Showing 7 items
matching tram 783
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Series of 40 colour prints, Brendon Carter, 1986
... tram 783... tram 547 tram 441 tram 1275 tram 730 tram 456 tram 783 tram 650 ...Set of fourty colour prints by Brendon Carter 1 - W2 444, Elgin St Carlton - Transporting Art - 15-10-1986 2 - W2 607. Grantham St West Brunswick - 17-10-1986 3 - W2 453 and W6 976 - Swanston St - 17-10-1986 4 - W2 453 ditto 5 - ditto, turning into Victoria St 6 - SW5 619 and W2 453 - Victoria and Swanston Sts 7 - W2 471 Swanston St 8 - W2 478 Swanston St 9 - W2 478 Swanston St 10 - W2 431 in Collins at Swanston St 11 - ditto 12 - W7s 1033, 1030, W2 243 and W6 972 Gisborne and Victoria Streets 13 - W2 436 - ditto 14 - SW2 432 and SW5 782 St Kilda Road 15 - W2 605 ditto 16 - W2 629 La Trobe St 17 - W2 629 and 644 La Trobe St 18 - W2 647 La Trobe St 19 - W2 547 Swanston St 20 - W2 441 - William and La Trobe Sts 21 - W2 1275 - corner of Park St and Domain Road 22 - W2 478 and SW5 730 - Swanston St at Flinders St. 23 - SW5 730 and W2 644 - ditto - 31-10-1986 24 - W2 547 at Flinders St Station - 31-10-1986 25 - W2 456 Swanston St - 14-11-1986 26 - W2 456 Domain & Park - 14-11-1986 27 - W2 456 ditto 28 - W2 458 and SW5 783 - William St - 14-11-1986 29 - W2 650 - West Preston terminus - 21-11-1986 30 - ditto - Gilbert Road 31 - ditto 32 - W2 431 - St Georges Road 33 - W2 431 - Miller St by Preston workshops 34 - ditto 35 - Miller St - the hump 36 - W2 646 at Preston Depot 37 - W2 646 at Dundas St at the start of the hump 38 - ditto on top with bridge works underway. 39 - W2 426 Hawthorn Bridge 40 - SW2 478 and SW5 833 - Camberwell terminus.Yields information about Melbourne Trams in 1986 when many W2s were still running.Album - 10 heavy card sheets with plastic sheets over each, white plastic ring bound, covered with a large photograph of Alf Twentyman's cable cars at Northcote. (see item 3086 for original unused version), with 40 colour prints, two per page and a listing or index of each print.Each print separately listed.swanston st, elgin st, grantham st, collins st, st kilda road, latrobe st, william st, gisborne, victoria st, domain road, st georges road, gilbert road, west preston, miller st, dundas st, hawthorn bridge, camberwell, w2 class, tram 444, tram 607, tram 453, tram 976, tram 619, tram 471, tram 478, tram 431, tram 1033, tram 1030, tram 243, tram 972, tram 436, tram 432, tram 782, tram 605, tram 629, tram 644, tram 647, tram 547, tram 441, tram 1275, tram 730, tram 456, tram 783, tram 650, tram 646, tram 426, tram 833 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 2, Keith Caldwell, 15/03/1962 12:00:00 AM
... tram 783... Reserved Track River St Wests Rd W5 class tram 53 tram 783 Set ...Set of two Agfa Colour slides, cardboard mounts, by Keith Caldwell dated 15 March 1962 of: .1 - VR class 53, route 82 to Moonee Ponds in the section that ran parallel to Wests Road Maribyrnong after turning from Williamson Road. .2 - W5 783, River St with White Horse Whiskey and a BOAC advertisements.trams, tramways, route 82, vr class tramcars, footscray, moonee ponds, reserved track, river st, wests rd, w5 class, tram 53, tram 783 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Memorabilia - Exhibition Material, Warren Doubleday, "Law & Order on the Trams", 3/05/1998 12:00:00 AM
Twelve (12) caption or label cards used in the Museum's exhibition entitled "Law & Order on the Trams". Printed onto graduated colour paper (Geo Paper - Geo Blue) and printed with a HP6P printer. Glued onto heavy card. Each has 2 Velcro dots on rear, except No. 11, which has 4. 778.1 - accident in Drummond St. north - June 1970, see item -709 778.2 - powerhouse with ESCo tram outside, see item -698 778.3 - last tram ex Sebastopol - G. Triplett photo - see item - 579 778.4 - Hijack article ex Courier - see item -710 778.5 - ESCo crew - see item 707 778.6 - Lydiard St. opening - George Netherway photo - see item -598 778.7 - Photo of ESCo crew by Grenville St. shelter - Z.Dann donated photo - see item 505 778.8 - Group photo of ESCo employees - see item 708 778.9 - Employees register extract - see item 782 778.10 - Copy of By Laws - see item 783 and 784 778.11 - Horse tram photo with three horses - Harris House of Photography - see item 699 778.12 - Photo of Royal Mail Hotel and tram - Chris Phillips Photo - see item 354 trams, tramways, law and order, exhibitions, employees, police -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Poster - Glass, Poster, Ballaarat Tramway Co. Ltd, 1889
