Showing 14 items
matching the art engraving company
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Art Engraving Company, Memorial Card: Alexander Stewart, 1897
... The Art Engraving Company...The Art Engraving Company... Photograph Photograph The Art Engraving Company ...Memorial card given out to family and friends. Alexander Kirk Stewart died October 17, 1897 aged 42 years. Husband of Caroline Fairie (nee Kidd - born 1856 at sea), they marriedin 1885. Caroline died in 1901 at Diamond Creek aged 45 years. Memorial Cards were commonly handed out to those friends and family paying their respects at the loss of a loved one. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 19911897, alexander stewart, cabinet photo, caroline fairlie stewart (nee kidd), marg ball collection, memorial card, shillinglaw family photo album 3, the art engraving company -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Art Engraving Company, Memorial Card: Edward Henry Bottle, 1900
... The Art Engraving Company...The Art Engraving Company... Photograph Photograph The Art Engraving Company ...Died August 3, 1900, aged 46 years. Edward Henry Bottle, dearly loved husband of Catherine Bottle, beloved father of William, Harry Ethel and Private Edward John. Bottle of the 3rd Bushman's Corps, South Africa (Boer War) Catherine Shillinglaw and James Bottle had a family of three children; William, Harry and Etheline. Memorial Cards were commonly handed out to those friends and family paying their respects at the loss of a loved one. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991cabinet photo, marg ball collection, memorial card, shillinglaw family photo album 3, the art engraving company, 1900, catherine bottle (nee shillinglaw), edward henry bottle, edward john bottle, ethel may bottle, harry bottle, william bottle -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Art Engraving Company, Memorial Card: Agnes Edith Hill, 1899
... The Art Engraving Company...The Art Engraving Company...: Agnes Edith Hill Photograph Photograph The Art Engraving Company ...Died January 29, 1899 aged 21 years 9 months Daughter of John and Esther (nee Lewis) Hill Sister to Phoebe Jane, Caroline Elizabeth, Emily Isabella and Albert Richard Ftizsimmons Hill Memorial Cards were commonly handed out to those friends and family paying their respects at the loss of a loved one. CABINET 1866-1905 The Cabinet photo was introduced in 1866 in answer to a demand for a larger format photograph which could be mounted for a cabinet or on the wall. They were 4.5 inches by 6.5 inches (11.5 x 16.5 cm), more than twice the size of the cdv. They cost about twice as much as a cdv but eventually displaced them. They were not extensively produced until 1880 and had ceased by 1905. Coloured mounts, especially maroon or green, indicate a date between 1880 and 1890. - Frost, Lenore; Dating Family Photos 1850-1920; Valiant Press Pty. Ltd., Berwick, Victoria 1991cabinet photo, marg ball collection, memorial card, shillinglaw family photo album 3, the art engraving company, 1899, agnes edith hill -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Memorabilia - MEMORIAL CARD: JANE ARKLE, 1902
... The Art Engraving Company, 11 Elizabeth Street Melbourne... Engraving Company, 11 Elizabeth Street Melbourne Memorial Card ...Memorial Card: Remembrance card of Jane Arkle Died July 10, 1902 at Eaglehawk. Black with gold embossing. Has Angle with banner underneath inscribed: In Loving Remembrance of. Father John Hogg, Mother Jane Whitt?. Box 625The Art Engraving Company, 11 Elizabeth Street Melbourneephemera, mementoes, cards, memorial. funeral. remembrance. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... The art engraving company, 11 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.... COTTAGE Miners The art engraving company, 11 Elizabeth Street ...Memoriam card for Richard Nettle, killed August 29, 1899, Aged 42 years, 2 months. Black card, with gold writing and embossing. Photo of Richard Nettle in oval shape at top of card. Richard Nettle, dearly loved husband of Ellen M. Nettle, Killed in St. Minago Mine. August 29, 1899. Aged 42 years 2 months.The art engraving company, 11 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.cottage, miners -
Chiltern Athenaeum Trust
Document - Memorial Card from W.C.Busse Collection, c1897
