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matching toolern toolern creek
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.H. Pollitt, An Historical Record of Melton, c1961
... Toolern Toolern Creek... Toolern Toolern Creek melton Keilor Station Melton WEir Melton ...Melton is a town in Victoria.Orange soft covered booklet of 64 pages. Includes sections on Aborigines, John Bull, exploration, survey, early settler, graves, Melton Roads Board, cemetery, common school, churches, agricultural society, rail, Melton weir, index of students enrolled at the Melton Common School in 1864.william dredge darke, samuel staughton, simon straughton, thomas henry pyke, djerriwarrh, charles williams, richard manning, william oldershaw, william yuille, benjamin porter, john ferris, captain moonlight, viaduct, pennyroyal creek, thomas pyke, toolern toolern creek, melton, keilor station, melton weir, melton common school, john bull, melton coursing cup, melton agricultural society -
Melton City Libraries
Map, Streets of Melton, 1963
... for the Toolern Toolam Creek PINKERTON Street Family name... name used for the Toolern Toolam Creek PINKERTON Street ...MELTON’S STREETS Heritage Week 2014 What’s in a Name? Alphabetical List Aboriginal place names, Early Family Names and landowners, Agricultural, Shop and Commercial premises, Places and Events Melton & District Historical Society Street Naming Project 1972 – c 1998 Suburb Name – KURUNJANG - Kirkton, 1972, Brookfield, West, 1988 Melton and Town Centre - A joint collaboration with the Shire of Melton and Subdivision Developers ARNOLD Court – Family house - Arnolds Creek ALKEMADE Drive Family – Lime kilns Coimadia ALEXANDRA Street 1902 – Corination of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra AVIATOR Place Event, location of plane crash – Jimmy Melrose 1936 Adina ?Annibee - Anniba? Agricultural Avon court .. .. BAKERY Square - Location of Jongebloed shop, bakehouse and stables BALUK Place Aboriginal BARLEYCORN Place Agricultural BILLING Place Name of Jimmy Melrose Uncle Noel Pemberton Billing BLACKWOOD Drive - Alexander Blackwood 1860c Registrar BARRIES Road C. E. Barrie “Darlingsford” farmer 1911, chaff mill owner BROOKLYN Road Staughton family residence. 1875 – Dismantled c 193? CAHILL Drive Family - Glenville Dairy CAMERON Court Family Canopus Place ? CANALLAN Drive Early Surveyor CAMPBELL Court Aviation – Melrose passenger 6th July 1936 CARBERRY Drive Michael, early landowner family CAREW Court Edward and Michael. Royal Hotel. Vera (Carew) Forran Singer - Opera CASEY Court Family CASHIN Court Family CHEVIOT Court Agriculture, breed of sheep CHESNEY Road was re named ( Minns Road being duplicated c 1973) CHRISTINA Crescent Christina McPherson, daughter of James and Mary Mary McPherson. Died 1955 aged 85 years COLLYER Close a deleted street (parallel to Yuille) re-used CORRIEDALE Road Breed of sheep CORR Court Teacher at first school, landowner CROXTON Court Name of the Hornbuckle and Knox family home DALEY Court - William Daley and family 1865 Bootmaker High Street DARLINGSFORD Boulevard - Name of early homestead Thomas B Darling 1853 DJERRIWARRH Court - Parish County of Bourke - very early map. DODEMAIDE Place Early land owners - Melton Football Team had 6 brothers playing c 1924 DONALD Court McPherson family 6 generations in Melton in 1936 DOUGAL Court DUNCAN Court .. .. DUNVEGAN Circuit Home of the McPherson family, castle Isle of Skye Name of bluestone house Smith Street (now at Willows) EMIL Court Jongebloed family EXELL Avenue Farming family Melton Sth- Closer Settlement 1907 EXFORD Road Exe former name of the Werribee river FARMER Court Name of early postmistress FERRIS Road John Ferris Farmer HANNAH Close First name of Hannah Watts – midwife HAYBALE Place Agricultural HELDER Court Early surveyor J Helder Wedge map HEWSON Street Winston Hewson Shire Engineer – check title c 1960 HENRY Street Township map c 1860 HESTON Street Heston Phoenix – C.J. Melrose plane HILDEGARDE Court Jimmy Melrose’s mothers name HOMESTEAD Close HORNBUCKLE Cres Farmers. Three members of family - Shire Presidents HURLEY Street Farmers IAIN Court Descendent of James and Mary McPherson JAMES MELROSE Drive Name appears on 2013 Melton information map JANG Place KURUN – jang KIRKTON Drive Name of the McPherson family home Toolern Vale Road KIRWIN Street Michael early landowners (deleted for freeway construction) KILPATRICKS Road Deleted when Barries Road was extended across Station Rd KOROROIT Court Early map, Parish of Kororoit. Creek name KNOX Circuit Family – Hornbuckle “Croxton Park” KURRUNJANG Drive Aboriginal name for people of the red earth – Suburb name Lara Place ? LLOYD Court Garage owners High Street. Laura lived to 100 years D 1955 LUBY Court John Luby – Crown Grant Land Title LITTLE Court MANNING Avenue Richard, hotel owner 1891 MARGARET Drive McPherson family McDONALD Street Melton South family name McKENZIE Street Township c1860 MORROW Street Early name MOWBRAY Crescent Name of English Melton, popularly believed origin of Melton MYERS Court Early setters c 1866 Crown Grant Land Title NIMMO Street Early name NIXON Street Name submitted by Mary nee Nixon Collins c1985 OLDERSHAW Road Early builder PALMERSTON Street Early township map c 1860 PEART Court Early name PENNYROYAL Avenue Plant growing by the creek. Early name used for the Toolern Toolam Creek PINKERTON Street Family name and early street map PINNACLE Crescent Agricultural - type of wheat PHOENIX Circuit C.J. Melrose Phoenix Heston Plane 2013 map PRATT Family PRIOR Court PYKE Place Brothers – early settlement 1838 RADFORD Court Land owners and business operators. Former Royal Hotel Grocer High Street demolished 1970 RAGLAN Court Hotel 19th century Lord Raglan RALEIGHS