Historical information

The copy of this book is from the first publication and is rare. The book is set in the Yarra Ranges area with the characters based on local people. THe donors childhood pet dog "Chad" featured as a character in the book in chapter 12 p. 87. The daughter of the owner of Debbie, Patricia Reed (nee McKenzie) lives in South Belgrave. The story of Debbie mothering a kangaroo is based on a true story. The donor also advised that this remarkable dog also rescued and looked after a cat.

Physical description

126 page hard covered children's fiction book titled "A Dog Called Debbie". Front cover depicts a black and white dog mothering a kangaroo, on a green background. The back cover features an excerpt from the forward by A. R. Chisholm, OBE Hon. D. Litt, Professor Emeritus and an illustration of the dog and Kangaroo playing.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside front cover, first page, handwritten in ink:"from Nan" / Daughter of "Joan" and "Jason" / ( Mavis Jean and Pat McKenzie) / Patricia McKenzie Reed / And from Jim Johnson / owner of Chad.