Historical information

This photograph shows the interior of the Valley Worsted Mill in 1923. The mill was first established at this time, and the photo shows the interior after tooling up but prior to the mill actually commencing operation. This photo is one of 31 in total and shows several Noble combs. The donor worked at the Valley Mill for many years. This mill still exists in Swanston Street, Geelong and is now being used by Melba Industries (an Austrim-Nylex company) to produce Jumbuck Nylon wool packs.

"These 12 machines ended their working life in 1981 when the mill switched from the Bradford system of wool combing to the Continental system, the reason being was that the cost of maintaining them became too high, also the replacement rectilinear combs production rate was far greater and achieved higher yields although it could be argued that the Noble combs quality was superior". - Greg Aldridge

Physical description

Black and white image showing the interior of a textile mill with machinery. Slightly overexposed on the right side.