Historical information

One of a series of annual Resident Medical Officer (RMO) portrait photograph groups that used to hang in the RMO quarters in the old Boiler Room building.

Physical description

Black and white image. Grey background has nine oval photographic portraits arranged across it with the title in white at the bottom. Each portrait has the person's name printed in white beneath it.

Inscriptions & markings

Resident Medical Officers / St. Vincent's Hospital / 1935.

The named portraits from left to right are: Dr. E.A. Briglia, Dr. J.J.M. Kenny, Dr. F.G. Prendergast / Dr. A.R. Kelly, Dr. J. Horan, Dr. A.J. Carroll / Dr. S.J. O'Loughlin, Dr. L.A. Hardy, Dr. J.F.Cade