Sheet of glass, cut to a shape, with the Ballaarat Tramway Co. By-laws - original copy, adhered to the one surface of the glass. See also item 783 or details of the By-Laws. proclaimed by the City of Ballaarat April 6?1889 and gazetted April 5 1889. Has 25 different by-laws. See item No. 1 for details of horse tram. Sheet of glass with the by-laws was found in one corner of the horse tram No. 1 when recovered. Sheet of glass was cracked in two locations and the paper of the by-laws has adhered to the glass. There is also a section of glass missing in the top right hand corner of the glass. When salvaged, placed onto a sheet of cardboard and lengths of sticky tape run across the glass and the cracks in the glass to keep it on the cardboard. Since removed from the cardboard and placed on sheets of acid - free board. Handle with care. Not to been used in an exhibition until full conservation treatment carried out.trams, tramways, law and order, by laws, horse trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Changing the Location of the Essendon Airport terminus, Ron Scholten, 7-10-1976
The original line to the Essendon Aerodrome was constructed in 1943 to serve the airport and aircraft construction. It was funded by the Commonwealth Government. By 1976, patronage to the airport terminus in Vaughan St had dropped, the crossing of the highway to the Tullamarine Airport opened in 1970, was dangerous, and the highway needed to be widened. The new terminus was a short distance to the north between Mathews Ave and the Highway. This series of photographs show the operation of a tram service during the changeover. Trams ran from the Niddrie crossover near Keilor Road to a temporary terminus just short of the worksite, with cars running "bang" road or the wrong way for one trip along either line. This would have been controlled by an Inspector at the Niddrie end. The work was done over a 7-hour period, including changing the overhead over. Work would have been completed after the changeover period. .1 - W5 800 at “temporary” Essendon Airport terminus, Cnr Mathews Ave, Vaughan St. after running “bang” road or the wrong way to this point from the Niddrie or Keilor Road crossover. Curves have been removed.. Has an Inspector chatting to a man with a hat standing alongside the tram. The shelter has a City of Keilor logo on it. .2 - W5 684, taken from the overbridge at the TAA stop - during the changeover of the tracks. Tram running “bang” road from Niddrie to the temporary terminus. .3 - SW5 787, temporary terminus in Mathews Ave, about to return to Niddrie as an “up” car on the “down” line. .4 - MMTB Track gang commissioning and placing rails at the new terminus with scrubber 10 waiting. Overhead in position with overhead for the curves partly removed. Mobile Crane on the left-hand side moving a formwork piece into position .5 - 10W cleaning new track at the new terminus. .6 - Rail Scrubber 10W at work cleaning head of rails where new concrete section. Has a TAA bus on the right side. .7 - W5 783 is about to be the first passenger tram to the terminus, at 3.50 pm About 20 workmen are completing the inbound or up track. .8 - W5 783 about to be the first passenger tram to the terminus, at 3.50 pm About 20 workmen are completing the inbound or up track.Yields information about the last day of the operation of the original Essendon Airport tram line and the works done for the new terminus.Set of 8 Kodachrome cardboard mount colour slides of the relocation of the Essendon Airport tram terminus 7-10-1976, by Ron Scholten. All slides have detailed descriptions on the rear trams, tramways, essendon aerodrome, essendon airport, closure, new tramways, route 59, mmtb, trackwork, w5 800, w5 684, sw5 787, scrubber 10w, w5 783, w5 class, sw5 class, taa airlines, city of keilor -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, "Electric Trams Now Hold Sway in Collins St", 9/12/1929 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping - from December 9, 1929 of the first passenger tram in Collins St, Sunday 9 December. 1929. shows a tram travelling in the street at the east end (tree lined) and a photograph of 541 and officials at Spencer St. terminus. Gives the time of the day. Newspaper not known. See Also Reg Item 783 of the first test tram and 1814 for a photograph of the driver.trams, tramways, collins st, first tram, conversion, opening, tram 541, w2 class -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, first passenger tram in Collins St, 9/12/1929 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping - from December 9, 1929 of the first passenger tram in Collins St, Sunday 9 December. 1929 and that the first driver was Mr. Fred Leostivitch, number 2516, on tram 541. Has the Destination of Mont Albert and an "via Collins St" Auxiliary board. See Also Reg Item 783 of the first test tram and 1808 for a photograph of the tram. Newspaper unknown.trams, tramways, collins st, first tram, conversion, opening, drivers, tram 541