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matching stencilling
Parks Victoria - Andersons Mill
Sign - Stencil
This stencil was used on bags and possibly other packaging containing grain processed and packed at Anderson's Mill. The stencil would have indicated the destination of, or origin of the grain.Large stencil, metal (tin?). 3 corners of stencil chipped off at angle. Large piece of corner missing from top left.Cut out of stencil depicts cockerel & the words "SUNVALLEY FLAKED WHEATMEAL" -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Stencil Set
... stencilling ...The incomplete set of copper stencils was used some time ago to print Old English letters. They still have the remains of black ink on them. The user places the stencil on top of the surface to be labelled, then paints, rolls or brushes ink onto the surface of the stencil, allowing the ink to cover the surface that is exposed by the cutout in the stencil. Stencils in a variety of materials have been in use for thousands of years to reproduce images and letters; examples include wood, metal, cardboard, paper and wax. The box once contained a Silver Stork brand feather pen.The stencil set represents a form of manually produced printing and labelling. The process has been used Stencils, copper; twenty-two stencils of the old English alphabet, stored in a pale green cardboard rectangular box that once contained a feather pen called The Silver Stork feather pen. Box is labelled "The Silver Stork" "A Scribbling Pen" Image; [a feather' with text "Silver Feathers" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, great ocean road, stencil set, copper stencils, silver stork, feather pen, printing, labelling, reproduction, stencilling -
Parks Victoria - Gabo Island Lightstation
Lightstations Flying Doctor first aid kit. Medical first aid box kept at Lightstation. According to a Lighthouse keeper each item was numbered to ensure correct administration of medications by Lightstation staff via radio contact with The Flying Doctor Service. The lightstation’s first aid case is a red painted metal box. The hinged lid is stencilled with white words of caution such as ‘handle with care and ‘this side up’. Inside are four tray inserts of different sizes. Until recent years the contents of the kit, including medications and an instruction book, were intact but have since been lost and cannot be located. Of the six lightstations investigated by this assessment project, it would seem that the case, which possibly dates to the early 1900s, is unique in its survival at Gabo Island. The cabinet has first level contributory significance for its historic value and provenance to the lightstation.The cabinet has first level contributory significance for its historic value and provenance to the lightstation.Red painted metal box with hinged lid. It has side handles with four removable, red painted metal tray inserts of varying sizes. Inscriptions stencilled in white on lid. Trays have letters stencilled in white on three sides. There are three latches to secure lid. Lock on central latch.Main chest stencilled in white , on top: "NO 3 / LIGHTHOUSE / ROYAL FLYINNG DOCTOR/ MEDICATIONS/HANDLE WITH CARE / THIS SIDE UP" •Four tray inserts, stencilled in white: "A", "B", "C", "D". -
National Wool Museum
Sign - Leeds Stencil
Woolbrokers Shipping Department stencil "LEEDS"Silver metal stencil with cut lettering. Stencil has two holes in each top corner.LEEDSstencil, shipping, export, wool industry, woolbrokers -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used to cover up other stencils on wool bales.Rectangular shaped wool bale export stencilwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - PORT
This stencil was used to identify the destination of wool bales. The PORT stencil would be used as a prefix to the destination name.Wool bale export stencil - PORTPORTwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
Merbein District Historical Society
Equipment - Stencil
Stencil used for marking hogs head Rectangular metallic stencil In capital letters: mildara winery pty ltd distillers merbeinmildara, winery, hogs head -
Harcourt Valley Heritage & Tourist Centre
Fruit Box Stencils, 1905-1910
Tin stencils were used to brand fruit cases to indicate the source and the destination of Harcourt Fruit for sale to local, interstate and overseas markets. These stencils are typical and also indicate grade/size of fruit. These stencils were used by J. B. Smith of Harcourt and N.C. Gaasch of Harcourt. Both of these growers customarily exported their fruit to England and Germany.An aid to marketing and branding Harcourt fruit, which had been sent in wooden cases for sale. Stencils, tin with delivery and sender details. Collection also includes ink block for branding the stencil information on to boxes. -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a location stamp for the transportation of wool bales. HUDDERSFIELD Valley Worsted Mills is located in Geelong. Stencils marked HUDDERSFIELD would have been transported to the Worsted Mills to be made into yarn and fabric.Wool bale stencil - HUDDERSFIELDHUDDERSFIELDwool - transportation, wool sales -