... / DEEPLY REGRETTED/ The Art Engraving Company (unknown) Street.../ DEEPLY REGRETTED/ The Art Engraving Company (unknown) Street ...Wilfred Clarence Busse was born in Chiltern, Victoria in 1898. Busse attended secondary school at Wesley College before graduating and studying law at the University of Melbourne. After graduating from University, Busse went on to become a barrister, often in the chambers of Sir Leo Finn Bernard Cussen a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Busse was also a fictional writer seen by his novels "The Blue Beyond; A Romance of the Early Days in South Eastern Australia" was written in 1928 and published in 1930 and "The Golden Plague: A Romance of the Early Fifties" written in 1930. "The Golden Plague: A Romance of the Early Fifties" won the T.E.Role gold medal for the best historical novel published that year and went on to become a best seller. Busse wrote a series of articles for "The Federal Standard" newspaper in Chiltern, about the history of Chiltern. Wilfred Clarence Busse was a member of the Chiltern Athenaeum upon his death in 1960. Frederick Busse was born Henry Louis Friedrich in 1827, in Salzgitter Germany. He is the grandfather of Wilfred Busse. Upon his death, he was survived by his sons Reinhold and William and his wife Wilhelmina. This memorial card is important to Chiltern Athenaeum as it is of a resident who spent many years in the region before being buried in a cemetery in Indigo Shire. It is also important as it is a familial extension of Wilfred Clarence Busse who was born and raised in Chiltern and drew inspiration for his novels from his life in Chiltern. A brown rectangular card with golden boarders and writing memorialising Frederick Busse. There is an angel in the top left corner and bible verses in the top right corner and at the bottom. Obverse: The Lord/ Gave/ And the/ Lord hath/ Taken away/ Blessed be/ the name of/ the Lord In/ Loving Remembrance/ Of/ Our Dear Father/ Frederick Busse/ A colonist of 43 Years/ Died September 3 1897, Aged 70 Years/ Tis hard to break the tender cord;/ When love has bound the heart;/ Tis hard, so hard to speak the words:/ We for a time must part./ Dearest loved one, we have laid thee/ In the peaceful grave’s embrace,/ But thy memory will be cherished/ Till we see they heavenly face/ DEEPLY REGRETTED/ The Art Engraving Company (unknown) Street Melbourne wilfred clarence busse, chiltern, chiltern athenaeum, busse, law student, barrister, fictional writer, "the golden plague: a romance of the early fifties.", "the blue beyond, a romance of the early days in south eastern australia", t.e.role gold meda, the federal standard, indigo shire -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Certificate - Documents relating to Death and Burial of Mary Ann Jones, 1903
... Engraving Company, Royal Arcade, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne ...No 1 & No 2 no details No 3 Art Engraving Company…... at Home “ / DEEPLY REGRETTED / Art Engraving Company, Royal Arcade ...James Jones was the son of Philip Jones, a Chairmaker, and Ann Jones who settled in East Brighton after the sale of land c1852 in the area of the Henry Dendy Special Survey of 1841. Mary Ann Moore was the daughter of Thomas Moore, a Gardener, and Sarah Harris who also settled in Brighton c1852. James and Mary Ann Jones settled and raised their family in East Brighton now Bentleigh. Mr John Herron resided at 4 Vickery St Bentleigh until 1989. Sadly Martha Jones born 1888 died in 1890 and James Jones had to purchase a plot at Brighton General Cemetery for her burial. Baby Ethel May was interred in 1893 and then Mary Ann in 1903 and James in 1940. Their stillborn baby was buried in the Wesleyan public grave in 1900James Jones and Mary Ann Moore were born in Brighton c1857 and c 1859 into pioneer market gardener families in the area of the Dendy Special Survey of 1841. They married in 1883 and raised their family in East Brighton, now Bentleigh. Sadly infectious diseases took the lives of many infants throughout the Colony of Victoria due to the poor state of water supply and sewerage disposal and locally the swamps of the Elster Creek were a constant breeding ground. Martha Jones born 1888 died 1890 and was interred in Brighton General Cemetery in a family plot purchased by her father James Jones. In 1893 another daughter Ethel May died and was buried in the family plot. A stillborn baby was interred in the public grave of Brighton General Cemetery in May1900. Mary Ann Jones died at age 43years and was interred in January 19033 Original documents associated with the death of Mary Ann Jones 18th January 1903. 