Showing 329 items
matching stations of the cross
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Stations of the Cross, Clifton Pugh (1961); Our Lady Help of Christian's Church, Henry Street, Eltham, 11 October 2006
... Stations of the Cross, Clifton Pugh (1961); Our Lady Help...Stations of the Cross...Stations of the Cross by Clifton Pugh is a contempooray art...Stations of the Cross by Clifton Pugh is a contempooray art ...Stations of the Cross by Clifton Pugh is a contempooray art piece in four sections making up 11 stations of the cross. It was commissioned by the Catholic parish in Eltham (Our Lady Help of Christians) in 1961 Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p81 Art is an important means of nurturing faith at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Henry Street, Eltham. The Stations of the Cross by Clifton Pugh and The Crucifix with the Ascending Jesus by sculptor Charles Rocco are two of the fine works that enhance the parishioners’ worship. These two inspiring works of art were added in 2001 – long after Roman Catholics began worshipping in Eltham around 1864. This beautiful worship centre was built following hardship and change – for parishioners have endured their church being destroyed by fire and have built four churches since they first worshipped together. Before 1864, according to local legend, a visiting priest administered sacraments in the parlour of former convict-turned-respected citizen Thomas Sweeney at Sweeneys Lane, Eltham.1 The first church was blessed in September, 1865, by the Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Goold. It stood on an acre (0.4ha) of land in Little Eltham as that area was known then, near the present Fordhams and Main Roads and was part of the Heidelberg Church Parish. In 1912 the church was relocated to a new building on the present primary school site at 1 Henry Street. This was closer to the town centre, which had moved from Little Eltham after the railway line was extended to Eltham in 1902.2 In 1958 the church split from the Sacred Heart parish, Diamond Creek, to become a parish in its own right, with Father Tom Curran as inaugural priest. Not long after in 1961, a fire destroyed the church and huge working bees under the prominent Catholic builders, the Sibbel brothers, rebuilt and extended it, using the original altar from the first church. It was then that builder and parishioner Herman Sibbel asked his friend, artist Clifton Pugh, to paint the Stations of the Cross for the church. But the priest, Father Curran, neither approved of Pugh’s bohemian reputation nor liked the paintings, so they were hung in the corridor of Our Lady’s Primary School instead. The parishioners almost sold the paintings in 1989 to pay for major school renovations. However the paintings remained there for about 40 years, until 2001, when the church was extensively renovated by Father Barry Caldwell. Another change awaited the church, as it outgrew its building, later to be used as the school hall. So, in 1976, the present church was built across the road. Three beautiful stained-glass windows depicting the Passion, Death, Resurrection and the presence of Christ’s Spirit, link these with the church’s experiences. The first depicts a bushfire in Eltham, referring to their church damaged by fire. Another represents the Resurrection of Christ with new growth on a blackened stump and the Holy Spirit is represented by the Southern Cross. A window depicting Our Lady Help of Christians by parishioner Bill Peperkamp, was donated by parishioners to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Father Desmond G Jenkins’ ordination to the priesthood on July 27, 1977. This, with the statue of Mary, creates a Marian shrine. In the 14 Stations of the Cross painted on four masonite panels Pugh captures the pathos of the suffering Christ and his disciples.3 The figures are stylised, except intriguingly, that of Pontias Pilate, who looks like Clifton Pugh. Charles Rocco’s sculpture is an extraordinary Jesus figure being raised from the Cross. The delicate stainless steel mesh of the figure creates a sense of the power of God over death. The organ, built in 1868 by George Fincham and Sons, was first installed in the All Saints’ Anglican Church, East St Kilda, then in the St Andrews Church, Clifton Hill. It was rebuilt into a modern instrument with a donation from parishioner Jim Murray, in memory of his wife Gwendolene Mary.4 Church members created their own work of art in front of the entrance, by painting designs and messages on 700 tiles. This work indicates the strong church family and faith expressed in art, that awaits the worshipper inside.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, art, clifton pugh, stations of the cross, our lady help of christans, installation -
Damascus College
Artwork, other - Stations Of The Cross
... Stations Of The Cross ...This set of Stations of the Cross was created as the prayer... of Stations of the Cross was created as the prayer focus for the St ...This set of Stations of the Cross was created as the prayer focus for the St Martin’s in the Pines chapel by Sr Margaret Mary Batros.Core-board plaster sheet covered with card using chisels, blow torch and wood dye. catholic education, sisters of mercy -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, C2016
... stations of the cross... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the in..terior of St Brigid's Crossleyst brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, Interior of St Brigid's Crossley, 2018
... stations of the cross... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital panoramic image of the interior of St Brigid's brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, community, ceiling, stations of the cross, confessional, statues, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photograph, Lisa Gervasoni, Train between Flinders and Spencer Street, 2017
... and Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer Street Station).... Flinders St Station and Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer ...Colour photograph of a train between Flinders St Station and Southern Cross Station (formerly Spencer Street Station).melbourne, train, flinders street, spencer street, northbank, buildings, cbd, railway -
Victorian Interpretive Projects Inc.
