Showing 44 items
matching southern cross office
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt burial 1890 Martha Jones, c1880
... southern cross office... G.H Orford Printer “ Southern Cross Office” Bay St. Brighton ... southern cross office bay street brighton No. 2844( hand written ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. A further 2 children were interred in 1893 and 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. An original paper receipt No. 2844 for payment 22 January 1890 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 3 pounds 1 shilling for burial of Martha Jones aged approx. 2 years in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet. Fees include family grave at 2 pounds 2 shillings, Sinking to 7 feet at 14 shillings and Label 5 shillings .No. 2844( hand written) / BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / RECEIVED 22 January 18 90 / of Mr James Jones ( hand written ) the sum of £3. 1 being the / following charges in Wesleyan Portion No. / Compt. Name of deceased Martha Jones / Signed S Simmonds (handwritten) Secretary Along left side G.H Orford Printer “ Southern Cross Office” Bay St. Brighton melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Document, receipt Burial 1893 Ethel May Jones, c1890
... southern cross office... cemetery orford g h printers southern cross office bay street ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and another baby in 1900 then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. An original paper receipt No. 3454 for payment on 23 March 1893 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s For the burial of baby Ethel May Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. Fee was for reopening the grave he had purchased in 1890 for the burial of his daughter Martha, aged 2 years . BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 3454 ( stamped) / 23 March 1893 ( hand written ) / Received from Mr James Jones ( hand written ) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / deceased Ethel May Jones ( handwritten) / for re-opening grave internment recent ( hand written) £1 . 1s / Signed S Simmonds ( ?manager) Along left side of receipt is printed SOUTHERN CROSS PRINT, BRIGHTON melbourne, brighton, moorabbin, water supply, pioneers, bentleigh, dendy henry, market gardeners, early settlers, jones mary ann, wesleyan church, jones james, vaccination, typhoid, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, elster creek, jones martha, brighton general cemetery, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Receipt for Burial of Stillborn Child, James & Mary Jones Child, 1900
... southern cross office... melbourne orford g h printers southern cross office “brighton leader ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900An original paper receipt No.4360 for payment on 22 May 1900 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of 6 shillings for the burial of a stillborn baby Jones in the Wesleyan section of the public graves. There is no fee for ‘re-opening the grave’ purchased by James Jones in 1890 and in which his daughters Martha 1890 and Ethel May 1893 were interred. BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / No. 4360 (stamped) 22 May 1900 ( hand written) / Received of Mr Jas. Jones ( hand written) / the sum of 6 s being the following / charges in Wesleyan / Portion No. -- Compt. - Name of / Deceased ‘Stillborn child of Jas / & Mary Ann Jones’ (hand written) Along left side “Brighton Leader” Print, Bay Street, North Brighton This receipt is signed A Shimon man. Secretary wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents relating to Death and Burial of Mary Ann Jones, 1903
... southern cross office... supply elster creek melbourne orford g h printers southern cross ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died at age 43years and was interred in January 19033 Original documents associated with the death of Mary Ann Jones 18th January 1903. 1) An original paper receipt No. 4797 for payment on 19th January 1903 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s for the burial of Mary Ann Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. 2 ) An original part- section of Form of Notification of Death from The Alfred Hospital Prahran with personal particulars and burial details , signed by the Undertaker. 3) An original Mourning Card 1) BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 4797 ( stamped) / 19th Jan. 1903 (hand written) / Received from “Mr James Jones”(hand written) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / Deceased ‘Mary Ann Jones”(hand written) / For re-opening grave interment ‘third’ £1 . 1s./ signed by S. P. Simmonds Secretary. 2) ‘Brighton’ (written over Melbourne) GENERAL CEMETERY FORM OF… / No. of Order____ Date of… / PARTICULARS / Signature of Undertaker J H Lear On back of notice are guides to the questions 3) In Loving Remembrance of / Mary Ann Jones / Dearly Loved Wife of James Jones / Died January 18th 1903 / Aged 43 Years / Poem - “One Less at Home “ / DEEPLY REGRETTED / Art Engraving Company, Royal Arcade, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne * wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Burial James Jones 1940, c1940
