Showing 3583 items
matching steel
Blacksmith's Cottage and Forge
Steel, Unknown
Steels were used to sharpen knives.Steel with an ivory handle - light yellow. Tapers at end. Grooves along length.Made in Englandsteel, cutlery, domestic item, ivory -
Mont De Lancey
Russell SebireStainless steel, cylindrical bed-warmer, with removable screw stopper."Sunrise Stainless Steel Co Pat App 6368/42" Patent marks around the stopper.bed warmers -
Mont De Lancey
Tool - Draw Knife, ROBT SORBY AUS STEEL, Unknown
A steel curved bladed woodworking tool with two wooden handles used to remove thin slices and big chunks of wood from timber. It can be used to fashion wooden sculptures, debarking trees and trimming beams. The final finishing on such work was done by a Spoke Shave tool which we also have in our collection.ROBT SORBY AUS STEELwoodcarving tools, drawing knives, shaves, handtools, steel, wood, woodworking tools -
Mont De Lancey
Tool - Saw, Simond Steel and saw Co, Crosscut Saw, Unknown
Used in the 19th century.A forged steel narrow bladed double Peg and Rake toothed crosscut saw with no handles. It was used to saw rough wood or cross cut wood against the grain in the late 19th Century.Stamped on the saw: made of Simond Steel, Trade mark Reg. Warranted The Simond Saw Est 1832, Simond Steel & Saw co USA. Crescent Ground Steel Mill, Lockport New York. Factories Fitchburg Mass, Montreal Quebec No 325hand tools, woodworking tools, carpentry tools, steel, hand saws, saws, cutting tools, crosscut saws -
Puffing Billy Railway
Double Headed Rail, circa 1872 - 1883
Double Headed Rail from Ravenswood Station Siding which was dismantled circa 1987 the two rails were stored for a time at Maldon before being donated to Puffing Billy Museum Bearing makers marks of Wilson & Cammell - Dronfield- Steel works Wilson & Cammell made Steel rails at their Dronfield Steel Works, in Dronfield, North East Derbyshire, England from 1872 - 1883 Double-headed rail In late 1830s Britain, railway lines had a vast range of different patterns. One of the earliest lines to use double-headed rail was the London and Birmingham Railway, which had offered a prize for the best design. This rail was supported by chairs and the head and foot of the rail had the same profile. The supposed advantage was that, when the head became worn, the rail could be turned over and re-used. In practice, this form of recycling was not very successful as the chair caused dents in the lower surface, and double-headed rail evolved into bullhead rail in which the head was more substantial than the foot. Info from Wikipedia - Rail Profile The first records of double headed rail being used In Victoria by Victorian Railways was in 1859, the rails, chairs, oak and trenails were imported from UK. After the 1870’s the Victorian Railways went over to using flat bottom rails, but they still needed replacement double headed rail for lines already laid and this continued up to at least 1883 Wilson & Cammell - Dronfield- Steel works Wilson & Cammell made Steel rails at their Dronfield Steel Works, in Dronfield England from 1872 - 1883 Mount Alexander & Murray River Railway The Melbourne, Mount Alexander & Murray River Railway Company received parliamentary assent in February 1853 to build Victoria's first inland railway from Melbourne to Williamstown, and Melbourne to Bendigo and Echuca. Construction commenced in January 1854 with work on a pier at Williamstown but lack of funds slowed progress, eventually prompting the company to sell out to the government. The 100-mile (162 km) section to Bendigo opened in October 1862. Its cost of £35,000 per mile made it the most expensive railway ever built in Australia. In 1864, the line was extended to Echuca, tapping into the booming Murray-Darling paddlesteamer trade. info from Museums Victoria - Victorian Railways 1863 Ravenswood Station open on the 1st Feb 1863 Victorian Railways - purchased and imported the Rail and Chairs from Raleigh, Dalgleish, White and Co. London Importation of railway plant : abstract of a return to an order of the Legislative Assembly dated 27th June 1860 for - Copies of the advertisements calling for tenders, the names of the tenderers and the accounts and correspondence with Mr Brunel relating thereto GP V 1859/60 no. C 15 Report from the Select Committee upon the Importation of Railway Plant : together with proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and appendix GP V 1859/60 no. D 38 (2.9 MB) Ravenswood Siding When the Victorian Railways were established in 1856 they adopted one of the popular British permanent way standards - heavy 80lb (36.3kg) double-headed rail held up right in cast iron chairs attached to transverse timber sleepers by wooden pegs called trenails. The Ravenswood Railway siding was constructed in 1862 with 12 feet wrought iron double-head rail held in cast iron chairs with Ransom and May patent compressed keys. Trenails held the chairs to the sleepers and the joints were secured in joint chairs. Joints were subsequently joined using fish plates. It formed part of the Melbourne to Echuca rail line, initially known as the Melbourne, Mt Alexander and Murray River Railway. George Christian Derbyshire, the first