Showing 131 items
matching social justice
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88, 1987
... Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town... industrial land in the late 1980s: G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88. All related documents bound in manila fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action (cura), uniting church, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (Australia), Going forward : social justice for the first Australians : a submission to the Commonwealth Government from the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation, 1995
... Going forward : social justice for the first justice -- australia... strait islanders -- government relations social justice ...ISBN: 0642226423aboriginal australians -- government policy, aboriginal australians -- government relations, torres strait islanders -- government policy -- australia, torres strait islanders -- government relations, social justice -- australia -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive, Social Justice in the City, 1987 - 1988
... Social Justice in the City... joint Community Arts Network and CURA. 'Social Justice.... 'Social Justice in the City' project which funded local artists ...File kept by Pat GRAINGER, a participant in the project, 1987/88Light grey binder containing documents related to the 1987 joint Community Arts Network and CURA. 'Social Justice in the City' project which funded local artists' statements against the Sandridge City development.quite a few notations on many of the itemspublic action campaigns, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, ewan ogilvy, martin brennan, mark grant, pat grainger, kate shaw, richard crawley, maree menzel, barry merat, cura -
Galen Catholic College
Caritas Australia Fundraiser, 2014
... Social Justice... actively involved in social justice initiatives. These photos show... have often been actively involved in social justice initiatives ...Galen Catholic College students and staff have often been actively involved in social justice initiatives. These photos show students volunteering in a Caritas Australia fundraiser, with the proceeds going to those in greatest need.galen catholic college, galen college, caritas australia, fundraising, social justice, volunteering, 2014. -
Unions Ballarat
The Whitlam government 1972-1975, Whitlam, Gough, 1985
... social justice.... Highlights Whitlam's aspirations within a social justice and equality... aspirations within a social justice and equality agenda ...History of the Whitlam government by Gough Whitlam. Highlights Whitlam's aspirations within a social justice and equality agenda and the frustrations that he faced. The Whitlam government came to power in 1972 after 23 years in opposition. The government was dismissed in 1975 by the governor general - this act was unprecedented.Relevant to the history of government and politics in Australia and especially the ALP.Hardcover book. Front cover: black background; caricature of Gough Whitlam; white lettering.Front cover: author's name and title. btlc, whitlam, gough, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, kerr, sir john, whitlam government - dismissal, alp, australian labour party, social change, social reform, social justice, government, politics -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, David Jamieson, editor of Ringwood Parish quarterly magazine "Insight", 06/1984
... social justice... with the church presents social justice issues is David Jamieson, who has... member who disagrees with the church presents social justice ...Jamieson's comments appear in an article surveying the Uniting Church, 7 years after union. "One member who disagrees with the church presents social justice issues is David Jamieson, who has been editor of the Ringwood parish quarterly magazine "Insight" since union. Mr Jamieson says he knows scores of people who find it very hard to accept what he considers is a bias in the presentation of social justice issues. 'I know a lot of people who are becoming alienated because they feel their side of the story is not being presented by the church. They feel only the radical side of justice issues is being hammered. I think the more conservative side has validity. My main concern is the flood of study booklets and material on social justice issues which look at them from only one angle. The bias is on greed, excessive profits and most unworthy aspects of the multi-nationals compared with the most humanitarian concerns of the left. No mention is made of humanitarian concern by big business or the extremes of the left — such as unwarranted industrial action and the effect that this has on the poor and unemployed. No mention is made of excessive wage demands by highly paid people who are pressuring for bigger flow-ons. ….. I do not believe the church should be neutral on political issues. In fact I agree with nearly all of its stands. But we should look at both sides before making up our minds. Only then should we be vocal in a political sense, no matter how one-sided."Full face, looking intently at the camera.C&N identification.jamieson, david, church union 7th anniversary, social justice -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2010
