Showing 29 items
matching shirley jones collection
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... From the Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcard printed on them. From the Shirley Jones Collection ...One of 15 Sheets with copies of postcard printed on them. From the Shirley Jones Collection.Postcard copies: Bay View Guesthouse Cowes; Summerland Jetty; Lovers' Walk Cowes; The Estelle Star; Bay View Guesthouse Cowes; Genista Ferry; S.S.Killara; The Cowes Pier."Bay View Guest House Cowes" - "Summerland Jetty" - "The Lovers Walk Cowes Phillip Island Vic" - "The Estelle Star arriving at Pier Cowes" - "Bay View Guest House" - "Genista off from San Remo" - "Photo Shop Series S.S.Killara Cowes" - "The Pier Cowes Phillip Is Victoria".bayview guesthouse cowes, summerland jetty phillip island, lovers walk cowes, the estelle star, genista, ferry - genista, ss killara, cowes pier phillip island, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - postcards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection... on them. Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards printed on them. Shirley Jones Collection. isle of wight ...One of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards printed on them. Shirley Jones Collection.Postcard copies: Isle of Wight Hotel, Cowes Phillip Island; Isle of Wight Hotel & War Memorial, Cowes Phillip Island; Cowes from the Jetty; Isle of Wight Hotel, Cowes Phillip Island; Isle of Wight Hotel and Souvenier Shop; Back Beach Road Cowes Phillip Island; Breaker cascades near The Nobbies; Pyramid Rock with two people on the top."The Rose Series P661 Isle of Wight Hotel Cowes Phllip Is. Vic." - "Valentine Series No. 2260 Isle of Wight Hotel + War Memorial" - "Photo Shop Series Cowes from the Jetty Phillip Island" - "Isle of Wight Hotel Cowes V14" - "Isle of Wight Hotel & Souvenier Shop Cowes Hislop Series 23" - "The Rose Series P662 Road to the Back Beach Cowes Phillip Island Vic" - "Breaker Cascades Teh Nobby Phillip Island 232" - "The Rose Series P663 The Pyramid Cowes Phillip Island Victoria".isle of wight hotel cowes phillip island, cowes war memorial, cowes from the pier, back beach road phillip island, view - breakers near nobbies, pyramid rock, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Photo Shop Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection... the Shirley Jones Collection.... of Postcards on each. From the Shirley Jones Collection. phillip island ...One of 15 A3 pages with copies of Postcards on each. From the Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of Postcards. All photos of the Phillip Island Suspension Bridge.Left side from top to bottom: "Photo Shop Series - Phillip Island Bridge"; "The Rose Series P4304 - View of Suspension Bridge San Remo - Phillip Island"; "Suspension Bridge - Phillip Island"; "The Suspension Bridge - San Remo". Right side from top to bottom: "Murray Views No 5 - The Bridge San Remo Vic"; "Photo Shop Series No. 4 - Phillip Island San Remo Bridge"; "The Rose Series P1967 - The Bridge from Newhaven Phillip Island Vic"; "The Rose Series P4227 - The Bridge from Jetty Newhaven Phillip Island".phillip island suspension bridge, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection. cowes war memorial ...One of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of Postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1. Cowes War Memorial with Jetty in the background. 2. View of San Remo from Cape Woolamai. 3. Cowes Sea Baths. 4. Douglas House Cowes. Right side from top to bottom: 1. Phillip Island Hotel Cowes. 2. Looking towards the Nobbies - man in horse drawn jinker with dog in front of horse. 3. People walking down the Cowes Pier after the departure of a boat. 4. Taken from the pier looking toward the Jetty Shed and Cowes.Left side from top to bottom: 2. "The Rose Series P680 - towards San Remo from Cape Woolamai P.Is". 3. "The Rose Series P660 - the Baths Cowes Phillip Island". 4. "H. Donn Proprietor Douglas House Cowes Telephone 25". Right side from top to bottom: 1. "Photo Shop Series No 29 - Phillip Island Cowes". 2. "the Rose Series P666 - Looking to The Nobbies Phillip Island Victoria". 3. "Valentine Series M4911 - After the departure of the boat Cowes P.Isl." 4. "The Rose Series P656 - From the Pier Cowes Phillip Island Vic."cowes war memorial, cowes baths phillip island, douglas house cowes, cowes pier phillip island, the nobbies phillip island, view san remo, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection. lovers walk cowes ...One of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1. A group of people walking down Cowes Main Street. 