Photograph - colour, Clare Gervasoni, World War One Honour Board at St John's Anglican Church, Colac, 2015, 23/08/2015
... John's Anglican Church, Colac. Plaster 'Station of the Cross.... Plaster 'Station of the Cross' on either side of the honour board ..."It has been decided by the managing body of St. John's Church of England to erect a war memorial to commemorate the thirty brave men of the congregation who have given their lives at the front, and the 98 men whom they expect to welcome home again. The memorial will cost from £250 to £300 to complete in its entirety, and active steps have been taken to raise the amount amongst the members and adherents of the church. ... The sanctuary panels will be placed on each side of the altar, and will become the permanent Honor Roll by having the names of the soldiers and nurses who enlisted from the congregation inscribed thereon.The whole scheme when completed will be a noble monument to the loyalty, response to duty, and self-sacrifice of the members of the church who enlisted, and will in years to come remind the worshippers of the response of the young members of the congregation to the call of our Empire in her great need. (Camperdown Chronicle, 20 March 1919) LocationPhotograph of a timber World War One Honour Board at St John's Anglican Church, Colac. Plaster 'Station of the Cross' on either side of the honour board are by Mattei brothers. st john's colac, colac, world war one, world war one honour board, mattei brothers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... & Co., Auctioneers, Stock & Station Agents, Charing Cross... & Co., Auctioneers, Stock & Station Agents, Charing Cross ...invoice dated 18/10/1958 for D. W. & K. G. Clarke, Llanelly, for the deposit on a tractor of £30.10.00. Paid by cheque. Frank A. Hill & Co., Auctioneers, Stock & Station Agents, Charing Cross, Bendigo. -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, St. Patrick’s Church Interior before the marble altar presented by Mr Angus McLennan
... presented by Mr Angus McLennan. The Stations of the Cross can... presented by Mr Angus McLennan. The Stations of the Cross can ...St. Patrick’s Church Interior before the marble altar presented by Mr Angus McLennan. The Stations of the Cross can be seen on the walls.stawell religion -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Tram 16 Mitchell St Bendigo, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), 1937
... hill from the Railway Station to Charing Cross. The tram has... hill from the Railway Station to Charing Cross. The tram has ...Photograph of Bendigo Tram 16 descending the Mitchell St hill from the Railway Station to Charing Cross. The tram has the destination of Eaglehawk. Photo shows the steel centre poles in this street.Yields information about Bendigo tram 21 decorated for the 1937 Coronation event.Photograph, black and white, with notes on rear.In ink "16 in Mitchell St Bendigo, 10-1-54 and number 1039".tramways, trams, bendigo, mitchell st, tram 16 -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, D. Clark, Sacred Heart Church, 1986
... upstairs gallery, statue, windows, pictures showing stations... stations of the cross. Some members pictured are Dean family ...Photograph of Parishioners receiving communion from Father P. Collins, Sacred Heart Church, Tatura. Also showing upstairs gallery, statue, windows, pictures showing stations of the cross. Some members pictured are Dean family, Bourke family, Mr Moar, Mrs Pascall, Mrs V. Deane and Mr and Mrs P. Kerrins.Black and white photograph of interior of Sacred Heart Church, Hogan Street, Tatura. 1986on back: 1986 Sacred Heart Church Taturasacred heart church tatura -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Railway Wagon, C.1956
... Railway Wagon at Mitcham Railway Station. Area now Car... Wagon at Mitcham Railway Station. Area now Car Park. Cross Ref ...Railway Wagon at Mitcham Railway Station. Area now Car Park. Cross Ref. ND1837.mitcham railway station, glasson, bill -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Mitcham Methodist Church
... Service Station. Cross Ref: ND1837.... Methodist Church. Now 339 Mitcham Road - Roads Service Station ...Mitcham Methodist Church. Now 339 Mitcham Road - Roads Service Station. Cross Ref: ND1837.methodist church mitcham, glasson, bill -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Packing Slip Envelope, pre 1990
... Spencer Street Railway Station now known as Southern Cross.... as Southern Cross. spencer street railway station srwsc To SRWSC ...Spencer Street Railway Station now known as Southern Cross.Regular size envelope, brown paper. Meant to hold packing slip. Has reinforced hole for tying to parcels. Wording indicates to be used at State Rivers and Water Supply Commission store yards at South Melbourne for Government carrier to Spencer Street Railway Station.To SRWSC Spencer St Railway Station per Government courier to SR & WSC store yard Brady Street South Melbourne. On rear are instructions to carrier.spencer street railway station, srwsc -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Map, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB Tram and Bus Sections", mid 1960's?