... social justice... and by Native Title Representative Bodies. Ethics or social justice... Indigenous research social justice Indigenous health b&w photographs ...'Whose Ethics?':Codifying and enacting ethics in research settings Bringing ethics up to date? A review of the AIATSIS ethical guidelines Michael Davis (Independent Academic) A revision of the AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies was carried out during 2009-10. The purpose of the revision was to bring the Guidelines up to date in light of a range of critical developments that have occurred in Indigenous rights, research and knowledge management since the previous version of the Guidelines was released in 2000. In this paper I present an outline of these developments, and briefly discuss the review process. I argue that the review, and the developments that it responded to, have highlighted that ethical research needs to be thought about more as a type of behaviour and practice between engaged participants, and less as an institutionalised, document-focused and prescriptive approach. The arrogance of ethnography: Managing anthropological research knowledge Sarah Holcombe (ANU) The ethnographic method is a core feature of anthropological practice. This locally intensive research enables insight into local praxis and culturally relative practices that would otherwise not be possible. Indeed, empathetic engagement is only possible in this close and intimate encounter. However, this paper argues that this method can also provide the practitioner with a false sense of his or her own knowing and expertise and, indeed, with arrogance. And the boundaries between the anthropologist as knowledge sink - cultural translator and interpreter - and the knowledge of the local knowledge owners can become opaque. Globalisation and the knowledge ?commons?, exemplified by Google, also highlight the increasing complexities in this area of the governance and ownership of knowledge. Our stronghold of working in remote areas and/or with marginalised groups places us at the forefront of negotiating the multiple new technological knowledge spaces that are opening up in the form of Indigenous websites and knowledge centres in these areas. Anthropology is not immune from the increasing awareness of the limitations and risks of the intellectual property regime for protecting or managing Indigenous knowledge. The relevance of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in opening up a ?rights-based? discourse, especially in the area of knowledge ownership, brings these issues to the fore. For anthropology to remain relevant, we have to engage locally with these global discourses. This paper begins to traverse some of this ground. Protocols: Devices for translating moralities, controlling knowledge and defining actors in Indigenous research, and critical ethical reflection Margaret Raven (Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy (ISTP), Murdoch University) Protocols are devices that act to assist with ethical research behaviour in Indigenous research contexts. Protocols also attempt to play a mediating role in the power and control inherent in research. While the development of bureaucratically derived protocols is on the increase, critiques and review of protocols have been undertaken in an ad hoc manner and in the absence of an overarching ethical framework or standard. Additionally, actors implicated in research networks are seldom theorised. This paper sketches out a typology of research characters and the different moral positioning that each of them plays in the research game. It argues that by understanding the ways actors enact research protocols we are better able to understand what protocols are, and how they seek to build ethical research practices. Ethics and research: Dilemmas raised in managing research collections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander materials Grace Koch (AIATSIS) This paper examines some of the ethical dilemmas for the proper management of research collections of Indigenous cultural materials, concentrating upon the use of such material for Native Title purposes. It refers directly to a number of points in the draft of the revised AIATSIS Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies and draws upon both actual and hypothetical examples of issues that may arise when requests are made for Indigenous material. Specific concerns about ethical practices in collecting data and the subsequent control of access to both the data itself and to published works based upon it are raised within the context of several types of collections, including those held by AIATSIS and by Native Title Representative Bodies. Ethics or social justice? Heritage and the politics of recognition Laurajane Smith (ANU) Nancy Fraser?s model of the politics of recognition is used to examine how ethical practices are interconnected with wider struggles for recognition and social justice. This paper focuses on the concept of 'heritage' and the way it is often uncritically linked to 'identity' to illustrate how expert knowledge can become implicated in struggles for recognition. The consequences of this for ethical practice and for rethinking the role of expertise, professional discourses and disciplinary identity are discussed. The ethics of teaching from country Michael Christie (CDU), with the assistance of Yi?iya Guyula, Kathy Gotha and Dh�?gal Gurruwiwi The 'Teaching from Country' program provided the opportunity and the funding for Yol?u (north-east Arnhem Land Aboriginal) knowledge