... southern cross office... southern cross office “brighton leader” print bay street brighton ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 2 original paper Receipts associated with the Burial of James Jones at Brighton General Cemetery 20th November 1940 by Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors of Williamstown1) 4202 Re the Funeral of the late Mr James Jones / 43 Douglas Parade Williamstown (Tel 34 & 43)/ 27/11/1940 / Received from Mr J P Jones./ by CHEQUE/ CASH the sum of Twenty eight pounds / ten shillings - pence/ WITH MANY THANKS / 7/563 / NELSON BROS./ £28:10:0 per N.Flack / THIS is our only recognised form of receipt / In full settlement / Stamped VICTORIA STAMP DUTY 3d 2) 36897 BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY 20November 1940/ Received of Nelson Bros./ the sum of £1.15.- being the following charges/ in Methodist / Portion No. 199 Compt. G / Name of Deceased James Jones / for reopening grave £1.15.- / signed C Guy Secretarywesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents, Funeral James Jones 1940, c1940
... southern cross office... southern cross office “brighton leader” print bay street brighton ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and finally James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in the Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot, in the Wesleyan Section, purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died, at age 43years, and was interred in January 1903. Finally in November 1940 Mr James Jones was buried in the family grave. 1 original paper account and 1 paper receipt from Nelson Bros. Funeral Directors re the funeral of James Jones in November 19401) M..J.P Jones Esq./ 5 Vickery Street/ Bentleigh / WILLIAMSTOWN/ 27/11/1940 Dr to / NELSON BROS.,/UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, / 43 Douglas Parade & 51 Stevedore St., Williamstown W16 / Motor Funerals Conducted Anywhere / In reply please quote 7/563/ Re The Funeral of The Late MR. JAMES JONES/ £28:10:0 -1 Glass Hearse & 2 Limousines, Cemetery Fees and Newspaper notices 2) As above / 27/111940 / A Memo. from NELSON BROS.,/ Dear Sir, /Herewith ...our official receipt... / signed A Nelson / Manager* wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Gloria of the Southern Cross Church which uses the senior Citizen's Centre every Sunday; Eltham Community Town Hall Meeting, Eltham Senior Citizen's Centre, 13 October 2018, 13 Oct 2018
Community meeting held at the Eltham Senior Citizen's Centre to discuss Nillumbik Shire Council's advertised proposal to sell the former Shire Office site at 895 Main Road and the Eltham War Memorial complex of buildings at 903-907 Main Road; 13 October 2018Born digital image895 main road, 903-907 main road, community meeting, eltham pre-school, eltham shire office, eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial hall, infant welfare centre, nillumbik shire council, senior citizen's centre -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White ' Moorabbin News' Office c1910, c1910
The 'Moorabbin News' newspaper was published 1900 - 1975 covering events in the Moorabbin, Cheltenham, area.'Moorabbin News' newspaper 1900-c1975 was one of the local newspapers that provided Moorabbin citizens with social, sporting, market, crime, council, housing, information.Black & White photograph c1910 of 5 men standing outside the office of the 'Moorabbin News' newspaper moorabbin news 1900-1975, moorabbin standard newspaper, southern cross newspaper brighton 1858, printing, newspapers, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Article titled The Bendigo Post Office, compiled by L C Bennetts. Mentioned is the history of the Bendigo Post Office and postmarks, some information on mining, Bendigo foundries, Underground connections of mines, expenses and shaft sinking costs. Also mentioned is Bendigo and Eaglehawk - 60 years ago and the role the pubs played in daily living. They were where theatres, concerts and dances were held, and the meeting rooms for clubs and lodges, even church benefits. Listed is a number of Bendigo hotels. Some even had a few names. Names of the pubs are: The Freemasons, The Courthouse, The Commercial Law Courts, The Hamburg, The European, The Prince Bismark, The Lord Kitchener, The Bendigo, The Rosalind Park, The Showgrounds, Atheneum Club, Olivers, Bridge Hotel, Bourkes, The Globe, The Hibernia, Albert, Albion, Abbotts, Australian, Belvidere, Beehive, British Queen, Black Eagle, British and American, Brian Boru, Bakers Arms, Butchers Arms, Brick Layers Arms, Bull and Mouth, Cresent, Clarence, Back Creek Bridge, Cape Clear, Crooked Billet, Cambridgeshire Arms, Camp, Coach and Horses, Cricketers Arms, Diggers Rest, Ellesmere, Five Lions, Franklyn, Golden Square, Golden Gate, Golden Gully, Golden Age, Golden Vine, Gumtree, Glasgow Reef, Great Britain, Haymarket, Daniel O'Connell, Half Way House, Fleece Inn, Ironbark, Johnsons Reef, Lancashire, Live and Let Live, Manchester Arms, Gold Mines, Metropolitan, Crown, National, New Chum, Honeysuckle Street, Pavilion, Napier Arms, Quartz Miners Arms, Retreat Inn, Rainbow, Rose of Australia, Lake View, Robin Hood, Fountain, Southern Cross, Bath, Berlin, Spring Gully, Star, Sir Charles Hotham, Silvermines, Royal Oak, Suburban, Town Hall, Temperance, Ship Inn, View Point, View Bend, Victoria, Exchange, American, Arcade, Belfast, All Nations, Union, United Kingdom, Union Jack, Westend, Washington, Waterloo, Wellington, Whitehorse, Wheat Sheaf, Yorkshire, Niagra and Noahs Ark.