Historical information

Corporal Phillip Edward Cook, 4470, 46th Battalion AIF
Over 300 men from the Shire of Whittlesea enlisted during WWI. One of these was Corporal Cook, son of the Rev. Richard and Elizabeth Cook, and husband of Jessie May Cook of Whittlesea. On 27 July 1915, at the age of 33, Phillip Cook enlisted in the AIF. He was killed in action at Bullecourt on 11 April 1917. Corporal Cook had no grave, but is remembered with honour at the Villers-Bretenneux Memorial, Somme, France.

Physical description

Illuminated address, framed - Record of Admiration and appreciation to Corporal PE Cook killed in action in 1917, during WWI. Produced by Shire of Whittlesea

Inscriptions & markings

Inscription: He Answered His Country's Call - The President, Councillors, and Ratepayers of the Shire of Whittlesea - Hereby place on record their Admiration and Appreciation of and thanks for the gallant conduct of - Corp. P. E. Cook - who served his King and Country in the Great War, which commenced 4th August, 1914 - In Witness Whereof the Corporate Seal of the Municipality - is hereto attached in the presence of - Leslie W. Clarke President - James Ryan Secretary - Dated 6. 12. 1918