Showing 24 items
matching state emergency service (eltham)
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Dynavision Video Production, 1994 Eltham Festival, 11 Nov 1994
... state emergency service (eltham)...), Sherbourne Primary School, Shire of Eltham, State Emergency Service...), Sherbourne Primary School, Shire of Eltham, State Emergency Service ...20th Eltham Community Festival and last under the auspices of the Shire of Eltham. The Grand Parade focussing on the theme "Echoes of Eltham - Celebrating the visions of Eltrham from the past and into the future" was headed by Jock Read on his horse Lofty who had been filmed in an Anzac Day Parade on an earlier horse which had featured in the television show Matlock. The parade travelled north along Main Street to just past the Post Office then back south to Panther Place. Parade participants included 1st Eltham Brownies, 1st Eltham Venturers, 2nd Eltham Sea Scouts, 2nd Eltham Venturers, 3rd Eltham Brownies, Australian Democrats, Briar Hill Primary School, Circus Chaos, Country Fire Authority, Diamond Valley People for Disarmament, Diamond Valley Railway, Eltham Community Health Centre, Eltham District Horse and Pony Club, Eltham East Primary School, Eltham Fire Brigade, Eltham Junior Football Club (Panthers), Eltham Little Theatre, Eltham North Primary School, Eltham Playhouse Co-op, Eltham Pre-school, Eltham Roller Skating Club, Eltham South Pre-School Centre, Eltham Steam and Stationary Engine Society, Greenhills Neighbourhood House, Heidelberg Municipal Band, Hurstbridge Learning Co-op, Jocklebeary Farm, Kangaroo Ground Primary School, Learning Co-op Primary School, Lower Plenty Primary School, Main Road, Montmorency Gardening Club, Montmorency South Primary School, North Warrandyte Fire Brigade, Plenty Valley 88.6 FM, Research Pre-school, Research Primary School, Ron Sampson, Salvation Army Band (Briar Hill), Sherbourne Primary School, Shire of Eltham, State Emergency Service (Eltham) and Woodridge Pre-school. The parade commentary was provided by Plenty Valley FM 88.6 with guest commentator, Shire President Cr. John Graves. Following the parade is video footage from a helicopter of Alistair Knox Park, displays along Main Road and activities in Alistair Knox Park and the Rugby oval along with stationary engines, helicopter joyrides, Eltham People's Choir, music entertainment. Scenes also from the Diamond Valley Railway at Eltham Lower Park and finishing with the fireworks display. At the end of the video is a promotional video for Dynavision Video Production, a local video production company that produced the video and Diamond Photos (Kodak Express). One of the highlights of the festival was a tree planting ceremony in Alistair Knox Park to celebrate 123 years of the Shire of Eltham led by Shire President Cr. John Graves and representatives of the Wurrundjeri, traditional land owners of the area.VHS Video cassette (poor quality) Converted to MP4 file format 45:01, 535MB DVD copy of VHS cassette (better quality)1st eltham brownies, 1st eltham venturers, 2nd eltham sea scouts, 2nd eltham venturers, 3rd eltham brownies, 1994, aerial photographs, alistair knox park, arthur street, australian democrats, briar hill primary school, circus chaos, country fire authority, diamond valley people for disarmament, diamond valley railway, eltham community health centre, eltham district horse and pony club, eltham east primary school, eltham festival, eltham fire brigade, eltham junior football club (panthers), eltham little theatre, eltham lower park, eltham north primary school, eltham people's choir, eltham playhouse co-op, eltham pre-school, eltham roller skating club, eltham south pre-school centre, eltham steam and stationary engine society, grand parade, greenhills neighbourhood house, heidelberg municipal band, hurstbridge learning co-op, jock read, jocklebeary farm, john graves, kangaroo ground primary school, learning co-op primary school, lofty (horse), lower plenty primary school, main road, matlock police (tv show), montmorency gardening club, montmorency south primary school, nicholaus lauder estate, north warrandyte fire brigade, plenty valley 88.6 fm, research pre-school, research primary school, ron sampson, salvation army band (briar hill), sherbourne primary school, shire of eltham, state emergency service (eltham), video recording, woodridge pre-school -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Official opening of the new Eltham Ambulance Branch, Apex Way, Montmorency, 29 August 2018, 29 Aug 2018
Dignitaries included Ambulance Victoria CEO Tony Walker, Vicki Ward MP for Eltham and Jill Hennessey State Ambulance Services Minister The Eltham Apex Club conducted a Community Service Project (1965-1968) to raise funds for a new Ambulance Station to service the community. A site bounded by the intersection of Main Road, Grand Boulevard and Looker Road at Montmorency was purchased in 1969. In 1970, Eltham Shire Council undertook roadworks to construct Apex Way in preparation for the new station as well as duplicate Main Road, Lower Plenty, east of Grand Boulevard including the new Lower Plenty Bridge, which had been opened in November 1966, bordering with the City of Heidelberg. Diamond Valley Leader, September 5, 2018, p4. MONTMORENCY $1.6mil station unveiled A REVAMPED Montmorency ambulance station has been unveiled. State Ambulance Services Minister Jill Hennessy and Eltham State Labor MP Vicki Ward revealed the $1.6 million complex at the corner of Grand Boulevard and Apex Way in Montmorency. It replaces the 50-year-old station and now includes four ambulance bays, four rest and recline rooms, a large training room and offstreet parking for staff. “The community campaigned long and hard for this new ambulance station and I’m delighted to have stood with them all the way,” Ms Ward said. The latest quarterly performance data showed 90.4 per cent of ambulances in Banyule arrived within 15 minutes of Code 1 emergencies — up from 89.2 per cent three months earlier. Ms Hennessy said paramedics had worked in “cramped” facilities. “We’ve fixed that,” she said.55 born digital imagesambulance victoria ceo, apex way, apex-diamond valley ambulance station, eltham ambulance station, eltham apex club, jill hennessey, montmorency, mp for eltham, state ambulance services minister, tony walker, vicki ward -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Paving course at the childcare co-op run by Eltham Living and Learning Centre, c.1982-1986