2. Lovers Walk Cowes. 3. Lovers Walk Cowes. 4. Clovelly Guest House Cowes. Right side from top to bottom: 1. Lovers Walk Cowes. 2. Looking towards Cowes from the Pier. 3 & 4. The Continental Guest House Cowes.Left side from top to bottom: 1. "Main St Cowes" 2. "The rose Series P653 - The Lovers Walk Cowes Phillip Is Victoria". 4. "No 107 'Clovelly' Cowes". Right side from top to bottom: 1. "Lovers Walk Cowes". 2. "The Rose Series P657 - Cowes from the Pier Phillip is Victoria". 3. "The Continental Cowes Phillip Island V8" 4. "No 149 the Continental Cowes".lovers walk cowes, main street cowes phillip island, clovelly guest house cowes, guesthouses, cowes pier phillip island, the continental guesthouse, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Photo Shop Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection. ss genista ferry ...One of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1. SS Genista Ferry at Rhyll, Phillip Island. 2. Lady with dog on Lovers Walk Cowes. 3. Penguins coming in at the Penguin Parade. 4. SS Genista leaving the Cowes Pier. Right side from top to bottom: 1. The Cowes Sea Baths. 2. The Cowes Beach. 3. Little Penguin. 4. Looking towards Cowes from the Pier.Left side from top to bottom: 1. "SS Genista calling at Rhyll". 3. "Photo Shop Series - Parade of the Penguins Phillip Island". 4. "the Rose Series P655 - SS Genista leaving the Pier Cowes Victoria." Right side from top to bottom: 1. "The Cowes Baths". 2. "The Rose Series P3402 - The Beach Cowes Phillip Island". 3. "No 117 Penguin Phillip Island". 4. "Murray Views No 9 - Cowes from Pier Phillip Island Vic".ss genista, ferry - genista, lovers walk cowes, penguin parade, wildlife - penguins, cowes baths phillip island, cowes beach, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Valentine Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection. cowes eastern ...One of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1. Eastern Beach Cowes Phillip Island. 2. Postcard with 7 Souvenir photographs of Phillip Island. 3. Lovers Walk Cowes Phillip Island. 4. Cowes Pier taken from a boat. Right side from top to bottom: 1. Cowes Pier with many people at the end of the Jetty looking at a Sailing Ship. 2. Lovers Walk. 3. The Cowes Pier in the background with 3 children on the grass in the foreground. 4. Cowes Pier looking towards Cowes.Left side from top to bottom: 1. "Valentine Series 3395 - Eastern Beach Cowes". 2. "Phillip Island - photographed for H Gullifer The Corner Store Cowes" 3. "The Rose Series P654 - The Lovers Walk Cowes Phillip Island Vic". 4. "Cowes". Right side from top to bottom: 1. "Cowes Jetty Phillip Island Vic". 2. "The Rose Series P687 - The Lovers Walk Newhaven Phillip Island Victoria". 3. "The Pier Cowes Phillip Island. 4. "Cowes Pier Phillip Island - H Gullifer The Corner Store Agent Fairlam Photo".cowes eastern beach, lovers walk cowes, cowes pier phillip island, cowes jetty, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, F & J Postcards, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection. main street cowes ...One of 15 A3 sheets of copies of postcards on each page. Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of Postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1 & 2. Main Street, Cowes. 3. Rural scene nears Cowes. 4. View of Newhaven from San Remo. Right side from top to bottom: 1. Three men sitting on the Cowes Pier - Baths in the background. 2. Coastal scene at Cape Woolamai. 3. Newhaven Pier. 4. Granite Quarry at Cape Woolamai. Left side from top to bottom: 1. "Main St Cowes". 2. "Main St Cowes". 3. "Scene Near Cowes". 4. "Newhaven from San Remo Phillip Island". Right side from top to bottom: 1. "Phillip Island from Cowes Pier". 2. "Phillip Island - Cape Woollami - Home of Mutton Bird". 3. "Phillip Island - Newhaven San Remo in distance". 4. Phillip Island - Granite Quarry Cape Woolamai".main street cowes phillip island, rural scene phillip island, views newhaven, cowes pier phillip island, coastline cape woolamai, granite quarry cape woolamai, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, F & J Postcards, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection... of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection.... of Postcards of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection ...1 sheet of a collection of 15. Copies of Postcards of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection.Reproduction of 8 postcards taken around Phillip Island. 