creek trail, murrays bridge, ‘laurel hill’, john wright murray, mary (sweeney) murra, john murray jnr, james murray, john langlands, ‘ihurst’, ‘glen park estate’, beard's estate, franktonia, bonsack's estate, glen park estate, glen park railway station -
Greensborough Historical Society
Article - Newspaper Clipping, The Herald, Fights over Greensborough shop centre, 03/02/1977
This article covers some of the issues when the development of Greensborough Plaza was in the planning stages in 1977.Shows local resistance to the building of a large shopping complex in Greensborough.News article, black textgreensborough plaza, shire of diamond valley, bob fell -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Pan books, The White rabbit, 1954_
Account of Wing Commander F. F. E. Yeo-Thomas' work in organising the Resistance in France during World War 2268 p. pbk.f. f. e. yeo-thomas, world war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, John Castle, The Password is courage, 1956_
Story of Charles Coward, a British POW who carried out sabotage and resistance activities in various camps including Auschwitz.286 p. pbk.prisoner of war camps, world war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Barak vs the Black Hats of Melbourne by Mick Woiwod, 2017_
Sub-titled "The untold story of how the Black Hats destroyed Coranderrk, this is an account of the history of Coranderrk and the resistance to its closure by Wurundjeri elder, William Barak.Paperback book, 366 pages, black and white photographs.Signed by the authorwilliam barak, coranderrk, wurundjeri, victoria history, mick woiwod -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Scales, Imperial, Spring, 'Salter Household Scale’ 28lb, c1920
In the 18th century, spring scales appeared. To produce these scales, a manufacturer would use the resistance of a spring to calculate weights, which could be read automatically on the scale’s face. The ease of use of spring scales over balance scales is what led most post offices to outfit their clerks with spring postal scales. One of the most common types of spring scales was the kitchen scale—also known as a family or dial scale. Designed for horizontal surfaces, these scales used the weight of goods in a pan at the top of the scale to force the spring down. Such scales were common in early-20th-century households and were sold by Sears and Montgomery Ward. Many had flat weighing surfaces but some were topped by shallow pans. Companies such as Salters, Chatillon, and Fairbanks made both. SALTER HOUSEWARES began in the late 1760 in the village of Bilston, England. At this time Richard Salter, a spring maker, began making 'pocket steelyards', a scale similar to the fisherman's scale of today. By 1825 his nephew George had taken over the company, which became known as George Salter & Co. and later established a large, well equipped manufacturing site in the town of West Bromwich. The business thrived throughout the 1900s, and in 1972 the company was purchased by Staveley Industries Plc. In 2002, the management team at Salter Housewares Ltd, backed by Barclays Private Equity, bought the company out from the group, to concentrate on its consumer businesses. In 2004 was sold to the US-based HoMedics company, and in 2006, Salter Housewares USA and Taylor Precision Products Inc (also owned by HoMedics) merged.Salter Brand No. 46 Household Spring Balance Kitchen Scales made of green painted metal with a white large clock face dial marked in 1oz graduations and with a shallow metal bowl placed on the flat top connected to the mechanism. An adjustable screw tightened or loosened the spring to bring the pointer to zero, prior to adding the material to be weighed.. A common piece of kitchen equipment as most families used this type of scale when measuring goods for cooking or storing. HOUSEHOLD SCALE / NO. 46 / SALTER / TO WEIGH 28 LB / ( rope & arrow TM) BRITISH MADE Base rope & anchor S (trade mark) weights, measures, shops, scales. balances, grocery stores, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, salter housewares pty ltd, west bromwich, england, salter george, salter richard, bilston england -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Scales,Spring Balnce Imperial ‘Household’ Salter, 20thC
In the 18th century, spring scales appeared. To produce these scales, a manufacturer would use the resistance of a spring to calculate weights, which could be read automatically on the scale’s face. The ease of use of spring scales over balance scales is what led most post offices to outfit their clerks with spring postal scales. One of the most common types of spring scales was the kitchen scale—also known as a family or dial scale. Designed for horizontal surfaces, these scales used the weight of goods in a pan at the top of the scale to force the spring down. Such scales were common in early-20th-century households and were sold by Sears and Montgomery Ward. Many had flat weighing surfaces but some were topped by shallow pans. Companies such as Salters, Chatillon, and Fairbanks made both. SALTER HOUSEWARES began in the late 1760 in the village of Bilston, England. At this time Richard Salter, a spring maker, began making 'pocket steelyards', a scale similar to the fisherman's scale of today. By 1825 his nephew George had taken over the company, which became known as George