... lines, station, some cross streets. Scale 1"=1 Mile.... Ormond shown as bus. Shows railway lines, station, some cross ...Map - photocopy - titled "MMTB Tram and Bus Sections" showing tram tracks and bus routes, drawing No. P13842, c mid 1960's, Footscray and Point Ormond shown as bus. Shows railway lines, station, some cross streets. Scale 1"=1 Mile.trams, tramways, map, buses, melbourne, footscray -
Bendigo Military Museum
... , Petra, Jerusalem war cemetery, Tiberias, the stations... River, Petra, Jerusalem war cemetery, Tiberias, the stations ...Hard brown leather cover, heavily carved with floral shapes. Rectangular brass panel in center of cover showing a building stamped in the leather. String binder. Photos are mounted on black cardboard sheets. White handwriting is underneath each photo. Subjects include Bethlehem, natives, Mosour, water colour painting of aircraft landing & native with pipe, Jerusalem, Jordan River, Petra, Jerusalem war cemetery, Tiberias, the stations of the cross, Australian troups & 1000 lb bomb, post battle scenes, German war dead, tanks, enemy aircraft, probably captured German soldiers, POWs Greece, Baalbek, Syria, Jaffa, Damascus, address by General Alexander to AIF, post El Alamein.Underneath building front cover: “Davids Tower”photograph, album, alamein, pow’s -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Eltham Produce Store, ca 1960
... was demolished by 1963 for the BP Evergreen Service Station. See also... was demolished by 1963 for the BP Evergreen Service Station. See also ...Two vehicles including a Holden FC Special Sedan and ca 1958 Ford 100 truck are parked outside the Eltham Produce Store, Main Road, Eltham near Arthur Street. The brick building has signage to promote Tanox Paint and Permoglaze products. It also sold hay and grain. Operated by John McLean and Son. Situated just south from opposite Arthur Street, opposite the Eltham Village Shopping Centre. To the right was Garnet Burgess' second hand scrap metal and bottles, then the blacksmith shop, which was later taken over by Garnet with second hand furniture and next door to that was Ray Staff's grocery store. The store was demolished by 1963 for the BP Evergreen Service Station. See also: Cross Ref 00161 (print) and 01831-15 (negative duplicate) and SEPP_0785, See 00161, 01831-15, 01895-21This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital image. Copy of original photograph.sepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, eltham, eltham produce store, main road, tanox paint, permoglaze, holden fc special sedan, ford 100 truck -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Inner East, Station Pier, Ferry Terminal, Port of Melbourne Authority, Greg Lawrence, 1985
... Plan of Station Pier - Inner East - Ferry Terminal. Cross... transport - ferries piers and wharves - station pier melbourne ...Plan of Station Pier - Inner East - Ferry Terminal. Cross section at rear passenger doors - Elevation gangway in stationary position. Port of Melbourne Authority 1985.transport - ferries, piers and wharves - station pier, melbourne harbor trust - port of melbourne authority -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Postcard, Southern Cross Station Authority, Transport Mural at the Southern Cross Station, 2007
... Transport Mural at the Southern Cross Station... Southern Cross Station... of the Transport Mural at the Southern Cross Station. Published...Southern Cross Station Authority... Trams tramways Spencer St Mural Southern Cross Station Full ...Full colour postcard featuring part of the railway section of the Transport Mural at the Southern Cross Station. Published by the Southern Cross Station Authority. On the rear has some details of the mural, the authority logo, Victoria State logo and that of the Heritage Council. Produced by Avant Card as a free postcard 2007. Two copiestrams, tramways, spencer st, mural, southern cross station -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Framed Photographs, Malvern Framing Gallery, "Flinders Street Station 1944", late 1920s
... . The Swanston St canopy of Flinders St station has the words "Cross.... The Swanston St canopy of Flinders St station has the words "Cross ...Taken from St Paul's Cathedral steps. Has a small part of the Princes Bridge Station building on the left hand side. The Swanston St canopy of Flinders St station has the words "Cross Crossings Cautiously". A W class tram is northbound while an S or T class tram is southbound while another single trucker is west bound to Spencer St in Flinders St. The trams in the photo were used prior to 1944. All W class trams were converted to W2 class prior to 1944 and the single trucker westbound had been scrapped by then. Photo dated late 1920s.Yields information about the intersection of Flinders and Swanston Sts late 1920s.Reproduced photograph, sepia-toned titled "Flinders St Railway Station 1944' in a brown wooden frame with a gold line, paper backed with a cotton hanging strip. On rear in ink at the top - "Donated to Hawthorn Tram Museum Feb. 19th 2012 Ron Scholten"trams, tramways, melbourne, flinders st station, w class, s class -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Plans - 2 Southern Hydro - Bogong Power Development and 1 Poster - Hydro-Electricity