Engineer-in-Chair of the Victorian Railways was responsible for the design and construction of the works. No new lines were built in Victoria using double-headed rail after 1870. The siding was disconnected from the main line in 1988. The Ravenswood Railway Siding demonstrates the original 1856 philosophy of the Victorian Railways to adopt British permanent way technology. The siding demonstrates significant aspects in the development of permanent way technology in England and Victoria over the period from the 1830's to the 1880's. The chairs in the Ravenswood siding are physical evidence of early railway technology rendered obsolete 120 years ago, namely joint chairs at rail joints and trenails to secure the chairs to the sleepers. The double-headed rail demonstrates an important stage in the evolution of British rail technology in the 1830s. The old fish plates, square headed bolts and square nuts demonstrate the success of fishing the rail joins. The Ravenswood siding demonstrates the earliest form of rail joint technology developed in England, and existing in Australia, the joint chair. In part of the siding the sequence of joint and intermediate chairs is consistent with the 1856 specifications, that sequence is rare with the joints secured in joint chairs. The survival of chairs in this sequence is rare and almost certainly demonstrates that they remained in continuous use at the same location from 1862 to 1988. This remnant of the Ravenswood siding has survived 126 years. The siding has proved to be the most significant of extant remnant double-headed sidings in Victoria, containing a rare combination of early permanent way technologies. Construction dates 1862, Info from Ravenswood Railway Siding Victorian Heritage Database Report The remaining section of this siding is significant at the State and National levels in that it demonstrates the use of chaired rail by the Victorian Railways Department for the Trunk Lines and, more particularly, the following stages in the evolution of this long obsolete method of permanent way construction: a) The use of joint chairs and intermediate chairs at regular intervals inferring that the original wrought iron rail lengths were 12 feet, as is known through documentary sources to have been the case. The survival of chairs in this sequence is unique and almost certainly demonstrates that they have remained in continuous use at the same location and in the same sequence from 1862 to 1988 . b) The use of joint chairs and intermediate chairs designed for use with trenails. c) The use of later intermediate chairs designed for use with steel pins and the use of fished joints with steel double head chaired rail, representing a second method of constructing the permanent way using chaired rail technology. info from Ravenswood Siding - Melbourne/Echuca Railway Line - Victorian Heritage Database Report Addition to Citation for Melbourne to EchucaRailway Line 1/10/1990 Double Head Rail The surviving lengths of double head rail with chairs on this railway compare with one surviving similar remnant on the Geelong to Ballarat railway and are representative of permanent way construction techniques applied exclusively to the two trunk railways of the 1860's. In this respect they are rare survivors and may be unique at the national level and of technical importance at the international level to the extent that they enhance contemporary understanding of early railway building technology. Surviving lengths of chaired double head rail survive at Kyneton, Ravenswood and Bendigo on this railway and include a number of different types of cast iron intermediate and joint chairs with hardwood keys and metal pins. The Ravenswood siding is of special significance for the diversity of chair types and for the sequence of chairs recalling rail lengths known to be associated with construction of the line in 1862. Construction of the Railway Tenders closed on 24 March 1858 with no less than 133 tenders being received. A contract was let to Cornish and Bruce for £3,356,937 to commence work on 1 June 1858 and complete the line by 31 July 1861. Cornish and Bruce made quick early progress with the Melbourne to Sunbury section being officially opened on 13 January 1859. The line was officially opened to Bendigo (Sandhurst) on 20 October 1862 by the Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Barkly. A great banquet was held for 800 guests and this was followed by a grand ball. The extension of the line to Echuca was a relatively simple matter as that part of the line was across plain country without any significant engineering challenges. Tenders were called for the work in 1863 and the work was completed in 1864 by contractors Collier and Barry Apart from the line contractors, other firms directly involved were J Shire law and Co (sleepers), R Fulton, Langlands Brothers and Co, William Crossley (water supply), B Moreland, Langlands Brothers and Co (platelayers lorries), E Chambers (iron pins, traversers), Miller and McQuinstan (luggage vans and steam engines) and various contractors for building works. Info from Engineers Australia Engineering Heritage Victoria Nomination for Recognition under the Engineering Heritage