326-01A. Phillip Island Forrest Caves. F & J 326-01B. "SS Genista" CAlling at Newhaven - Phillip Island 326-01C. Wool Team on road to Cowes - Phillip island 326-01D. Fisherman's Hut Cowes - Phillip Island 326-01E. Lovers Walk Cowes - Phillip Island 326-01F. Cowes Jetty. Govt. Steamer "Lady Loch" in distance - Phillip Island 326-01G. Cowes from Steamer - Phillip Island 326-01H. Milking time Newhaven - Phillip Islandphillip island, lovers walk cowes phillip island, forrest caves phillip island, ss genista, wool team cowes phillip island, fisherman's hut cowes, lady loch steamer, cowes phillip island, milking time newhaven, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection... of postcards printed on them. Shirley Jones Collection.... with copies of postcards printed on them. Shirley Jones Collection ...One of a collection of 15 A3 sheets with copies of postcards printed on them. Shirley Jones Collection.Postcard copies: Seal Rocks; Kitty Miller Bay; The Nobbies; View of San Remo, Newhaven, Churchill Island & Rhyll in the distrance; Seal Colony; Greeting Card with 5 photos of Koalas, Penguins, The Whart, Suspension Bridge and coastline; The Back Beach near The Nobbies; The Nobbies & Seal Rock."Seals new Cowes Phillip Island" - Kitty Miller Bay Cowes Phillip Island Vic" - "The Nobbies" - "Overlooking San Remo Newhaven Churchill Island Rhyll in the distance" - "Photo Shop Series No. 15 Seal Colony Seal Rocks P15" - "Greetings from San Remo, Koalas, Penguins, The Whart, Suspension Bridge, Picturesque Coast" - "The Rose Series P667 Back Beach near The Nobbies Phillip Island Vic" - "Photo Shop Series No 12, Nobbies & Seal Rocks Phillip Island".seal rocks phillip island, wildlife - seals, kitty miller bay phillip island, the nobbies, coastal scene phillip island, wildlife - koala, wildlife - penguins, phillip island suspension bridge, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... From The Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. From The Shirley Jones Collection. the isle ...One of 15 A3 pages with copies of postcards on each page. From The Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of Postcards: Left side from top to bottom: View of Phillip Island from San Remo Jetty. The Beach at Rhyll, Phillip Island. The Isle of Wight Hotel, Cowes, Phillip Island. The Beach Road at Cowes, Phillip Island. Right side from top to bottom: The Isle of Wight Hotel, Cowes, Phillip Island. View at Rhyll, Phillip Island. Man of beach at Eastern Rocks Phillip Island, Forest Reserve Cowes, Phillip Island.Left side from top to bottom. Photograph 1 - "Phillip Island from San Remo" Photograph 2 - "The Rose Series P 3431 The Beach Rhyll Phillip Island Vic". Photograph 3 - "Isle of Wight Hotel Cowes Phillip Island". Photograph 4 - "The Rose Series P674 The Beach Road Cowes Phillip Island Victoria". Right side from top to bottom. Photograph 1 - "Photo Shop Series, Isle of Wight Hotel Cowes". Photograph 2 - "The Rose Series P3419 View at Rhyll Phillip Island Vic.". Photograph 3 - "Eastern Rocks (Smiths Point) Phillip Island" Message written on the side. Photograph 4 - "Forest Reserve Cowes".the isle of wight hotel cowes phillip island, sand remo jetty, jetty san remo, rhyll phillip island, beach road cowes, eastern rocks smiths point phillip island, forrest reserve phillip island, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Rose Series et al, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection.... From the Shirley Jones Collection.... of postcards on each page. From the Shirley Jones Collection. isle ...One of 15 A3 pages with copies of postcards on each page. From the Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of Postcards: Left side from top to bottom: 1. Two ladies standing in front of a house. 2. The Isle of Wight Hotel, Cowes, Phillip Island. 3. Looking towards Cowes Pier with beach shack top left (possible George Cox's). 4. Erehwon Guest House, Cowes, Phillip Island. Right side from top to bottom: 1. Cowes Beach with lady in foreground. 2. Same as 3. on left side. 3. Erehwon Guest House, Cowes, Phillip island. 4. The Koala Cafe on The Esplanade, Cowes, Phillip Island.Left side from top to bottom: Photograph 2 - "The Rose Series P661 Isle of Wight Hotel Cowes Phillip Is. Victoria". Photograph 3 - "The Rose Series P673 Near the Pier Cowes, Phillip Island". Photograph 4 - "Erewhon" Cowes Phillip Island V18". Right side from top to bottom: Photograph 2 - same as Photograph 3 left side. Photograph 3 - "The Rose Series P14006 Erehwon Cowes P.I.". Photograph 4 - "Valentine Series No 1262 Koala Cafe Cowes P.I."isle of wight hotel cowes phillip island, cowes pier phillip island, erehwon guesthouse, guesthouses cowes phillip island, cowes beach, koala cafe cowes, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Robb Bros. et al, 1930's