Salter & Co. and later established a large, well equipped manufacturing site in the town of West Bromwich. The business thrived throughout the 1900s, and in 1972 the company was purchased by Staveley Industries Plc. In 2002, the management team at Salter Housewares Ltd, backed by Barclays Private Equity, bought the company out from the group, to concentrate on its consumer businesses. In 2004 was sold to the US-based HoMedics company, and in 2006, Salter Housewares USA and Taylor Precision Products Inc (also owned by HoMedics) merged. Salter Brand No. 44 Household Spring Balance Kitchen Scales made of green painted metal with a large clock face dial marked in 1oz graduations and with a shallow metal bowl placed on the flat top connected to the mechanism. An adjustable screw tightened or loosened the spring to bring the pointer to zero, prior to adding the material to be weighed.. A common piece of kitchen equipment as most families used this type of scale when measuring goods for cooking or storing.On Clock face ; NO. 44 / HOUSEHOLD SCALE / TO WEIGH 14LB X 1OZ / Pro. Pat. No. 30819 / 32 / MADE IN ENGLAND / SALTER / S in trademark rope with arrow market gardeners, early settlers, fruit, vegetables, farmers, cooking, recipes, scales, weights, measures, brass, balance beam, moorabbin, cheltenham, bentleigh, kitchen scales, dairy products, cereals, wheat flour, salter housewares pty ltd, west bromwich england -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Chain Drill Attachment, Millers Falls Co, 1900-1931
An auxiliary tool for use with a breast drill or bit brace, when extra power is needed, or where pressure cannot be easily applied. The drill is automatically fed into the work by an adjustable friction feed which is automatically regulated by the resistance the drill encounters. These were made to fit on breast drills, and used for drilling metal, particularly round sections like a pipe. The chain is run around the object being drilled and gradually tightens as the hole is drilled, maintaining pressure while being a bit easier on the operator. Millers Falls Co. is a tool manufacturing company originally based in Millers Falls, Massachusetts, USA. It was established in Greenfield, Massachusetts in 1868 as Gunn & Amidon by Levi J. Gunn and Charles H. Amidon. Gunn and Amidon, along with a third partner, Henry L. Pratt built a factory in the north of Greenfield. After the Greenfield factory burned down, the company was reorganized as the Millers Falls Manufacturing Co. It merged with Backus Vise Co. in 1872 to form Millers Falls Co. In 1931 Millers Falls tools purchased the majority of the shares of Goodell-Pratt tools and merged with that manufacturer in 1932. In 1962 the company was acquired by Ingersoll Rand. In 1982, Ingersoll Rand sold the Millers Falls business to the newly created Millers Falls Tool Co. The company was head quartered in Alpha, New Jersey. Since 2002 the company trademark has belonged to Hangzhou Great Star Industrial, of Hangzhou, China. The item is associated with a tool manufacturing company established in the mid-19th century that pioneered the development of many types of tools used in many differing trades. The company grew to become a major supplier of tools around the world and today its tools that were produced during the mid-19th and early 20th centuries are now collectable items. Drill attachment with chain No 717 from 1925 catalogue 1/2 socket hole Millers Falls, Massachusettsflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, chain drill, mast drill, millers falls, drilling attachment, drilling tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Stevenson Screen, Thomas Stevenson, ca. 1910
Stevenson screens were first introduced in Australia in the 1880s and were widely installed by 1910. The screens have been used to shelter and protect thermometers and other meteorological instruments from rain and direct heat while the holes and double-louvre walls allowed air to flow around them. Sometimes other meteorological instruments were included in the weather stations, so there were different Stevenson Screen sizes. This authentic, original Stevenson screen was previously owned by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and was used for many years for weather readings at the Cape Otway Light Station in southwest Victoria. The Lighthouse Keepers recorded the readings for minimum and maximum temperatures at 9 a.m. every day from January 1865 until April 1994. The equipment was sheltered in a Stevenson Screen from 1902 until April 15 1994, when the mercury thermometer was replaced by a platinum resistance probe within an Automatic Weather Station (AWS). This Stevenson screen is one of the two screens that then became redundant. The other Stevenson screen was kept to display to visitors. Lightkeepers were no longer required at the Cape Otway Light station either, due to the automated system. The meteorological instruments donated with the screen were used for measuring temperature and humidity. They are mounted on a metal bracket that fits across the screw holes on the screen’s internal frame. The glass-covered Relative Humidity (RH) sensor was made by the renowned precision instrument maker, Rotronic AG of Switzerland, which was founded in 1965. The firm made its first electronic temperature and humidity instrument in 1967. Meteorological