Showing 23652 items
matching yarrowee-hall.
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Image, Yarrowee Hall, Redan, c1883
ROBERT MALACHY SERJEANT (1828-1902) Robert Malachy Serjeant was born on 21 December 1828 at Callington, Cornwall. He was the son of Philip Davey Serjeant, a surgeon in the Royal Marines, and Eliza Malachy. Philip Serjeant died in 1834. His mother, Eliza, remarried John Burgh in 1836. He died in 1837. In September 1848 Eliza, Robert and his two sisters, Caroline and Susan, departed Plymouth on the William Moneya for Port Adelaide and arrived in January 1849. Once gold was discovered in Victoria, Serjeant made his way to Forest Creek (near Castlemaine) and he and his mate Mr Victor, were the first party to sink through the basalt in search of a deep lead. In 1854 he moved to Ballarat to work as a miner and enjoyed some success. In 1855 he was with a group that discovered a 500 ounce nugget. With his share of the sale he set himself up with the latest mining equipment, as well as beginning a lifelong interest in the share market. He became the Manager of the Chryseis, Isis and Garibaldi claims and then the Manager of the Band and Albion Consol Company. He held the position for thirty years and only resigned when the company amalgamated with the Sir Henry Loch Mine. Robert Malachy Serjeant became interested in Politics. The first election for Parliament Representatives for Ballarat was in 1855. Robert stood for election for the first time in 1859, representing Ballarat West. He was also elected to represent Ballarat West in 1874 and 1880. Robert Serjeant’s community involvement extended to Education. Years of discussion eventually saw the development of the Ballarat School of Mines, the first school of mines in Australia. The inaugural School Council was formed in 1870 with Sir Redmond Barry, the Chief Justice, as President and Robert Malachy Serjeant as a member of the council. He held a position on the council until illness forced him to retire in 1889. He was elected a Life Governor in 1889. He was also a Life Governor of the Ballarat Hospital. Robert Serjeant showed Prince Albert and Prince George (later King George V) around the Band and Albion Mine. At the age of 42, Robert enrolled as a student at the School of Mines in 1871. He obtained a Certificate of Competency in Assaying (including Metallurgy) in 1875. The first certificate in “Geology as Applied to Mining” was awarded to Robert Serjeant in 1876. Robert Serjeant was an active and generous supporter of the School of Mines. As well as being a financial contributor, he lectured and examined in the Principles and Practice of Mining. He was regarded as an authority on alluvial and quartz mining and was a member of the Ballarat Local Court and mining board. In 1977 Robert, Joseph Flude and Henry Caselli donated the patent rights of a novel Pyrites furnace to the school. The R.M. Serjeant Scholarship at the Ballarat School of Mines resulted after a reward was offered for the first to produce the best method of treating auriferous ores – other than the smelting method. The offer was open for two years but not awarded. The money for this was donated by Robert Serjeant to the amount of 256 Pounds. It was then used to fund the School of Mines Scholarship in Engineering (1889). It was first awarded in 1922. Robert Malachy Serjeant died on 25 October 1902 and was buried at the Ballaarat Old Cemetery. (Sometimes Malachy is incorrectly written as Malachi)An copy of a photo of Yarrowee Hall, the home of of mine manager Robert Malachy Serjeant. robert malachy serjeant, r.m. sergeant, robert malachi serjeant, band of hope and albion consols, yarrowee hall, redan -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, 73 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of a weatherboard house in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, weatherboard -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, 77 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of a weatherboard house in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, weatherboard, iron lace -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, 76 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of a weatherboard house in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, weatherboard, iron lace -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Ballarat Coachlines, Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of Ballarat Coachlines in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, weatherboard, iron lace -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, 107 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of a bluestone house in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, bluestone -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Photographs of Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, near the intersection of Bala Street. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Industrial Buildings on the corner of Yarrowee Street and Vickers Street, Sebastopol, 2020, 07/04/2020
