Physical description
An example of a small pocket book gifted by the Australian Comforts Fund (ACF) to soldiers and other servicemen during WW2. This pocket book has a bright red cover and was given as a morale boosting gift. The book contains details of relevant information considered useful to serving service personnel.
The title page has the following imprint "THE AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS' POCKET BOOK, Revised 8th Edition, COMPLETING 177,000 COPIES, CONTAINING USEFUL INFORMATION FOR AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS (COPYRIGHT), Edited by WILLIAM KEAYS, (Gift copy for members of the Forces with best wishes from the Australian Comforts Fund) JANUARY, 1943"
Inscriptions & markings
The front cover has the following title "THE AUSTRALIAN SOLDIERS' POCKET BOOK", and at the foot of the cover "GIFT FROM ..... THE AUSTRALIAN COMFORTS FUND"