Australia Heritage Recognition Program for the Goldfields Railways - Melbourne , Bendigo & Echuca Railway Page 25 - .2.9.2 Statement from National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Listing number B5323 for Mt Alexander/Murray Valley Rail Line: Page 69 - Theme 3 The Melbourne, Mount Alexander and Murray River Railway Company was a railway company in Victoria, Australia. It was established on 8 February 1853 to build a railway from Melbourne to Echuca on the Victorian-NSW border and a branch railway to Williamstown. The company struggled to make any progress and on 23 May 1856, the colonial Government took over the Company and it became part of the newly established Department of Railways, part of the Board of Land and Works. The Department of Railways became Victorian Railways in 1859. Construction of the Bendigo line commenced in 1858, but this private consortium also met with financial difficulties when it was unable to raise sufficient funds, and was bought out by the Victorian colonial government. The design work was then taken over by Captain Andrew Clarke, R. E., Surveyor-General of Victoria, with bridge designs completed by Bryson and O'Hara The contract for the first stage of the line from Footscray to Sandhurst (now Bendigo), was let to Cornish and Bruce for £3,356,937.2s.2d ($6.714 million) with work commencing on 1 June 1858. Completion of the permanent way was to be by 31 July 1861,_Mount_Alexander_and_Murray_River_Railway_Company Victorian Railways - purchased and imported the Rail and Chairs from Raleigh, Dalgleish, White and Co. London Importation of railway plant : abstract of a return to an order of the Legislative Assembly dated 27th June 1860 for - Copies of the advertisements calling for tenders, the names of the tenderers and the accounts and correspondence with Mr Brunel relating thereto GP V 1859/60 no. C 15 Report from the Select Committee upon the Importation of Railway Plant : together with proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence and appendix GP V 1859/60 no. D 38 (2.9 MB) Victorian Railways : report of the Board of Land and Works November 1862 GP V 1862/63 no. 21 (2.8 MB) - Victorian Railways - Double Headed rail Ravenswood Railway Station and Siding Victorian Heritage Database Reports Victorian Heritage Register VHR H1100 Victorian Heritage Register VHR H1786 National Trust VHR H1100 Mount Alexander and Murray River Rail way Line National Trust2 rail lengths of Double Headed Rail made of Iron makers marks : Wilson & Cammell - Dronfield - Steel and 20 joint chairs with metal rail pins Makers mark Wilson & Cammell - Dronfield - Steel (possible date 187? very hard to read ) puffing billy, double headed rail, wilson & cammell - dronfield - steel works, ravenswood station siding, melbourne to echuca rail line, initially known as the melbourne, mt alexander and murray river railway. -
Clunes Museum
Book, Percy, John, Percy's Metallurgy - Iron & Steel, 1894
Dowlais is a former Iron/steel making and coal mining town in Wales, United Kingdom.1 Hardcover book light brown embossed cover, gold lettering on spine, 1864, subject matter, the art of extracting metals from their ores and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture. With illustrations, chiefly from original drawings, carefully laid down to scale. .2 Newspaper Article "Dr. Percy on Iron and Steel" published in The Times Tuesday, May 17, 1864 .3 Plan for Dowlais New Mills Gold Lettering on spine: "Percy's Metallurgy Iron & Steel London John Murray Faded Maroon stamp page 2 - Clunes School of Mines No. 24 16 Jun 93metallurgy, mining -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Rail Section, Lorain Steel, 9mm Sawn Cut Rail, 1930's?
Yields information about some of the rail used in Bendigo and demonstrates the type of rail used in tramways and made by the Lorain Steel Co. France.Section of flanged tramway rail - saw cut from rail, smooth finished - Stamped "BENDIGO" stamped into the foot of the rail. On the other side of the rail, "81LBS PERYD", stamped onto the head of the rail. and "LORAIN STEEL CO LORAIN" stamped into the web. FRONT - 8116/yd Morain Steel Co. Lorain BACK - Bendigo trams, tramways, rail, bendigo, rail section -
Federation University Art Collection
Sculpture - Steel, 'Echos from the Sea' by Peter Blizzard, 2007
Peter BLIZZARD (1940 — 2010) Sculptor Peter Blizzard completed a certificate of art at the Prahran College of Advanced Education and a Diploma of Art at RMIT in 1967. His sculptural career start in 1970 after a career as a graphic designer, creating large steel abstract works. He exhibited at several International Trade Fairs including New York and San Francisco in 1970, as well as Isogaya Gallery in Tokyo in 1997. Between 1972 and 1995 was Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Head of Sculpture at the University of Ballarat (now Federation University). From 1995 he worked full time as a sculptor. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Steel sculptureart, artwork, peter blizzard, sculpture -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Rail Section, The North Eastern Steel Co. Ltd. Middlesborough, Rail Section 9616 Manufacturers Sample, 1903?
