Historical information

A chronicle of G.W.C.C. members who joined the Armed Forces for the 1914-1918 War (WW1) noting those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.


This honour board signifies the high esteem in which the community held for those soldiers who joined the armed forces during WW1. The large list of names from this relatively small cycling club indicates the huge sacrifice all communities made during this time of war. It is a statement of patriotism, service and sacrifice.

Physical description

Large 3 piece hardwood dark stained timber Honour Board. Names of GWCC members who served in WW1 depicted in gold lettering. Those killed noted. Artwork includes national animal symbols of Emu and a Kangaroo and a Floral Emblem of Wattle Sprigs.

Inscriptions & markings

"Honor Roll/1914-1918 Geelong West Cycling Club/A Thomson/B Thomson/Kld GThomson/JA Smith/Joe Smith/K McCauley/F Cornish/P Lunnon/JW Grundell/H Foote/J McCann/H Toyne/Kld B Hargraves/Kld EA Simmons/Kld G Ross/J Clarke/L
W Hansford/N Bowler/Kld J Love/B Lorimore/Kld J Black/C Smith/J Hobbs/Kld E Culliver/Kld G Brequet/Kld P Grundell/J Thomson/P Moir/T Pescud/H H Pescud/M Reynolds/M Foote/C Belperroud/E Cornish/F Fanning/H Mansell/F Hotchin/A Ives/C Grayland/Kld E Bartlett/Kld J Howlett/S Knight/W Shields"