Roll of 35mm colour negative film, 24 shotsKodak Safety Film 5035bowling club, eltham, eltham childcare co-op, living and learning centre, state emergency service -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Country Fire Authority Mapping Association Inc, ESMAP - Outer Melbourne Directory, 1991
Outer Melbourne directory of information for emergencies with maps of the state and major towns217 p. : maps ; 30 cm.ISBN 0646065661emergency services victoria -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Emergency Operations Centre, S.E.S., Kangaroo Ground
In 2017 known as the Kangaroo Ground Operations Centre a facility for hire managed by the Shire of Nillumbik. On 7 February 2009 (Black Saturday) the CFA Incident Control Centre (ICC) was located here. Described in "Worst of Days: Inside the black Saturday firestorm" by Karen Kissane (access via Google books): "..the ICC is part of a mud brick complex built in the 1980s as an emergency operations centre for several agencies, including the State Emergency Service. It is also home to the headquarters of the CFA's Lower Yarra Group. A small office with a whiteboard would be the incident controller's office throughout the office, but a larger central room, with data projectors, "smart boards" and maps would house the rest of the team.."Statement of Significance From the Victorian Heritage Database (2010) What is significant? The 1988 emergency operations centre and the surrounding site to the title boundaries. How is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally, aesthetically, socially and historically significant to the Shire of Nillumbik. Why is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally and historically significant as a good and rare example of a large public building constructed in a 1980s version of the 'Eltham style', and as a rare attempt to adapt the 'Eltham-style' aesthetic to meet the changing demands of the Shire in the 1980s (Criteria B, D & E). The emergency operations centre is architecturally and aesthetically significant because it is constructed of mud brick and features: a central entry with a tile mural (Criterion E). The emergency operations centre is socially significant because it is a focal point for the community and has played an important role in protecting the community since 1988 (Criterion G).Two colour photographs of mud brick Emergency Operations Centre building, Kangaroo Groundbuildings, mud brick, emergency centre, kangaroo ground -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Russell Yeoman, Looking south from Swan Street, Eltham, c,1965, 1965c
Train in foreground, Bridge street running parallel to train in background and Brisbane Street obscured by train. Susan Street north of Bridge Street (now Brisbane Street) on left. Vacant block of land is now the site of Bunnings. Presnt day SES building at corner of Susan and Bridge Street can be seen in centre background.The factory in lower left on Brisbane Street is the Sibbel Builders factory of Martin and Herman Sibbel who were ahead of their time with design and prefabricated frames and also built cabinetry in this factory.Digital file only; created from original colour positive slide transparencyeltham, streets, susan street, bridge street, brisbane street, train, bunnings, ses, state emergency service, sibbel builders, martin sibbel, herman sibbel -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Russell Yeoman, Looking south from Swan Street, Eltham, c,1965, 1965c
Shows Susan Street, Brisbane Street and Bridge Street. Large open field in centre now site of Bunnings The factory in lower centre on Brisbane Street is the Sibbel Builders factory of Martin and Herman Sibbel who were ahead of their time with design and prefabricated frames and also built cabinetry in this factory.Digital file only; created from original colour positive slide transparencyeltham, streets, susan street, bridge street, brisbane street, bunnings, ses, state emergency service, herman sibbel, martin sibbel, sibbel builders -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Ambulance, Dodge, 1975, 1975
This vehicle was used for patient clinic runs between Morabbin and Kingston Hospital. It then was modified into an ambulance mobile communications vehicle. Found to be too small to fulfil this role it was later allocated to the Healesville State Emergency Service. It then returned to Ambulance Victoria where it was stored at Eltham for ten years. The vehicle was repaired mechanically by Bill Redpath in 2016 and repainted. It will be restored internally by AHSV members and former MICA paramedics to represent Car 208, Victoria's and Australia's first Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA). The AHSV holds some of the original equipment from Car 208 and this will be refitted into the Dodge.White Dodge Ambulancedodge, mica -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Shire of Eltham, DISPLAN Exercise - "Full Gamut" (Series 69, Item 6), 1989
Victoria State Disaster Reponse Plan (DISPLAN) training exercise involving emergency services attending two real life simulations; Kangaroo Ground SES including Police, Ambulance, CFAVHS Video cassette Converted to MP4 file format 00:16:11; 1.18GBshire of eltham, video recording, shire of eltham archives, displan, training exercise, victoria police, cfa, country fire authority, eltham cfa, ambulance service victoria, eltham shire council, alan stein, kangaroo ground ses, state emergency service, victoria state disaster reponse plan (displan)