Road Oliver Reierson family (Norweigen) Shopkeeper – Dressmakers RIDDELL Drive (misspelt Riddle) Resident and land owner RODERICK Road McPherson family – a re occurring name ROLLAND Court Jones family ROSS Court Daniel. Landowner. Agnes Ross music teacher RUSSELL Court Robert. Early land surveyor of Melton 1853 RYAN Court Family early landowner. Member of the 1862 Road Board SHEBLER Place Augustus early Melton resident – Golden Fleece Hotel SHEEPFOLD Court Farming SHERWIN Court Sherwin Street earliest Township map– became Golf course SMITH Street Early township map. STRATHULLOH Circuit Strathtulloh Homestead. STAUGHTON Street Family – LARGE land owners Strachan ? SWANEY Court Marie Swaney earlier resident of Strathtulloh. SUTHERLAND Family name TOOLERN Street TOOLAM – TOOLERN Creek TULLIDGE St Road marked on 1861 map UNITT Street Early Township c 1860 WALLACE Square Cr Jack Wallace 5 terms as President 46 years unopposed WATTS Court Hannah Watts – midwife, cottage hospital WALSINGHAM Name of house of Minns family. From Walsingham Norfolk England WESTLEY Place Name of Jimmy Melrose Percival Gull Plane WESTLAKE Drive Early resident WHICKHAM Street Family Name Melton South WILSON Road Albert, Melton South YUILLE Street William Cross, early landowner, Rockbank run Zoomed in section of Melton Streets including Church and High Streetlandscapes of significance -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Hogg Family, 1/12/1918 12:00:00 AM
Of further importance is that William George Hogg served in the same unit as William Lionel Schwerkolt in the First World War in France. William Schwerkolt died on 9 November 1916 and the action and his death is recorded in George Hogg war diary.Black and white copy of Hogg Family taken on Christmas Day 1918 immediately after William Hogg's return from The Great War 1914-18 to the family Farm House, 'Rosebank', Toolern Vale via Melton. All are now buried in the Melton Cemetery.|George Cox a member of the W.H.S is Grandson of William George Cox.|Of importance is that William Hogg was in same unit as unit as William Lionel Schwerkolt in France.|Cross Ref: ND3736hogg, george, william george, tolhurst, elizabeth, catherine, thomas, ethel, elsie, jack, toolern vale, cox, schwerkolt, william, world war 1914 -1918 -
Melton City Libraries
Document, Darlingsford land title, 1863
... frontage to the TOOLERN CREEK... Thomas Bell Darling purchased 176 acres from the Toolern Creek ...Thomas Bell Darling purchased 176 acres from the Toolern Creek to Ferris Road. A house and bluestone barn/stables were built. The property was owned by Ralph Parkinson, followed by Richard Manning. SUMMARY – Darlingsford – Auction 1910 Darlingsford – Auction 1910 Melton Express October FRIDAY, October 28th At Three O’Clock At the RAGLAN HOTEL, MELTON SUBDIVISIONAL SALE of the DARLINGSFORD ESTATE, MELTON. Having a long frontage to the TOOLERN CREEK. In the Estate of the late RICHARD MANNING’ W. S. KEAST and L.A. FAIRBAIRN & CO., Auctioneers (in conjunction). Have received instructions from R.F. and J.L. Robertson, executors of Richard Manning deceased to offer by Public Auction, property almost adjoining Melton township, and having a frontage to the Toolern Creek, subdivided in to four lots as under:- Lot 1. – The homestead block containing 176 acres, being portion A, section 11, parish Kororoit together with the improvements, which consist of a 6-roomed stone house, milking shed, dairy, U.G. tank. Lot 2 – 177 acres 2 rood 23 perches, being Crown portion B of section 11 parish Kororoit. This block adjoins the homestead and is partly fenced. Lot 3 – 187 acres, Crown allotment C, section 11, parish Kororoit. adjoining the above lot. Lot 4 - 157 acres 1 rood 27 perches, being Crown allotment 9, section 12, parish of Kororoit. This block is only divided from the above lots by road, and adjoining Messrs. McVean and Gaitskill’s properties. This is one of the best known properties in the Melton district as a cultivation an grazing form, and its close proximity to the township makes it a very valuable, and portion of which could be cut into township blocks and should command a ready sale. For absolute sale. Terms- one fifth cash, one fifth in eight years, balance in 7 years with interest a the rate of 4 1/2 percent. Plan on application For further particulars apply W.S. KEAST, 610 Collins street, Melbourne; and L.A. FAIRBAIRN & Co., St James-buildings, Williams street, or at Bacchus Marsh; and as to the title, Dugdale and Creber, St. James-buildings, William Street Melbourne. Express November 5, 1910 On Friday last, Mr W.S. Keast and Messrs L.A. Fairbairn & Co., in conjunction, offered at the Raglan the Manning Estate known as Darlingsford, comprising of 700 acres, divided into four lots. Lot 4 was submitted first and passed in at L8 per acre. Lot 1 was then put up and went up to L13 per acre, at which it was also passed in. Lot 3 was next offered, and there being no bid was also passed in. Lot 2 was not offered. Express March 18, 1911 The Manning Estate of Darlingsford 600 acres was sold to Mr. Ernie for an undisclosed price. Note: Map KOROROIT COUNTY OF BOURKE Crown Grant Section 11 Portion A Thomas. B. Darling 176 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 1 Portion B A. Russell 170 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 2 Portion C Peter Inglis 176 . 0 . 0 acres on 29.3.1853 Lot 3 Section 12 Portion 3 P. Inglis 157 . 1 . 27 acres on 17.17.1863 Total 176 170 176 157. 1.27 679 . 