Bendigo Military Museum
Equipment - KIT BAG, 1939
Item issued to Eric MacCALLUM No VX41169, enlisted on 26.6.40, 2/32nd Batt 9th Div AIF, age 31 years 9 months, promoted Cpl 6.8.1940, embarked 15.9.1940 for the Middle East, hospital 25.11.1940 with Haemorhoids, rejoinn unit 17.12.1940, attends Mortar and Grenade schools, hospital 16.8.1941 with PUO, taken POW 17.2.1942 at El Alamein. He served in the Seige of Tobruk, Middle East Campaigns. As a POW it appears he was interred from 1942/43 in Italy then 1943/45 in XV111Austria. He describes his conditions in the camps as fair and that he worked on road works. This is a brief description as to his treatment in his records. Embarked from England 4.7.1945 and disembarked in Sydney on 8.8.1945. Discharged from the 2nd AIF on 12.9.1945.Canvas Kit bag with stenciled name and details on side and base.In handwritten lettering - "B2 - RZABL- Q" Stencilled - "VX41169 E. MacCallum"containers, military equipment -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 3AJ
This stencil was used as a label for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - 3AJ3AJwool transportation, wool sales, wool export -
Federation University Historical Collection
Object, Simplex Stencil Co, Signwriting Equipment
The box of stencils was used by Ballarat signwriter Keith Rash, who studied signwriting at the Ballarat School of Mines. Hinged box of stencils.ballarat school of mines, stencils, signwriting, keith rash, simplex stencil co., simplex tucket writing outfit, ticket writing -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - &
This stencil was used as an & symbol to assist other classification stamps for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - &&wool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - MASS
This stencil was used to mark the mass measurement of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - MASSMASSwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - ARDLEEN
This stencil was used to mark the mass measurement of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - ARDLEENARDLEENwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - R CARN
This stencil was used as a property name for the transportation of wool bales.Wool bale export stencil - R CARNR CARNwool sales, wool transport, wool export -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a symbol stamp for the transportation of wool bales.Heart shaped wool bale export stencilwool - transportation, wool sales -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a symbol stamp for the transportation of wool bales.Diamond shaped wool bale export stencilwool - transportation, wool sales -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Courier Bag, Government of Victoria, Late 19th to mid-20th centuries
The courier bag was once government property, as indicated by the broad arrow symbol. The flap has the name 'Boronia' - an area near Melbourne - overstamped with the town name 'Merino', and on the other side of the flap is the town 'Casterton'. Merino and Casterton are renowned for large sheep farming properties in Victoria's western district. Perhaps the courier bag was originally used between Melbourne and Boronia. During the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th centuries, a government-operated railway service was active in in the western district of Victoria. It served remote properties, including a line between Merino and Casterton. The train delivered mail, cash, supplies documents, business records and people between the sheep farm properties and the township of Casterton.This courier bag is an example of the connections and business between people in the remote areas of western Victoria. It was likely used by Victoria's railway system that transported people, goods, documents and cash between the districts of western Victoria.Courier bag; beige canvas rectangular bag with triangular black canvas flaps and a leather strap and buckle closure. The bag has stencilled stamps of three towns - Casterton, Merino and Boronia. It also has the government property symbol of a broad arrow.White stencilled paint "CASTERTON" Black stencilled paint "BORONIA" [barely visible] White over-stamped stencilled paint "MERINO"warrnambool, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime village, bag, pouch, document pouch, courier bag, western district, western victoria, 19th century, 20th century, railway, rural business, rural trade, boronia, casterton, merino, sheep farm, sheep property, canvas bag, canvas courier bag, government courier bag, broad arrow -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - EXLON