... Station / Cross Section Sheet 4 of 6 Dated: June 2006 (Also see.... Tunnel and Civil Works / Power Station / Cross Section Sheet 4 ...Southern Hydro owned the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme in 2006. Southern Hydro owned the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme in 2006.Laminated A3 sheets The two Southern Hydro Bogong Power Development are black and white. 1. Tunnel and Civil Works / Power Station / Cross Section Sheet 4 of 6 Dated: June 2006 (Also see KVHS 1438) 2. Bogong Power / Development Waterway. Waterway Plan & Longsection / with Boreholes & Seismic Lines (Also see KVHS 1438) 3. Title: Hydro-Electricity in blue at the top and half-way down a blue and brown diagram titled 'Hydro-Electric Power Station'. At the bottom the title 'What is a watt?' southern hydro 2006, bogong power development -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Copy, Ray Pearson
... station view - retained. .9 - No. 3 cross bench car at Elwood... at Sandringham - retained. .8 - St Kilda station view - retained. .9 ...Set of 15 copy negatives, of black and white photographs of Victorian Railway trams from Ray Pearson Collection, taken by Dave Macartney in 1975c. Original negative held in the negative file. Scanned at 2400 dpi and cropped as necessary. Images as shown replaced by scan from the original Ray Pearson Album provided by Mal Rowe, April 2020 or that there is a better image. .1 - No. 1 - retained. .2 - Cr. T. Bent driving 1st spike - replaced .3 - Works car at Elwood - replaced .4 - No. 23 at Sandringham - replaced .5 - No. 35 at St Kilda - replaced .6 - ditto - replaced .7 - No. 51 at Sandringham - retained. .8 - St Kilda station view - retained. .9 - No. 3 cross bench car at Elwood - replaced .10 - No. 7 end view - replaced .11 - No. 5 at St Kilda Station - replaced .12 - No. 6 cross bench car side on view - replaced .13 - Cr. T. Bent driving 1st spike - replaced .14 - No. 7 - retained. .15 - Enclosed cross bench car at Sandringham - retained. trams, tramways, victorian railways, st kilda, sandringham -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - NURSE MEMORIAL, 1.5.1949
... Station) RRC ( Royal Red Cross) AGH (Australian General Hospital)... Station) RRC ( Royal Red Cross) AGH (Australian General Hospital ...Matron (Major) Olive Dorothy PASCHKE No VX38812 enlisted in the AAMC on 3.8.40 age 35 years. Promoted to Matron 8.1.1941, posted to 10th AGH on 11.1.1941, embarked for Malaya 3.2.1941 disembarking 18.2.1941, awarded the RRC 1st Class 1.1.1942 in the New Years Honors list signed by Gordon Bennett, detached to 2/4th CCS on 6.1.1942, embarked from Singapore 12.2.1942 for Australia. She was serving in Singapore when the Japanese invaded. She with many other Nurses during the bombing left on the ill fated "Vyner Brooke" which was later bombed by the Japanese in the Sundra Straits near Banka Island. Abandoning the ship she and 5 other Nurses drifted away on a raft and never seen again on 14.2.42. Many others became POW,s, drowned or murdered by the Japanese. Her records state believed killed on or after 11.2.142 dated 8.6.1944 then Now reported missing and for official purposes presumed dead, dated 11.4.1945. Records state she was granted the promotion of Major in 1943. CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) RRC ( Royal Red Cross) AGH (Australian General Hospital)Five page "order of service" re the unveiling of a memorial to "Matron O.D. Paschke RRC AANS 10th Australian General hospital." at the Dimboola Memorial High school." A sepia tone photo of O.D Paschke is stapled inside the order of service." printing is in blue & Brown. Front page has the Australian coat of arms at the top.documents - pamphlets, religon - christian, paschke, pow -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Junior legatee outing, Somers Camp 1973, 01/1973
... Street Railway Station, Melbourne (since renamed Southern Cross... Railway Station, Melbourne (since renamed Southern Cross Station ...A photo of 6 boys with a trolley of suitcases at Spencer Street Railway Station, Melbourne (since renamed Southern Cross Station). They have arrived from country towns to attend Legacy Somers Camp in January 1973. It came from an envelope with other camp photos. The Legacy envelope was marked "P6 Junior Legatee Camps and Hols" in red pen, and dated Jan 1977 in pencil. The envelope contents are items 00418 to 00425. Melbourne Legacy provided camps for junior legatees - the children of deceased servicemen. It started with outings to the property of Legacy founder, Legatee Stan Savige, who had a place in Balnarring. Permanent camp buildings were built and with an association with Lord Somers (Governor of Victoria) it was called Somers Camp. The camps gave the children an opportunity of a summer beach holiday with other Legacy children.A record of Junior Legatee camps and shows style of suitcase used for travelling in 1970s.Black and white photo of children with their suitcases at Spencer St station.Handwritten on the back "P6 Incoming Camps and Hols / Legacy" in blue pen. Stamped "The Property of Melbourne Legacy" in purple ink. Stamped "Copyright The Herald and Weekly Times" in blue ink. Green paper label says "Country Junior Legatees, having arrived at Spencer Street Railway Station, Melbourne, move on to Somers for fun and games at Legacy's recent annual Holiday Camp held in January 1973."somers camp, junior legatee outing, trains -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Film - Compact Diskette with video, Metlink, "Moving a Games City", 2006
