Historical information

William Jackson (588 - 17th Battalion, B Company) embarked from Sydney onboard HMAT Themistocles on 12th May 1915. Awarded the Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery in France in June 1916. Died in 1959, aged 61 years.

Victoria Cross
'For most conspicuous bravery. On the return from a successful raid, several members of the raiding party were seriously wounded in "No Man's Land" by shell fire. Private Jackson got back safely and, after handing over a prisoner whom he had brought in, immediately went out again under very heavy shell fire and assisted in bringing in a wounded man. He then went out again, and with a sergeant was bringing another wounded man when his arm was blown off by a shell and the sergeant was rendered unconscious. He then returned to our trenches, obtained assistance, and went out again to look for his two wounded comrades. He set a splendid example of pluck and determination. His work has always been marked by the greatest coolness and bravery.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 184
Date: 14 December 1916


Photograph of Australia's youngest Victoria Cross winner.

Physical description

WW1 photograph of William Jackson (17th Battalion, B Company) taken on "France's Day 13-7-17".