This stencil was used to stamp wool bales before they were transported to another location. The meaning of EXLON is unknown. Wool bale export stencil - EXLONEXLONwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - PTYSON
This stencil was used to stamp wool bales before they were transported to another location. The meaning of PTYSON is unknown. Wool bale export stencil - PTYSONPTYSONwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - DILTEX
This stencil was used to stamp wool bales before they were transported to another location. The meaning of DILTEX is unknown. Wool bale export stencil - DILTEXDILTEXwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - SENWA
This stencil was used to stamp wool bales before they were transported to another location. The meaning of SENWA is unknown. Wool bale export stencil - SENWASENWAwool - transportation, wool sales, wool class, wool classers -
Greensborough Historical Society
Stencil - Digital Image, A H Lock (Estate Agent) Stencil 1950s, 1950s
Digital image of a stencil used by Greensborough real estate agents A H Lock in the 1950s. Used to produce advertising signs for houses for sale.Part of a collection of miscellaneous historical images with a connection to the local area.Digital image of metal stencil. "For sale A H Lock Sole Agents Greensborough" and phone numbersstencils, real estate agents, a h lock estate agent -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - 1234567890
This stencil was used as a classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. The stamp would have been used to paint numbers onto wool bales.Wool bale stencil - 12345678901234567890wool sales, wool transportation -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - ABCDEFGH
This stencil was used as a classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. The stamp would have been used to paint letters onto wool bales.Wool bale stencil - ABCDEFGHABCDEFGHwool sales, wool transportation -
National Wool Museum
Stencil - IJKLNMOP
This stencil was used as a classification stamp for the transportation of wool bales. The stamp would have been used to paint letters onto wool bales.Wool bale stencil - IJKLNMOPIJKLNMOPwool sales, wool transportation -
National Wool Museum
Stencil, die cut "DL", "G" (Denny Lascelles)Stencil, die cut "DL", "G" (Denny Lascelles).DL/Gshearing, wool bales, dennys, lascelles limited, stencil -
National Wool Museum
This stencil was used as a symbol stamp for the transportation of wool bales.Mitsubishi logo shaped wool bale export stencilwool - transportation, wool sales -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Artwork, Ivy Wilson, Album of original Ballarat Technical Art School folio by Ivy Wilson, c1922
... stencilling ...Ivy WILSON (1907-1998) Ballarat | Australia Ivy Wilson was born on 05 July 1907 to Charlotte and Edward Wilson of 167 Mair Street, Ballarat. She attended Humffray Street Primary School and the Ballarat Technical Art School (a division of the Ballarat School of Mines) in 1922. Wilson's student folio contains several stencils hand-cut from paper and card. Among them are stylised graphics of correa, waratah, gum, and kangaroo apple as well as kookaburras, cockatoos and a koala. With diverse applications, stencilling attracted a range of students at the Ballarat Technical Art School. Stencilling was applied to interior surfaces like cushions and curtains. Commercial briefs included wall friezes and murals. One of Wilson's examples, a wreath was subsequently translated into embroidered needlework. Wilson’s folio possibly consists of mostly junior technical work, as she appears to only have sat a single senior Education Department examination, Drawing Plant Forms from Nature. Alternatively, given her focus on textile-based arts, she may have been an evening trade student. Ivy Wilson married Frederick Henry Russell on 23 December 1933 at St Mary's Church of England Caulfield, and had one daughter - Nola, who gifted this folio to the University’s permanent Historical Collection. Ivy died on 17 November 1998 at Caulfield.Silver cloth covered photo album of artworks by Ivy Wilson. Gift of Nola Jones, daughter of Ivy Wilson, 2016 Contains original stencils, plus four photographs of a works kept by Ivy Wilson's family (2016).(Handwritten note) This art is the work of Ivy Wilson. born" 5th July 1907 to Charlotte & Edward Wilson of 17 Mair St. Ballarat. Attended Humffray St. Primary School and Ballarat School of Mines 1922. Married: Frederick Henry Russell December 23rd 1933 at St Marys CofE Caulfield Died 17th November 1998 at Caulfield. Mother of one daughter, Nola. ivy wilson, ballarat tecnical art school, artwork, dana street primary school, alumni, stencilling, stencils, embroidery, textiles, design