1) An original paper receipt No. 4797 for payment on 19th January 1903 by James Jones to Brighton General Cemetery of £1 . 1s for the burial of Mary Ann Jones in a plot 4 feet x 8 feet, in the Wesleyan section portion 199 compartment G. 2 ) An original part- section of Form of Notification of Death from The Alfred Hospital Prahran with personal particulars and burial details , signed by the Undertaker. 3) An original Mourning Card 1) BRIGHTON GENERAL CEMETERY / 4797 ( stamped) / 19th Jan. 1903 (hand written) / Received from “Mr James Jones”(hand written) / the sum of £1 . 1s being the following / charges in Wesleyan (hand written) / Portion No, 199 compt.G Name of / Deceased ‘Mary Ann Jones”(hand written) / For re-opening grave interment ‘third’ £1 . 1s./ signed by S. P. Simmonds Secretary. 2) ‘Brighton’ (written over Melbourne) GENERAL CEMETERY FORM OF… / No. of Order____ Date of… / PARTICULARS / Signature of Undertaker J H Lear On back of notice are guides to the questions 3) In Loving Remembrance of / Mary Ann Jones / Dearly Loved Wife of James Jones / Died January 18th 1903 / Aged 43 Years / Poem - “One Less at Home “ / DEEPLY REGRETTED / Art Engraving Company, Royal Arcade, Elizabeth Street, Melbourne * wesleyan church, brighton general cemetery, vaccination, pioneers, early settlers, typhoid, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, infectious diseases, water supply, elster creek, melbourne, orford g h, printers, southern cross office, “brighton leader” print, bay street brighton, jones ethel may, public grave brighton -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Container - Lidded sugar bowl
Robert Cochrane, 1843 - 1935, regarded as the "father" of Congregationalism in Victoria was chairman of directors of Brooks Ttnhinsnn Ptv.. Ltd.. and one of the leading personalities of the Congregational Union of Victoria. After having spent two years in Victoria as a member of Brooks Robinson Pty., Ltd., Mr. Cochrane returned to England in 1869. In 1883, he returned to Melbourne. On His return to Victoria he became interested in the work of the Congregational Church, and joined the Augustine Church, at Hawthorn in 1886; he was senior deacon when he died. For many years Mr. Cochrane was a senior member of the committee of the Congregational College of Victoria, and he took a leading part in the development of Congregationalism in this Victoria. Many benefited by his generosity and philanthropy, and his interest in the work of the church was combined with a generous assistance to child welfare organisations, including the Sunday School Union, the Kindergarten Union and the Boys Brigade. [Source: The Argus 4 Mar 1935, pg 8.]Silver plated brass double handle, lidded art nouveau-style sugar bowl with engraving on the front of the bowl."To Mr and Mrs Robert Cochrane A token of high esteem on the occasion of their Golden Wedding 1871 January 31st 1921 From the Firm of Henry Brooks & Company, with whom are associated two senior members from the London Staff Henry Aldridge and Walter Wiles"congregational union of victoria, brooks robinson pty ltd, melbourne chamber of commerce., robert cochrane 1843-1935 -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Artwork, other - Label, Cohns, Cohn Bros, c 1923
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. This label is associated with a non alcoholic larger originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Oval larger label. Multicoloured.6 o'clock / Lager / non- intoxicating / Brewed & Bottled by / Cohn Bros. / Victoria Brewery Co Ltd / Bendigo / Vict. Austmayor jacob cohn, bendigo art gallery, bendigo masonic lodge, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohns, cohn brothers -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Badge, Cohn Brothers, Cohns
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. Originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. This badge is just one example of branded items which would have been used to further promote the company. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Large metal badge Call for / Cohn / Cohnstantlymayor jacob cohn, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohn brothers, cohns -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Functional object - Ashtray, Cohn Brothers, Cohns
