Historical information

The first known use of the term 'Kew Festival'.

Physical description

The Kew Festival Gazette, 5 October 1895 is a four-page mock-up newspaper, published from the Boroondara Standard office to advertise and publicise a Kew Festival. The Festival was not associated with the current Kew Festival, which was founded in 1974, but was principally a bazaar held in the Kew Recreation Hall to raise money for the Kew Catholic Church Building Fund which was associated with the Jesuit Mission. Perhaps because of the recent economic depression, the Mission was in financial difficulties and it was hoped that the bazaar would raise enough money to ease the situation. According to the Gazette, ‘All Kew has been in a gentle simmer of excitement for some time past over the coming Sacred Heart Bazaar in aid of the Jesuit Mission funds. Wherever one goes the talk is of the bazaar, and whoever one meets is either a stallholder, an assistant or an intending purchaser.’ There are a few items in the Gazette about other local events, including a cake fair and sale of works, and a history of bazaars that traces them from the Middle East via Britain to Kew. One article contains some examples of nineteenth century humour, including ‘the lady stallholders will not have to pay income tax on their takings’. The advertisements reflect the goods and services available to Kew residents in 1895 – groceries, wine & spirits, hay, corn, chaff, ironmongery, timber, drapery, millinery, gas cookers, and an undertaker and embalmer.