authorities to participate actively in the academic teaching of their languages and cultures from their remote homeland centres using new digital technologies. As two knowledge systems and their practices came to work together, so too did two divergent epistemologies and metaphysics, and challenges to our understandings of our ethical behaviour. This paper uses an examination of the philosophical and pedagogical work of the Yol?u Elders and their students to reflect upon ethical teaching and research in postcolonial knowledge practices. Closing the gaps in and through Indigenous health research: Guidelines, processes and practices Pat Dudgeon (UWA), Kerrie Kelly (Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association) and Roz Walker (UWA) Research in Aboriginal contexts remains a vexed issue given the ongoing inequities and injustices in Indigenous health. It is widely accepted that good research providing a sound evidence base is critical to closing the gap in Aboriginal health and wellbeing outcomes. However, key contemporary research issues still remain regarding how that research is prioritised, carried out, disseminated and translated so that Aboriginal people are the main beneficiaries of the research in every sense. It is widely acknowledged that, historically, research on Indigenous groups by non-Indigenous researchers has benefited the careers and reputations of researchers, often with little benefit and considerably more harm for Indigenous peoples in Australia and internationally. This paper argues that genuine collaborative and equal partnerships in Indigenous health research are critical to enable Aboriginal and Torres Islander people to determine the solutions to close the gap on many contemporary health issues. It suggests that greater recognition of research methodologies, such as community participatory action research, is necessary to ensure that Aboriginal people have control of, or significant input into, determining the Indigenous health research agenda at all levels. This can occur at a national level, such as through the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Road Map on Indigenous research priorities (RAWG 2002), and at a local level through the development of structural mechanisms and processes, including research ethics committees? research protocols to hold researchers accountable to the NHMRC ethical guidelines and values which recognise Indigenous culture in all aspects of research. Researching on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar: Methodologies for positive transformation Steve Hemming (Flinders University) , Daryle Rigney (Flinders University) and Shaun Berg (Berg Lawyers) Ngarrindjeri engagement with cultural and natural resource management over the past decade provides a useful case study for examining the relationship between research, colonialism and improved Indigenous wellbeing. The Ngarrindjeri nation is located in south-eastern Australia, a ?white? space framed by Aboriginalist myths of cultural extinction recycled through burgeoning heritage, Native Title, natural resource management ?industries?. Research is a central element of this network of intrusive interests and colonising practices. Government management regimes such as natural resource management draw upon the research and business sectors to form complex alliances to access funds to support their research, monitoring, policy development, management and on-ground works programs. We argue that understanding the political and ethical location of research in this contemporary management landscape is crucial to any assessment of the potential positive contribution of research to 'Bridging the Gap' or improving Indigenous wellbeing. Recognition that research conducted on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (country/body/spirit) has impacts on Ngarrindjeri and that Ngarrindjeri have a right and responsibility to care for their lands and waters are important platforms for any just or ethical research. Ngarrindjeri have linked these rights and responsibilities to long-term community development focused on Ngarrindjeri capacity building and shifts in Ngarrindjeri power in programs designed to research and manage Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar. Research agreements that protect Ngarrindjeri interests, including cultural knowledge and intellectual property, are crucial elements in these shifts in power. A preliminary review of ethics resources, with particular focus on those available online from Indigenous organisations in WA, NT and Qld Sarah Holcombe (ANU) and Natalia Gould (La Trobe University) In light of a growing interest in Indigenous knowledge, this preliminary review maps the forms and contents of some existing resources and processes currently available and under development in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia, along with those enacted through several cross-jurisdictional initiatives. A significant majority of ethics resources have been developed in response to a growing interest in the application of Indigenous knowledge in land and natural resource management. The aim of these resources is to ?manage? (i.e. protect and maintain) Indigenous knowledge by ensuring ethical engagement with the knowledge holders. Case studies are drawn on from each jurisdiction to illustrate both the diversity and commonality in the approach to managing