records have been collected in Australia from the 1800s. The records were collated, published and used as a basis for weather forecasts. Many sectors, such as maritime and agriculture industries, have relied on these figures for making important decisions. The quality and placement of the meteorological instruments used to measure temperature and humidity are of utmost importance for accuracy. In early colonial times, there were no national standards for meteorological instruments that would allow for accurate figures and comparisons. Once the Bureau of Meteorology was established (around 1908 to 1910) the department installed Stevenson screens throughout Australia, many at lighthouses and light stations, and the measuring instruments were standardised. The Stevenson Screen was named after its inventor, Scottish Civil Engineer Thomas Stevenson (1818-1887) who was also the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, author. Stevenson developed the small thermometer screen around 1867. It had double-louvred walls around the sides and a top of two asbestos sheets with an air space between them and was thickly painted with a white coating that reflected the sun’s rays. This design was modified in 1884 by Edward Mawley of the Royal Meteorological Society. Standards were set for the locations of the screens and instruments, including their distance above ground level and the direction the door faced.Stevenson screens played a significant part in providing a standardised shelter for all meteorological instruments used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology from about 1910 until 1994. The readings from the instruments gave the meteorological statistics on which weather forecasts throughout Australia were based. This Stevenson screen was used locally at Cape Otway, along the Great Ocean Road in southwest Victoria, so contributed towards our local forecasts and weather warnings.Stevenson screen, original, from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s weather station at the Cape Otway Lighthouse. The screen is a white wooden cupboard with a slanted cover raised above the top. The top has ten drilled ventilation holes, and the sides and door are made of downward-slanting double louvres. Two brass hinges join the door to the lower edge of the screen and a metal fitting at the top edge allows for a padlock closure. The screen is supported on four short legs, each with a hole drilled from side to side for fitting to a frame. Inside the screen are two wooden frames fitted with hooks and screws. The floor has three boards; one across the back and one across the front at the same level, and a board wider than the space between these boards is fitted higher, overlapping them slightly. Inside the screen, a pair of electronic instruments with short electric cables is mounted on a metal bracket with drilled holes in it. One of the instruments is a Relative Humidity (RH) probe. It is 26 cm long and is a glass tube with a filter on one end and an electrical connection on the other. It has inscriptions on its label, showing that was made by Rotronic AG, Switzerland. The other instrument is a Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) thermometer. It is 22.5 cm long and has a narrow metal probe joined to a hexagonal metal fitting. A brass plate on the front of the screen has impressed inscriptions. The screen is Serial Number 01/C0032, Catalogue Number 235862.Stamped into brass plate "CAT. NO. / 253862 / SERIAL NO. 01/C0032" On instrument’s electrical fitting; “CD2” [within oval ‘+’ above S] “Serie693 op65 / 220/380V~16A” On instrument’s glass; “rotronic ag” “SWISS MADE” “CE / CH-8303 / Bassersdorf” Symbol for [BARCODE] “ART NO MP 101A_T4-W4W” “POWER 4.8.30VDC“ “OP. RANGE: 0-100%RH/-40+60° C” “OUT H 0-100% 0-1V” “OUT T -40+60°C -0.4..+0.6V” “SERIE NO 19522 009”flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, cotton region shelter, instrument shelter, thermometer shelter, thermoscreen, thermometer screen, measuring instruments, meteorological instrument, weather recording, weather station, lighthouse equipment, light station equipment, stevenson screen, marine instruments, mercury thermometer, platinum resistance probe, aws, automatic weather station, rotronic ag, swiss made, meteorological device, weather forecast, weather prediction, weather records, meteorological forecast, meteorological record, australian bureau of meteorology, bureau of meteorology, bureau, bom, relative humidity, rh, relative humidity probe, resistance temperature device, rtd, thermometer, temperature, humidity, cape otway, cape otway lighthouse, cape otway light station, rotronic, switzerland, swiss instrument, thomas stevenson, double-louvered walls, edward mawley, royal meteorological society, 01/c0032, serial number, cat. no. 235862, serial no. 01/c00323 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plan - Ship Plan, Orient Steam Navigation Company, Orient Line, RMS Orion, ca. 1934
