Showing 3 items
matching tram 972
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Series of 40 colour prints, Brendon Carter, 1986
... tram 972... 471 tram 478 tram 431 tram 1033 tram 1030 tram 243 tram 972 ...Set of fourty colour prints by Brendon Carter 1 - W2 444, Elgin St Carlton - Transporting Art - 15-10-1986 2 - W2 607. Grantham St West Brunswick - 17-10-1986 3 - W2 453 and W6 976 - Swanston St - 17-10-1986 4 - W2 453 ditto 5 - ditto, turning into Victoria St 6 - SW5 619 and W2 453 - Victoria and Swanston Sts 7 - W2 471 Swanston St 8 - W2 478 Swanston St 9 - W2 478 Swanston St 10 - W2 431 in Collins at Swanston St 11 - ditto 12 - W7s 1033, 1030, W2 243 and W6 972 Gisborne and Victoria Streets 13 - W2 436 - ditto 14 - SW2 432 and SW5 782 St Kilda Road 15 - W2 605 ditto 16 - W2 629 La Trobe St 17 - W2 629 and 644 La Trobe St 18 - W2 647 La Trobe St 19 - W2 547 Swanston St 20 - W2 441 - William and La Trobe Sts 21 - W2 1275 - corner of Park St and Domain Road 22 - W2 478 and SW5 730 - Swanston St at Flinders St. 23 - SW5 730 and W2 644 - ditto - 31-10-1986 24 - W2 547 at Flinders St Station - 31-10-1986 25 - W2 456 Swanston St - 14-11-1986 26 - W2 456 Domain & Park - 14-11-1986 27 - W2 456 ditto 28 - W2 458 and SW5 783 - William St - 14-11-1986 29 - W2 650 - West Preston terminus - 21-11-1986 30 - ditto - Gilbert Road 31 - ditto 32 - W2 431 - St Georges Road 33 - W2 431 - Miller St by Preston workshops 34 - ditto 35 - Miller St - the hump 36 - W2 646 at Preston Depot 37 - W2 646 at Dundas St at the start of the hump 38 - ditto on top with bridge works underway. 39 - W2 426 Hawthorn Bridge 40 - SW2 478 and SW5 833 - Camberwell terminus.Yields information about Melbourne Trams in 1986 when many W2s were still running.Album - 10 heavy card sheets with plastic sheets over each, white plastic ring bound, covered with a large photograph of Alf Twentyman's cable cars at Northcote. (see item 3086 for original unused version), with 40 colour prints, two per page and a listing or index of each print.Each print separately listed.swanston st, elgin st, grantham st, collins st, st kilda road, latrobe st, william st, gisborne, victoria st, domain road, st georges road, gilbert road, west preston, miller st, dundas st, hawthorn bridge, camberwell, w2 class, tram 444, tram 607, tram 453, tram 976, tram 619, tram 471, tram 478, tram 431, tram 1033, tram 1030, tram 243, tram 972, tram 436, tram 432, tram 782, tram 605, tram 629, tram 644, tram 647, tram 547, tram 441, tram 1275, tram 730, tram 456, tram 783, tram 650, tram 646, tram 426, tram 833 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s set of 19, Mar. 1972
... in background, at Charing Cross. Same as item 972. 981.10 - bogie tram... in background, at Charing Cross. Same as item 972. 981.10 - bogie tram ...Set of 19 black and white prints, all 89mm square of Bendigo trams, date machine printed on print is "Mar 1972". 981.1 - Tram 21 at North Bendigo terminus, with level crossing in background. Has destination "Golden Square" and two SEC roof ads. 981.2 - tram 2? at Eaglehawk, with destination "Depot", two SEC roof ads and "Leo A. Hughes Photographer" on side of building in background. 981.3 - tram 2? at Eaglehawk, side on view. 981.4 - tram 26 at Quarry Hill terminus looking back into city. 981.5 - tram 7 en route to North Bendigo at the site of the Bridge St. loop. Has a Peters Ice Cream truck and Sandhurst Fruit Juices truck on right side of photograph. 981.6 - tram 2 at Quarry Hill terminus. 981.7 - tram 2? at one of the loops on the Eaglehawk line, inbound? 981.8 - bogie tram at Charing Cross with fountain in background. Side on view looking south. 981.9 -trams 7 and 21 on Golden Square/North Bendigo line with bogie tram in background, at Charing Cross. Same as item 972. 981.10 - bogie tram at Charing Cross - has buildings in south west corner in background, including Colonial Mutual Life and an advertisement for the Herald newspaper. 981.11 - trams 25, 7 and two other trams at Charing Cross. 981.12 - trams 2 and 26 and three others at Charing Cross. 981.13 - tram 25 at Golden Square terminus, with Rodda's Golden Square Hotel in the background. Tram showing destination of "Nth Bendigo" 981.14 - tram 24, showing "Special" on depot access track. Has two Johnnie Walker roof ads on side. 981.15 - as above, but tram on bridge outside depot. 981.16 - trams 25 and 28 at depot 981.17 - tram 24 showing "Special" on depot access track with a single truck car in background. 981.18 - trams 2 and 26 at Charing Cross. Has advertisements for "Armstrong Tyre Service" and "Cohn's drinks" on buildings in background. 981.19 - Bendigo 2 at location?, about to enter a loop or double track section. Has hotel in background. On rear of each photo in the top left hand corner is a print number 1 to 19 in ink and location notes, generally "Bendigo"trams, tramways, charing cross, bendigo, golden square, quarry hill, tram 2, tram 21, tram 7, tram 24, tram 26 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album, Gus Weir, My Melbourne Trams - W class, City Circle, Restaurant & Heritage trams, 1967 to 2012
Compiled by Gus Weir of the Wellington Tramway Museum, former Wellington tram driver. Comprises some 42 double-sided album sheets for photographs of Melbourne - W class, City Circle, Restaurant & Heritage trams. - Scanned into 4 parts as pdf files. Many photos taken in the City area, Some photos by M Hawkins. Part 1 - cover - logos - MMTB, The Met, PTC, Swanston Trams, M>Tram, Yarra Trams, PTC, 11W, cable dummy, V214, W2 262. 380., 384, 431, 442, 504, 510 and X2 676. Part 2 -W2 512, W5 729, 721, 727, 728, 731, 753, 758, 760, 777, 780, 808, 823, 824, 842, SW5 856, 842, 853, 854 SW6 866, 862, SW5 728, SW6 871, 888, 890, 891, 899. 900, 896,905, 907, 909, 910, 919, 909 and VR 53, Part 3 - W6 884, W7 1002, 1000, 1020,W6 991, 998, 982, 982, 975, 983, 974, 975, 962, 972, SW6 957, 961, 957, SW5 728, SW6 954, 951, 951, Restaurant trams 935, 939. 938, 939, and 937 Psrt 4 - W7 1020, 1000, 1002, 1015, 1021, 1024, 1026, 1034, 1031, 1036, 1039, Yields detailed information about Melbourne trams from 1967 to 2012Set of 42 album sheets generally with four photos within a bound album, with many blanks to allow for further photos. Each photo has a label on the rear, with details of the photograph's location, photographer, and date. An insert label on each page gives the tram number, location, and date.tramways, tramcars, albums, melbourne, yarra trams, logos, w2 class, w5 class, sw5 class, sw6 class, w6 class, w7 class, restaurant tram, city circle, mmtb, the met, ptc, m>trams, swanston trams, x2 class.