Yields information about some of the rail used in Northampton UK and demonstrates the type of rail used in tramways.Section of flanged tramway rail - saw cut from rail, polished and then nickel plated silver finished and stamped in italics - "Northampton Corporation Tramways B.S.Section No. 1C" in the head of the rail, "96lbs per yard" stamped in the base of the flange and along the foot of the rail "The North Eastern Steel Co. Ltd Middlesborough" and in the flangeway "1903".Northampton Corporation Tramways B.S Section No. 15 1993 The North Western Steel Co. Ld. Middlesbroughtrams, tramways, rail, uk, rail section -
Anglesea and District Historical Society
Plugging Cold Chisel, Gregory Steel Products Pty Ltd, Estimated 1960's
A Gregsteel Plugging cold chisel which is sought after due to excellent edge-holding properties. Used by bricklayers (Gregsteel 279) to remove mortar from between bricks to allow for a timber plug to be inserted to allow skirtings and architraves to be fixed to it. This object may have been used as a timber paling knife.GREGSTEEL - on handle ALLOY STEEL - on other side of handleknife, alloy steel, plugging cold chisel, gregsteel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Correspondence, Correspondence from The Steel Company of Australia to Victorian Institute of Colleges, The Steel Company
Mr. H. E. Arblaster comments on the Ballarat School of Mines submission for Bachelor of Applied Science in Metallurgy in a letter to Victorian Institute of Colleges (Copy) Mr. H. E. Arblaster comments on the Ballarat School of Mines submission for Bachelor of Applied Science in Metallurgy in a letter to Mr F Morgan, Mason & Cox P/L (Copy) Letter acknowledging the Arblaster copies, from Ballarat School of Mines .1 - Business Card of Harold E. Arblaster (former Principal of the Ballarat School of Mines) .2 - Photocopied paper - Heat sensitive coy of a letter from Harry Arblaster of th Steel Company of Australia to R. Parry, Registrar of the Victoria Institute of Colleges, 18 March 1971. .3 - Photocopied paper .4 - Photocopied paper .5 - Photocopied paper .6 - Photocopied paper .7 - Photocopied paper .8 - Typed carbon letter to Harold Arblaster concerning the proposed degree in Metallurgy.victoria institute of colleges, h.e. arblaster, arlaster, ballarat school of mines, metallurgy, f. morgan, morgan, mason and cox, r. parry, harold arblaster, frank morgan -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Shaving Mirror, Steel Shaving mirror and Case, (estimated); 1914
This is part of the F. W. Tickle Collection. Case and mirror has bullet damageStainless steel shaving mirror, bottom section damaged heavily on lower end.Case is canvas and leatherette, stitched om two sides, stitching going. Both mirror and case damaged from bullet.On Case: 'Gift from the /Australian/Comforts Fund'australian, ww1, lt, frank, tickle, william, collection, shaving, mirror, comforts, fund, stainless, steel -
Charlton RSL Sub Branch
Weapon - Bullet clips, Steel clips each for holding 4 bullets
Steel clips for bullets -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Education kit - Wood shaft writing pens and nibs, Steel Nib Manufacturer, mid 20thC
A dip pen usually consists of a metal nib with capillary channels like those of fountain pen nibs, mounted in a handle or holder, often made of wood. Dip pens have no ink reservoir, so the user must recharge the ink from an ink bowl or bottle to continue drawing or writing. Dip pens emerged in the early 19th century, when they replaced quill pens and were generally used before the development of fountain pens in the later 19th centuryThe pioneer settlers in the Moorabbin Shire area valued education and established schools for their children in Cheltenham and East Brighton c1860's These wood shaft pens and steel nibs are typical of the type used up to the mid 20th Century in school classes.3 wood shaft writing dip pens with steel nibs schools, education, writing equipment, victoria melbourne, market gardeners, pioneer, settlers, cheltenham state school no. 84., bentleigh east state school no. 2083, st stephens c of e school tucker road east brighton, pen steel nibs -
Puffing Billy Railway
2'6" gauge Fox Freight Bogie, 1890s
'FOX" Built Fox freight Bogie imported by the Victorian Railways First patented by Englishman Samson Fox in 1893, the Fox style bogie carried virtually all the rolling stock on the Victorian Railways 4 narrow gauge lines from construction to demolition.Historic - Narrow Gauge Railway - Fox freight Bogie imported and used by the Victorian RailwaysPressed Steel Frame Bogie made of iron and Wrought iron fox, bogie, puffing billy, victorian railways -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Award - trophy, Pewter products, Melbourne, Australia, Stainless steel tankard
