Historical information

Imitation fur products were initially popular due to their relative cheapness. As the 1960s progressed, faux fur became more popular due to social uneasiness about the wildlife and farmed fur trade. Whereas real fur hats might be seen as matronly, smart, light and bright, clearly fake fur hats were designed for a younger market, and proved more suitable to the light weight fabrics of dresses and coats that became fashionable in Australia in the 1950s.


The Kew Historical Society’s fashion and design collection is comprised of costumes, hats, shoes and personal accessories. Many of these items were purchased or handmade in Victoria; some locally in Kew. The extensive hat collection comprises items dating from the 1860s to the 1970s. Most of the hats in the collection were created by milliners for women. There are however a number of early and important men’s hats in the collection. The headwear collection is particularly significant in that it includes the work of notable Australian and international milliners.

Physical description

Faux ermine black and white woman’s hat.

Inscriptions & markings