... shirley jones collection... to Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection.... phillip island cowes war memorial shirley jones collection thelma ...One of 15 sheets with photo copies of Post Cards relating to Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection.11 postcards: Cape Woollamai, Coastal Scene, Lovers' Walk Cowes, Shell House fence, Shell House & fence, Shell House fence, Beach Scene, Cowes Coastal Scene, Cowes War Memorial and pier, The Nobbies, Cowes Beach.Cape Wollomai San Remo Victoria, Coast Scene Phillip Island Nobbies in Distance, Lovers Walk Cowes, The Shell House Nobbies Rd. Phillip Island, The Shell Fence Nobbies Road, Phillip Island, The Shell House Nobbies Rd Phillip Island, San Remo Beach from the Sand Hill, Cowes Feb 1935, The Pier & War Memorial Cowes No. 12, The Nobbies Phillip Island, The Beach Cowes.coastal scene phillip island, cowes beach phillip island, lovers walk cowes, the nobbies phillip island, the shell house phillip island, cowes war memorial, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, Early 20th Century
... shirley jones collection... printed onto A3 sheets from the Shirley Jones Collection.... with copies of Postcards printed onto A3 sheets from the Shirley Jones ...One of a collection of 15 sheets with copies of Postcards printed onto A3 sheets from the Shirley Jones Collection.Copies of postcards. Cowes Pier; Churchill Island; People waiting on the Cowes Pier for the Steamer; The Cowes Pier; View of Churchill Island; Coastal scene at Cowes; Postcard with 4 scenes at Churchill Island - Amess Cottage, Moonah Trees, Historic Cannon; Kilcunda General Store."Cowes from the Pier" - "Waiting for the steamer on the Pier at Cowes P.I." - "The Pier at Cowes" - "Churchill Island from Phillip Island" - "Churchill Island, Amess Cottage, Moonah Trees, Historic Cannon" - "The General Store Kilcunda Vic"cowes pier phillip island, churchill island, amess house churchill island, moonah trees, kilcunda general store, shirley jones collection, thelma astbury -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Post Cards, 1930's
... of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection. ... of photographs taken of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection ...One of 15 sheets with copies of photographs taken of Phillip Island from the Shirley Jones Collection. Photograph A - Cowes and the Pier Photograph B - Cowes Pier Photograph C - Westernport from Rhyll looking towards French Island Photograph D - Back Beach Phillip Island and The Nobbies Photograph E - Back Beach Phillip Island with Cape Woolamai Photograph F - McCaffey's Reef Phillip Island Photograph G - Wreck of The Speke 1905 Photograph H - The Nobbies Phillip IslandCowes + Pier Cowes Pier Phillip Island Westernport from Thyl looking at French Island in middle distance. Back Beach Phillip Island The Nobbies Back Beach Phillip Island with Cape Woolamai Scene McCaffey's Reef Cowes Wreck of The Speke The Nobbies Cowes cowes pier phillip island, westernport, the nobbies phillip island, back beach phillip island, view cape woolamai, mccaffey's reef phillip island, mchaffies reef cowes, wreck of the speke -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Photo Troop, Lithographic Squadron - Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo, 1989