The Orient Steam Navigation Company Limited launched the Ocean Liner RMS Orion in 1934 and it remained in operation until 1963. The twin screw steamship was built to carry first class and tourist class passengers, over 1100 in all, plus almost 500 crew from Europe to Australia in comfort. The ship had a single funnel and a single mast. During WWII the vessel served as a troop carrier. The ventilation system noted on the plan, Punkah Louvre System, was designed for heating fresh air ventilation in buildings, ships and railroads. The system originated from Thermotank in Glasgow, Scotland. The ship plan for the RMS Orion is significant for its connection with the vessel. The ship was a leader, with several 'firsts'; the first Orient Line ship to be built with a single funnel since 1902, and the first to be painted in the Orient Line's livery, with a corn-coloured hull. It was the first liner to use chromium and bakelite materials for the surfaces throughout the ship, which provided greater resistance to the sea. It was also the first British ship to be fitted with air conditioning.Plan: printed provisional line drawing of the Orient line vessel "R.M.S. Orion". Inscriptions are printed on the plan. There are diagrams of six decks included in the plan. The ship is built for tourist "B" accommodation. The plan's Notices include details of the cabins including wardrobes, drawers, hinged seats, mattresses and bunk numbers. It also notes that there is a Punkah-Louvre System of Ventilation.Printed on the plan: "PROVISIONAL PLAN" "LOWER PROMENADE DECK" "UPPER CABIN DECK" "MAIN CABIN DECK" "LOWER CABIN DECK" "SUN DECK" "PROMENADE DECK" "ORIENT LINE / R.M.S. "ORION" / 24,000 TONS / TOURIST "B" CLASS ACCOMMODATION" "Owners: Orient Steam Navigation Company Limited"' "Managers : ANDERSON, GREEN & CO. LTD" "7 BISHOPS GATE, LONDON, E.C.2" "Chief Passenger Office : 14 Cockspur Street, London, S.W.1" "Branch Passenger Office : 1 Australia House, Strand, W.C.2" "notices"flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, rms orion, plan, ship plan, provisional plan, orient line, orient ship, vissel orion, class b passenger accommodation, punkah louvre system of ventilation, deck plan, ship ventilation, ship floor plan, orient steam navigation company limited, anderson green & co ltd, steamship, ocean liner, war ship, troop carrier -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Mixed media - Video, RDHS Guest Speaker Presentation - "Shadow of a Bulldozer" - Heathmont History Group
Digitised video (4.05GB). Duration: 40 minutes. Recorded June, 2019. (Video is available for viewing at Ringwood & District Historical Society Archives by appointment)Presentation: Members of Heathmont History Group address a meeting of RDHS with a reading of a play telling of destruction of orchards in the 1950s/60s and the resistance of change to the landscape and family lifestyles with the onset of residential developments. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tool - Brass balance 'Salters', c1900
In the 18th century, spring scales appeared. To produce these scales, a manufacturer would use the resistance of a spring to calculate weights, which could be read automatically on the scale’s face. The ease of use of spring scales over balance scales is what led most post offices to outfit their clerks with spring postal scales. One of the most common types of spring scales was the kitchen scale—also known as a family or dial scale. Designed for horizontal surfaces, these scales used the weight of goods in a pan at the top of the scale to force the spring down. Such scales were common in early-20th-century households and were sold by Sears and Montgomery Ward. Many had flat weighing surfaces but some were topped by shallow pans. Companies such as Salters, Chatillon, and Fairbanks made both. SALTER HOUSEWARES began in the late 1760 in the village of Bilston, England. At this time Richard Salter, a spring maker, began making 'pocket steelyards', a scale similar to the fisherman's scale of today. By 1825 his nephew George had taken over the company, which became known as George Salter & Co. and later established a large, well equipped manufacturing site in the town of West Bromwich. The business thrived throughout the 1900s, and in 1972 the company was purchased by Staveley Industries Plc. In 2002, the management team at Salter Housewares Ltd, backed by Barclays Private Equity, bought the company out from the group, to concentrate on its consumer businesses. In 2004 was sold to the US-based HoMedics company, and in 2006, Salter Housewares USA and Taylor Precision Products Inc (also owned by HoMedics) merged. A portable, brass balance scale , 'Salters' for weighing items. A steel ring holds a brass plate marked with graduations 0 – 26 to which is attached a steel hook. ( rope & arrow TM ) / SALTER / POCKET / BALANCE / MADE IN ENGLAND Graduated 0 – 26 / PATENT / No. 8 Base rope & anchor S (trade mark) pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham, tools, craftsman, balance, scales, weights, imperial measure,, salter housewares pty ltd, west bromwich, england, salter george, salter richard, bilston england, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, Spanner Auto x4 'Vana Dium', 20thC
4x steel Automobile Spanners ' Vana Dium' used by a resident of the City of Moorabbin c1950 Vanadium is a hard, silver-grey metallic element. It is a ductile transition metal with a natural resistance to corrosion and stability against alkalis, acids and salt water. Vanadium is found in over 60 different minerals including vanadinite, carnotite, roscoelite and patronite.This Vana Dium Spanner set is typical of the type used by car mechanics in the City of Moorabbin c1950Set of 4 graduated automobile steel spanners made by Vana Dium Ltd USA c 1950 Front Forged VANA DIUM Steel 3/4 Pat.Pend. Back AUTO-KIT No.100 Made in USAspanners, automobiles, car mechanics, vana dium ltd usa, vanadium, uranium, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, hammers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,mcewan james pty ltd, melbourne, bunnings pty ltd, -
