
Historical information

A succession of teachers has signed their names under the lid, and the notation "Killed in Action, March 1917" has been added after the 1913 signature of Edward Jones.

These were originally at State School 1589 Invermichie, which operated from 1875 to 1917 near Munro. At its closure the furniture was transferred to Munro, and teachers there signed the desk lid after that time.

Physical description

A tall, unpainted teacher's wooden desk with a single hinged flap as a lid. A ceramic inkwell is set into the top right-hand side. Names have been inscribed under the lid.

It is accompanied by its stool (00802VSFH)

Inscriptions & markings

Names that are legible include:

R.Costello 1925 [?], 1928
Hector Connaught / Semper Fideles
J.A. Cullinan, 96
BW 94
Maude Rack June '91
Howqua Dale
Barry J. Buxton 19.12.52/son of the above.
Edw. H. Jones August 1913. Killed in Action March 1917
Enter Irene Hannan 1st May 1916 Exit 19 Sept 1919
Ella K. Fletcher 31.8.20
Monga [?] Duggan 1922
S.M.Kerr 7/1/27
J.A.Mullin Jan 1930-Sept 34
Robert J ...... Sept 34-Dec34
G.A.Faux Jan 5 to Aug 55
Mrs Mary M.Costello HT Sept 1955
Heather A ..... Assistant Feb 1969-Dec 1970
Emma Dronieika [?] Assistant Feb 1971 - Dec 1971
Pamela Golden (Draffin) Feb 1972-Dec 1972
AnneCargeeg Feb 1973

Scratched on lid is B.W.Butcher born 1912, killed 1959 aged 47
Vision and Realisation gives dates for the school as 1875 to 1917, so names after that time would appear to be for teachers from Munro.

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