Be just and fear not (Don Woodward Collection), Calwell, AA, 1972

Historical information

An autobiography of Arthur Calwell a former public servant, Minister for Immigration (in the Chifley government) and Labor Leader of the Opposition. Includes views on immigration, Gough Whitlam and Archbishop Mannix. He resigned as Leader of the Opposition in 1967, at which time Gough Whitlam assumed the ALP leadership.


Relevant to Australian political history, particularly that of the Labor movement. Autobiographical interest.

Physical description

Book; 274 pages.

Paperback cover: green, black and white; photograph of Arthur Calwell; white and black lettering; author's name and title.

Hardcover cover: green background; gold lettering; author's name and title.

Dustjacket (hardcover): cover: green, black and white; photograph of Arthur Calwell; white and black lettering; author's name and title.

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