Historical information

Framed portrait of George Maxwell who was President of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1920-1935. It is part of a series of paintings commissioned by the AFB Board to commemorate the work of past presidents of the organisation. Mr Maxwell is turned slightly away from the viewer, and wears a blue suit, white high collared shirt and a blue tie.
George Maxwell was President of Vision Australia from 1920 to 1935. After an early teaching career he studied law, was admitted to the Bar and became one of Victoria’s great criminal lawyers and later a Federal Member of Parliament. He took an interest the welfare of blind people from his student days.
A detached retina in 1920 led to total blindness nine years later, which gave him a great empathy for those with a similar affliction.
Through his contacts he was also instrumental in obtaining the first voting rights for blind Australians. Up until 1902 blind people were unable to vote if they couldn’t write with a pen. George Maxwell was working at that time at the legal firm of Strongman and Crouch one of the partners, Mr. Crouch, was elected as a member of Parliament. When the Commonwealth Electoral Bill was being drafted, Mr. Crouch has a clause added enabling blind people to vote in Federal elections, constituting a world first.
But perhaps his greatest achievement was obtaining the pension for legally blind people. Until 1910 only those who met the age and means test criteria were eligible. With the help of his legal and political friends a bill was passed which granted the pension to all persons over 16 years of age who were unable to work due to physical disability or blindness. Until this time these people had to be supported by their families or go to a benevolent institution. This was a world first and gave to blind and vision impaired people a measure of independence which increased both their self reliance and self esteem.

Physical description

1 art original in gold/brown frame

Inscriptions & markings

The plaque at the base of the painting reads 'Honourable George A Maxwell Q.C. / President 1920-1935 / Association for Advancement of the Blind'.