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - the bendigo post office, l c bennetts, mt alexander post office, porcupine inn, cenotaph, pike or pyke, baby health centre, sandhurst post office, government survey office, queen elizabeth oval, sandhurst trustees company, mr h b briston, savings bank, telegraph office, the sub-treasury, sir henry brougham lock kcb, sir john nimmo mla, prince of wales group of mines, the new prince of wales, eaglehawk golf links, new prince of wales no 2, the whip and jersey, mines department, lansell's big 180, new chum and victoria mine and battery, new chum railway, koch's pioneer, south new moon, catherine reef united, new moon, the virginia, south bell vue, central nell gwynne, north nell gwynne, miner's phthisis, hercules engine house, ironbark, new chum syncline, hercules energetic, roberts & sons, harkness & co, horwoods, great southern, ulster, carlisle, lansells big 180, victoria quartz, new st mungo, duchess tribute, south devonshire, hopewell mine, saxby mine, mcnair & co, shamrock, mr king, burke and wills expedition, sandhurst hotel, courthouse, hiberian, the freemasons, the courthouse, the commercial law courts, the hamburg, the european, the prince bismark, the lord kitchener, the bendigo, the rosalind park, the showgrounds, atheneum club, olivers, bridge hotel, bourkes, the globe, the hibernia, albert, albion, abbotts, australian, belvidere, beehive, british queen, black eagle, british and american, brian boru, bakers arms, butchers arms, brick layers arms, bull and mouth, cresent, clarence, back creek bridge, cape clear, crooked billet, cambridgeshire arms, camp, coach and horses, cricketers arms, diggers rest, ellesmere, five lions, franklyn, golden square, golden gate, golden gully, golden age, golden vine, gumtree, glasgow reef, great britain, haymarket, daniel o'connell, half way house, fleece inn, ironbark, johnsons reef, lancashire, live and let live, manchester arms, gold mines, metropolitan, crown, national, new chum, honeysuckle street, pavilion, napier arms, quartz miners arms, retreat inn, rainbow, rose of australia, lake view, robin hood, fountain, southern cross, bath, berlin, spring gully, star, sir charles hotham, silvermines, royal oak, suburban, town hall, temperance, ship inn, view point, view bend, victoria, exchange, american, arcade, belfast, all nations, union, united kingdom, union jack, westend, washington, waterloo, wellington, whitehorse, wheat sheaf, yorkshire, niagra, noahs ark -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photo. Image shows Charing Cross and View Point, looking northwards up Pall Mall (taken from City Family Hotel?) View Point businesses evident are : National and Mutual Life; A.M. Armstrong newsagents with 'The Argus popular daily ' on front; Moran and Cato, Warren's View Point Hotel, with two storey veranda ( on side: Cameo Cigarettes). Tram in foreground in View Street approaching fountain. Hustler's Royal Reserve poppet head and chimney on western side of Pall Mall, smoke rising from engine house? Post Office building with clock tower in distance. On RH side of image: written on verandah, Woodrow's Southern Cross Hotel; E.L. Holdsworth Chemist and Shamrock Hotel in distance. Four horse drawn taxis in centre of Charing Cross roadway, near fountain. Receipt number 355/16bendigo, business, carwardine soap and candle -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith and Captain P. Taylor Complete the Last Leg of a flight to California, 1934
Black and white photographic image of Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith and Captain P. Taylor after completing the las leg of a 7365 mile flight to California ahead of schedule.aeroplane, aviation, flight, charles kingsford smith, p.g. taylor, southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Eureka Reineactment, 2014, 2014
This photograph was taken at a special dawn showing of Sovereign Hill's Blood on the Southern Cross to marke the 160th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade.. Colour photograph of a scene from Blood on the Southern Cross.eureka stockade, eureka 160, blood on the southern cross, sovereign hill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Hand Stitched Replica Eureka Flag Flown on a Flagpole for the 160th Anniversary of the Eureka Stockade, 2014, 03/12/2017
This photograph was taken at a special dawn showing of Sovereign Hill's Blood on the Southern Cross to marke the 160th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade.. Colour photograph of a replica Eureka Flag been flown on the morning of the 160th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade.eureka stockade, eureka 160, blood on the southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photograph, Under the Southern Cross Conference, Ballarat
Photographs of the VAFHO State Conference, 'Under the Southern Cross', organised by Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc. conference, victorian interpretive projects inc, under the southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Book, Scots Under the Southern Cross
