Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia March 1903

Historical information

"The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.


The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australian Deaf.

Physical description

Printed Cover, Size 28Hx22W, 16 pages

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