Book, Percy, John, Percy's Metallurgy - Iron & Steel, 1894

Historical information

Dowlais is a former Iron/steel making and coal mining town in Wales, United Kingdom

Physical description

.1 Hardcover book light brown embossed cover, gold lettering on spine, 1864, subject matter, the art of extracting metals from their ores and adapting them to various purposes of manufacture. With illustrations, chiefly from original drawings, carefully laid down to scale.
.2 Newspaper Article "Dr. Percy on Iron and Steel" published in The Times Tuesday, May 17, 1864
.3 Plan for Dowlais New Mills

Inscriptions & markings

Gold Lettering on spine: "Percy's Metallurgy Iron & Steel London John Murray
Faded Maroon stamp page 2 - Clunes School of Mines No. 24 16 Jun 93


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