This is a photograph of Photo Troop, Lithographic Squadron; one of the Army Survey Regiment’s four squadrons, at Fortuna, Bendigo, December 1989. The main tasks undertaken by Photo Troop’s technicians were most likely photographic enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and processing of aerial photography.This is a photograph of Photo Troop Lithographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, 1989. The colour photograph was printed on photographic paper and is part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photograph was scanned at 300 dpi. Back Row L to R: Rob Bogumil, Kevin ‘Chuck’ Berry, Andrew ‘Morrie’ Morrison-Evans, unidentified, Greg Howell, unidentified, Damien Cole, unidentified, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Steve Burke, Paul Baker, Bob Garritty, Frank Lenane, Bill Jones. Front Row L to R: John Bragg, Ken Peters, Gavin Craggs, Michelle Withers, Penny Knott, Di Chalmers, Geoff Webb, unidentified, Darren ‘Barney’ Maher, Kim Reynolds. No personnel are identified. Annotated on back with ‘Photo Troop Dec 1989’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
photograph - Camera Section, Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo, 1976, 1978 and 1979
This is a set of three photograph of Camera Section, Lithographic Squadron, one of the Army Survey Regiment’s four squadrons, at Fortuna, Bendigo in 1976, 1978 and 1979. The main tasks undertaken by Camera Section’s technicians were photographic enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and processing of aerial photography. Photo .2P was taken with Camera Section in front of the Klimsch Commodore camera on the 5th of October 1978, before its decommissioning. It was replaced with a new Klimsch model with computerised control, improved speed and consistent controlled output.This is a set of three photograph of Camera Section, Lithographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1970s. The black and white photographs wererprinted on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1976, Back Row L to R: unidentified, Garry Hudson, unidentified, Greg Kidman, Bob Chamberlain, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, Zoe (Lisiewich) Ames, Bill Jones, Trevor Osborne, Dave Miles, Chris Osborne. Front Row L to R: Frank Lenane, Gavin Neilson, Joanne Green, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Peter Coombes, John Nicholls. .2) - Photo, black & white, 5th Oct 1978, Back Row L to R: CPL Bob Chamberlain, Greg Kidman, SSGT George Graham, Chris Osborne, John Nicholls, Frank Lenane, Terry Edwards, Bill Jones, Gary Kenny, Peter Imeson. Front Row L to R: CPL Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, CPL Garran Hill. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1979, Back Row L to R: WO2 George Graham, CAPT Stan Vote, Peter Imeson, Gary Tremain, Penny Knott, Zoe (Lisiewich) Ames, Di Chalmers, Rob Bogumill, Bill Jones, Rhys De Laine, Brian Fauth, John McCracken. Front Row L to R: SGT Ralph Chant, SGT Garran Hill, CPL Gavin Neilson, Frank Lenane, Paul Baker, SSGT Trevor Osborne.No personnel are identified. Each photo is annotated on the front. .1P annotated ‘1976’ .2P annotated ‘CAMERA SECT 5 Oct 1978 The Last of the old Klimsch’ .3P annotated ‘Camera ‘79’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Personnel and Equipment, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992
This collection of 34 photos of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment was taken in at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, in 1992. The photos were mainly taken in the Camera, Contacting, Printing, BARCRO and Production Control work areas, as well as outside Fortuna’s buildings. Although these photos are not annotated most personnel are positively identified. This is a set of 34 photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel and equipment at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992. Photographs .1P to .32P are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. Colour photos .33P and .34P are on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Andrew Arman, unidentified Mark McCulloch, Dale Hudson, front row L to R: Daryl South, unidentified (x2). Janet Murray, LT Dave Weston. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: unidentified, CPL Paul Baker, Shona Hastie, front row L to R: LT Craig Hersant, Darren Maher, Chad Hardwick, Rob Jones. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Steve Egan. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LT Craig Hersant. .5)- Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Warren Shirley, Jeff Willey, Gary Kerr. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: CPL Penny Knott, Janet Murray, Shona Hastie. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: MAJ Terry Edwards, LT David Weston. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Frank Lenane, WO1 Trevor Osborne. