Historical information

Jamieson's comments appear in an article surveying the Uniting Church, 7 years after union. "One member who disagrees with the church presents social justice issues is David Jamieson, who has been editor of the Ringwood parish quarterly magazine "Insight" since union. Mr Jamieson says he knows scores of people who find it very hard to accept what he considers is a bias in the presentation of social justice issues. 'I know a lot of people who are becoming alienated because they feel their side of the story is not being presented by the church. They feel only the radical side of justice issues is being hammered. I think the more conservative side has validity. My main concern is the flood of study booklets and material on social justice issues which look at them from only one angle. The bias is on greed, excessive profits and most unworthy aspects of the multi-nationals compared with the most humanitarian concerns of the left. No mention is made of humanitarian concern by big business or the extremes of the left — such as unwarranted industrial action and the effect that this has on the poor and unemployed. No mention is made of excessive wage demands by highly paid people who are pressuring for bigger flow-ons. ….. I do not believe the church should be neutral on political issues. In fact I agree with nearly all of its stands. But we should look at both sides before making up our minds. Only then should we be vocal in a political sense, no matter how one-sided."

Physical description

Full face, looking intently at the camera.

Inscriptions & markings

C&N identification.