1.27 acres November 5th 1910 On Friday night last Mr W S Keast and Messrs L A Fairbairn & Co, in conjunction offered at the Raglan Hotel the Manning Estate known as Darlingsford, comprising of 700 acres, divided into four Lots. Lot 4 was submitted first, and was passed in at L8.0.0. per acre. Lot 1 was then put up and went to L13.0.0. per acre at which it was passed in. Lot 3 was next offered, and then Lot 3 was next offered, and then being no bid was passed in. Lot 2 was not offered. October 22nd Notice of sale. 700 acres of splendid land close to the railway station. Divided onto 4 Lots 3 of which are maiden land and the whole of the acres is chocolate soil. No 1 Lot belonged to the late Mr Ralph Parkinson, and for years was liberally supplied with manure and crushed bones, and is capable of producing many crops.. The property being sold to wind up the Estate. Gisborne Gazette Friday December 17th 1911 Mr Sharp has sold his farm at the back of the township to Mr. E Barrie; price L15/10/ per acre. Agreement between Thomas Bell Darling and Ralph Parkinsonlocal identities -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Oral History Day, 1992
... . Mary: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern...: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern, then through ...Mary Tolhurst M&DHS - March 29th Dunvegan Willows Park Melton 1992 Ladies Oral History Day Graham Minns President Ray Radford MC Sound recording transfer to CD 2011 by Tom Wood Edited typescript by Wendy Barrie 2013 I was born in Rockbank, and when I was five years old moved to Toolern Vale and started and finished school there. Toolern Vale only consisted of the Store, Post Office and shop, where you could buy your fodder, and pollard supplies, the Hall, the little Church and the bluestone School. The School changed shape three times from the 1800s[1869] til the time I went there. There was four generations of my family that went there and it was destroyed by fire in 1965. Marjorie nee Myers Butler. Yes, I remember along with it your lovely Ronisch piano. Mary, quite true! Marj what you say about the Ronisch piano. When I came the age to learn music my mum and dad couldn’t really afford it, but still what parents do for their children. They had Marj go along with them and pick this lovely Ronisch piano. It was known round the district. Everyone commented about the loss that lovely piano. After leaving school it was war time, 1939, then it was work, When I was 7 year old I was put out into the cow yard. In 1940 when the soldiers were going away our milk was confiscated it had to go to Bacchus Marsh. It used to go the Sunbury to be brine cooled and then go to Melbourne. Then they took it then to the Lifeguard Milk Factory at Bacchus Marsh. It had to go as condensed milk to the soldiers. This year is 50 years of the Land Army. I was an unofficial Land Army but they still kept check on me. I went onto married life and I followed the cows right through [howls of laughter] and we went on until the 1965 fire. That’s when we got out of the cows. Marjorie asks, was Granny Watts your grandmother or great grandmother? Mary: She was my great grandmother, the midwife of Melton. The 1965 fire started ¾ of a mile above our place, Frank Ryan’s sheds were burnt and his house was saved, then it wiped the School out, the Hall, the Church the Post Office and Store and little house that was Charlie Charlton’s in the early days. Mrs Wilson’s place was saved by the Fire Brigade by pulling boards off the side, and from there it went over the hill and it was stopped at the Rockbank Railway Station. If it had of got over the railway they said it would have gone into Werribee. A lot was burnt out in that strip. Mary nee Nixon Collins: 18 houses burnt that day. Audience question, did Melton get burnt that day? Ray: No. It came down through the Toolern Vale road and cut across about a mile and a half from the cross roads at Toolern Vale from north westerly to the south east and cut through over the Keilor road. Mary: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern, then through Jim Minns. Dorothy was it your place then [nee Knox Beaty] to Ken Beatty’s and from there it went through to Doug McIntosh’s and to Cockbills and the wind changed and it came across to the railway line, and that is where they stopped it. [the cause of the fire was controversial, they had been burning off the night before and there was some talk of someone starting it. It was very hot and very strong wind, it was a terrible day] Ray: When the fire went through McIntosh’s they had a haystack on the north side of their house and the haystack got caught and the fire burnt a hole through the side of the house and the boys pyjamas on the bed. The house was saved. It came through like and express train roaring at you, I was at McIntosh’s when it went roaring past. You couldn’t see, dust and ash and tremendous heat. The fire started about 12 o’clock Jack [husband] said to me, fire, I said where, where? Just up the road, what have I got to do? and he went out and he had gone to the fire and left me. I tried to get the animals and I put out buckets of water, putting the buckets of water out saved my life. Chas Jones and another friend of his came in and they picked up the buckets of water, I thought I had better get out because the fire was on the haystack up the paddock and when I went to go out through the north side of the house and couldn’t get out, I’ll go through the front gate so I went around the other side of the house. I got caught there and Chassy Jones and his friend came round carrying the bucket of water and I panicked. He threw the bucket of water over me. Well that is what saved my life because I was damp, whenever we tried to leave the ball of fire came over me and over my shoulder and my hair was scorched. Chassy Jones lost his truck and Keith Watt his big truck because he had the water tank on it and they couldn’t get out of the yard. Granny Watt’s house, the first private hospital had condemned and