... , St Kilda station, Southern Cross station, a very short... Cross station, a very short segment of Z81, information ...DVD, with large format clear plastic cover with paper insert titled "Moving a Games City", sub-titled "A look at public transport during the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games". Produced by Metlink, running time 17mins, has the games logo, Metlink., Yarra Trams, Connex, BusVic, VLine and Victorian Government logos on the rear. Features various elements of public transport access during the games, how they coped made changes, planning, Richmond station, Flinders St station, use of buses, passenger flows at Richmond, opening event, Ballarat station, VLine services, Doncaster Park and Ride and buses, Southbank depot, depot run outs, the Yarra Trams Fleet operations centre, Aquatic centre tram stops, St Kilda station, Southern Cross station, a very short segment of Z81, information campaigns, Metlink call centre, Rob Barnett of VLine, Dennis Cliche of Yarra trams, Peter Gibson of VLine, Digby Drew of Yarra Trams, John Stanley of BusVic, Mark Whitehead of VLine, Bernie Carolan of Metlink, Scott Martin of Dept. of Infrastructure, VLine, Mary Dimovski of Metlink, Andrew Kyriacou of Connex, Bruce Hughes of Connex.trams, tramways, commonwealth games, yarra trams, passenger services, metlink, connex, vline -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... the sides are listed cemetery, railway station, Rodney St, Charing..., railway station, Rodney St, Charing Cross, through to California ...Newspaper clipping. Bendigo Advertiser. Saturday October 14, 1961. Early Railway Picnics Recalled. Article includes photo of souvenir tram ticket number 3588. Springtime, 1905 was Railway picnic time. And what a time it was - with packed trains from the metropolis and country towns, and Bendigo, thronged with the crowds of gay holiday-makers. Souvenir ticket belongs to rear Mrs. A. Bolitho, 5 Webster Street, Bendigo, issued by Electric Supply Coy. Of Victoria Ltd., Bendigo Tramways. Railway Picnic September 16, 1905. The ticket belong to Mrs Bolitho's father, the late Mr J H P Ellis, who lived in McIntyre Street. Post card size, printed in sepia on cream, bears photographs of the power house, engine room, a tram (we presume one of the first models) and the boiler room. Down the sides are listed cemetery, railway station, Rodney St, Charing Cross, through to California Gully Bridge and Eaglehawk. The fare was 2d. On the back a Beehive advertisement. 'Half-Century With Trams' is a history as remembered by Mr W J Evans of Mt. Korong Road, California Gully. 'Boisterous' is a history as remembered by Mr W Bolton of the firm of Bolton Bros. recalled the early picnics as 'boisterous' affairs. 'riff-raff' used to gather at Spencer St Station, arriving in Bendigo-after having spent the night drinking. The picnicers certainly had a right royal time in those early days. Railway Picnic was also boronia time, Mr Bolton said - and bunches of fragrant West Australian borania were sold on the streets. Bolton Bros always printed the tram tickets in Bendigo in those early years. A report in the 'Bendigonian' of the 1903 Railway Picnic period told that 20 special trams came to Bendigo on Saturday morning, September 15, 1903. Railway Picnic Committee: J Southern, Mrs Tait, Mrs Hudson, Mrs Fitzpatrick, Cr J H Curnow, Sir John Quick and many members of parliament. Fare from Melbourne costing 5/ for a day return, or 7/6 for the week.organization, business, bendigo trams -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - RA Svy Project C4 Aerodist Operation, Eastern Arnhem Land, NT, 1967
... station, visible as a white cross on aerial identification photo.... station, visible as a white cross on aerial identification photo ...This is a set of 30 photographs of Royal Australian Survey Corps (RA Svy) personnel from Central Comd Fd Svy Unit (Adelaide) on Aerodist survey operation - Project C4 in Eastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory in 1967. Photos of personnel were taken either at the operations base at Numbulwar or the main base at Gove (Nhulunbuy). RA Svy conducted nineteen Aerodist operations for 12 years from 1964 to 1975. Aerodist MRC2 was a tellurometer-based system adapted for aircraft to accurately measure distances between non-intervisible ground survey stations, using the aircraft as an intermediate station. Lower order geodetic results could be achieved by survey network trilateration. The measured distances between stations formed survey networks from which each station’s latitude and longitude was computed. Aerodist MRC2 was RA Svy’s major horizontal control survey tool for mainly medium scale topographic mapping (scale 1:100,000 Class A being spatially accurate to within 50 metres) in PNG, northern NT, north-west WA, Kalimantan Barat (West) Indonesia, Sumatra Indonesia, Gulf of Carpentaria and Cape York, QLD. In 1967, the Aerodist MRC2 Master equipment was installed in the aircraft featured in this set of photos, Executive Air Services’ (Essendon VIC) Grand Aero Commander VH-EXX. It was the same aircraft type and company contracted to