Running Rabbits Military Museum operated by the Upwey Belgrave RSL Sub Branch
North Vietnamese Resistance Medal Third Classmedals, vietnam -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Atlantic, Year zero : a history of 1945, 2013
Many books have been written, and continue to be written, about the Second World War: military histories, histories of the Holocaust, the war in Asia, or collaboration and resistance in Europe. Few books have taken a close look at the immediate aftermath of the worldwide catastrophe.Index, notes, ill, p.368.non-fictionMany books have been written, and continue to be written, about the Second World War: military histories, histories of the Holocaust, the war in Asia, or collaboration and resistance in Europe. Few books have taken a close look at the immediate aftermath of the worldwide war 1939-1945 - peace, 20th century - history -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Usborne Publishing, Under a war torn sky, 2001
After his plane is shot down by Hitler's Luftwaffe, nineteen-year-old Henry Forester of Richmond, Virginia, strives to walk across occupied France, with the help of the French Resistance, in hopes of rejoining his, p.295.fictionAfter his plane is shot down by Hitler's Luftwaffe, nineteen-year-old Henry Forester of Richmond, Virginia, strives to walk across occupied France, with the help of the French Resistance, in hopes of rejoining his unit.woeld war 1939-1945 - aerial operations - fiction, war stories - juvenile fiction -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, St Martins Press et al, A force more powerful : a century of nonviolent conflict, 2000
A Force More Powerful depicts how nonviolent sanctions - such as noncooperation, strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience - can separate brutal regimes from their means of control. It reveals the inside stories of how ordinary people took extraordinary action to end oppression - including the Danes' valiant resistance to the Nazis, Solidarity's defeat of Polish communism, and civic action in Chile to remove a military dictator - and how nonviolent power continues to change the world today, from Burma to the Balkans.Index, notes, ill, maps, p.544.non-fictionA Force More Powerful depicts how nonviolent sanctions - such as noncooperation, strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience - can separate brutal regimes from their means of control. It reveals the inside stories of how ordinary people took extraordinary action to end oppression - including the Danes' valiant resistance to the Nazis, Solidarity's defeat of Polish communism, and civic action in Chile to remove a military dictator - and how nonviolent power continues to change the world today, from Burma to the Balkans.non violence, social conflict -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Time-Life Books, The resistance, 1979
Profusely illustrated text discusses the underground resistance organizations that operated in Nazi-occupied European countries during World War II.Index, bib, ill, p.203.non-fictionProfusely illustrated text discusses the underground resistance organizations that operated in Nazi-occupied European countries during World War war 1939-1945 - underground movements, world war 1939-1945- resistance -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pan Books, The conspirators 20th July 1944, 1971
The plot to kill Hitler in July 1944Ill, p.159.non-fictionThe plot to kill Hitler in July 1944world war 1939-1945 - underground movements, world war 1939-1945 - resistance -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Pen & Sword Military, Hamilton and Gallipoli : British command in an age of military transformation, 2015
This is a study of Sir Ian Hamilton VCs command of the Gallipoli campaign. Appointed by Kitchener after the failure of the initial Allied naval offensive in the Dardanelles, Hamilton was to lead the ambitious amphibious landings that were intended to open the way to Constantinople. In the event, however, opportunities immediately after the landings were squandered and, in the face of unexpectedly effective Turkish resistance, soon stalled in attritional trench warfare like that on the Western Front. Hamilton has often been criticized for this failure and in many ways seen to typify the stereotype of a British general clinging to outdated Victorian thinking. Yet this fresh reappraisal, drawing on original archival research, shows that Hamilton did display some progressive ideas and a realization that warfare was rapidly changing. Like all generals of this period he faced the challenge of unprecedented technological and tactical revolution as well as the political and media battle.Index, bib, ill, map, p.230.non-fictionThis is a study of Sir Ian Hamilton VCs command of the Gallipoli campaign. Appointed by Kitchener after the failure of the initial Allied naval offensive in the Dardanelles, Hamilton was to lead the ambitious amphibious