Jack and I pulled it down and had it moved up to Toolern and had it in the yard a fortnight and it was all burnt and we didn’t get the shed we wanted. Every 13 years right up until Ash Wednesday fires, there has always been fire close at hand. The 1952 fire went down the back of the house, the 1965 fire took the house, and the house that I live in now, it is the third house that has been on that spot. When the Hunters owned it, Mrs Hunter was nearly burnt in her bed. They had a 13 roomed house. In 1924 the house burnt down, and there was another house was built there and that was the one that burnt down. Edna: So Mary built a brick veneer house. Marjorie: like the three little pigs [laughter] Collins - Mary M &DHS - March 29th 1992 Ladies oral history day at Dunvegan, Willows Park Melton. Graham Minns President Ray Radford MC Sound recording transferred to CD 2011 Edited typescript by Wendy Barrie 2013 Mary Collins nee Nixon born in Terang 1907 down in the Western District and we shifted to Melton when I was 5 and a half then I started school here in Melton, and spent all my school life at Melton State School, next to the Church of England, it’s called the Primary School now. I got my Qualifying and Merit Certificate then I left School because there wasn’t a High School. When I was 16 I got and job in the Melton Post Office and I worked there, I was the first girl in Melton to deliver the mail, and worked on the telephone and the Bank business. Mrs Ross and myself behind the counter, there were about 500 – 600 people in the Shire at that time and now when I go into the new Post Office there is 36,000 here there’s still 2 people behind the counter [laughter from the audience] and wait in a queue right out to the door. Times haven’t changed much have they! There was a manual telephone and you had to ring the handle, and there were eight subscribers when I went there and when I left there were 46 I had coaxed that number to join the telephone, even the police station didn’t have the phone on. The two Hotels and the two Chaff mills and Mr Ernie Barrie, Parkers the butcher, the Shire Office was No 8, and the Police house was next to the Courthouse on the corner. They were number 9. I can remember a lot of the numbers still. The Post Office was the Agency for the Commonwealth Bank [comment from audience member] I used to do the Bank business too, I left after four years there, mother wasn’t very well. The Inspector who used to come up to the Post Office asked me if I would take up casual Post Mistress and to go around the different districts but I refused and when Mrs Ross’s holidays were due I was the replacement. I wasn’t 21. I loved my work meeting everybody and most people had horse and jinkers and when the elderly would come in there would be Mr Tom Morrow, he only had one arm and Mrs Dunn came from Bulman’s road in their horse and jinker. They were elderly I would see them pull up out the front and quickly get their mail and run out to them because they didn’t have to get out of the jinker to tie up their horse. If someone had a baby in arms I would tear out and hold the baby while they got down. Mrs Ross was very very strict. I had to sweep the Post Office, she had a couple of mats and there would be a threepence or a sixpence under the mats show she knew whether I lifted the mat, I was whether I was honest or not. Graham: How much were your wages? I got 27/7 pence a week for a 52 hour week. I had to work every holiday except Good Friday and Christmas Day and even when it was Monday holiday I always had to go to work from 9am - !0 am, the Post Office was always open. In the winter I had to wait until twenty past six in case there were any telegrams to deliver. I delivered them on a push bike. One time Tom Barrie told me this years afterwards. I used to go home for lunch. We lived on the Keilor road and I used to ride my bike home. On the hot days the boys used to go and swim in the swimming pool down near a turn in the creek there was a hole where the boys would swim in the nude, they didn’t have any bathers and they didn’t have any watches in those days. Tom Barrie said they always used to watched for me as I was always about 3 minutes past 1, my lunch hour was from 1-2. One particular day they missed seeing me and swam on, and of course they were all late for school when they got back and were all kept in a night. I did get a fortnight holiday. I loved my work and I knew everyone in the district right from Toolern Vale to the Marsh and everybody at Melton South. Did you listen into conversations on the Switchboard? Oh no. [laughter] Melton did not have electricity then. I had to fill the lamps everyday with kerosene. The Staughton Memorial was outside the Post Office. It had four posts with the chain looped around it, and that’s where the people used to tie up their horses. Marjorie nee Myers Butler comments about sitting and swinging on the chains. Mr Fred Coburn lit the acetylene gas light in the Memorial. It was the only streetlight in Melton. There was no electricity until 1939. Ray Radford comments about another gas street light which was on the corner of Station road. [later] Mary passes around her school photos. Mary mentions the names of those who have passed away, Maisie McDonald, ,Marian Wraith, Hilda McCreey, and Valda McDonald. I have written the names on the back. Marjorie comments about Marie Jongebloed and Greta are the only two girls left out of big family of ten I think there were [hesitates] 4 or 5 girls and the rest were boys. Mary. Flora Woodley, Dorrie Flynn and Margaret McDonald are still alive. They are my age we were all born about 1907. Marjorie points out herself in a later photo [1921 and 1922 School ] Mary mentions the name Walsh and identyfies