this intercultural engagement. Such resources include protocols, guidelines, memorandums of understanding, research agreements and strategic plans. In conducting this review we encourage greater awareness of the range of approaches in practice and under development today, while emphasising that systematic, localised processes for establishing these mechanisms is of fundamental importance to ensuring equitable collaboration. Likewise, making available a range of ethics tools and resources also enables the sharing of the local and regional initiatives in this very dynamic area of Indigenous knowledge rights.b&w photographs, colour photographsngarrindjeri, ethics, ethnography, indigenous research, social justice, indigenous health -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... social justice... for the People philosophy social justice advertisements penny books ...A pink book titled ' The Life of Confucius the great philosopher and moralist. The master and teacher of the Chinese people. The founder of their educational system. Their instructor in morals and philosophy, the inculcator of universal charity, impartial justice, rectitude of heart and pure sincerity.' London : Ward, Lock & Co., Salisbury Square, E.C. 593 - 608 pgs. This booklet is one of 53 ' Ward & Lock's Penny Books for the People.' 'Biographical Series.' Price one penny. There are advertisements of note.books, biography, confucius, lydia chancellor, collection, confucius, male, person, person, individual, china, chinese history, ward & lock's penny biographies, biographies, ward & lock's penny books for the people, philosophy, social justice, advertisements, penny books, biographical series. -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Audio CD, Radio 3CR, Beyond the bars : highlights from 3CR's prison broadcasts : NAIDOC Week 2004, 2004
... social justice... Street Brunswick melbourne social justice Victorian prisons ...The Beyond the Bars broadcasts are the culmination of 3CR's out + blak on air project. The project was produced with the support from the City of Melbourne, the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement and the City of Yarra. This CD is an hour-long radio program of highlights from two live prison broadcasts. These broadcasts took place during NAIDOC Week 2004. The session includes interviews, songs, poems and messages from Indigenous inmates at Port Phillip Prison and the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, Deer Park. The broadcasts were presented by 3CR broadcasters Lisa Bellear, Eleisha Jones, Gilla McGuinness, Johnny McGuinness, Ross Morgan, Lester Green, and Kutcha Edwards. Technical assistance by Greg Segal and Lotti Stein. Program coordination by Juliet Fox. Project coordination by Bree McKilligan.CDsocial justice, victorian prisons, naidoc, broadcasting, radio, 3cr, rehabilitation, dame phyllis frost centre, port phillip prison -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Audio CD, Radio 3CR, Beyond the bars 8 : 3CR's prison broadcasts : NAIDOC week 2011, 2011
... social justice... Street Brunswick melbourne social justice Victorian prisons ...The CD is the 8th in a series of prison broadcast productions. The Beyond the Bars 8 broadcasts took place in NAIDOC week 2011. Includes interviews, songs, poems, messages from Indigenous inmates at Port Phillip Prison, Fulham Correctional Centre, Barwon Prison, Marngoneet Correctional Centre and the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre. Program Coordinator Meg Butler; production assistance Elanor McInerney; project coordination support Juliet Fox.CDsocial justice, victorian prisons, naidoc, broadcasting, radio, 3cr, rehabilitation, dame phyllis frost centre, port phillip prison, fulham correctional centre, barwon prison, marngoneet correctional centre -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Audio CD, Radio 3CR, Beyond the bars 10 : highlights from 3CR's prison broadcasts : NAIDOC Week 2013, 2013
... social justice... Street Brunswick melbourne social justice Victorian prisons ...This CD is the tenth in a series of prison broadcast productions delivered by 3CR. It includes interviews, songs, poems and messages from Indigenous inmates at Port Phillip Prison, Fulham Correctional Centre, Barwon Prison, Marngoneet Correctional Centre, Loddon Prison and the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre.CDsocial justice, victorian prisons, naidoc, broadcasting, radio, 3cr, rehabilitation, dame phyllis frost centre, port phillip prison, fulham correctional centre, barwon prison, loddon prison, marngoneet correctional centre -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Audio CD, Radio 3CR, Beyond the bars : highlights from 3CR's prison broadcasts : NAIDOC Week 2014, 2014
... social justice... Street Brunswick melbourne Wurundjeri Kulin social justice prison ...Part of a series of prison broadcast productions delivered by 3CR. Includes interviews, songs, poems and messages from Indigenous inmates, and also features Kutcha Edwards. Meg Butler (technical producer)2 CD setwurundjeri, kulin, social justice, prison system, rehabilitation, dame phyllis frost centre, port phillip prison, fulham correctional centre, barwon prison, loddon prison, marngoneet correctional centre -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing them home : National Inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander children from their families, 1997
