Showing 27 items
matching vietnam war - military helicopters
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, Video, Vietnam - the way it was. Vol 1, Helicopter gunship assaults
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War - Military ...vietnam war - military helicopters -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Audio - Audio, CD, The Bushranger story: and so, a Gunship was born
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters - history... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War - Military ...A .pdf copy of the above publication by Wing Commander Brian Dirou (Retd)vietnam war - military helicopters - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Australians in the Vietnam War
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War - Military ...Coloured live footage of Australians in Vietnam.vietnam war - military helicopters, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, australian -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Selection of slides from Phan Rang RAAF base during the Vietnam War
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters... - Military helicopters Vietnam War 1961 - 1975 Personal narratives ...Photos of airmen, helicopters & also relaxing & playing sport at Phan Rang Base.phan rang, vietnam war - military helicopters, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives - australian, royal australian air force -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Combat Vietnam: to Hell and Beyond, 2000
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters... Vietnam War - Military helicopters Vietnam War - Jungle warfare ...vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam war - military helicopters, vietnam war - jungle warfare -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Cook, John L, The Illustrated History of Dust Off: The Vietnam War
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters... Newhaven phillip-island-and-the-bass-coast Vietnam War - Military ...Their mason was to evacuate American combat causalities. Their Hueys were flying ambulances. And their call sign DUST OFF was the most famous of the of the Vietnam WarTheir mason was to evacuate American combat causalities. Their Hueys were flying ambulances. And their call sign DUST OFF was the most famous of the of the Vietnam Warvietnam war - military helicopters, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - participation, american, huey, "dust off" -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Guard, Michael, In The Sanctity Of The Snake Pit: A Novel Based on Factual Places and Events
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters - history...-1975 - Aerial operations American Vietnam War - Military ...In the Sanctity of the Snake Pit discloses the tribulations of the Vietnam helicoper war, and provides deeply moving insight into the lives of those crewme who routinely flew combat assault missions.In the Sanctity of the Snake Pit discloses the tribulations of the Vietnam helicoper war, and provides deeply moving insight into the lives of those crewme who routinely flew combat assault missions.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - aerial operations, american, vietnam war - military helicopters - history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Rottman, Gordon, Vietnam Airborne, 1990
... Vietnam War - Military helicopters...Vietnam War - Military helicopters Vietnam War 1961-1975 ...Whether thunderoulsy shouted 'Airborne' or 'Nhay Du!' the airborne espirit de corps was a leu motivating factor for a select brotherhood of units which once fought in an out-of-the-way corner of the world.Whether thunderoulsy shouted 'Airborne' or 'Nhay Du!' the airborne espirit de corps was a leu motivating factor for a select brotherhood of units which once fought in an out-of-the-way corner of the world.vietnam war - military helicopters, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Rottman, Gordon L, Vietnam Airmobile Warfare Tactics, 2007
... Vietnam War (1961-1975) Military helicopters -- Vietnam ...Even though the US Army possessed the Army Air Forces during World War 2, this was actually a semi-independendent arm inclusive of the Army Air Corps.Even though the US Army possessed the Army Air Forces during World War 2, this was actually a semi-independendent arm inclusive of the Army Air Corps.vietnam war (1961-1975), military helicopters -- vietnam., vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, us army, army air forces -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR SOLDIERS, Frank WALKER, "Ghost Platoon", 2011
"GHOST PLATOON/ 39 AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS, VIETNAM, 1969/ THE ARMY DENIED THEY EXISTED/ WHAT WERE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?"Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, maroon and black print on front, spine and back. front cover illustration - photograph in muted tones of green and grey, soldiers receiving supplies by helicopter. 338 pages - paper - cut, plain, white. Illustrated, colour and black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, VIETNAM WAR BATTLE, David W. CAMERON, "The Battle of Long Tan", 2016
"The Battle of Long Tan/ Australia's Four Hours of Hell in Vietnam".Soft cover book. Soft cover - cardboard, white and light gold print on front, spine and back. Illustrated - colour photograph from front to back of soldiers resting in foreground, helicopter in background, with jungle vegetation. 392 pages - paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated colour, sepia and black and white photographs.books, history, vietnam war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - BOOKLET, Australian Army Southern Command, Southern Command JTC Wing, C1967
Australia served alongside SVN forces plus other Allied nations 1962-1972. Before our soldiers left Aust they had specific jungle training.Programme- front cover cardboards with grainy image of a twin rotor helicopter, three helmeted US soldiers moving to left of picture. Machine gin barrel in the foreground. 3 pages, white paper of instructions, two pink pages of lessons and times. Four pages of wartime tasks in the field. Front cover in biro PTE P.J. PENNO 3790111vietnam war, svn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, The Battle of Coral, 1988