following names, the Parker boys, Ken Beaty, Malc and Linda Cameron, Maisie Mc Donald, Ted Radford, George Nixon, Norman Minns, he was later the Shire Secretary of Werribee. One of the Woodley girls. [Maisie Arthur] Marjorie: Rosie Shearwood, June Whiting Mary. Lily Mc Donald, she has passed away. Isabel Harrison nee Tinkler, she lives at Werribee, Doreen Rogers, Marjorie Walker, Jess McIntosh, Mary Gillespie. Mr Malone was the Junior teacher Mr Roe and Miss Cooke. Fred Myers, my sister [Elizabeth] and the year was 1921. Myers (Barrie) School Photo Collection. Many of the names were identified at the 1970 Centenary of Melton State School No. 430. Edna Barrie organised, compiled and typed the lists to accompany these photos for the year 1921. The 1922 photo shows the higher grades. Ladies Oral History Day event held by Melton and District Historical Society, article featured in the Telegraphlocal identities, local special interest groups -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, 'Call for new members or society maybe be history, 2003
... . Mary: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern...: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern, then through ...Mary Tolhurst M&DHS - March 29th Dunvegan Willows Park Melton 1992 Ladies Oral History Day Graham Minns President Ray Radford MC Sound recording transfer to CD 2011 by Tom Wood Edited typescript by Wendy Barrie 2013 I was born in Rockbank, and when I was five years old moved to Toolern Vale and started and finished school there. Toolern Vale only consisted of the Store, Post Office and shop, where you could buy your fodder, and pollard supplies, the Hall, the little Church and the bluestone School. The School changed shape three times from the 1800s[1869] til the time I went there. There was four generations of my family that went there and it was destroyed by fire in 1965. Marjorie nee Myers Butler. Yes, I remember along with it your lovely Ronisch piano. Mary, quite true! Marj what you say about the Ronisch piano. When I came the age to learn music my mum and dad couldn’t really afford it, but still what parents do for their children. They had Marj go along with them and pick this lovely Ronisch piano. It was known round the district. Everyone commented about the loss that lovely piano. After leaving school it was war time, 1939, then it was work, When I was 7 year old I was put out into the cow yard. In 1940 when the soldiers were going away our milk was confiscated it had to go to Bacchus Marsh. It used to go the Sunbury to be brine cooled and then go to Melbourne. Then they took it then to the Lifeguard Milk Factory at Bacchus Marsh. It had to go as condensed milk to the soldiers. This year is 50 years of the Land Army. I was an unofficial Land Army but they still kept check on me. I went onto married life and I followed the cows right through [howls of laughter] and we went on until the 1965 fire. That’s when we got out of the cows. Marjorie asks, was Granny Watts your grandmother or great grandmother? Mary: She was my great grandmother, the midwife of Melton. The 1965 fire started ¾ of a mile above our place, Frank Ryan’s sheds were burnt and his house was saved, then it wiped the School out, the Hall, the Church the Post Office and Store and little house that was Charlie Charlton’s in the early days. Mrs Wilson’s place was saved by the Fire Brigade by pulling boards off the side, and from there it went over the hill and it was stopped at the Rockbank Railway Station. If it had of got over the railway they said it would have gone into Werribee. A lot was burnt out in that strip. Mary nee Nixon Collins: 18 houses burnt that day. Audience question, did Melton get burnt that day? Ray: No. It came down through the Toolern Vale road and cut across about a mile and a half from the cross roads at Toolern Vale from north westerly to the south east and cut through over the Keilor road. Mary: It came in across the creek at Funstons in Toolern, then through Jim Minns. Dorothy was it your place then [nee Knox Beaty] to Ken Beatty’s and from there it went through to Doug McIntosh’s and to Cockbills and the wind changed and it came across to the railway line, and that is where they stopped it. [the cause of the fire was controversial, they had been burning off the night before and there was some talk of someone starting it. It was very hot and very strong wind, it was a terrible day] Ray: When the fire went through McIntosh’s they had a haystack on the north side of their house and the haystack got caught and the fire burnt a hole through the side of the house and the boys pyjamas on the bed. The house was saved. It came through like and express train roaring at you, I was at McIntosh’s when it went roaring past. You couldn’t see, dust and ash and tremendous heat. The fire started about 12 o’clock Jack [husband] said to me, fire, I said where, where? Just up the road, what have I got to do? and he went out and he had gone to the fire and left me. I tried to get the animals and I put out buckets of water, putting the buckets of water out saved my life. Chas Jones and another friend of his came in and they picked up the buckets of water, I thought I had better get out because the fire was on the haystack up the paddock and when I went to go out through the north side of the house and couldn’t get out, I’ll go through the front gate so I went around the other side of the house. I got caught there and Chassy Jones and his friend came round carrying the bucket of water and I panicked. He threw the bucket of water over me. Well that is what saved my life because I was damp, whenever we tried to leave the ball of fire came over me and over my shoulder and my hair was scorched. Chassy Jones lost his