Historical information

The Testimonial to Uriah Whidycombe is one of a number of versions; others are in the collections of the State Library of Victoria and the Royal Historical Society of Victoria. This version is officially the oldest object in Kew Historical Society's collection. It was presented to the Society by two of its members in 1959.

Physical description

A photographic copy of a testimonial presented to Uriah Whidycombe, boatswain of the "John Bunyan" (Capt. George Coyle), by the passengers as evidence of appreciation of his courtesy and efficiency during the ship's first voyage from London, August 14th - November 24th, 1852.

Inscriptions & markings

To Uriah Whidycombe Boatswain
We the undersigned passengers on board the ship John Bunyan, desiring to express our sense of your civility and the uniform kindness of disposition you evinced towards us during the voyage, wish to offer you the accompanying testimonial, which though small will shew to you the good feeling and respect you gained from all classes of passengers in this ship. - We wish further to express our admiration of the very able and seaman-like manner, in which, during very trying weather, you have performed the arduous duties committed to you - [followed by signatures and amounts donated]