Division of National Mapping for Aerodist MRC2 surveys. From July to October 1967 the aircraft was attached to Central Comd Fd Svy Unit (Adelaide - Major Don Ridge) on Project C4 eastern-Arnhem Land NT, where 317 Aerodist lines measuring 17,300 line miles were successfully completed. This was the most productive Aerodist project thus far. The most common helicopter used by RA Svy up to 1972 was the civilian Bell 47G-2 and the Sioux Light Observation Helicopters (LOH), the Australian Army’s equivalent featured in this photo set. These light observation helicopters had a limiting load carrying capacity of up to about 500 pounds. By comparison, one Aerodist team including two people weighed up to 1,500 pounds. Source: Royal Australian Survey Corps – Aerodist Years 1964-1975 by Peter Jensen. This is a set of 30 photographs of Royal Australian Survey Corps (RA Svy) personnel on Aerodist survey operations in Eastern Arnhem Land, Northern Territory in 1967. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .4) - black & white, 20th August 1967, Project C4 Aerodist Operations Base - Numbulwar, NT. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Probable wrecked Indonesian fishing vessel. .6) to .8) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unidentified survey operations base, L to R: unidentified personnel. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unidentified survey operations base, unidentified soldier driving a Haflinger 4x4 Light utility vehicle. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unidentified survey operations base, L to R: unidentified technician. .11) - Unidentified technician reading two survey altimeters to compute corrections to the measured distances for atmospheric refraction and to compute the sea level distances from the slope distances aircraft to the ground stations. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unidentified survey operations base, L to R: unidentified personnel. .13) to .16) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unidentified personnel operating remote Aerodist MRC2 ground instruments. .17) to .18) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Unknown RA Svy office location. .19) to .20) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Aerodist MRC2 Master equipment. .21) to .22) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Aero Commander VH-EXX probably at Gove, NT, Central Comd Fd Svy Unit (Adelaide) – OC Major Don Ridge. .23) to .25) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Aero Commander VH-EXX probably at Gove, NT. Unidentified personnel. .26) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Aero Commander VH-EXX probably at Gove, NT. Aerodist antenna pods are visible on the aircraft. .27) to .29) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Australian Army Sioux Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) probably at Gove, NT. .30) - Photo, black & white, 1967. Panelled U337 survey station, visible as a white cross on aerial identification photo..1P to .2P – date and location on edge of film negative. .5P to .28P – no annotations .29P - annotated in white ‘RW-JEP Gove NT’ .30P - annotated in white ‘U337 Spool No1 Jun67’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, aerodist, surveying, central comd fd svy unit -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photographs, L.J. Gervasoni, St Brigid's Crossley - stained glass window, 2016
... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the stained glass windows at St Brigid's, Crossley.victoria, crossley, st brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, stained glass, window -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, St Brigid's Crossley stained glass windows, last weekend June 2014
... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the stained glass windows at St Brigid's Crossleyst brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, centenary, celebrations, 100, anniversary, commemoration, stained glass, windows -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photographs, St Brigid's Crossley - Christmas Carols, 2016, Christmas 2016
... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Digital images of the interior of St Brigid's, brigid's crossley, st brigid's, catholic church, catholic, church, religion, celebrations, christmas, christmas carols, carols, stained glass, window -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Lisa Gervasoni, St Brigid Stained Glass Window, Crossley, 18/08/2013
... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around... by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around ..."LARGE GATHERINGNG AT - CROSSLEY DEDICATION AND OPENING SERVICES. SERMON BY DR. MANNIX. Yesterday was an important and historic day for the Roman Catholic community of Crossley and Koroit, in as much as it will be always associated in the memories of all con cerned with the opening of the new St. Brigid's Church, Crossley. This building is far above the average standard of sacred edifices in country towns, and is certainly superior to any ercted in this district outside the churches in the two larger centres - Warrnambool and Koroit. The style of architecture chosen is a free treatment of the Romanesque, which is something quite original in the Western District. This noble style, from