truck and Keith Watt his big truck because he had the water tank on it and they couldn’t get out of the yard. Granny Watt’s house, the first private hospital had condemned and Jack and I pulled it down and had it moved up to Toolern and had it in the yard a fortnight and it was all burnt and we didn’t get the shed we wanted. Every 13 years right up until Ash Wednesday fires, there has always been fire close at hand. The 1952 fire went down the back of the house, the 1965 fire took the house, and the house that I live in now, it is the third house that has been on that spot. When the Hunters owned it, Mrs Hunter was nearly burnt in her bed. They had a 13 roomed house. In 1924 the house burnt down, and there was another house was built there and that was the one that burnt down. Edna: So Mary built a brick veneer house. Marjorie: like the three little pigs [laughter] Mary Tolhurst member of the Melton & District Historical Society in the Melton and Moorabool Leader local identities, local special interest groups -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Special Melton People, 1971
... on the corner of Yuille and Sherwin streets, near Toolern Vale Creek... on the corner of Yuille and Sherwin streets, near Toolern Vale Creek ..."Hannah ‘Grannie’ Wattsis one of Melton’s mostcelebrated and cherished pioneers. Born in Ireland in 1831, Hannah immigrated to Australia with her husband George Byrns in 1854. Moving to Melton, they built a wattle and daub hut home where they lived with their four children until George was tragically killed in 1860. Unusually for the time, Hannah purchased land in her own name in the Melton township in 1863. Later that same year she married William Watts and together they moved to Toolern Vale and built a bluestone and mud brick home. It is believed that while travelling to Australia, Hannah assisted the ship surgeon and demonstrated a natural aptitude for the tasks assigned to her. When she was living in Melton she assisted other women in an unofficial capacity as neighbourhood midwife, while also working on her farm and raising her six children. By 1887, however, her reputation as a midwife had grown to such an extent that she was able to establish her own practice. William Watts died in 1874, but Hannah remained in Toolern Vale for the next twenty years. In 1894, she moved into the Melton township and built Lynch Cottage on the corner of Yuille and Sherwin streets, near Toolern Vale Creek. There she assisted in the births of hundreds of Melton residents, as well as the laying out of the deceased. Meticulous in her record keeping, Hannah Watts recorded the details of a total of 442 births between the years 1886 and 1921. Lynch Cottage was officially registered as a private hospital in 1911 and Hannah was listed in the Victorian Register of Midwives in 1917. Hannah Watts died on 21 October 1921, a few months after she assisted with the delivery of her final baby, Thomas Watts Minns. She was 90 years old. Hannah was buried in Melton Cemetery and mourned by the Melton community. Her obituary in the Gisborne Gazette is a testament to how beloved she was by the people she served: ... while in the absence of medical aid residents looked to Grannie as their doctor, philosopher and friend. Hundreds, in fact we might say thousands of people held the deceased in veneration ... A woman of great energy and determination combined with superior intelligence, Grannie conquered difficulties that would have made many falter... Today Grannie Watts is remembered by her descendants and by many locals in the City of Melton. Created in 1985, Hannah Watts Park honours Grannie Watts’ pioneering work for the health and wellbeing of hundreds of Meltonians. Not only is the park a fitting tribute to the memory of an outstanding citizen, it also continues to provide today’s residents and visitors with a space to walk, relax, gather and celebrate in Melton" .Tom Minns holding Debra Wain, first hospital baby to be born In Melton since 1921. Article featured in the Herald. Mother Rhonda Wain is featured in the photo too. local identities, local significant events -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Wendy Barrie, Unknown
... . The Nixon family lived in Keilor Road just past the Toolern Creek... lived in Keilor Road just past the Toolern Creek near ...Eldest daughter of Edna and Bon Barrie, born on 03 November 1943 in Melbourne, Victoria, Memoirs of Wendy Barrie, recalling the early formative years of life in Melton: In 1949 I started school at Melton State School no 430 and was driven the 2½ miles to there by my parents at first. Later we walked home in the afternoons or were picked up by car as we made our way home along the Western Highway. In 1956 I went to Bacchus Marsh High School. There were 4 students in grade 6 and 3 of us went to the High School. The students from Melton, Melton South and Toolern Vale State Schools went by bus to Bacchus Marsh High School as far a fifth form. My parents drove me to the pick up point and during the five years of travel to High School. The bus travelled via Toolern Vale and later went through Exford and through Parwan. On the return journey in the afternoon the bus went in the reverse direction. The bridge at Exford was an old narrow wooden one, and the students had to get off the bus and walk across, with the driver crossing in the empty bus for safety reasons. There was a travelling allowance paid to parents and it was estimated from the distance the crow flies, a straight line. We lived a Ferris Lane, just where the Harness Racing entrance is now situated about 2 ½ miles by road to school too close to qualify for the subsidy. While at State School Melton we would walk home in a group with the Nixon and Gillespie