Historical information

This gown was worn by Ellen Harvey Cundy (1857--1939) on her marriage to Thomas Davenport Wood on January 23, 1878. It was the first marriage at St. Paul's Church of England, Clyde Street, Myrtleford. The gown was made by the bride's mother, Marrianne Cundy


This is the first bridal gown to grace the former timber church building. Both the Cundy and Wood families were prominent locally, having settled at Waterloo/Barwidgee Creek/Myrtleford area in the 1860s. Marianne Cundy was a teacher at Myrtleford State School 955 from 1870-76, where the gown is now housed.

Physical description

Hand-made cream patterned wedding gown, circa1878, long-sleeved and complete with bustle.