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. Originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. This ashtray is just one example of branded bar items which would have been supplied to hotels who served Cohns beverage to further promote the company. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Glass rectangle ashtray with shaped corners for resting cigarettes. Text printed in reverse in red ink on bottom of ashtray.Cohn Bros / C.B. / Soda Watermayor jacob cohn, bendigo art gallery, bendigo masonic lodge, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohn brothers, cohns -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Functional object - Drinks Tray, Cohns
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. Originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. This drinks tray is just one example of branded bar items which would have been supplied to hotels who served Cohns beverage to further promote the company. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Circular metal drinks tray. White tray with red rim and red 'Cohns Since 1857' logo and 'Quick to Quench' slogan printed in centre.'Quick to Quench' / Cohns / Since 1857mayor jacob cohn, bendigo art gallery, bendigo masonic lodge, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohns, cohn brothers -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Domestic object - Soda Syphon, Cohns
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. Originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. This drinks tray is just one example of branded bar items which would have been supplied to hotels who served Cohns beverage to further promote the company. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Clear glass bottle with iconic red and white Cohns label printed on front and back. Bottle has been rebranded and had an extra label stuck to one side for Z Cal Low Calorie Orange beverage. Screw cap is also related to Z Cal Orange drink.'Quick to Quench' / Cohns / Since 1857 Cohns / Z-Cal / Low Calorie / Orange mayor jacob cohn, bendigo art gallery, bendigo masonic lodge, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohns, cohn brothers -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Domestic object - Soft drink bottle, Cohns
Danish brothers, Moritz, Julius and Jacob Cohn arrived in Bendigo in 1853 and by 1856 started making cider and soft drinks, building a brewery 1880 to further extend their commercial enterprises and stock their hotels with their own brand of beer. Having sent Moritz's son, (also Julius) to Germany to learn to brew, the Cohn Brothers began to produce Excelsior Lager in 1882, which was traditionally served cold, the first time this had been done in Australia. Overtime the Cohn brothers expanded their operations adding cordials and in 1916 produced a non-alcoholic beer to satisfy the temperance activists. Originally named Tonic Ale but re-named 6 o’clock Lager after the temperance advocates succeeded in having pubs close at six o’clock. This drinks tray is just one example of branded bar items which would have been supplied to hotels who served Cohns beverage to further promote the company. Cohn Brothers built an empire of breweries, cordial factories, hotels and liquor stores and ice works. In 1925 they sold the hotels and breweries to Carlton & United but continued to make their other products until the 1970s when the company became part of the Coca Cola Amatil Group. Jacob Isaac Cohn was born in 1830 (died 1911) in Horsens Denmark and entered the Sandhurst Borough Council in 1863 where he served as a member for three years, returning again in 1887 to serve as Mayor of the City of Bendigo from 1888-1889. Jacob Cohn was a great supporter of the Mechanics Institute, the Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum. It is believed that through his connection with the Mechanics Institute he exhibited some loaned engravings from the Dresden Art Gallery which were then donated to the City of Bendigo, forming the nuclei of the Art Gallery's collection. Jacob Cohn held the position of President of the Art Gallery for 18 years.Clear glass bottle with iconic red and white Cohns label printed on front and back. Bottle has been rebranded and had an extra label stuck to one side for Z Cal Low Calorie Orange beverage. Screw cap is also related to Z Cal Orange drink.'Quick to Quench' / Cohns / Since 1857 Cohns / Z-Cal / Low Calorie / Orange mayor jacob cohn, bendigo art gallery, bendigo masonic lodge, making a nation, city of bendigo commerce, cohns, cohn brothers