Scots Under the Southern Cross was published by BHS Publishing and edited by Fred Cahir, Anne Beggs Sunter and Alison Inglis. There are many chapters by many different authors.scottish, scots, scotland -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photograph, Rachel Ellis, April 2019
Rachel Emily Ellis was born on 20 April 1857. Her parents were Henry Ellis and Eliza Cowper. She lived near Ballarat, before marrying. She died on 31 October 1920 at Southern Cross, Western Australia. The original photograph is in the possession of family members.Digital copy of black and white photographrachel ellis, rachel emily ellis -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Medal - Medallion with original cardboard box, Unknown
WWI historic history.Bronze medallion presented to 2061 William Henry Elliott. Medallion is in commemoration of the men of ANZAC at GALLIPOLI in 1915 and in recognition of the great debt owed by all Australians. With the compliments of the Government of Australia. Medallion is round with a crown at the top.Cardboard box has typed address to Mrs L. Elliott, 59 Cleeland St, Dandenong from Central Army Records Office.W.H. Elliott. 1915 ANZAC. Simpson and his Donkey embossed at the back. Map of Australia and New Zealand with the stars of the Southern Cross embossed on the front. -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Southern Cross, Victoria, 2019, 01/01/2019
... Office goldfields southern cross A number of photographs ...A number of photographs of the main road through Southern Cross, Victoria. southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image - Black and White, Charles Kingsford Smith
Three images of Charles Kingsford Smith.flight, aeroplane, charles kingsford smith, pilot, southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image - Black and White, Lady Southern Cross
... Office goldfields The Lady Southern Cross was a Lockheed Altair ...The Lady Southern Cross was a Lockheed Altair monoplane owned by Australian pioneer aviator Sir Charles Kingsford Smith.A black and white image of an aeroplane called the "Lady Southern Cross".flight, aeroplane, charles kingsford smith, lady southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Image - Black and White, Southern Cross after Charles Kingsford Smith's last Tasman Crossing
Black and white image of the Southern Cross aeroplane after Charles Kingsford Smith's last Tasman Crossing.flight, aeroplane, charles kingsford smith, southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photograph, Lisa Gervasoni, Train between Flinders and Spencer Street, 2017
Colour photograph of a train between Flinders St Station and Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer Street Station).melbourne, train, flinders street, spencer street, northbank, buildings, cbd, railway -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Eureka Stockade as Recreated at Blood on the Southern Cross, 2014, 2014
This photograph was taken at a special dawn showing of Sovereign Hill's Blood on the Southern Cross to marke the 160th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade.. Colour photograph of a scene from Blood on the Southern Cross.eureka stockade, eureka 160, blood on the southern cross, anniversary, sovereign hill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, 'Rebellion Lives Here' Stencil, 03/04/2019
Colour photograph on a building in the Federation University Camp Street Campus. The stencil includes the Southern Sross. Rebellon Lives Herestencil, rebellion, eureka stockade, eureka flag, southern cross -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni receiving the Eureka Australia Day Medal, 2011, 03/11/2011
In 2005 Dr Joe Toscano was instrumental in establishing the Eureka Australia Day Medal. Since then over 70 Australians whose life reflects the sentiments outlined in the Eureka oath – “We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties”, whose name would NEVER appear in the traditional honours list have been acknowledged for the work they have done to improve the lives of people in our community.Joe Toscano speaks at the microphone on teh occasion of Clare Gervasoni (centre) receiving the Eureka Australia Day Medal. Dorothy Wickham on the right.eureka australia day medal, clare gervasoni, joe toscano, dorothy wickham -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Journal, Southern Cross: Journal of the First Infantry Brigade, Puckapunyal, 1952 or after
40 pages of yellowing and torn paper with printing. No cover and no date.battalion, puckapunyal, kinnane, alec, a company, b company, h company, army, national service -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Journal, Southern Cross Journal, H Company, Puckapunyal, 1952 or after
2 pages of a 40 page journal. Yellowing and tattered.Many names printed. h company, puckapunyal, army, alec kinnane, national service -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Journal, Southern Cross Journal, A Company, Puckapunyal, 1952 or after
2 pages from 40 page journalNames of A Companypuckapunyal; army;, a company, national service -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Journal, Southern Cross, B Company, Puckapunyal
... Office goldfields Southern Cross, B Company, Puckapunyal Journal ... -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Journal, Southern Cross, C Company, Puckapunyal
... Office goldfields puckapunyal; army; Southern Cross, C Company ...puckapunyal; army;