landings that were intended to open the way to Constantinople. In the event, however, opportunities immediately after the landings were squandered and, in the face of unexpectedly effective Turkish resistance, soon stalled in attritional trench warfare like that on the Western Front. Hamilton has often been criticized for this failure and in many ways seen to typify the stereotype of a British general clinging to outdated Victorian thinking. Yet this fresh reappraisal, drawing on original archival research, shows that Hamilton did display some progressive ideas and a realization that warfare was rapidly changing. Like all generals of this period he faced the challenge of unprecedented technological and tactical revolution as well as the political and media war 1914-1918 - campaigns - gallipoli, generals - great britain - biography -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Simon & Schuster, The resistance : the French fight against the Nazis, 2009
The French resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II was a struggle in which ordinary people fought for their liberty, despite terrible odds and horrifying repression. Hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen and women carried out an armed struggle against the Nazis, producing underground anti-fascist publications and supplying the Allies with vital intelligence. Based on hundreds of French eye-witness accounts and including recently-released archival material, The Resistance uses dramatic personal stories to take the reader on one of the great adventures of the 20th century.Index, bib, ill, maps, p.403.non-fictionThe French resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II was a struggle in which ordinary people fought for their liberty, despite terrible odds and horrifying repression. Hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen and women carried out an armed struggle against the Nazis, producing underground anti-fascist publications and supplying the Allies with vital intelligence. Based on hundreds of French eye-witness accounts and including recently-released archival material, The Resistance uses dramatic personal stories to take the reader on one of the great adventures of the 20th war 1939-1945 - resistance, france - german occupation - 1940-1945 -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Inhaler, Ether, Dewee, 1901
This is a simple metal mask with an ether chamber surmounting it. The patient breathes air down through the variable orifice over the surface of ether and in through the variable orifice over the surface of ether and in through the inspiratory valve. Exhalation was by means of the expiratory valve placed in the centre of the mask. All channels are extremely small and would offer considerable resistance to respiration.Metal inhaler with shaped rim edgeEngraved by hand into side of mask: DEWEE'S ETHER / INHALER.. 1901. Stamped into side of mask: J.E. LEECO / PATD. NOV. 12-1901 / 400ether, inhaler, ramsay, dewee, leeco -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Book by A.M.C.Bolt, Brieven uit Tasmanië - Het verzet, de zoektocht naar de vrijheid en een groot geheim
The book describes a group migration of several families from Groningen all of whom had been involved in the Resistance. They settled in Tasmania, built their own homes and named a street after their home town. They contributed to the development of Kingston.In de uitgebreide briefwisseling tussen vader Eric van der Laan die vooruit reisde naar Tasmanië in 1950 en de achterblijvers in Groningen word je meegezogen in alle avonturen van de pioniers in het nieuwe land. Ondanks alle ontberingen die Eric en vele andere verzetsstrijders hebben moeten doorstaan (waaronder martelingen in het Huis van Bewaring, het verblijf in kamp Neuengamme en op de Cap d’Arcona), beschikt deze man over een enorme dosis humor en levenslust. -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
Book, Letters from Tasmania - The resistance, the search for freedom, a secret
Paperback issue -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2007
1. The moral lexicon of the Warlpiri people of central Australia LR Hiatt This paper discusses words that match ?Good? and ?Bad?; examples of ?Good? and ?Bad? behaviour; morality and law; and egalitarianism and dominance. It also presents a comparison with Gidjingarli (Burarra). 2. Mobs and bosses: Structures of Aboriginal sociality Patrick Mullins (Mount Druitt, NSW) A commonality of Aboriginal social organisation exists across the continent in communities as different as those from the Western Desert across to Cape York, from the towns of New South Wales and Western Australia to cities like Adelaide. This is found in the colloquial expressions ?mob? and ?boss?, which are used in widely differing contexts. Mobbing is the activity where relatedness, in the sense of social alliances, is established and affirmed by virtue of a common affiliation with place, common experience and common descent, as well as by the exchange of cash and commodities. Bossing is the activity of commanding respect by virtue of one?s capacity to bestow items of value such as ritual knowledge, nurturance, care, cash and commodities. Mobbing and bossing are best understood as structures in Giddens? sense of sets of rules and resources involved in the production of social systems, in this case social alliances. Mobbing and bossing imply a concept of a person as a being in a relationship. Attention needs to be given to the way these structures interact with institutions in the wider Australian society. 