Photograph, I.O.R Games Tournament: Kew Rifle Team - Winners, 1913

Historical information

Extract fro FGA Barnard - Jubilee History of Kew 1910
RECHABITES.-The Star of Kew Tent, No. 260. This branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites was founded in September, 1882, when the following members were installed as the first officers by the district officers, viz. Chief Ruler, Bro. W. H. Bardwell; Deputy Ruler, Bro. C. 
Viney; Past Chief Ruler, Bro. J. V. Morgan; Treasurer, Bro. R. Eyre; Money Steward, Bro. A. Brown; Levite, Bro. W. H. Richardson; Guardian, Bro. J. Wathen; Secretary, Bro. T. J. Eaton. Bros. W. H. Bardwell, T. J. Eaton, and F. J. Legge 
were appointed as trustees. It is interesting to 
note that three of the foundation members, Messrs. Bardwell, Eaton, and Richardson, and still members of the tent. The first meetings were held in the Mission Hall, but for many years the meeting place 
of the tent has been the Kew Town Hall. The funds of the tent have gradually accumulated until at the last audit they amounted to £2,097. For many years past the interest on the funds has been more than sufficient to meet all claims for sick pay. The 
total membership is now 140. The following past secretaries have been mainly instrumental in placing the tent in its present position:-Bros. T. J. Eaton, W. H. Bardwell, C. B. Gray, and C. L. Churcher. The present officers are :- C.R., Bro. R. M. Jones; D.R., Bro. T. H. B. Williams; P.C.R., Bro. C. H. Green; Treasurer, Bro. W. J. Thornton; Secretary, Bro. F. C. W. Hurrell.
Junior Branch. A junior branch was founded in 1883, and while its membership has fluctuated considerably according to the enthusiasm of the management, it has been the means of introducing many members to the senior tent. Its membership is now 41.
Female Branch. Lily of Kew Tent, No. 20. This branch was formed in October, 1904, and has accomplished good work. Its membership is 38. Much of its success is due to the untiring energy of its secretary, Mrs. J Jaycock.

Physical description

Large framed photograph, of the Kew Rifle Club in 1913.

Inscriptions & markings

I.O.R GAMES TOURNAMENT / KEW RIFLE TEAM WINNERS 1913. / C. Jenkins - A. Smith - L. Carter - J. Pinniger - A. Rowe - W.H. Richardson (Capt)"

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