"The Battle of Coral" is the exciting and dramatic story of the biggest unit level battle involving Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War. Donated by Andrew John BALSILLIE MBE. Refer Cat No 118.5 for his service details, RSL, Council history.Hard cover, red colour buckram. white colour print on spine. Dust cover with plastic cover, black and red colour print on front, back and spine. Illustrated yellow colour background, silhouette of helicopter/jungle on front. 361 pages cut plain. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps. End paper - illustrated maps.Title page - hand written in black ink "Donated by / 2-1-2000" - owners stamp in black ink "Major A.J. BALSILLE, .M.B.E.,J.P.books, military -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, J. Archbold medals; Westland Wessex helicopters and Quan Canh Sth Vietnamese MPs & civil police
Photos including James Archbold's medals, some photos of Westland Wessex helicopters and some South Vietnamese military police.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - australian, south vietnamese military police, australia. army. military police - vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Wing over Vietnam, Vol. 2, 1999
united states. air force -- history, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, military helicopters -- vietnam -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Film - Film, DVD, Vietnam Combat: Volume 1
vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- united states, military helicopters -- vietnam. -
Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History
Painting, Bruce Fletcher, Dust Off, 1980
The painting was donated to ANZCA in 1995 by Dr Bernard Dunn. Bruce Fletcher, from Melbourne Victoria, studied under William Dargie, who had been an official war artist during the second world war. Fletcher followed the same pathway as his mentor and was the first of two official war artists appointed during the Vietnam War. His artwork are held in the art collection of the Australin War Memorial, Canberra. The title of the painting, 'Dust Off' is a term adopted in Vietnam which refers to the medical evacuation of sick or wounded soldiers, from the field, by a helicopter. It was originally a radio call sign selected from a US Navy Signal Operations book in 1963. [ref. 'Medicine at War. 1950-1972'].In June 2012, a Royal Children's Hospital Anaesthetic Registrar attended a College Tour conducted by Dr Rod Westhorpe when he saw the painting and informed us that the term 'Dust off' emanates from the Korean War and is in fact the acronym for Decisive, Unwavering, Support to our Fighting Forces'. The painting was based on a black and white photograph taken in Vietnam in 1971. An image of the photograph is located in the electronic supplementary file. Oil painting on board of a scene in which a military helicopter is about to land with a group of soldiers in the foreground, one wounded and one soldier standing. A cargo military helicopter is in the distance flying away from the scene. The painting is set in a gold frame.[plaque affixed to centre front of frame] DUST OFF \ BY BRUCE FLETCHER \ DEPICTING THE MEDICAL EVACUATION \ OF WOUNDED SOLDIERS FROM THE FIELD \ IN VIETNAM \ PRESENTED BY \ DR BERNARD L. DUNNpainting, dunn, bernard, fletcher, bruce, vietnam war, dust off -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Rottman, Gordon L, Vietnam Gun Trucks, 2011
While Vietnam is usually perceived as an infantry war with US forces deploying by helicopters, the long supply lines that led to their inland bases had to be traveled by ground vehicles.While Vietnam is usually perceived as an infantry war with US forces deploying by helicopters, the long supply lines that led to their inland bases had to be traveled by ground vehicles.military convoys -- vietnam -- history -- 20th century., vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- transportation -- pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Haran, Peter, Shockwave: An Australian Combat Helicopter Crew in Vietnam (Copy 2)
This is the graphic and untold story of the pilots and crews of Australia's fleet of Iroquois helicopters during the Vietnam War - their triumphs and losses, and the legacy of the experience that many still carry today.This is the graphic and untold story of the pilots and crews of Australia's fleet of Iroquois helicopters during the Vietnam War - their triumphs and losses, and the legacy of the experience that many still carry today. vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, australian, military helicopters -- vietnam, royal australian air force -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Haran, Peter, Shockwave: An Australian Combat Helicopter Crew in Vietnam (Copy 1)
This is the graphic and untold story of the pilots and crews of Australia's fleet of Iroquois helicopters during the Vietnam War - their triumphs and losses, and the legacy of the experience that many still carry today.This is the graphic and untold story of the pilots and crews of Australia's fleet of Iroquois helicopters during the Vietnam War - their triumphs and losses, and the legacy of the experience that many still carry today.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, australian, military helicopters -- vietnam, royal australian air force -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Mutza, Wayne, U.S. Army Aviation in Vietnam, c2009
A collection of photographs and stories on the various Army Aviation that the Americans used in Vietnam.A collection of photographs and stories on the various Army Aviation that the Americans used in Vietnam.united states. army -- history -- vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, military helicopters -- united states -- history -- 20th century. -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Model - Bell Helicopter. (UH 1)
Invaluable contribution to saving thousands of Servicemen's lives.During the Vietnam War the Bell UH 1Iroquois helicopter - nicknamed ( Hueys ) were responsible for the safe evacuation of military and civilian personel . It was the first turbine powered helicopter in service with the United States military . Wounded servicemen were ferried to field hospitals and vital cargo to where it was most needed plus being used for ground attack missions. .Wooden model of helicopter. -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Vehicle - Helicopter (Dustoff)!!
Significant historical importance during the Vietman War-era. These HUEY'S were responsible for saving thousands of injured and distressed military personnel. Dustoff was donated to the Dandenong RSL by the United States in September 2003. Dustoff is a Iroquois UH - 11v ( a modified UH - 1D ) she was fully restored when donated. They were a highly manoeuvrable aircraft.Very important. Huey saved lives. Dustoff is a local attraction bringing many people to view it. Ex U.S Military helicopter. Dustoff or CASEVAC - fitted out to evacuate wounded soldiers during the Vietnam War. These helicopters were commonly called "Hueys".Large Red Cross on front. Left hand side - UNITED STATES ARMY 73 - 21763 USAR. Red Cross with 763 enclosed and small Vietnamese Flag. Right hand side - Red Cross with 763 enclosed small Australian Flag RAAF with Kangaroo. Tailfin RHS A2-767 over red, white and blue flag representing New Zealand. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Flag - South Vietnam flag
This piece of fabric in the design of the Republic of Vietnam’s flag was cut from a roll carried by Military Assistance Command Vietnam operatives when they went around the villages, compounds and outposts. As part of the ‘Hearts and Minds’ program, they would cut off sections and hand them out to anyone who wanted a bit. Some pieces became flags, some head scarves, some were even used to wrap babies. Pieces showed up everywhere. Collected by Sub-Lieutenant A C Perry, Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight Vietnam (RAN HFV) 1969 -1970. RAN HFV ) served with the 135th Assault Helicopter Company of the US Army. The Americans named this combined unit the 'experimental military unit' (EMU). Framed fabric piece, yellow with three red stripes, representing the South Vietnam flag plus 3 helicopter unit patches mounted on right hand side SOUTH VIETNAM FLAG/ HELICOPTER UNIT/ SHOULDER PATCHES/ FROM VIETNAM WAR/ KINDLEY ON LOAN FROM/ ANDY PERRY (SS US)/ ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVYsouth vietnam flag, helicopter patches, arvn, perry, 135th, 135thahc, emu, ranhfv, navy helicopter, andy perry, hearts and minds -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Wesseling, Louis, Fuelling the War: Revealing an Oil Company's Role in Vietnam, 2000
April 1975, Saigon, US helicopters cumbersomely lift off from the roof of the American Embassy, heavily laden with fleeing diplomats, military officers and senior officials.April 1975, Saigon, US helicopters cumbersomely lift off from the roof of the American Embassy, heavily laden with fleeing diplomats, military officers and senior oil company, vietnam war, 1961-1975, petroleum industry and trade -- vietnam, us helicopters, saigon, south vietnamese, vietcong, american embassy, military officers, senior officials -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Military Medal
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of a Medic with the Governor of NSW, Sir Roden Cutler VC after receiving his Military Medal at a cermony Government House NSW in 1971. The award was made for bravery while serving as a medic on a US dustoff helicopter.photograph, 1st australian field hospital, medic, sir roden cutler vc, military medal, dustoff helicopter, gibbons collection catalogue -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Rottman, Gordon L, US Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam, 2008
The thing is, helicopters are different from planes. An airplaine by its nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongl by usual events or by a deliberately incompetent pilot, it will fl. A helicopter does not wat to fly.The thing is, helicopters are different from planes. An airplaine by its nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongl by usual events or by a deliberately incompetent pilot, it will fl. A helicopter does not wat to fly. vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american., helicopter pilots -- united states., military helicopters -- vietnam.