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, WO2 Steve Egan. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1992, back row L to R: Terry Winzar, Roy Hicks Marty Stradbrook, Janet Murray, Nick Vanderzwan, Mark Bird, front row L to R: SGT Dale Hudson, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, Ross Anza, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT Stuart Ridge, WO2 Jeff Willey, Peter Hamilton, Garry Lord, Gavin McLean, unidentified. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray, Mick Muzeen. .12) and .13) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Janet Murray. .14) to.16) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Scott Cameron, CPL Warren Shirley. .17) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SPR Shane Campbell, SGT Brian Paul. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1992, LCPL John Bragg. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SPR Allison (Ottaway) Wooldrage. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, LT Colin Davidson. .23) and .24) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, SPR Nicole Midgley. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1992, map inspection station, unidentified. .27) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Penny Knott. .28) - Photo, black & white, 1992, CPL Ken Peters. .29) - Photo, black & white, 1992, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: WO2 Peter Imeson, WO2 Rob Bogumil. .31) and .32) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SGT Brian Fauth. .33) - Photo, colour, 1992, Klimch Camera, CPL Damien Cole. .34) - Photo, colour, 1992, Speedmaster Printing Press, L to R: SGT Gary Kerr, unidentified, SGT Kim Reynolds, SPR Shane Campbell.No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Trade Workshop building documents
School of Mines Ballarat is a predecessor of Federation University.Typed documents including .1 Revised tender report .2 New building Project Committee meeting minutes .3 Plumbing and Sheetmetal report .4 Tender Report and reccommendations confidential stamptrade workshops, revised tender report, new building project, ewan jones, shirley rollins, mr dal, g. beanland, r. mcfarlane, a. peart, mrs short, p. shiells, lindsay hillman, m.bevelander, lee wallis, leo shannon, graham perry, ray nancarrow, rod masterson, bob puffett, a.w. nicholson pty ltd, prentice builders pty ltd, school of mines ballarat -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Monday Flag Ceremony, 1954
One of a collection of 4 photographs donated by Ian Hannan.Large Black & White photograph of teacher and 13 students outside at flagpole. 1953 or 54. L-R: Teacher Ian Hannan, Students: Ian Ferguson, Shirley Booth, Howard Dixon, Kaye Jeffrey, Jenny Jones, Lorraine Spaven, Pat Grachan, Julie Duggan, Susan Byron-Moore, Robert Jeffrey, Angie Gardiner, ??????, Robert Spaven.flag ceremony, ian hannan, school children, cowes state school -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, The Puppeteers, 1953
One of a collection of 4 photographs donated by Ian Hannan.Large Black & White photograph of local schoolchildren with puppets. Back Row, L-R: Julie Duggan, Lorraine Spaven, Kaye Jeffrey, Howard Dixon. Front Row, L-R: Jenny Jones, Pat Grachan, Shirley Booth, Ian Ferguson, Donald Cameron.puppeteers, ian hannan, cowes state school, donald cameron., howard dixon., lorraine spaven, kaye jeffrey, pat grachan, julie duggan, jenny jones, shirley booth -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph mounted on card with attached note on back with names, Golden Square State School Choir. Grade VI second in State School Committee shield, Bendigo Competitions 1936. Fourth row from left: Wayne Harbour, Clarrie Branson, Cleave Pearce, Harold Brewer. Thirs row: Jack turner, Ron Andrews, Harold Swatton, Unknown, Ken Lewis, Billy Stevenson. Second row: Elsie Newman, Mavis Boston, Edna Wyngrave, Dorothy Houston, Shirley Hall, Marjorie Dent, Dorothy Pollock, Mary Clark. Front row: Joy Miller,Betty Andrew, Mary Jacobs, Shirley Teague, Thelma Bond, Marjorie Jones, Dorothy Bynon, Shirley Hocking, Gwen Rance.bendigo, education, golden square primary school -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser "The way we were" from Thursday, June 17, 2004. Good fun: this photograph is from a ladies football match between Macca's Mighty Midgets and Ritchie's Terrible Tigers. The match was played on Sunday, October 23, 1955. Lining up for Ritchie's team were: Ada Ridsdale, Amanda Smith, Valda Trehair, Kathy Borserio, Norma Borserio, Dawn Murley, Val McNamara, Margaret, Griffiths, Pal Lawlor, Shirley Kirk, Hilary Martin, Ann Hasett, Nola Hall and Dot Moyle. Playing for Macca's team were: M. Lund, C.Shackelton, H. Shackelton, J.O'Brien, M. Smith, J. Latter, L.Coad, M. Jones, M. Carter, B.Carter, J. Lewis, J. Smith, Judy O'Brien, E. Collier, V. Smutch, N.Nordon, L. Atkinson, M. Rutland, T. Stanford, C. Wittmore, L. Mounsey.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, State Library Picture Collection, 1/03/1998 12:00:00 AM