which, with its near re lative the Byzantine, spring the great Gothic school of architecture, is characterised by a special charm of its own, one of its chief features being graceful and sweeping circular curves in roof, window heads and in the ar rangenent of the ground plan. The building is of brick finished off with true Romanesqiue pillared pinnacles in concrete and plaster, the brick and concrete producing a pleasing contrast. The main characteristic of the front is a large rose window filled with Romlanesque circular tracery, and below a bold porch and entrance. The two sides are pierced with long circular-headed windows between graceful buttresses and the wall line is pleasingly broken by the projecting bays of the confessionals and also by the vestries. The main building is 80 feet by 30 feet' and the Sanctuary is spacious and semi-circular in shape, and lighted by three windows. The interior of the church is most artistic. The ceiling is semi-circular and of fibrous plaster in ornate designs. All the windows are lead lighted, throwing a rich and mellow harmony of' color throughout the interior and the white wails, mouldings, architraves and other fibrous plaster decorations: are further relieved by the rich coloring: in the stations of.the Cross arrranged around the nave. The central window of the Sanctuary contains a splendidly executed stained glass representation of St. Brigid. At.the western end is a room gallery. The altar is a choice piece of Gothic woodwork, in light, soft coloring, and there are two altars on either side of the Sanctuary in oak, and above whlch are very fine colored figures of Christ; and the Madonna. On either side of the altar are life-size figures of angels holding high brass candalabra. The whole of the furnishings of the church are on a sumptuous scale, and the edifice reflects credit on all concerned. The church can seat nearly 500 people. The architect was Mr. A. A. Fritsch. of Melbourne, and the contractors Messrs F. and E. Deagne, of North Fitzroy. The contract price for the building was £5,500. THE OPENING SERVICE. After the cereimony of solemnly blesssing the church was performed by His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese, Dr. Higgins, assisted by His Grace the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne. Dr. Mannix, the great gatheiring from all parts of the district entered the church, which was soon completely filled. The members of the H.A.C.B.S. attended wearing their green and gold regalia, and acted as a 'guard of honor' to the Co-adjlutor Arclhbishop and Bishop. Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Phelan, of Koroit, and a feature of the solemn service was the singing of a choir which consisted of picked voices from St. Carthage's choir, with friends from Warrnam bool and assisted by some of the mem bers of the Koroit choir, with Miss Logan as organist and Mr. Arthur H. Renwick as conductor. They rendered the music in splendid style throghonut. The "Kyrie," "Gloria." "Agnus Dei' and Dona Nobis" were from Farmer's Mass in B flat, and the "Credo" and "Sanctus" from Webbe's Mass in G. The soloists in the Mass were Mrs. Ryan, the Misses McEntee. Miss Katie O'Brien. and Messrs. J. M. Crowley, W. J. Callaghan; B. McEntee and W. Mahony. The chorus sang with great precision, special attention being paid to at tack. At the offertory Mrs. Dan Ryan gave a beautiful rendering of Gounod's "Ava Maria." After the Elevation that fine duet "Tantum Ergo." by Rossi, was sung by Messrs. Crowley and Renwick in an artistic manner, their fine voices blending splendidly. During the collection, Mr. Renwick sang with much feeling that devotional solo, "Lead Thou Me On,", after which Mr Crowley gave .an ex cellent rendering of Weissi's "0 Salu taris Hostia;" and the choir sang several hymns." It might here be mentioned that at the request of Fa ther Kerin, the same choir will repeat the the Koroit Church on Sunday next, on the occasion of the ceremnly of laying the foundation stone of the cormpletion of the church. Dr. Mannix preachled the sermon for the occasion, taking his text from St. Luke first 11 verses. He re viewed the Gospel story of Christ preaching to the multitude from a boat on Lake Gennesaret and the miraculous draught of fish. The obedi ence of the poor fishermen in casting their nets at Christ's bidding was richly rewarded, and the miraculous occurrence was a striking example of what was to happen when Christ established His Church and built it up on those twelve apostles. When they came to think of it, nothing so re markable and marvellous had happened before or since in the history of mankind. The world at that time was for the most part a Pagan world steeped in iniquity and sin. The chosen people of God had God's re velation, but they worshipped with their lips and not with their hearts. When Christ was to establish His Church upon earth and leave an or gantisation that would continue His work, did He select learned men, powerful men, rich men, or a time that would seem propituous? No. He selected twelve poor, igorant simple fishermen, without money, power, learning or anything calculated to enable them to do anything striking in the world's history. The success of the first morning after pentecost was not confined to those first days when the plentitude of the Holy Ghost sat upon