... social justice... Australian Aboriginal history Aboriginal children social justice maps ...A tribute to the strengths and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. It acknowledges the hardship they endured and the sacrifices they made. Dedicated to those who found the strength to tell their stories to the Inquiry and to the generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families and communities. Includes stories and recommendations.maps, b&w photographs, tableschild protection, institutional care, australian aboriginal history, aboriginal children, social justice -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing them home : a guide to the findings and recommendations of the National Inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, 1997
... social justice... social justice public policy government policy Link Up colour ...A tribute to the strengths and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. It acknowledges the hardship they endured and the sacrifices they made. Dedicated to those who found the strength to tell their stories to the Inquiry and to the generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families and communities. Includes stories and recommendations.colour photographs, colour illustrations, b&w photographs, graphschild protection, institutional care, child custody, australian aboriginal history, aboriginal children, social justice, public policy, government policy, link up -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Aboriginal Law Research Unit in association with the Legal Service Bulletin Co-operative Ltd., 1981-1997, Aboriginal Law Bulletin, 1981
... discrimination - Legislative | Politics and Government - Social justice... and Government - Social justice Aboriginal Law Bulletin began in 1981 ...Aboriginal Law Bulletin began in 1981 as one of the first projects of the Aboriginal Law Research Centre at the University of NSW. The Centre became the Aboriginal Law Centre in 1986 and the Indigenous Law Centre in 1997; journal title changed to Indigenous law bulletin from Vol. 4 no. 1 (Apr. 1997)v. ; 29cm.Aboriginal Law Bulletin began in 1981 as one of the first projects of the Aboriginal Law Research Centre at the University of NSW. The Centre became the Aboriginal Law Centre in 1986 and the Indigenous Law Centre in 1997; journal title changed to Indigenous law bulletin from Vol. 4 no. 1 (Apr. 1997)law -- australia -- periodicals | aboriginal australians -- legal status, laws, etc. -- periodicals | torres strait islanders -- legal status, laws, etc. -- periodicals | race discrimination -- law and legislation -- australia | discrimination in law enforcement -- australia -- periodicals | government policy | law - indigenous | law - international law - human rights | law - legal system | law - legal aid services | race relations - racial discrimination - legislative | politics and government - social justice -
Unions Ballarat
Student Revolt! La Trobe University 1967-73, York, Barry, 1989
... social justice... in the Vietnam War. Issues relating to university culture, social justice ...A history of three La Trobe University student union activists in the early 1970s - Brian Pola, Barry York and Fergus Robinson - who disobeyed the University's order to stay off campus. They were subsequently imprisoned at Pentridge Prison for several months although no criminal charges were made known. The account of on-campus student politics is fascinating and complex in comparison to contemporary student unionism. At the time of their release and to date, the University has not apologised to the "La Trobe Three" for what happened. The book is written by Barry York who was one of the "La Trobe Three"; it was published in the year of La Trobe University's 25th anniversary. Relevant to student unionism in the 1970s and contemporary to Australia's participation in the Vietnam War. Issues relating to university culture, social justice and activism.Paperback; 184 pages. Front cover: black and white; title and author's name; black and white photo of student activists. Back cover: black and white; black and white photo of student activists and police at La Trobe University.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, pola, brian, york, barry, robinson, fergus, unions - student, universities, prisons - pentridge, la trobe university, la trobe university - student representative council, student activism, social justice, maoism, vietnam war, vice chancellors - david myers, premiers - bolte -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Much loved man of faith toiled tirelessly for others
... worker for social justice incl. photo.... Human Rights Society and a life time worker for social justice ...Obituary of John Walter McKenna, who lived in Mitcham, was a founder of the Australian Human Rights Society and a life time worker for social justice incl. photo.Obituary of John Walter McKenna, who lived in Mitcham, was a founder of the Australian Human Rights Society and a life time worker for social justice incl. photo.Obituary of John Walter McKenna, who lived in Mitcham, was a founder of the Australian Human Rights Society and a life time worker for social justice incl. photo.mckenna, john walter -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film, "Fight for Bayside"