Colour photographs of an industrial site on the corner of Yarrowee Street and Vickers Street, Sebastopol. sebastopol, yarrowee street, sebastopol, vickers street, sebastopol -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Sunnyside Mill Bridge over the Yarrowee, Hill Street, Ballarat, 2016, 17/09/2016
"A joint meeting of city and town ratepayers, convened by Messrs Francis Jago and Henry Johns, interested in the formation of a cart bridge in Hill street, over the Yarrowee Creek, was held on Saturday evening, in the Societies Hall, corner of Skipton and South streets, with the view of taking united action in the matter. Mr Morris was voted to the chair, : and about 60 persons were present. The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was that united influence should be brought to bear upon the City and Town Councils, so that a cartbridge should be erected. He said that Mount Pleasant would no doubt be thickly populated in a few years, and the bridge would prove a great boon to the inhabitants of the locality. By means of a cart bridge drays, would be enabled to save on their journeys to and fro between the mount and the batteries, at least a mile and a half each time. He hoped that the councillors for the south ward would assist them in this matter. Mr Jago, as one of the conveners of the meeting, said that united action on the part of both eastern and western ratepayers was requisite, so as to exert a strong pressure upon the City and Town Councils, in order that the work should be carried but. Mr Grainger moved the first resolution as follows;—“ That the construction of a cart bridge over the Yarrowee Creek at Sunnyside, to facilitate communication between the residents of the city and town, is urgently necessary, and that in the interests of both municipalities the two councils be asked to at once jointly carry out the work. In doing so he said that the necessity of a cart-bridge for the residents of Mount Pleasant would be apparent when the number of batteries, tanneries, and also the Woollen Mill, in the district were considered. The place was of growing import ance, and ready communication should at once be established. Another reason was that an immense saving in time would be effected. It was quite a common occurrence to see one, two, or three drays stuck in the bed of the creek which had gone that way to make a short cut. Now, what with the horses floundering about and breaking their harness, it seemed a wonder to him that life had not been destroyed before now, just through the want of a cartbridge. Mr Johns seconded the resolution. Mr Robert Calvert supported the resolution, and said that it was disgraceful action on the part of the representatives of the south ward that the work had not been executed long ago. They should come together like men and demand that the work should be done, and if not done they should not pay rates until it was. (A voice—“But they’ll make us.” Laughter.) The wooden footbridge across the creek was “only a wooden fabric, not fit for a Christian to walk across, and steps should be taken to remedy this also. Mr Blight, a resident of Mount Pleasant, said that, in common with others, he had been opposed to the erection of the bridge two years ago, but his views had since been altered. Cr. Morrison, who was present, said that the fault of the cartbridge not being erected over the Yarrowee at Hill street lay not with the City Council, but with their neighbors, who had always been opposed to its erection there. In 1874 a motion was carried at a meeting of ‘the City Council" by which the sum of £5OO had been voted to carry but the work. As the bridges over the Yarrowee were joint undertakings of the city and town, they had, by the provisions of an act of Parliament, called upon the Town Council to assist them in the erection of the bridge. In consequence, a conference of the two corporate bodies had taken place, when a motion was moved by Cr Howard, the representative of the south ward, and seconded by Cr Turpie, of Ballarat East—“ That the bridge should be erected at Hill street.” The motion was rejected, principally through the eastern representatives, who wanted the bridge lower down. Since then the two councils had often met to consider, the question of bridges over the Yarrowee Creek, but nothing had been done at the meetings, as the Eastern Council wanted the bridge in one place and the City Council in another. He had himself, when first elected to the council, given notice of motion affirming the desirability of a bridge, at the place now fixed upon. The Woollen Company was growing in importance, and a direct, road to its works would greatly advance its interests. For the working, expenses of each ward £400 was annually, appropriated; and this amount would not be sufficient carry out the work. They would have to obtain a special grant of about £900, as Hill street would require a culvert to be erected therein, as now it was virtually an open drain which carried the drainage of the western plateau to the Yarrowee. He advised that strong pressure should be exerted, specially upon the Eastern Council, and then the work might be carried out. He thought that if the foot bridge was repaired, and large stones thrown into the creek, it would do until the bridge could be erected. The chairman then put the resolution, and it was unanimously carried. Mr Hamilton moved the second resolution— “That Messrs Fern, Greenwood, Peirce, and Jago be deputed by the meeting to wait upon the City and Town Councils and present the first resolution; also that petitions in its favor be signed by all ratepayers interested.” Mr Haigh seconded the resolution, which was carried. Votes of thanks to Cr Morrison for his attendance, and to the chairman for presiding, were passed, and the proceedings terminated." (Ballarat Star, 9 August 1881, page 3) "WOOLLEN MILL BRIDGE YARROWEE IMPROVEMENTS Though brief the official ceremony of opening the bridge across the Yarrowee Creek, near the Sunnyside Woollen Mills, was of an interesting character. It took place at noon yesterday in the presence of the Mayors and councillors of the City and Town. Hon. F. Hagel thorn (Minister of Agriculture).Hon Brawn. M.L.C., Lt-Col Morton (Acting City Clerk). Mr J. Gent (Town Clerk of Ballarat East), Mr A. Farrer (City Engineer), Lt. L. Finch (who is about to leave for the Front, and who assisted Messrs A. Farrer and G. Maughan in carrying out the project, Mr W. Hurdsfield (Clerk of Works) and others. An apology was received from Mr J. McClelland, contractor for the work. Mayor Hill expressed pleasure in Introducing Mr Hagelthorn, who had at great personal sacrifice and inconvenience come from Melbourne to perform the opening ceremony of that beautiful bridge, which was of great improvements that had been effected.When Mr Hagelthorn was Minister of Pubic works he visited Ballarat specially to see the condition of the creek, which at that time was in a disgusting state from a sanitary standpoint. After viewing the position, and realising the justice of the claim. Mr Hagelthorn made strong representations to the Government of which the was a member with the result that it voted £17,000 for the work. That action had been the means of turning a plague spot into a thing of beauty. They therefore owed a deep debt of gratitude to Mr Hagelthorn and the Government of which he was a member, and they were particular grateful to Mr Hagelthorn for coming to Ballarat to perform the open ceremony. Mayor Levy said he could bear testimony to the good work Mr Hagelthorn had always done for Ballarat. In him Ballarat and district always had a good friend. He thought Mr Hagelthorn would feel amply gratified at seeing the good work that had been done. It would serve as some reward for the expenditure, on behalf of the residents of Bal larat, of the amount of money made available through Mr Hagelthorn's instrumentality for the two municipalities. Otherwise the City and Town councils would not have been able to carry out so necessary and so beneficial a work. There was a great amount of work yet to be done, and when the financial market became low stringent Mr Hagelthorn would no doubt be pleased to take the necessary steps to have money provided for further works which could not be undertaken at the present time. The adjacent woollen mill was a standing monument to what was being done in Ballarat, and what ever the City and Town Councils or the Government could do to encourage such manufacturing enterprise should be done, and he was glad to be able to say that was being done as far as finances would permit. He concluded by presenting Mr Hagelthorn with a gold mounted pocket-knife with which to cut the ribbon stretched across the centre of the structure as a bar to traffic. The Hon. F. Hagelthorn, who was greeted with applause said before him was a good work well done in the interests of the public. Real prosperity could only be achieved by a movement carried out by the people to increase natural productiveness. Most of them had been made aware, on account of the war par tiularly, that the people who were best equipped, the industries that were best organised, and the Governments that were most intelligently controlled would get the most of this world's goods and some of its luxuries that Would be denied other people less efficient. Any thing the Government could do to promote industry and to increase the reward of those engaged in it, both employer and employee, would be done. Most Governments would do but little in that regard. ... " (Ballarat Courier, 13 September 1916, page 4)Bluestone and iron bridge over the Yarrowee River at Hill Street, Ballarat.sunnyside mill, sunnyside woollen mill, ballarat woollen mill, bridge, yarrowee creek, francis jago, mount pleasant, yarrowee river, robert calvert -
Greensborough Historical Society
Painting (Framed), The Bush by Doug Hall, 1970c
Bush scene of local area, painted by Greensborough artist, the late Doug Hall.Oil painting of a bush scene, in timber frame.On back of painting "The Bush, Doug Hall"doug hall -
Greensborough Historical Society
Painting (Framed), Oldstead Farmhouse by Doug Hall, 1978_
Oldstead Farmhouse, painted by Greensborough artist, the late Doug Hall. Oldstead Farm was in the area around the present Oldstead Road Greensborough.Oil painting of a house, in timber frame.On back of painting "Oldstead Farm, Doug Hall"doug hall, oldstead farm, oldstead road greensborough -
Brown Hill Progress Association Inc.
Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Bridge of the Yarrowee Creek at Brown Hill, 2016, 01/06/2016
Bridge of the Yarrowee Creek at Brown Hill.brown hill, yarrowee creek, bridge -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, M.D. Hall, Retirement of Mr. M. D. Hall, 1961
Retirement of M.D. Hall, poultry expertArticle on M.D. Hall, poultry expert, from Journal of Agriculture Victoria, April 1961. m.d. hall, retirement, journal of agricultural victoria -
Greensborough Historical Society
Painting - Painting (Framed), Plenty River South Morang by Doug Hall, 1970s
Bush scene of the Plenty River at South Morang showing young gum trees on the river bank, painted by Greensborough artist, the late Doug Hall.This painting has strong ties to the Greensborough area, being owned by Ivy Lines who gifted it to the donor's mother-in-law.Oil painting of a bush scene, in timber frame.On back of painting "Plenty River South Morang. Doug Hall"doug hall, plenty river, south morang, painters -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ceremonial object - Bag, Lodge bag belonging to Frank J. Wright of the Yarrowee Lodge No 10 V.C
Frank Wright became well known in Brass Band circles. Born in Smeaton, he competed at Ballarat's South Street, conducted the Ballarat Brass Band, and the Ballarat Soldiers' Memorial band before leaving Australia for England as Bandmaster for St Hilda's Brass Band. Frank Wright was a renown resident of Smeaton, where he was born in 1901. He lived at Laura Villa, and attended Smeaton State School. His father William was a gold miner and his mother's name was Sarah. Their family won many singing and instrumental awards. Frank was tutored by Percy Code and was awarded a gold medal for the highest marks in the ALCM examinations in the British Colonies at the age of seventeen years. He became the Australian Open Cornet Champion by the age of eighteen. A year later, Frank conducted the City of Ballarat Band, and later the Ballarat Soldiers’ Memorial Band. He formed the Frank Wright Frisco Band and Frank Wright and his Coliseum Orchestra. These bands won many South Street awards, and Frank as conductor won many awards in the Australian Band Championship contest. In 1933 Frank Wright sailed to England to conduct the famous St Hilda’s Band and was later appointed Musical Director of the London County Council, where he organized many amazing concerts in parks, in and around the London district. He was made Professor of Brass and Military Band Scoring and conducted at the Guildhall of Music and Drama. Frank was often invited to adjudicate Brass Band Championships around Europe, in Australia, including South Street and in New Zealand. The Frank Wright Medal at the Royal South Street competition is awarded to an individual recognized as making an outstanding contribution to brass music in Australia.Brown leather pouch with silver coloured metal clasp. The item belonged to Frank Wright of Smeaton."Bro. F.J. Wright, Yarrowee Lodge, No 10. V.C.frank wright, yarrowee lodge -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Sebastopol State School No. 1167, 1875 (copy)
The former Sebastopol State School is located in Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol. The building was constructed of locally made bricks by Llewellyn Edwards and Co for £3,395 19s 6d. it was opened on January 1875, with an enrollment of 762 children. Enrollment lrose to over 1,000 and included a staff of sixteen teachers. By 1930 enrollment had fallen to 137, and in the 1940s their was 80 pupils and three teachers. After World War Two the local population increased and enrollments grew resulting in the second floor being reconditions and used again as classrooms. in June 1969 the attendance was 305 with ten teachers. Former alumni include: James Harris, W.F. Gates, Farold Jolley, Harold Hagelthorn, George Ellingsen (From Visions and Realisation, Vol 2)A double storey brick school building in Yarrowee Street Sebastopol,, school, sebastopol, sebastopol primary school, sebastopol state school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Henry J. Hall, Henry J. Hall to Ballarat School of Mines, 19/03/1898
Henry J. Hall was an teacher Freehand Drawing and Model Drawing at the Ballarat School of Mines. In 1889 he reported to the Ballarat School of Mines Council that this class was never established for the cultivation of Art (as generally understood) or the making of pictures but with an idea of assisting artisans - of both sexes - and persons connected with mechanical industries, in acquiring lightness of hand, and facility in the use of a black-lead pencil so as to be able to place legibly and intelligibly upon a sheet. For many years Henry Hall advertised private tuition in Drawing, Painting and Perspective, at 'Ferndale', 25 Eyre Street. Handwritten letter on paper with the address 'Ferndale, 25 Eyre Street, Ballarat' printed at the top. The handwritten letter is from Henry J. Hall to Andrew Anderson, President of the Ballarat School of Mines. Handwritten in ink "March 19th 98 Andrew Anderson Esq President School of Mines Dear Sir I am informed by the registrar of the School of Miens that you are desirous of despensing [sic] with the services of Drawing Instructor at that Institution. The reason assigned being dis-satisfaction expressed by the inspector regarding "the quantity and quality of the freehand work done during the year. Before any definite action is taken, might I ask in justice to myself and the students whose work is thus maligned, that I be allowed a personal interview with Mr Monkhouse in order to ascertain the grounds of his complaint, and afford me an opportunity of vindicating my position. I have the honor to remain, respectfully yours Henry J. Hall." Written and circled in red ink "168" ballarat school of mines, henry j. hall, henry hall, andrew anderson, drawing, art -
St Kilda Historical Society
Photograph - St Kilda Town Hall Ballroom?, c. 1940(?)
Dining room of st Kilda Town Hall circa 1940-49glossy black and white photograph good condition unmountedTown Hall Ballroom1940-49 Neg 47 -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Stonemason's Mark, Yarrowee Channel, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Colour photograph of stonemason's marks on bluestone in the Yarrowee Channel, Ballarat. -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Digital photograph, Dorothy Wickham, Mason's Mark, Yarrowee Channel, Ballarat, Australia
Colour photograph of Mason's mark, Yarrowee Channel, Ballarat, Australiamason's mark, yarrowee creek, yarrowee river, stone -
RMIT Design Archives
Photograph - Photographs, Photograph featuring Hall Ludlow and Diane Masters modelling Gown of the Year, 1959
The Gown of the Year Program was a gala event in Melbourne's cultural calendar. Australia's supermodels of the day, such as Diane Masters (pictured), Bambi Shmith, and Betty Jackson modelled clothes by Melbourne's leading designers, Hall Ludlow, Le Louvre, and others. Diane Masters has played a seminal role in contributing to the Design Archives through her personal and professional fashion archive, her role in the Hall Ludlow collection and archive, the Laurie Carew collection, and her generosity in gifting items from the Frederick Romberg archive to the RMIT Design Archives. She has been and remains a key figure in Melbourne and Australian fashion. Suzanne Davies, 2017Black and white photograph features fashion designer Hall Ludlow (right), holding his trophies for winning the 1959 Gown of the Year at the Menzies Hotel, Melbourne. Model Diane Masters (right) is wearing the winning gown: a pale full length gown with short sleeves, scoop neck, and ruffled skirt. The matching coat also features small ruffled down its length.Verso: Stamped in black ink, bottom right: 'Photographed by/ ATHOL SHMITH/ F.R.P.S . . F.R.S.A/ 125 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE/ TELEPHONE MF 5[illegible]4australian fashion, fashion design, mid-century modern -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Hill Street Bridge, Yarrowee Creek, and Sunnyside Mill, Ballarat East, 2016, 17/09/2016
Four panoramas showing Hill Street Bridge, Yarrowee Creek, and Sunnyside Mill.yarrowee creek, hill street bridge, sunnyside mill, ballarat woollen mill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Video, Clare Gervasoni, Confluence of Canadian Creek and Yarrowee River near Anderson Street, Ballarat, 06/09/2022
The waterways of central Ballarat were channeled to prevent flooding and contain sludge during the mining era.Video of the confluence of Canadian Creek and Yarrowee River near Anderson Street, Ballarat flowing down a channel.canadian creel, yarrowee river, ballarat, anderson street, channel, bluestone -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Yarrowee Channel Near Hill Street, Ballarat, 27/06/2021
Photographs of the channelled and unchanneled Yarrowee River near Hill Street and Redan. Ut shows were the channel ends.yarrowee river, yarrowee creek, yarrowee channnel, bluestone channel, bluestone -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Daryl Walker, Guide Hall Tatura, 1987
Guide Hall, Albert Street, Tatura, was opened in ???? Meetings of brownies and guides are held every week. Mrs Grace (Captain) Tucker was largely responsible for building the hall.Black and white photograph of Guide Hall, Taturaon back: Guide Hall Tatura 1987. on sign in front of hall tatura, brownies tatura, guides tatura, mrs grace tucker -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Video, Clare Gervasoni, Yarrowee Creek after heavy rain, 2022, 13/10/2022
An mp4 of the Yarrowee Creek flowing down the channel at Sunnyside Corner (Mill St) after a day of very heavy and consistent rain.yarrowee creek, mill st ballarat, yarrowee channel, sunnyside corder -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Bridge, Clare Gervasoni, Yarrowee Creek and Sunnyside Mill after heavy rain, 2022, 13/10/2022
Photographs of the Yarrowee Creek flowing down the channel at Sunnyside Corner (Mill St) after a day of very heavy and consistent rain.yarrowee creek, mill st ballarat, yarrowee channel, sunnyside corder, bridge, sunnyside mill -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Video, Clare Gervasoni, Yarrowee Creek and Sunnyside Mill after heavy rain, 2022, 13/10/2022
Video of the Yarrowee Creek flowing down the channel at Sunnyside Corner (Mill St) after a day of very heavy and consistent rain.yarrowee creek, mill st ballarat, yarrowee channel, sunnyside corder, bridge, sunnyside mill -
Federation University Historical Collection
Documents - Report, The Yarrowee Dredging Company Report, 1907, 26/10/1907
Three page printed report of the Yarrowee Dredging Company Report, including a statement by R.H.T. Brooke and a general balance as of 22 October 1907yarrowee dredging company, j.n. ryan, s. stretch, r.h.t. brooke, dredging, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat School of Mines Plumbing Campus at 5 Yarrowee Street, Sebastopol, 1978
Created by the Ballarat School of Mines, a predecssor Institution of Federation University Australia..1) Ballarat School of Mines write to the Board of Inspectors Technical Schools re the property at 5 Yarrowee Street to be used for Plumbing at the Ballarat School of Mines. It Also mentions a number of other priorities such as the Hillman Physical Educaiton Building in Hickman Street, a student hostel, and am Agricult. .2) Notes on the suitability of 5 Yarrowee Street Sebastopol for use as a Plumbing Facility. ,6) Property report and caluation on 16 Victoria Street Ballarat East, and 5 Yarrowee Street Sebastopol by Doepel, Lilley and Taylor. The property was formerly the site of Telstar Caravans. sebastopol, peter shiells, ballarat school of mines plumbing campus, 5 yarrowee street sebastopol, doepel lilley & tayor, k.f. kemp, e.a. farley, telstar caravans, ernest a. farley, 16 victoria st ballarat east