the .Apostles, but it continued age after age until the whole world was brought within the sphere of ac tion of the Church. Greece, Rome Europe Asia and America, and now Australia had been brought into the net. This must be a consolation to them all as well as it was to him (the preacher), when they remembered that they came from a land which of all others had been faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a consolation to them that in that great work that had been accomplished in bringing men into the meshes of the Church, and bringing them to God the nation to which they belontged had taken so great a part. Their religion flourished in England, Scotland, America and Australia. Surely it was due to the sons of St. Patrick, the sons and daughters of Ireland to find consolation in these great facts might It might seem hard that so many had to leave their native-land for England, Scotland, America and Australia. But if hard it was the means of keeping the Catholic faith living in England and Scotland. If to-day the Irish Catholics and Catholics of Irish de scent were taken out of the English and Scotch population there would be little left of the true Church of God. It seemed hard to emigrate to distant lands, but the result had been the new magnificent church in the United States, the flourishing churches in Canada and South Africa. Those Irish emigrants were a cornparatively small band. Perhaps they had not the learning of other nations. Certainly they had not the wealth and it did not fall to their lot to have the power of the sword, but God was with them, and the faith they took from Ireland flourished in those distant lands. In this fair land of Australia they had a glorious herit age handed down from the pioneer Irish Catholics, who came to this fair Austral land. There was a time when those who were opposed to God and God's Church,thought that Australia should be a wholly Protestant land. They had lived to see whether God or His enemies were the stronger. They had lived to see that those who in distant days would have stamped out the Catholic religion in Australia, had not prevailed. Their names had been forgotten because of their persecution of the Catholic Church, and they had lived - to see the glorious success that now, in every part of the Common wealth, rested upon the Catholic Church in Australia. Might God bless that Church and those Irish people, and the people of Irish descent, who had built it up. In that locality, and there was no place in.the Common wealth where the Catholic Church was held in higher esteem, the people would always be faithful to God and His Church. That beautiful building, and all it signified in loyalty and faithfulness, was a credit and a consolation to the Bishop and people of the diocese, to the architect who had done his work so artistically and skil fully. to the priests and the zealous administration of the parish. There was surely hope and inspiration in that day's celebration, that as time went on the Catholic faith would sink deeper and deeper into ther coming generation, and that the Catholic progress of the past 50 years would be small in comparison to the great progress of the future. He congratulated the Bishop priests and people who had raised that temple. He congratulated the people of Crossley; upon their generosity and self-sacrifice, and he prayed that God's blessing and the blessing of St. Brigid would rest upon them; their children and children's children. And when those who had received the sacraments and had been instructed in that Church were called before the Judgment Seat he pray ed that not one would be missing, and St. Peter aind St. Brigid would be able to count them all into the en joyment .of Eternal bliss. THE CELEBRATION The Rev. Father Kerin, Adninistra tor of the Parish, after the collection, read a lengthy list of the principal donations, headed by the Bishop, Dr. Higgins, with £250. All the furnish ings of the Church were also donations, and the Coadjutor-Archbishop added £5 to the list. The Rev. Father Kerin stated that the total to hand was £1245/10/7, which was an other proof of the generosity of the Crossley and district people. The amount previously received in donations was £1077/3. They started buildiing with a credit balance of £262 10/5 and ther now had a debit balance of £2,728/18/5. The total cost of the Church was £6,250, so that they would see the greater part of the indebtedness had already been wiped out. The Bishop (Dr. Higgins) delivered a brief address, in the course of which he congratulated the priests and people upon the completion of their magnificent Church. He congratulated the people on their magnificent generosity. He expressed his of deep indebtedness to the Coadjutor Archbishop of Melbourne for the services he had rendered to them. He had attended at considerable sacrifice to himself, and they were extremely grateful for the presence of so distinguished a champion who had shown such zeal and interest in their Church in this new land. He (the Bishop) trusted that his splendid talents would long be devoted to the defence of the Church." (Warrnambul Standard, 02 July 1914)Colour photograph of a portrait of St Brigid in stained glass. The depiction of St Brigid is located at St Brigid's former Catholic Church, brigid, stained glass, st brigid's crossley