... (Anglican Church) "Social Justice and the City" project... funded by CURA (Anglican Church) "Social Justice and the City ...Proposals put forward by Sandridge City Development Co Pty Ltd were ultimately not continued. People interviewed were: BEAZLEY, Doug; BEAZLEY, David; MCKAY, Ian; WHITE, Perce; SZWARK, Jo (Mayor); BOCQUET, Harry; BEDFORD, Brenda; WEST, RonA successful campaign against over developmentDVD recorded by Richard Crawley recording resident's objections to the Sandridge City Development Co Pty Ltd proposal for Bayside development late 1987. Part of a project funded by CURA (Anglican Church) "Social Justice and the City" projectscdc, town planning - proposals shelved, richard crawley -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, St Patrick's College Celebrating 120 Years, 2013
... , The Curriculum, Old Collegians, Boarding, Indigenous Program, Social..., Indigenous Program, Social Justice, Music, arts, football, rowing ...23 page supplement to the Ballarat Courier. Contents include key moments over 120 yeas, 120 years of Christian Brothers, The Curriculum, Old Collegians, Boarding, Indigenous Program, Social Justice, Music, arts, football, rowing, sports success, developing patrick's college ballarat, christian brothers, peter m. casey, bill wilding, p.g. nangle, t.f. kearney, k.j. buckley, l.b. collins, r.s. stewart, william t. o'malley, william j. wilding, dougolass evin zoch, drew carey, steve moneghetti, gerald fitzgerald, steve bracks, drew petrie, gerard fitzgerald, george pell, danny frawley, paul bongiorno, geoff torney, anthony edwards -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Flyer - Free concert, Port Melbourne Town Hall, International Year of Peace, 1986
... reflecting his commitment to the arts and social justice... commitment to the arts and social justice Local Government - City ...Amongst a series of items donated by former Cr Perce WHITE reflecting his commitment to the arts and social justiceFlyer advertising a free concert for the International Year of Peace at the Port Melbourne Town Hall, 1986local government - city of port melbourne, arts and entertainment - music, international year of peace, concerts -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Michael Crotty & Christian Television Association, 1978
... in producing 21 one-minute spots for radio on social justice issues.... on social justice issues. christian television association crotty ...Article about CTA working with Community Aid Abroad in producing 21 one-minute spots for radio on social justice issues.B & W head and shoulders studio photograph of Michael Crotty."Michael Crotty"christian television association, crotty, michael -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report: Ewan Ogilvy's initial comments, May 1988, handwritten (4 copies)All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Tom Roper, Minister for Planning and Environment to Evan Walker, Minister for Major Projects re Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Ministerial correspondence from Tom Roper, Minister for Planning and Environment to Evan Walker, Minister for Major Projects, related to panel's decision on Bayside EES Inquiry 1997/8, included in bound black fileAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development comapny, tom roper, evan walker -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Minister's assessment of Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: List of panel recommendations and Minister's assessment of each 20pp on Bayside EES Inquiry 1997/8, included in bound black fileAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, tom roper, evan walker -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Brian Robinson, EPA Chairman re cleanup of Bayside development site, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Letter from EPA chairman Brian Robinson regarding cleanup of development site, included in bound black fileAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, brian robinson -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Executive Summary Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Executive summary of panel report, signed by panel for EES Inquiry 1997/8, included in bound black file (also contains Appendices to the enquiry)All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report to the Minister for Planning and Environment 7 April 1988, included in bound black file. appendix 1 Terms of Reference Kennan to Lethlean 1.09.1987; Appendix 2 contains names of 1003 persons and organisations submitting to enquiry, and analysis of those submissionsAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report to the Minister for Planning and Environment 7 April 1988, included in bound black file. Appendix 3: list of those appearing before the inquiryAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report to the Minister for Planning and Environment 7 April 1988, included in bound black file. Appendix 4: Bibliography; 7pp of documents and submissionsAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
... (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town...), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He ...Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report to the Minister for Planning and Environment 7 April 1988, included in bound black file. Appendix 5: Panel's recommendation re site contamination (one page)All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes