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matching yeoman
Greensborough Historical Society
Notes, Lower Plenty Bridge notes by Russell Yeoman, 18/10/1887o
Notes on the history of Lower Plenty by Russell Yeoman, Eltham Historical Society; including references to Andrew Ross from his "Reminiscences" and an article from Trove on the Lower Plenty Bridge. 3 typed pages.lower plenty, russell yeoman, andrew ross -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Christine Fleming, Russell Yeoman near the Maroondah Aqueduct, Greensborough
Black and white photograph of Russell Yeoman, of Eltham District Historical Society near the Maroondah Aqueduct, Greensborough. Photograph was published in the Diamond Valley News, unknown dateTwo paper labels stuck to rear Publication: DV (Diamond Valley News) Page No: 4 ID No. ME34DV712 Reduction: 88.7% Caption: Man beside aqueduct Photographers' Caption Sheet Date:13-2 Publication: DV Operator's Name: Christine Fleming Assignemnt: Maroondah Aqueduct Greensborough Names and Initials: Russell Yeomans (sic)russell yeoman, maroondah aqueduct, greensborough -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Leon Saper (Potter) and Russell Yeoman outside his house at Cottles Bridge, 1991, 1991
Colour photograph of Leon Saper and Russell Yeoman near Dunmoochin, 1991leon saper, russell yeoman, dunmoochin, cottles bridge -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Certificate, Vicki Ward MP, Certificate of Congratulations awarded to Russell Yeoman in recogniotion of 50 years service as Secretary of Eltham District Hitorical Society; Vicki Ward MP, State member for Eltham, 29 August 2019, 2019
Also included a copy of the Member's Statement in Parliament recognising Russell Yeoman's serviceDigital file only from scan of original on loancertificate of congratulations, eltham district historical society, hansard, russell yeoman, vicki ward mp for eltham, victorian parliament -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Shire of Eltham Historical Society Secretary, Russell Yeoman, c.1988, holding an old photograph of Main Road, Eltham, 1988c
From Yeoman family file. Believe the photo was taken in Eltham Library in the former Shire of Eltham office building on Main Road, Eltham Black and white photographactivities, main road, shire of eltham historical society, heritage week, russell yeoman -
Hume City Civic Collection
It is a photograph of a local cricket team and its committee.A grey and cream mounted sepia photograph of a men's cricket team. Eleven men are dressed in creams and eight men are wearing dark suits. Three of the men are wearing pads and two men are holding bats. It is a studio photograph with a wrought iron arch in the background and a column on the RHS of the photo.YEOMAN / ROYAL ARCADE MELBOURNEcricket, men, sport, clothing and dress, photographers, george evans collection -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PORTRAIT, Yeoman Studio's, 1914 -15
Rupert Exon No 408 enlisted in B Troop, C Squadron 9th L.H Regiment A.I.F on 5.10.14. On ANZAC he was hospitalised with Influenza on 15.6.15. WIA 5.9.15 bomb wound to leg and toe. Hospital again on 18.1.16 with problems re his old wound. Medically downgraded he later transferred to A.NZ Div Train, 34th Coy AASC as Driver. He was discharged from the AIF on 10.8.19. Refer 15P, 450. 482.3.Photo sepia tone re R Exon. Rectangular shaped cardboard brown backing with oval photo more towards the top than centre. Soldier standing in uniform with hat in hand. Hand written on the rear. " The Yeoman studios Eaglehawk." On the rear "To Hilda"photographs - photography, 9th lh regiment, military -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (DVD), Visit by Russell and Marion Yeoman of EDHS to the Eltham Society, Kent, England, 3 July 1996
During a visit to England, Society members Russell Yeoman (Secretary and founding member) and his wife Marion reached out to the Eltham Society in Kent, England, just out of London seeking to establish a friendly relationship between two historical societies which share a common interest in their respective home towns of Eltham. They were invited to meet various members at the home of one of their members on 3 July 1996 where various items of relevance to Eltham, Victoria and Eltham, Kent were exchanged. In addition, the Yeomans were also invited to attend an Eltham Society meeting the following evening. Subsequent to the Yeoman's visit, Eltham Society members Margaret Taylor and Clifford Crate visited Eltham, Victoria during Christmas 1997 and were hosted by various EDHS members with further exchanges of items of interest. The relationship has been maintained over several years and was reinforced in May 2018 when Eltham Society member Margaret Taylor, proudly wearing her Eltham Copper Butterfly t-shirt, again acted as host to visiting EDHS members Peter and Liz Pidgeon. video recording, russell yeoman, marion yeoman, margaret taylor, eltham kent england, eltham society (london), presentation -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Presentation to Russell Yeoman in recognition of 50 year’s service as Secretary of EDHS, 14 Aug 2019
Jim Connor, President, Eltham District Historical Society presents Russell Yeoman with a special plate designed by Chris Pittard in recognition of 50 year’s service as Secretary of EDHS at the Society's August meeting in the Senior Citizens' Centre, Library Place, Eltham, 14 August 2019Born Digital (3 images)eltham district historical society, russell yeoman, jim connor, senior citizen's centre -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - Yeoman Cropmaster VH-AGL (VH-CYY)
Historical Details: . Description: The Yeoman Aircraft Company was formed at Bankstown, NSW in 1958 expressly for the purpose of converting war-surplus Wackett Trainers into crop-dusters. This project had gone through a number of evolutionary stages, starting with a version called the King. Level of Importance: Regional -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Mable (May ) Alma Box 1878 - 1969, c1879
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Mable ‘May’Alma Box, who was born in Brighton, married Earnest Hembrow in 1899 and they had a daughter Doreen May Hembrow 1900. After Earnest died early 1900’s , May married John Amos Wright Batchelor 1912, a widower with 3 children, and then together had 2 children. Amos died in 1958 and May in 1969 in Cowra, NSW Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. . Mable ‘May’ Alma Box was the 3rd child of Francis Box Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of Mable (May) Alma Box daughter of Francis Box c1879YEOMAN & Co 47 CHAPEL STREET / PRAHRANbox george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth honor, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, tucker road, box francis , thompson eliza jane, box william henry george, box charles francis, box-hembrow mable alma, box jessie melinda, box edith florence , hembrow earnest, batcheldor john amos wright, hembrow doreen may, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Jessie Melinda Box 1888 - 1975, c1889
Francis Box was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcoat where he married Eliza Jane Thompson. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Jessie Melinda Box 1888- 1975 was born in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) the 8th child of Francis and Eliza Jane Box. She was a teacher in Eskdale, Victoria and married William Robinson d 1983, a farmer at Mitta in 1921. The family later moved to Tucker Road, Bentleigh where they ran a market garden until in 1950 they established "The Hilandale Poll Hereford Stud" at Notting Hill and Rowville. They moved to Mornington c 1960 where they continued their stud farming and enjoyed success at Melbourne, Sydney and local Shows. They had 2 children Jack Francis Robinson b1921, William James Robinson b1925. Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Jessie melinda Box was the 8th child of Francis Box Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh A black and white photograph of Jessie Melinda Box a daughter of Francis Box and Elizabeth Jane Thompson Box c 1889YEOMAN & Co 47 Chapel Street, / Prahran* box george, box mary, box william, box elizabeth honor, box alonzo, box mary louisa, dendy henry, were j b, dendy's special survey 1841, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, market gardeners, dairy farms, early settlers, pioneers, tucker road, box francis , thompson eliza jane, box william henry george, box charles francis, , box mabel alma. box jessie melinda, robinson william, robinson jack francis, robinson william james, poll hereford stud farming, rowville, mornington, notting hill victoria, royal melbourne agricultural show, royal sydney agricultural show. cattle breeding, -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Yeoman and Co, Eltham State School No. 209, Dalton Street, Eltham, 1864
Copy by Yeoman and Co. of original c.1864 photograph. The first Eltham State School building with school group. David Clarke (Head Teacher) and his sister, Catherine are standing in the centre of the group. Built with stone walls and wooden shingles on the roof. This was the first State School building which was built in 1856 and replaced with a new building in 1875 after the stone walls collapsed outwards. Published in Nillumbik Maii; Edition 20, 13 Sep Harry Gilham notes: - Believed to be the National School at Eltham on the Dalton Street site 1857-1874 - £220 cost; £110 National Board and £110 local patrons - 40' (38'6") x 16' x 10' walls - David Clark Head Teacher and Catherine Clark, Sewing Mistress - Its building materials came from the western edge of the site where sandstone removed is still evident and children are protected from the site by the fences of 1994 of wire mesh and palings beside the residence - School had 7' verandah added in 1861 - Clarks used half the building as a residence from 1857-1866 when enrollments required use of the whole building - The Clarks moved to then Shoestring residence in Metery Road adjacent to the end of the school ovalSepia photograph copy of original (c.1864) photograph mounted on cardYeoman and Co. Sydney Road Brunswick Nillumbik Mail publication details; Edition 20, 13 Sepcatherine clarke, class photo, dalton street, david george clark, eltham, eltham state school no. 209, school group, national school -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - View of the Cemetery at South Portland, Victoria, n.d
On display at History House.Sepia photograph of a cemetery. A tall monument is located in the centre of cemetery. To the right is a path leading towards a small building. Mounted on card within a decorative border bearing photographic company's name. Framed under glass in Tasmanian maple frame.Front: 140 (on emulsion, printed, lower left). Yeoman & CO. (printed, lower left). ROYAL ARCADE, MELBOURNE (printed lower right).portland, cemetery -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Photograph - Portrait of Councillor Orr, The Yeoman Studios, Ex. Councillor / F. Orr / Eppalock
The district of Strathfieldsaye was proclaimed in 1861 and named a Shire on the 17th September in 1866. It remained a shire until amalgamation in 1994 when it became part of the City of Greater Bendigo. The shire was located 8 km to the south- east of Bendigo and covered an area of 601 square kilometres and extended from the Calder Highway to the Coliban and Campaspe Rivers. The shire's administration centre was in Strathfieldsaye until 1972 when new offices were opened in Kennington. Eppalock Ward is one of three wards in the Greater Bendigo municipality which includes the former Strathfieldsaye Shire. Framed black and white head and shoulder portrait with hand coloured detail. Man with profile slightly to right, walrus moustache, image encircled. Photograph is attached to mount card. Hand written title lower centre.Ex. Councillor / F. Orr / Eppalock / The / Yeoman / Studiosshire of strathfieldsaye, councillor orr -
Hume City Civic Collection
Photograph, c 1916
Field Artillery 1st AIFA b/w postcard size full portrait of Corporal R. T. Naughton at ease with hand behind back.Typewritten on front: CORPORAL R.T. NAUGHTON Printed on back: POST CARD YEOMAN & CO (FRED MEYER) SYDNEY ROAD, BRUNSWICK Handwritten on back: LANCE CORPORAL R.T. NAUGHTON / WITH JAS. NAUGHTON'S COMPLIMENTS / TO MR ARTHUR BOARDMANyeoman and company, photographers, meyer, fred, naughton, r. t. (corporal), james, soldiers, uniforms, clothing and dress, armed forces, george evans collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Russell Yeoman and Matthew Smith, Eltham Festival Community Parade, 7 November 1987, 07/11/1987
[from a contemporary report:] Our float with its colonial washing day theme won the trophy for the best display. Bruce Ness arranged items from the Society's collection on his truck. Joh Ebeli and Russell Yeoman set up further items on the trailer loaned by Denis McKay. An important part of the event was the members who came along in their “old gear” to complete the picture. As usual musicians from the Victorian Folk Music Club helped us out with their lively music.Colour photographeltham festival, shire of eltham historical society, 1987, main road, russell yeoman, matthew smith -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Russell Yeoman and Matthew Smith, Eltham Festival Community Parade, 7 November 1987, 07/11/1987
[from a contemporary report:] Our float with its colonial washing day theme won the trophy for the best display. Bruce Ness arranged items from the Society's collection on his truck. Joh Ebeli and Russell Yeoman set up further items on the trailer loaned by Denis McKay. An important part of the event was the members who came along in their “old gear” to complete the picture. As usual musicians from the Victorian Folk Music Club helped us out with their lively music.Colour photographeltham festival, shire of eltham historical society, 1987, main road, russell yeoman, matthew smith -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Russell Yeoman, Peter Bassett-Smith and Diana Bassett-Smith, 2010
Presentation of a certificate of Distinguished Life Member to Jock Read at his aged care home, Chatsworth Terrace, 430 Main Road, Lower Plenty, July 2010. Jock had previously been appointed a Life Member at the Annual General Meeting in 2003. He and fellow Life Member, Peter Bassett-Smith were made Distinguished Life Members in July 2010. Present were Jim Connor, Harry Gilham, Russell Yeoman, Peter and Diana Bassett-Smith, Doug Orford and Jock Read.One of four images from an A4 inkjet printactivities, eltham district historical society, russell yeoman, peter bassett-smith, diana bassett-smith -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, Mrs Carroll c1910, Mrs Carroll c1910, possibly c1910
Date unknown: Mrs Caroll and children. In 'Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862 - 1994 ' by John Cribbin, The Carroll family migrated from Ireland and purchased land in the East Brighton ( now Bentleigh ) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841. Edward, J.W. & Daniel are shown in the Rate Book 1862 as owner occupiers and owner of property in Tuckers Road, Bryants Road and Centre Road.Photograph is black and white. There are three women in this photograph, a mother and her two children. The mother is sitting down on a chair to the left and her daughter sitting next to her, on the right (they are both holding hands), and her other daughter (child) right in between her mother and sister, with he arm around the mother's shoulder. All three of them are wearing their best dresses that have lace collars. As the clothes are similar to MAV Cat No. 00519 the photo may have been taken c 1910Front of Mount : Yeoman Co 287 Chapel St. Prahran, Victoria.children, chapel st, 287, prahran, carroll edward, carroll, j.w., carroll daniel, ireland, brighton, henry dendy's special survey 1841, market gardeners, pioneers, early settlers, dairy farmers, poultry farmers, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond, prahran, yeoman photographers co. -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Photograph, Nightingale/Thompson Collection, c 1880 - 1919
Wedding party; groom, bride, older woman (possibly mother of the bride) plus couple on groom's L/H side. As Ethel is mentioned on inscription the bride could be Ethel Georgina Nightingale(b.1885 - 1946) currently do not have spouse's name. Older seated woman possibly mother of the bride could be Emma Augusta Thompson (1859 - 1949) (Needs further research for confirmation)Sepia photograph on dark grey card of wedding partyMakers mark: The Yeoman Studios Inscription on back: To Dear Ethel with best wishesthompson collection, nightingale -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH WW1, Yeoman Studios, C.1915
The photo relates to Robert Richard Metcalfe No 4853 enlisted on 13.7 1915 in the 15th reinforcements 7th Bn AIF age 22 years, embark for Eygpt 7.3.1916, transfers to 5th Pioneer Bn 17.4.1916, embark for Marseilles 19.6.1916, hospital 18.3.1917 injury to Hand, rejoin unit 27.3.1917, KIA 10.5.1917 at Bullecourt.Photograph B & W showing a soldier standing hands behind back and wearing a peak hat. The background has an ornamental studio structure, photo set on a white edging with main backing being a dark greyish colour., name hand written on the rear.On the front in white print, “Yeoman Studios”, On rear in black pen, “Mrs Metcalf 3 in ....”photographs, ww1 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B&W Edith ( Eadie) Florence Box 1890 - 1976, c1890
Edith (Eadie) Florence Box 1890- 1976, was born in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) the 9th child of Francis and Eliza Jane Box. In 1912 she married Jack Samuel Clay a market gardener in South Road, Moorabbin and they had 6 children. They retired to live in Balnarring, Victoria and are buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. Francis Box 1836-1912, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. He was assigned to work in Beaufort and had various jobs including ‘gold miner’ at Heathcote where he married Eliza Jane Thompson 1852-1922. Francis decided to return to market gardening after the death of his 1st child Francis George Box in 1875 aged 13months. The child was buried in Brighton Cemetery and Francis then rent/leased the land on the corner of Tucker Road and Elizabeth Street East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) owned by his brother Henry who with another brother John helped Francis clear the land, and establish a market garden. They had 4 children and began to prosper until in 1882 their 2year old child Lena Caroline Box was killed in a fire that destroyed their house. Francis was burned trying to rescue the child. The local community raised money to assist the family. The land boom brought prosperity again and Francis bought more land around Tucker Road which was bequeathed to his children. Francis and Eliza Jane had four more children but one died in infancy and another aged 2 years. Only 5 of their 9 children survived. Francis and Eliza Jane, who died in 1922, are also buried in Brighton Cemetery Box Cottage Museum, a reconstruction of an early settler hut, is named after the Box family who resided there 1865 -1913 . William Box who with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box and 13 children lived and farmed on the block of land in Jasper Road, East Brighton ( now McKinnon / Ormond) that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 . Francis Box, a brother of William Box, was born in Withyham, Sussex and came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Box and siblings in 1856. Francis established market gardens in Tucker Road Bentleigh. Edith 'Eadie' Florence Box was the 9h child of Francis Box. Inscribed in Album “ The early photos in this album were found by Mr (Laurie) Lewis when he was demolishing the Old Box Cottage. He gave them to Mrs Avis Box Eldridge who in turn gave them to me. They were not identified. I believe they rightly belong in the Cottage. I have attempted to identify them and present them in a way they can be preserved as a historical record of the era.” A B Leigh a) A black and white photograph of Edith ( Eadie) Florence Box a daughter of Francis Box and Eliza Jane Thompson Box b) A black and white wedding photograph of Edith Box and John Clay a) YEOMAN & Co 47 Chapel Street / Prahran b) Kodak reprint /handwritten Eadie and John Claycity of moorabbin, brighton, dendy henry, box william, box elizabeth, rietman august, rietman frieda, box cottage museum ormond, box alonzo, glen eira city council, city of moorabbin historical society, ormond, bentleigh, cheltenham, box francis, box eliza jane, box edith florence, clay jack samuel -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - interior of Town Hall, Portland, Yeoman & Co., Melbourne, c. 1910
Displayed in History House. Portland Town Council?Sepia photograph of interior of room with wooden floors and ceiling. Pale-coloured walls. Three tall arched windows on each side (left and right) and fireplace in centre of rear wall. Single central light suspended from ceiling. Paintings and framed photographs on wall, wooden benches along 3 walls and at front left and right, with large central table and 10 chairs in centre of room. Mounted on buff card with decorative stencil.Front: Yeoman & Co. Extra copies can always be obtained. Royal Arcade melbourne. (ink stamp, centre right). Back: Yeoman & Co. The popular photographers, Royal Arcade Melbourne. [.....] Prahran, Richmond, Carlton and South Melbourne (purple ink stamp, centre left).portland town hall, local government, administration -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Yeoman Co, Mr James Raitt & Mrs Mary Jane Raitt nee Unknown Wedding c1886 -- Studio Portrait
Wedding Portrait. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Raitt. Mother and Father of Don Raitt.Sepia studio wedding photograph of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Raitt. Bride is standing carrying a bouquet & gloves with flowers in her hair and veil. Bride groom is seated, with cane, hat & gloves on his lap. Yeomans Co. Bourke St., East. Melbourne. The name Mr. Mrs. Jim Raitt is hand written on top of photograph.stawell -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, 1910 Mr W Harvey, 1910 Mr W Harvey, 1910
1910: Mr W. Harvey and Family of Cheltenham. In 'Moorabbin a Pictorial History1862 - 1994' by John Cribbon, William Harvey, is shown in the 1862 Rate Book, to be the owner occupier of a paling house in Argus Road valued at 15 Pound. This person may be related to the W Harvey in the photo.Photograph is black and white. In this photograph their is a father and mother, and their five children. The mother and the children are all dressed in their best dresses. The father is wearing a suit with a waistcoat and a white shirt that has a winged collar but no tie The mother and father are both sitting on separate chairs, mother to the left and the father on the right. The mother has the baby on her lap and the father has a small child on his lap. Three girls are in the middle of the mother and the father.Front of Mount :Yeoman Co 287 Chapel St. Prahran Victoria. Back of Mount : W. Harvey & family / pheteonham / about 1910mr w harvey, 1910, family of cheltenham, argus road, cheltenham, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin shire, brighton, bentleigh, cheltenham, dendy's special survey 1841, two acre village, cribbon john, dairy farmers, poultry farmers, -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - HARRIS COLLECTION: FEMALE PHOTO, Nineteenth century
Carte de Visite portrait seated woman. Silver Locket on large link chain. Jacket over buttoned blouse. Lace collar. Yeoman Co Chapel Street Prahran printed on Front.Yeoman Co Prahranphotograph, person, female -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Photograph, Nightingale/Thompson collection, c 1890 (1885-1892)
From collection of Emma Nightingale (nee Thompson) orignal christmas greeting labell on back of frame 'To Dear Aunty Hilda and Granma from Verna, Hilda and Thelmafrom the collection of photographs documented as the 'Thompson collection' donated to museumSepia carte de visite on burgandy board of two men originally taken c1860. Encased in gold coloured frame with decorative cornersInscription on original Christmas Gift card follows: "To Dear Aunty Hilda and Granma from Verna, Hilda and Thelma Note: at the bottom of photo is printed Yeoman and Co two men yeoman and co thompson collection -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - HARRIS COLLECTION: MALE PHOTO, Nineteenth Century
Black & White Studio photo of seated male aged approx mid thirties. Printed on front. Yeoman & Co , 47 Chapel Street, Prahran. Male holding cane with hat on knee. Turned down collar with neck-tie. Buttoned jacket not matching trousers.Yeoman & Cophotograph, person, male -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - HARRIS COLLECTION: FEMALE PHOTO, ninteenth century
Young woman 3/4 length standing studio study. Dark dress with bustle, buttoned up front blouse. Long sleeves, closed neck with white lace handkerchief at neck. Yeoman & Co , 213 Chapel Street Windsor printed on front. Probably England address.Yeoman & Cophotograph, person, female