Showing 18 items
matching victoria. department of conservation forests and lands
Marysville & District Historical Society
Flyer (item) - Information Flyer, Department of Conservation, Forests & Lands, Lady Talbot Forest Drive, February 1988
A flyer with information on Lady Talbot Forest Drive and the attractions in the area surrounding it.A flyer with information on Lady Talbot Forest Drive and the attractions in the area surrounding it. Lady Talbot Drive a 24 kilometer scenic rainforest car journey which passes a number of walks and waterfalls in the Yarra Ranges National Park. Lady Talbot Drive is named after Lady Sarah Elizabeth, the wife of Sir Reginald Talbot, who was the Governor of Victoria from 25th April, 1904 to 6th July 1908.7761(F1)lady talbot drive, lady talbot forest drive, marysville state forest, sir reginald talbot, lady sarah elizabeth talbot, wishing well, taggerty river, phantom falls, keppel falls, beeches walking track, marysville, mount sugarloaf, logging, victoria, walking tracks -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Book - Alpine Area - Department of Conservation, Forests & Lands, Alpine Area / Planning Proposals / a basis for management. 1987
It is the policy of the Government that most of the State's alpine area will be proclaimed as an Alpine National Park, which would complement the Kosciusko National Park in N.S.W.. This is yet to be achieved (1987), however there is a need for sound, efficient and coordinated management based on the area's natural features, values and uses. Planning is proceeding on this basis.Victoria's alpine area is one of the State's most outstanding and spectacular natural areas. It is noted for its diverse plant and animal life, scenery, recreation opportunities and as a water catchment. This country is at the upper end of the Kiewa Valley and the planning for it is of interest to the Kiewa Valley inhabitants.White bound book with green print for title at the top, black & white picture and black print at the bottom for the name of the government authority publishing the book.143 pages with fold out map after page 7. The map is coloured green to indicate the planning area.alpine area, bogong national park, victorian department of conservation forests & lands -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of a newspaper article titled Old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism. There is a photo of a Thompson's Foundry battery which is being re-erected at the site of the North British mine on Parkin's Reef, near Carman's tunnel. The battery was recovered from a deep gully at Bola Creek. Other works include restoration of quartz roasting kilns and cyanide vats. Written at the top of the article is a date 11/1/85.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism, thompson's foundry, parkin's reef reserve, conservation forests and lands department, carman's tunnel, north british mine, carman's tunnel committee, dr doug kemsley, the prospectors' and miners' association of victoria, mr ken garden -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy of a newspaper article titled Old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism. Date written on the paper is 11/1/85. The Thompson's Foundry Battery was re-erected in the Parkin's Reef Reserve after being used at Bola Creek near the NSW border. A team of volunteers and a Grant had it moved to Maldon where it was set up and the area made attractive for tourists.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - 10 head battery, thompson's foundry battery, parkin's reef reserve, conservation forests and lands department, carman's tunnel, north british mine, parkins reef, carman's tunnel committee, dr doug kemsley, prospectors' and miners' association of victoria, mr ken garden -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, A Study of Land in the Catchment of the Gippslnd Lakes Vol 1, 1988
... Department of Conservation Forests and Lands Victoria... Department of Conservation Forests and Lands Victoria ...108 printed pages in report, wire spiral boundBlue cardboard cover with title printed in golddocuments, reports -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry -- Coloured
Coloured Photo Heatherlie QuarryColour Photograph of old engine and brick chimney surrounded by trees."Heritage Victoria - Industry" on top right. Unknown Logo on top Left. Courtesy of Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands. Mount Difficult Quarry, Heatherlie Engine Room On reverse information about Mount Difficult Quarry, Heatherlie, including two photgraphs.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book - Report, Grampians National Park Draft Management Plan, 1985
For Public comment to National Park Service, Victoria. A Division of the department of Conservation, Forest and LandsSoft Cover with B/W Photo of aerial view of ranges of Grampians. Black taped Spine binding.$5 Barry Clugston -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Koalas on the move, 14/01/1986 12:00:00 AM
... victoria. department of conservation forests and lands... Mitcham melbourne wildlife koalas victoria. department ...Article from 'The Post' 14 January 1986 about relocation of koalas by the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands.Article from 'The Post' 14 January 1986 about relocation of koalas by the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands.Article from 'The Post' 14 January 1986 about relocation of koalas by the Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands.wildlife, koalas, victoria. department of conservation forests and lands -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Forest under threat, 13/09/1986 12:00:00 AM
... victoria. department of conservation forests and lands... robinson randall victoria. department of conservation forests ...An article in the Nunawading Gazette, naturalist John Reid has asked Council to commission a survey of flora and fauna of Antonio Park, Mitcham before this significant bushland remnant is impossible to save.native plants, antonio park, mitcham, reid, john, robinson, randall, victoria. department of conservation forests and lands -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Conservationists to urge weed management plan, 5/04/1989 12:00:00 AM
... Mitcham melbourne environment weeds victoria. department ...Article from Nunawading Gazette dated 5 April 1989 about a weed management plan in the City of Nunawading.environment, weeds, victoria. department of conservation, forests and lands., native plants, edwards, margaret, meagher, dorothy, witherspoon, cameron, david -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Discussion Paper on Native flora and fauna conservation guarantee, Victoria, Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria, 1986
... Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Victoria ... Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands An A4 size document ...This publication was produce as a discussion paper to inform decisions related to changes in land management and conservation regulations and policy in 1986An A4 size document outlining findings into an investigation into the state of flora and fauna in Victoria.This publication was produce as a discussion paper to inform decisions related to changes in land management and conservation regulations and policy in 1986land management, conservation victoria, water conservation -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Victoria's Wetlands, Dept. of Conservation, Forests & Lands, 1986
... On foot of cover: Department of Conservation, Forests... of Conservation, Forests & Lands, Department of Water Resources, Victoria ...This publication was the result of an inquiry into the state of wetland environments in Victoria. It produced a draft strategy for conservation of threatened areas in the future.An 22 page book containing maps and illustrationsThis publication was the result of an inquiry into the state of wetland environments in Victoria. It produced a draft strategy for conservation of threatened areas in the future.wetland protection, wetlands victoria, water conservation -
Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association (FCRPA)
Commercial timbers of Victoria, Sample Box
Some decades ago a card sorting set for the identification and description of Australian timbers was developed for timber species which were available commercially and were in common usage, by the Commonwealth of Australia (CSIRO, Division of Forest Products) To complement and inform this national timber set each State or Territory developed reference timber sets of representative species. The Commercial Timbers of Victoria set was Victoria’s most recent (circa 1984) expression of this Victorian timber samples were sourced from logs selected by Forest Commission of Victoria (FCV) District Foresters and milled locally. Kiln drying and machining was carried out at timber producers Row, Web and Anderson, in Port Melbourne. Labeling and boxing was done by FCV Timber Inspectors, with box and booklet design and graphics handled in-house More recent timber samples were badged as Conservation Forests & Lands, reflecting historical government restructuring in the early 1980s Info: Simon MurphyProvided the public, industry (timber and associated), and educational facilities with a reference collection of notable Victorian timbers. Initially in a reduced format from 1940-50s, with boxed sets produced from 1981 until 1984A boxed set of timber samples representing the 20 tree species that were considered to be the most notable in Victoria. The set also includes an information booklet. Each timber specimen has information on species, occurrence, uses and physical properties Produced for sale by the the FCV and later by the Department of Conservation Forests and Lands. (CFL). forests commission victoria (fcv) -
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Forestry House Sign
Forestry House was the fist time that Forests Commission Head office staff had been housed in a purpose built building in Melbourne 601 Bourke street is on the corner of Bourke and King streets The building opened in the late 1970s but staff relocated in the late 1980s after the formation of the Department of Conservation Forests and Lands (CFL)Large wooden sigh from outside Forestry House at 601 Bourke Streetforests commission victoria (fcv), forest signs -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionThree photocopies of a newspaper article titled Old Battery to charge-up tunnel tourism. The date 11/1/85 is written at the top of the article. There is a photo of the battery mentioning it was the Thompson's Foundry battery and it was being re-erected at Maldon, near Castlemaine. It has been in far of Victoria to crush rock taken from mines there. The battery will be one of the attractions in the Parkin's Reef Reserve being developed by the Conservation, Forests and Lands. Also mentioned is the work of volunteers, grants they received, restoration and tourism.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - old battery to charge-up tunnel tourism, thompson's foundry, parkin's reef reserve, conservation forests and lands department, carman's tunnel, north british mine, parkin's reef, carman's tunnel committee, dr doug kemsley, prospectors' and miners' association of victoria, ken garden, north british mine, george ellis -
Forests Commission Retired Personnel Association (FCRPA)
Beechworth FCV District office sign
This sign proudly hung outside the Forests Commission Victoria (FCV) Beechworth office which is now site of the Forestry Heritage Museum. The granite building in the Beechworth's historic precinct was once the Gold Warden's Office and is one of the town's original buildings. The FCV was the main government authority responsible for management and protection of State forests in Victoria between 1918 and 1983. The Commission was responsible for ″forest policy, prevention and suppression of bushfires, issuing leases and licences, planting and thinning of forests, the development of plantations, reforestation, nurseries, forestry education, the development of commercial timber harvesting and marketing of produce, building and maintaining forest roads, provision of recreation facilities, protection of water, soils and wildlife, forest research and making recommendations on the acquisition or alienation of land for forest purposes″. The Forests Commission had a long and proud history of innovation and of managing Victoria's State forests but in September 1983 lost its discrete identity when it was merged into the newly formed Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands (CFL) along with the Crown Lands and Survey Department, National Park Service, Soil Conservation Authority and Fisheries and Wildlife Service. After the amalgamation the management of State forests and the forestry profession continued but the tempo of change accelerated, with many more departmental restructures occurring over the subsequent four decades. Responsibilities are currently split between the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), Forests Fire Management Victoria (FFMV), Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water, Alpine Resorts Commission, the State Government-owned commercial entity VicForests and the privately owned Hancock Victorian Plantations (HVP).Large office sign. Hand painted in traditional FCV mission brown and gold colour scheme.forests commission victoria (fcv), forest signs -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Alton-Hascombe Feature Survey, c. 1990
1 tracing paper and 2 paper copies of plan by Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, Division of Survey and Mapping, of adjoining gardens Alton and Hascombe at Mount Macedon, Victoria. Scale 1:1000. Plan of properties includes buildings, gardens and paddocks. 1 copy has significant buildings coloured.feature survey, mount macedon, gardens, alton, hascombe -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Department of Conservation Forests and Lands, Management Alternatives for Gippsland Lakes 1989, 1989
Provides information and inviting public comment and discussion on the management of the Gippsland Lakes Victoria.wetlands, recreation, waterways