Historical information

Autobiography of Labor Party politician, Fred Daly (1913-1995). Daly was Member of the House of Representatives for several years, (1943-1975) and held office during the Whitlam government. Daly's political career ended at the time of Sir John Kerr's sacking of the Whitlam government that happened on 11 November 1975.


Covers significant decades of Labor history as well as being an autobiography of a longstanding Labor MP. Pertinent to the history of the dismissal of the Whitlam government in 1975.

Physical description

Book; 268 pages.

Cover: green and mauve background; artistic impression of Fred Daly; black lettering; author's name and title.

Inscriptions & markings

Title page: one volume has author's signature in blue biro.

Front cover: author's name and title.