children, along the main road over the bridge near the Shire Offices and down a hill. I was being dinked on Joyce Gillespie’s bike while holding onto the seat, toppled off the bike striking my chin and teeth on the bitumen and cracking my jaw. I was about 9 years old and stayed a couple of days in the Quamby Hospital in Bacchus Marsh, it seemed like and eternity at the time and quite traumatic being separated from my family. I can remember contemplating how I could get out of the window and run away but realised it was too far to walk home. Often we would cut across the Common on our way home from school picking up stray golf balls and collecting them from the creek when it dried out. We were warned about not accepting lifts from strangers passing along the Melbourne/ Ballarat Road. The only danger we faced was being swooped by the magpies particularly on the open ground on the Common. We were also fairly cautious when the Gypsies camped on the Common in the area just about opposite the small reservoir. “Mum” grandma Myers loved to have us call in on our way home, and usually would cut a slice of Jongebloed’s bread and spread it with home made butter. Sometimes we waited there until we were collected by car, usually driven by our mother. Margaret Nixon and Joyce Gillespie were a few grades ahead of me and Barbara Nixon was born just two months earlier than me. Our mothers were great friends for over 6o years, born in the same month three years apart. They lived within a few days of the same age as each other at the time their deaths. Dad and George Nixon attended Melton school at the same time. Sarah nee Hornbuckle Nixon and my grandfather Frederick Myers Snr were at school together at the same in the 1880s. The Nixon family lived in Keilor Road just past the Toolern Creek near the turnoff. Tom and Ann Collins lived on the southern side of the Western highway and Keilor road intersection. Jim and Ruby Gillespie’s house was further long Keilor road on the right. They backed onto the Myers who lived on the north side of Western Highway east of Myers Gully (Ryans Creek). The Bridge over the Toolern Creek as very narrow and as truck traffic increased there were accidents. One truck took out the side railing and plunged upside down into the bank and into the shallow water. Another fatal accident happened between a car and a truck right in front of the Myers house. Grandfather Fred had been a bike rider all his life, as far as the Riverina in his younger years, wryly made the comment about the drivers the speeding along the Ballarat Road were setting out to kill themselves. The road was busy particularly after the Races at Ballarat when the crowds were hurrying home to Melbourne. Train travel had changed very little from the time my mothers generation to mine. The timetable meant the usual rush to Melton South by bike in her case and if she was running late the train pulled up on the crossing. I was driven to the Station from home past Keith and Mary Gillespie’s house near the Ferris Road rail crossing to Bridge road to Melton South for the 7.32 train. While attending Sunshine High School in 1961 I would meet up with three other students, two of whom I knew from Bacchus Marsh High School days. We usually got into the same compartment on the train, it was a typical country train with a corridor along the side and compartments with a door, roof racks and sometimes heated metal containers for the feet in the winter. Some of the trains came through from Horsham and Ballarat, and the Overland from Adelaide passed through in the evening, we could hear it in the distance from the Ferris Lane home. The carriages had 1st and economy class compartments showing photographs of county scenes and holiday destinations. The engine was the large A class diesel. They are still running to Bacchus Marsh 50 years later, due to the need for the greatly increased number of commuters travelling to work in the city. Sometimes the carriages were pull by a Steam engine, these were a problem in the summer time because the sparks caused fires along the train lines and then quickly spread into the dry grass, crops and stubble. The Motor Train left Spencer Street at 4.23 pm and was the best train for me to catch. Ferris Road was a designated stop and train pulled up on the road crossing. It had steps at the door and rungs to hold while alighting to the ground. The ballast along the tracks was rough and uneven and awkward to land on. The train was painted blue and yellow with the letters VR pained on the front. This saved may parents the afternoon trip to collect me from the Station. On the walk home on the gravel road I would pass Uncle Tom and Aunty May’s house before reaching home. Melva Gillespie was studying at Sunshine Technical School and we sometimes both got off the train at the same time. On other occasions the Motor Train was replaced with a diesel engine with carriages, it was also required to stop and the driver had to be notified in advance. This meant getting into the guards van a Rockbank. It was more difficult alighting from the carriage as the gap was greater and more precarious to swing out and land on the ground. A few times in my last year of study at Melbourne Teachers College in Grattan Street Carlton. I managed to catch the 2.30 pm train to Serviceton, it was express to Melton and was very quick trip. The last train, was the 5.25 pm diesel to Ballarat and I usually caught this train to Melton South Station. On one occasion after being held up on the tram in Bourke street I had to make a mad dash to the platform chasing the train as it was just moving off and yelling to the guard, fortunately I was noticed and the train ground to halt. I scrambled into the end door and took most of the