3. Recognising victims without blaming them: A moral contest? About Peter Sutton?s ?The Politics of Suffering: Indigenous Policy in Australia since the 1970s? and Gillian Cowlishaw?s replies Ma�a Ponsonnet (Universit� Paris- 8-Saint-Denis) Peter Sutton?s texts on Aboriginal violence, health and their politicisation are replied to using his methodology, and acknowledging his convincing points. Sutton rightly denounces a lack of lucidity and scientific objectivity in anthropological debates. These inadequacies impede identification of what Aboriginal groups can do to improve their situations for fear that this identification would lead to blame the victims. At the other end of the ethical spectrum, those who advocate a broader use of what I will call a ?resistance interpretation? of violence fail to recognise victims as such, on the implicit grounds that seeing victims as victims would deprive them of any agency, on the one hand, and entail blame, on the other hand. I aim to define a middle road between those views: the idea that victims should be acknowledged as such without being denied their agency and without being blamed for their own condition. This middle road allows identification of the colonisers? responsibilities in the contemporary situation of Indigenous communities in Australia, and to determine who can do what. Secondly, I show that Sutton?s texts convey, through subtle but recurrent remarks, an ideology of blame rather than a mere will to identify practical solutions. As a consequence, some of his proposals do not stand on a solid and objective causal analysis. 4. 'You would have loved her for her lore?: The letters of Daisy Bates Bob Reece (Murdoch University) Daisy Bates was once an iconic figure in Australia but her popular and academic reputation became tarnished by her retrograde views. Her credibility was also put in doubt through the exposure of her fictionalised Irish background. In more recent times, however, her ethnographic data on the Aborigines of Western Australia has been an invaluable source for Native Title claims, while her views on Aboriginal extinction, cannibalism and ?castes? are being seen as typical of her time. This article briefly reviews what has been the orthodox academic opinion of her scientific achievement before summarising what is reliably known of her early history and indicating what kind of person is revealed in the 3000 or more letters that she left behind. 5. What potential might Narrative Therapy have to assist Indigenous Australians reduce substance misuse? Violet Bacon (Curtin University of Technology) Substance misuse is associated with adverse consequences for many Australians including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Extensive research has been conducted into various intervention, treatment and prevention programs to ascertain their potential in reducing substance misuse within Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities. I explore the potential of Narrative Therapy as a counselling intervention for assisting Indigenous Australians reduce the harm associated with substance misuse. 6. Bone points from the Adelaide River, Northern Territory Sally Brockwell (University of Canberra) and Kim Akerman (Moonah) Large earth mounds located next to the vast floodplains of the lower Adelaide River, one of the major tropical rivers draining the flat coastal plains of northern Australia, contain cultural material, including bone points. The floodplains of the north underwent dynamic environmental change from extensive mangrove swamps in the mid-Holocene, through a transition phase of variable estuarine and freshwater mosaic environments, to the freshwater environment that exists today. This geomorphological framework provides a background for the interpretation of the archaeology, which spans some 4000 years. 7. A different look: Comparative rock-art recording from the Torres Strait using computer enhancement techniques Liam M Brady (Monash University) In 1888 and 1898, Cambridge University?s Alfred C Haddon made the first recording of rock-art from the Torres Strait islands using photography and sketches. Systematic recording of these same paintings and sites was carried out from 2000 to 2004 by archaeologists and Indigenous Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal communities as part of community-based rock-art recording projects. Computer enhancement techniques were used to identify differences between both sets of recordings, to reveal design elements that Haddon missed in his recordings, and to recover images recorded by Haddon that are today no longer visible to the naked eye. Using this data, preliminary observations into the antiquity of Torres Strait rock-art are noted along with recommendations for future Torres Strait region rock-art research and baseline monitoring projects. 