Stainless steel drinking tankard 40th anniversary of the Victory in the pacific and battle locations inscribed -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Domestic object - Hair Care Equipment, Steel Curling Irons
Pair of steel curling irons curling tongs, hair care equipment, curling irons -
Federation University Historical Collection
Object, University of Ballarat Boxed Stainless Steel Picture Frame, c2015
A boxed stainless steel picture frame. university of ballarat, merchandise, picture frame -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Equipment - Tool, Steel Builders Plugging Chisel used by a Bricklayer
Steel Builders Plugging Chisel used by a Bricklayerstawell -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Steel rimmed wooden mallet, 2017
Colour photographs of a steel rimmed wooden mallet.mallet, tools, steel rimmed wooden mallet -
Ringwood RSL Sub-Branch
Edged weapon, Knife attached to steel shrapnel piece
Knife blade attached to steel shrapnel piece -
Canterbury History Group
Letter - Mrs Yvonne Steel, Steel, Yvonne, 3/03/1988 12:00:00 AM
Letter from Yvonne Steel to Mrs Doery of the Canterbury History Group sharing some of her memories of Canterburycanterbury, prospect hill road, coghill and sons, bracher> ken, camberwell high school, carnell family, presbyterian babies home, canterbury road -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grave, Violet Laura Steel, c.1925
This photograph was printed from a glass negative held in the Society's picture collection. The original glass negative is part of a set donated to the Society by Ian McKenzie, a professional photographer in Kew. The grave of Violet Laura Steel (1892-1914), after 1914. Violet Laura Steel, was the daughter of Charles Joseph Steel and Julia Harrington. She was born 31 October 1892 in the Police camp in Echuca, and died, aged 21, on 22 May 1914 at her father’s home ‘Maescourt’ in Gladstone Parade, Elsternwick. The photograph of her grave in the Brighton Cemetery is on the top half of a glass kilda cemetery, violet laura steel (1892-1914) -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Functional object - instrument tray, SILVERGLO STAINLESS STEEL PTY LTD
TRAY USED FOR HOLDING INSTRUMENTS USED FOR CARE OF PATIENTSUSED BY NURSES IN PROVIDING CAREshallow rectangular silver coloured metal instrument tray, rolled metal edge.479-01 blue texta on base, 479-01 black ink on white sticker to outside edge, engraving SILVERGLO/.../STAINLESS STEEL/PTY.LTD/MELBOURNE/55instrument tray, stainless steel, silverglo stainless steel pty ltd, alfred hospital off campus juvenille psychiatric unit, alfred hospital nurses league -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Book - Aircraft manufacture, steel construction, The Steel Construction of Aeroplanes
Oveview of hte use of steel in aircraft construction, circa World War 1Oveview of hte use of steel in aircraft construction, circa World War 1 -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Tool - Shoe knife
Diamond steel knife used by bootmakers ca1910Bootmakers tool used and sold by Holden ca1910Diamond steel blade with rosewood handleA15 George Barnsley Diamond steelbootmaker, tool, shoe knife -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, Stainless Steel Imperial Yard Measure. Shire of Stawell Weights & Measures
12 inch rule. Stainless Steel Imperial yard Measure stored in a grey Wood Box.Rustless / Chesterman Sheffieldstawell, standards -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Steel Water Storage Tank in Former No1 Reserve
Steel water storage tank in Former No1 Reserve.Metal tank with access stairs to tank.grampians water supply -
Shepparton RSL Sub Branch
Sighting Mirror, Stainless Steel, 1945
WW2Polished Stainless Steel. Centre hole has a copper eyelett. Top hole for storage. Rounded CornersWtl. Broad Arrow. 1945 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Certificate, Bluescope Steel Safety Excellence Award Certificate, 2003-2006
The University of Ballarat Steelhaven Skills Centre achieced 300,000 hours, or 3.5 years LTI free.A Bluescope Steel Safety Excellence AWARD Certificate made out to University of Ballarat Steelhaven Skills Centreuniversity of ballarat, bluescope steel, letterhead, university of ballarat steelhaven skills centre, steelhaven skills centre, chris darling, phil rouse