Pastel Drawing Book

Historical information

The drawing book was owned by Harold Frederick Allan Trezise (1917-82) of Grade "F" at Myrtleford State ("Central") School in 1929. Allan, as he was known, was one of nine siblings born to Harold and Mary Trezise and aged 12 years when he did his pastel drawings. He was a member of a well-known local family; his father operated a local taxi and motor repairs business and indulged in gold prospecting.


The pastel drawing book clearly illustrates the capabilities of a young pupil with an artistic-creative bent and reflects on the teaching methodology used in this curriculum area at the local school. A pride of workmanship is conveyed in the well-preserved leaves of the book.

Physical description

A grey-covered rectangular shaped booklet containing pages separated by tissue paper, all pages completed with shaded depictions of fruit, vegetables, geometric shapes, etc.

Inscriptions & markings

Each page is dated the day the drawings were completed.

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