journey home to recover. After the last year at High School I continued to travel on the train, 2 years to Prahran Technical School changing at North Melbourne. There were a lot school children travelling to private schools and some at the primary level and mainly from Bacchus Marsh. Rockbank children also travelled by train from the beginning of their high school years, quite a few went to Sunshine High School. During my third year of teacher training I travelled to Flinders Street to RMIT for ceramics classes and Grattan St Teachers College located in the grounds of Melbourne University. There were many teachers being trained at the Secondary Teachers College due to the baby bulge creating a great shortage of teachers. Sunshine High School was very well represented amongst the different courses in Primary, Secondary and Art and Crafts. I attended Melbourne University lectures, studying a Fine Art subject. Bernard Smith was the most notable of the lecturers. he replaced Professor Joseph Bourke who had taken leave for the years. In 1962 he published the art book “Australian Painting”. The secondary art and craft student teachers from the College were in the majority, taking this subject and were well regarded due to their practical art and craft methods and their teaching round experience. In December 1964 I graduated as a Trained Secondary Teacher – Art and Crafts. The graduating ceremony was held at Wilson Hall. I received my appointment to work at Maryborough High School. Uncle Max and Aunty Rosemary Myers arranged my accommodation. Uncle Max was a teacher at the Maryborough Technical School fat the time. The appointment was suddenly changed when just before the school year was about to start when I received notification that I was now required to move to Warracknabeal High School. I was subject to a bond for the three years of training and three years of teaching and was under an obligation to comply with the directive of the Education Department. My father stood as guarantor when I was accepted as student at the Melbourne Teachers’ College, thus enabling me to receive my teacher training, and a 5 pounds a week allowance for expenses. After teaching for two years at Warracknabeal High School I was fortunate enough the gain a transfer to Sunshine West High School, returning to live at home in Melton and travelling by car to work with a fellow colleague, Jock Smith who lived at Station road Melton. I completed bond obligation and resigned at the end of the year. The employment regulations at that time did not allow the option of leave of absence for, indefinite overseas travel. I returned to Australia in October 1969. Visiting Arthur Hart the Principal of Sunshine High School he arranged with the Education Department for my re-employment at Sunshine High School until the end of the year. In 1970 I was transferred, and returned to Sunshine West High School where I worked for the next three years. In January 1968 I sailed on the “Oriana” to South Hampton with two teaching friends from Warracknabeal High School on a travelling and working holiday. Doreen Kiely, a former Bacchus Marsh High student and fellow train traveller from Bacchus Marsh, was already working in London, had arranged our accommodation at the London Travellers Club Hotel, Braham Gardens, Earls Court SW5. We based our stay at this address in London and travelled around Scotland, Ireland and England. In the summer we took a four month trip around the Continent and the Mediterranean. I registered with The Royal Borough Of Kingston Upon Thames as a Supply teacher, and worked at Chessington School form autumn to spring the following year and living with Mrs Rose Gillies at Kinross Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey. In the spring of 1969 visiting Norway, Sweden and Finland joining an organised camping group to the Artic Circle, entered Russia at Leningrad (St Petersburg) Moscow, Minsk, to Poland and Czechoslovakia. In August returning to Worcester Park for the flight to Montreal to stay with cousin Lynette and husband Jurgen. A side trip was taken to Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York. The flight home from Montreal to Melbourne took 52 hours. A ½ day break in Vancouver before boarding the Qantas boeing 707 via San Francisco, Honolulu, Fiji, Sydney to Melbourne. Around the world in 21 months. Photographs of Wendy local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Wendy, Bon and Peter Barrie, c.1948
... to the original Homestead at the Toolern Creek. ... Sections of the property from the Ferris Rd to the Toolern Creek ...Sections of the property from the Ferris Rd to the Toolern Creek were compulsorily acquired for the construction of the Melton By Pass road to become the Western Freeway. The freeway plan divided the original 1911“Darlingsford” farm. The section of the Ferris Rd 70-acre paddock belonging to Bon became the Freeway and roundabout. The construction to the west passed over the paddocks and the internal track along the fences connecting the Barrie brothers to the original Homestead at the Toolern Creek. Wendy, Bon and Peter Barrie entering Ferris Road from houselocal identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Old Gum Toolern Creek, Unknown
... Old Gum Toolern Creek ...Old Gum Toolern Creek from North side, Main Road. ... Landscapes of significance Old Gum Toolern Creek from North side ...Old Gum Toolern Creek from North side, Main Road. landscapes of significance -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Flood at Toolern Creek, Unknown
... Flood at Toolern Creek...Photos of a flood at Toolern Creek... Landscapes of significance Photos of a flood at Toolern Creek Flood ...Photos of a flood at Toolern Creeklandscapes of significance