Article on comic postcardsArticle on comic postcards held in State LibraryArticle on comic postcardsjones, shirley, state library of victoria, postcards -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Mitcham State School memories No 2904, 1923 -1930's
A collection of memories of pupils of Mitcham State School No 2094.A collection of memories of pupils of Mitcham State School No 2094 for inclusion in their 120th Anniversary booklet& a list of 1930's past pupils.A collection of memories of pupils of Mitcham State School No 2094. mitcham state school no 2094, jones, shirley, jackson, jean, mills, patricia, burton, joyce, maynes, marjorie -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron with DCP Students, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1985
This is a set of six photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel with Defence Cooperation Program (DCP) students at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, 1985. These informal and formal group photos were taken on the day of a CO’s Parade. Litho Squadron provided printing and photographic reproduction to the two DCP students. RA Svy also provided technical training to DCP students in map production skills such as, cartography and photogrammetry at the Army Survey Regiment and the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla. The Australian Defence Force over several years sponsored international students from counties such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. It is not known which South Pacific country these DCP students came from.This is a set of six photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel with Defence Cooperation Program (DCP) students at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria, 1985. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Per Andersen, Trevor Osborne, Roy Hicks, Lance Strudwick, Steve Burke, Dale Hudson, Paul Baker, Ralph Chant, Peter Breukel, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Chad Hardwick, Peter Imeson, DCP student John or Henry, unidentified, Greg Rowe, John South, unidentified, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, Terry King, Daryl South, DCP student John or Henry, Bronwyn Jones, John Bateman, Kerron South, unidentified officer, Peter Dillon, Kim Reynolds, Rob Jones, unidentified, Jeff Lynch, Garry Hudson, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Jim Ash, Gavin Neilson, Jeff Willey, unidentified, Graham Johnston, Steve Egan, Peter Barrett, George Austen, Dave Miles. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Per Andersen, Trevor Osborne, Roy Hicks, Lance Strudwick, Steve Burke, Dale Hudson, Paul Baker, Ralph Chant, Peter Breukel, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, Chad Hardwick, Peter Imeson, DCP student John or Henry, unidentified, Greg Rowe, John South, unidentified, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, Terry King, Daryl South, DCP student John or Henry, John Bateman, Kerron South, unidentified officer, Peter Dillon, Kim Reynolds, Rob Jones, unidentified, Jeff Lynch, Garry Hudson, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Jim Ash, Gavin Neilson, Jeff Willey, unidentified, Graham Johnston, Steve Egan, Peter Barrett, Dave Miles, George Austen. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Photo Troop L to R: Steve Burke, Garry Hudson, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, Ralph Chant, Gavin Neilson, DCP student John or Henry, Paul Baker, Trevor Osborne, Peter Imeson, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, unidentified, John ‘Junior’ Whaling, DCP student John or Henry, Chad Hardwick, Terry King, Dave Miles, Graham Johnston, Kerron South, Bronwyn Jones, Rob Jones, unidentified. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1985. L to R: WO1 Jeff Lynch, DCP student John or Henry, CAPT John South, unidentified officer, DCP student John or Henry, WO2 Dave Miles. .5) & .6) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Print Troop L to R: Per Andersen, Daryl South, Lance Strudwick, Peter Dillon, DCP student John or Henry, Jeff Willey, John Bateman, Roy Hicks, Paul Davis, Dale Hudson, Kim Reynolds, Greg Rowe, Jim Ash, DCP student John or Henry, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, Peter Breukel, Peter Barrett, unidentified, unidentified officer, Steve Egan, George Austen.No personnel are identified. Date and DCP students noted on film negative sleeve.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Lithographic Squadron Group Photos, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1985
This set of two group photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo probably taken on the 27th of June 1985. On this day Lithographic Squadron was participating in the Army Survey Regiment’s Freedom of Entry Parade rehearsals at Bendigo’s Queen Elizabeth Oval. See item 6470.30P for photos of the parade rehearsals.This is a set of two group photographs of Lithographic Squadron personnel at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria probably taken on the 27th of June 1985. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) &.2) - Photo, black & white, 1985. Back row L to R: Peter Coombes, John Bateman, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley, unidentified, Paul Baker, Steve Burke, Terry Winzar, Terry King, Garren Hill. 4th row L to R: unidentified, Roy Hicks, Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirley, Greg Kidman, Gary Drummond, Jim Ash, Graham Hales, Dale Hudson, Bill Jones, Per Andersen, Gavin Neilson. 3rd row L to R: unidentified, Don Williams, Graham Johnston – obscured, Mark ‘Dogs’ Doherty, unidentified, Daryl South, John ‘Flash’ Anderson, unidentified, Lance Strudwick, Chad Hardwick. 2nd row L to R: Peter Barrett, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, Ken Peters, Garry Hudson, Greg Rowe, Kim Reynolds, Peter Dillon, Brian Fauth, Rob Jones, Kerron South, CPL Martin Van De Maele, Steve Egan. Front row L to R: Bronwyn Jones, Dave, Trevor Osborne, unidentified, John South, OC MAJ Peter Raue, Brenton McDonald, Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard, George Austen, Gae (Robinson) Amato.No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho sqn, litho -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Colour picture in heavy paper folder. Sticker on front of folder reads: Bendigo High School 1907-2007 Celebrating 100 years of Quality Education 6th - 8 October 2007. Students 1957-1958 Bk: Graeme Tuder, Ivan Brown, Tony Conolan, David Stuccoes, Neil Shaw, Kevin Rusbridge, Keith Ryall, Peter Ellis, John Harris, John Charlton, Bill Cook. 4th: Brian Tresidder, Jack Harvey, Tony Hayward, Ken Prior, Peter Dumont, Roger Banks, M.R. Adamthwaite, Tom Bowles, Will Turner, Lance Lakey, Faye Frewin (McKenzie). 3rd David Pocock, Margaret Grant (Hawke), Barbara Glover (Simms), June Tully (Lewis), Jan Nankervis (Every), Nola Williams (Dalrymple), Jan van der Spek (Sheringham), Kay Trimble (Oswald), Coral Symons (Eickert), Joan Rathbone (Griffen), Pam Lane (Jenkin), Joy Howell (Anderson). 2nd: Eric McLeod, Noel Mibus, Malcolm Ward, Shirley Walker (Moresi), Shirley Midgey (Osborne), Patricia McLay (Johnston), Margaret Aitken, Lynette Dowall (Teague), Trudy Green (Partington), Margaret Symons (Fehring). Ft: Marilyn Millar (Stephens), Juanita Aitken (Howe), Val Pratt (Hester), Bronwen Schleiger (Townsend), Barbara Jones (Matthews), Lyn Goldsmith (Punch), Pauline Wileman (Lampard), Cheryl Chant (Read), Chris Charnas (Frewin). Spielvogel Photographics P.O. Box 1004 Ballarat Mail Centre, Vic 3354. Ph. 03 5334 0246.Spielvogel Photographics P.O. Box 1004 Ballarat Mail Centre, Vic 3354. Ph. 03 5334 0246.bendigo, education, bendigo high school -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionBendigo Advertiser '' the way we were'' from 2003. on a musical note: the Golden Square choir in 1936. front row: Joy Millar, Betty Andrews, Mary Jacobs, Shirley Teague, Thelma Bond, Mary Jones, Dorothy Byron, Shirley hocking and Gwen Rance. Second row: Elsie Newman, Mavis Boston, Edna Wingrave, Dorothy Houston, Shirley Hall, Marian Dent and Dorothy Polock. Back row: jack Turner, Harold Swatton, Ren Lewis, Mary Brewer, Tom Harker, Cleave Pearce and Harry Andrews. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were