8. Sources of bias in the Murray Black Collection: Implications for palaeopathological analysis Sarah Robertson (National Museum of Australia) The Murray Black collection of Aboriginal skeletal remains has been a mainstay of bio-anthropological research in Australia, but relatively little thought has been given to how and why this collection may differ from archaeologically obtained collections. The context in which remains were located and recovered has created bias within the sample, which was further skewed within the component of the collection sent to the Australian Institute of Anatomy, resulting in limitations for the research potential of the collection. This does not render all research on the collection unviable, but it demonstrates the importance of understanding the context of a skeletal collection when assessing its suitability for addressing specific research questions.maps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, illustrations, graphs, chartswarlpiri, sociology, daisy bates, substance abuse, narrative therapy, rock art, technology and art, murray black collection, pleistocene sites, watarrka plateau -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Australian Filet Crochet - Weekly Times Book of Patterns
Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Blue book Australian Filet Crochet - Weekly Times Book of Patterns. Picture of filet crochet piece with house & tree and spray of leaves on left side. Underneath is written 'Original Designs by Australian Women' price Two Schillings. Across bottom is written ' The Whole of the Contents of this book are protect4ed by Federal Copyright Act 1912. 46 pagesbooks, handcrafts -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Watch
from the Till collection NA4003.THE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Ladies silver watch. Round pearl face with silver case which has leaf design around the edge. Watch has 'Citizen' presentation box made of cream cardboard.Swiss made watch. Citizen make box.costume accessories, female -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Dish
Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT|The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death.|Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War I where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11.|His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies.|Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality.|This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.Cream china dish, with fluted lid and five china flowers and leaves arranged on top of lid. Gold branch around edge.domestic items, ornaments / decorative -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Till CollectionTHE TILL COLLECTION SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The significance of the Alwyn Till Collection is that Alwyn was born in Mitcham in 1921. He attended Mitcham Primary School and Box Hill Boys High School. He served his Community mainly through his activities within the Christ Church Anglican Church Mitcham. He joined the Royal Australian Airforce in World War II in September 1939. He trained as a Pilot in Australia and Canada, was posted to England and saw action in Europe. He was shot down over France and rescued by and then joined the French Resistance and while fighting with them was fatally shot. A Baron fighting with him wrote to his mother to inform her of his death. Alwyn's parents were Evaleen Victoria Till (nee Maggs) and Sydney Norman Till who first lived in Creek Road Mitcham, before moving to 573 Whitehorse Road Mitcham. His father served in World War where his eyesight was damaged and he was taught by the then Blind Institute in suitcase making of which we have two examples in this collection. He died in 1931. Alwyn took over responsibility for his mother and sister Alison. We can understand how devastated his mother and sister would have been at the news of Alwyn's feeling that he must serve his country in World War 11. His letters home were so precious to them that they carefully kept all his correspondence, notices of death and condolences from friends. After Alison's death in 2007 her relation Joan Walker transcribed each of Alwyn's letters home into two bound volumes. The executors, Joan Walker and Anne Drew deposited the original letters with the Whitehorse Historical Society. Due to their significance as historical documents of one serviceman's complete correspondence with his family the Whitehorse Historical Society Committee after consultation with the donors deposited the original letters with the State Library of Victoria. The Whitehorse Historical Society retains the copies. Alison and her mother kept many family memorabilia and personal items which make up this significant collection as they show how people lived, worked and served in the local community and municipality This collection represents the love and devotion of the women to their families during the course of two world wars. The father was disabled as a result of World War 1 and died an early death and a son who thereafter took on the responsibility as head of the family at an early age. This young handsome charismatic son served his community in peace time and gave his life in World War 11. This mother and sister were devoted to his memory.'Nursery Rhymes Collected and Illustrated' By Walter J Morgan with inscription on front cover 'Christ Church Sunday School, Mitcham. Awarded to Alison Till. November 1926.|London Society for promoting Christian Knowledge - New York.'Christ Church Sunday School, Mitcham. Awarded to Alison Till. November 1926.books, children's